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The Less-than-grand Finale: Machinima Transformers Power of the Primes Episode 10 REVIEW

Transformers News: The Less-than-grand Finale: Machinima Transformers Power of the Primes Episode 10 REVIEW
Date: Sunday, July 29th 2018 7:20pm CDT
Categories: Cartoon News, Reviews, Site Articles, Editorials
Posted by: Bronzewolf | Credit(s): Go90

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Views: 64,586

After a slight delay through the SDCC madness, we have reached the final episode of the entire Machinima Prime Trilogy of cartoons. It's been over two years in the making, and it's finally come time to take a look at the culmination of all those previous episodes. It's been a wild ride from start to finish, with a few ups and certainly a few downs. We are getting a bit ahead of ourselves, though, because we have one more episode to look at before the entire series draws to a close. Let's do that now, and make sure to read to the very end for more of my final thoughts on the entire trilogy. Join me as I break down, in our final Prime Trilogy review ever, The 10th epsiode:

Saga's End

Strap yourselves in, it's going to be a long one.
(The following review contains spoilers for the Prime Wars trilogy. There are A LOT this week. Proceed...on your way to oblivion.)

The episode picks up where the last left off, with Rodimus, with his newly upgraded form, in a heated battle with Optimal Optimus at the Well of Sparks.
Megatronus turns his attention towards the main cast, and turns the requiem blaster towards Megatron. At the last moment, out of nowhere, as Megatron is about to be blown to bits, Predaking drops from the ceiling on to Megatronus.

Transformers News: Re: The Less-than-grand Finale: Machinima Transformers Power of the Primes Episode 10 REVIEW

Predaking demands to know where the Engima of Combination is, but he never explains why. Megatronus engages him, and it gives a moment for Windblade and Grimlock to help Optimal Optimus. They hold Rodimus down as Optimal removes the Matrix of Chaos from within him.
As we switch back to watch Megatronus battle Predaking some more, we get a strange point-of-view shot from Predaking's perspective. It's a neat concept, but it doesn't come across very well, as we only see Predaking's arms for a split second, and everything else in the several-second long shot looks like a mistakenly placed empty frame. I even had to watch the scene a few times to make sure that's what they were trying to get at.

Transformers News: Re: The Less-than-grand Finale: Machinima Transformers Power of the Primes Episode 10 REVIEW
Heart Stopping Action!!!

We also get flashbacks to the first episode of the entire trilogy, when Windblade sliced through Menasor like butter, as Megatronus just tears Predaking's head clean off with little to no struggle in the next scene. You know, this giant combiner that was winning in a fight against Volcanicus just a bit ago. Him.

Transformers News: Re: The Less-than-grand Finale: Machinima Transformers Power of the Primes Episode 10 REVIEW

He then chucks Predaking's decapitated head at Megatron, who responds with an "Oh Shit", which is really strange in my opinion, to hear from Megatron's mouth.

I haven't really addressed the swearing that has really more or less suddenly appeared in this portion of the Trilogy, with "Ass"s and "Damn"s scattered all through the past 10 episodes, so I'll share my thoughts now. While I am 100% behind a more adult or mature focused Transformers show, this series seems to think that making Megatron say "You're starting to piss me off" several times is the way to do it, instead of a darker setting or more complex story lines. The words feel even stranger to hear because, as I said, none of the other seasons really had swearing this bad or frequent. It seems like the show runners sprinkled some curse words here and there this season as a cheap and easy way to make the series seem more "Adult".

This isn't to say I'm against swearing at all, either. Far from it. I think it can actually be used to punctuate emotional moments and make a character's personality distinct. But you can understand my suspicion that this series' use of it wasn't exactly for storytelling purposes.

Transformers News: Re: The Less-than-grand Finale: Machinima Transformers Power of the Primes Episode 10 REVIEW

Solus Prime, still flickering into existence using power from the Well of Sparks, makes the projection of herself gigantic, and picks Megatronus up and out of the battle with Megatron. She envelops him, dragging him down into the well, causing a column of new sparks to launch out in to the universe from the well, which Perceptor remarks will create the next generation of Transformers.

The heroes' problems aren't over yet, as the Matrix of Chaos, while having been removed from Hot Rod, is still searching for a new host. It finds Megatron, who was one of it's bearers in the past, and starts to be enchanted by the evil object. As he tried to fight it, he realises that the only way to stop it from just going and finding another host is to destroy it completely - Megatron included. Optimal Optimus readies the Requiem Blaster, and aims it at Megatron. As the realization falls over all of the cast that this is what must be done, they say their final goodbyes and thank yous to the former Decepticon leader.

As Megatron raises the Matrix of Chaos, Optimal Optimus primes the Requiem Blaster, and fires. Megatron is vaporized.

Transformers News: Re: The Less-than-grand Finale: Machinima Transformers Power of the Primes Episode 10 REVIEW
One day I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. But until then there must be no tears, no regrets. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me I am not mistaken in mine.

Perceptor analyses the ground in front of him, and confirms that while the Matrix took the majority of the force, no trace of Megatron remained.

But the cast doesn't have much time to morn, as the one and only Optimus Prime crawls out of the Well of Sparks, because this cartoon isn't in the business of breaking new ground. Yes, of course the precious Autobot leader has to come back to life, and, on top of that, of course he has to upstage the death of the character that led the team through the majority of the trilogy. The show had successfully created a touching, emotional, impactful moment with the death of Megatron, and totally ruined it by saving Optimus Prime. Even if he had waited a beat or two longer to crawl out of the Well, it would have not only allowed time for Megatron's death to reach it's full emotional potential, but it would have made Prime's reveal more impactful.

Transformers News: Re: The Less-than-grand Finale: Machinima Transformers Power of the Primes Episode 10 REVIEW

Prime explains that he was reanimated through some confusingly illogical process regarding his connection to the Matrix of Leadership. But he says that everyone else who was killed by Megatronus can't be brought back to life.

After the dust settled, we see Prime and Optimal in what appears to be the Sanctorum again. Optimal promises Prime that he'll return the Matrix, but Optimus refuses. Instead they wrap up the character arcs in a not-so-tidy fashion. Windblade has become the city speaker for all titans in the universe, along with Emissary, while Hot Rod is still recovering. Grimlock has gone to morn Sludge with his fellow dinobots, and Perceptor is now the guardian of the Enigma and the Requiem Blaster.

Transformers News: Re: The Less-than-grand Finale: Machinima Transformers Power of the Primes Episode 10 REVIEW

And, as the two Primes continue to walk away, lurking in the shadows is the one who started it all, Starscream.

Transformers News: Re: The Less-than-grand Finale: Machinima Transformers Power of the Primes Episode 10 REVIEW
*Roundabout by Yes plays*

And on that bombshell, it's time to end.

That's it. This over two year long saga has come to a close. Looking back on it, was it really that bad? Was it really that disappointing? Did it deserve the hate it received? Well...I personally think so. This show started and ended with consistent problems, ones I've harped on, sometimes painfully so, before. Blocky, generic mouth movements, stiff animation to the point only one character (in a shot of many) was moving at a time, the occasional bad voice take, editing, etc. And while many, admittedly, were improved upon with each consecutive season, I think they dedicated too much of their increased budget on celebrity cast members than what was needed to fix the flaws, and new ones began to pop up. Continuity problems, notably, were one that severely impacted this season's first half of episodes. Characters being thrown one direction, and waking up in the complete opposite direction, for example. And, as an interesting side note, with the death of this show comes the death of it's host streaming service, Go90, as it's parent company announced it would be shutting down the platform tomorrow.

The plot as a concept was enjoyable, with many characters that we've never seen interact in Transformers media before thrown together. It was a fun thing to see, Overlord fight with the Mistress of Flame, Optimal Optimus fighting basically what was Nemesis Rodimus Prime.
To be fair, the show started with a disadvantage, premiering right as it's "Tie in" toy line was coming off the shelves, with the second season following the same unfortunate pattern. And while this could be written off as another fault of the show runners, or Machinima, I think that was a slight of Hasbro's part. Out of the creators' control.

Transformers News: Re: The Less-than-grand Finale: Machinima Transformers Power of the Primes Episode 10 REVIEW
Art was one of the absolute highlights of the show

Positives for me looking at the entire series as a whole were the art style/color palette, and the score. I've talked about both before, and, aside from the animation at times, it was a very pretty show to look at. It was at it's best when it cuts to a sweeping open shot of the universe, or a building with many colored lights. It felt very futuristic and modern, and I think they nailed the aesthetic they were looking for. I honestly think it's one of my favorite /looking/ Transformers shows of all time. The character models and designs are great, and, if they had been animated better and given better lines, most characters would also be some of the best iterations we've seen. As it sits, only one character from the trilogy holds that title in my mind...

Transformers News: Re: The Less-than-grand Finale: Machinima Transformers Power of the Primes Episode 10 REVIEW
It was that smile. That damned smile.

Megatron. Probably the most universally praised part of the entire three seasons. As such, I won't dwell very long. Perfectly capturing what a post-war Megatron would be, the show runners, character designers, and voice actor, Jason Marnocha, killed it. With a ridiculous amount of personality and wit, he is, hands down, one of the best new interpretations of Megatron we have ever seen.

And, ultimately, I think he's so good, that that's how the show will be remembered. Not for it's terrible pacing, or emotional moments that didn't really land, or Slug disappearing randomly. I think it was a show that started out with a disadvantage and hype it couldn't live up to (what show really could live up to "The Game of Thrones of animation) and, through a series of missteps, became fatally flawed. Despite a few diamonds in the rough here or there, I think, at risk of sounding like a fanboy keyboard warrior, but as a Transformers fan, we should hold ourselves to a higher standard.

And that's it. Thank you so much for not only reading this review of the finale of Power of the Primes, but all of my reviews over the past 2 years. I really can't express enough how thankful I am for your support of them, your memes based off them, or your discourse (whether you agreed or disagreed with me). I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. They were a lot of fun, and I loved writing comedy-based pieces to share with you guys. Stay tuned for some more Seibertron articles looking back on the Machinima cartoon courtesy of myself and William James 88 in the coming weeks. Thank you again!!!

Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline
Date: Saturday, July 14th 2018 10:52am CDT
Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top Lists
Posted by: william-james88

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Views: 44,785

Every two weeks, brings you a Top 5 list related to all things Transformers written by me, your fellow editor. These are my opinions (just like movie or game reviews hosted by sites are still just the opinion of one person) so what matters most is what you guys think of the topic or list, and I hope to see your own lists or comments on omissions and ranking. Let's have fun! All previous lists can be found here.

Top 5 Best Toys from Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Line

5. Warrior Thermidore

Warrior Class Thermidor just oozes quality in every way but the literal. His vehicle mode, clearly resembling the most stylish of stylish cars - or, if you'd rather, very Batmobile-esque. His robot mode, wonderfully creative, characterful and inspired (with a side note that his head looks suitably lobstery without resorting to the weird googly-eyes-on-stalks thing that Bisk had going). His transformation, economical and highly effective, with a touch of the sublime in his genius claw conversion. All tied together with luscious blue plastic and (of all things) matte black paint that happens to feel wonderful, and you have a toy that screams pure quality in a way that you mightn't expect a mass-retail toy to deliver, let alone one from the "children's line". - Qwan

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

4. Battlepack Grimlock

The Robots in Disguise Warrior Grimlock came out with little fanfare. It was the same size as a deluxe, so out of scale with Bumblebee and the gang, his elbows had a breakage issue and he didn't even come with any weapon. But then Hasbro fixed all that, at a smaller scale. The Battle Pack Grimlock is similar in size to a scout figure of old. He has all the complexity of the warrior but in a smaller bot which makes him have a nice high parts count for his height. Plus they fix some of the transformation from the warrior and he no longer has the breakage problem. Also, unlike the warrior, he ends up in a nice scale with the smaller Legion bots and looks good next to the battle pack prime (who is a beast on the show). And lastly, the clear plastic weapons are perfectly fine. They give him an awesome homage to the AOE Grimlock when worn as armour and they connect to become a dino head which can plug into his arm for him to have some BW Megs action going. So all the pluses of the warrior, no downside and great accessories that give him two different homages. I call that a winner. - William-James88

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

3. Transformers: Robots In Disguise Warrior Drift

This mold rocks. The alt mode is super sleek giving way to a gorgeous robot mode which takes pride in its Samurai callbacks, including some great facial hair (which Takara had the kindness to paint). I love that two sided chest panels which is a very efficient way to have new robot mode detail while using the alt mode kibble. This transformer reassures me that a simpler transformation doesn't mean lazier engineering and in fact ups the stakes. Along with the Combiner Wars figures, Hasbro and Takara have proven that there is just as much wit and originality in streamlining transformation and making these toys fun for both older fans and new young fans. Also, that Takara deco on TAV Drift is super sweet! Plus, if you like sweet decos, he also comes in his IDW deco - William-James88

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

2. Transformers: Robots In Disguise Thunderhoof

Thunderhoof is all the best parts of the stellar design and engineering work that accompanied most of this year's Warrior Class Decepticon releases from Robots in Disguise. Distilled within this blue and black antlered mobster is wonderful articulation and even the occasionally hard to find alt-mode weapon storage. Of course, then there's the transformation itself, which has multiple wild steps that truly involve him folding up and over himself in a way that must be experienced to be understood. The Adventure deco is a thing of beauty, so if you can track that down for a reasonable amount it's the recommended version here. - Scotty P

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

1. Transformers: Robots In Disguise Warrior Fracture

I remember very well getting this toy. The entire year leading up to it (2015) was Combiner Wars and by the time this toy came out, the deluxe class toys in the generations line were literally interchangeable. You could guess how a toy would transform in the Combiner Wars line by just looking at it and getting it in hand didn't yield too much in terms of surprises. The Robots in Disguise toys were fine but also on the rather standard side (especially since it was mainly Autobots/cars being released). But then you get this phenominal toy that reminded me of those beautiful days of engineering ingenuity of that golden era right between 2008 and 2010. He didnt have any gimmicks other than the fact that he could transform. He was super sleek in both modes minimal kibble showing in either form. The robot mode was dot discernible in vehicle mode and yet they both use the same parts (inorder to be this sleek, it's a must). This really felt perfect, in the sense that you have two very different and unique looking modes with an ingenius way to get from one to the next. He even had that weapon integration I like best (being a Beast Wars kid) where the gun converts into an exhaust port for the motorcycle, disguising it too. And plus, this is a wholly new character. I love Thunderhoof but part of his appeal is the novelty aspect (which a lot of the line has and the reason for which some fans avoided it) but Fracture just feels like a new character to be used again within the brand and introduced to us in a toy engineered as perfectly as possible for the price point. Also, unlike Thunderhoof, there is no need for importing the Takara version to enjoy the toy at maximum capacity.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Honourable mention: Warrior Bumblebee

I do not know where this toy would place if I had made a top 10 or if he would even be on it. But I did want to talk about it here. I personally feel this was a clever and efficient design and a great toy for the line's main character with a simple yet fun transformation. it is extreamly streamlined but in the best way possible. I really liked reading an interview from the Takara engineer who came up with the transformation. You'll notice below that ever surface of the robot mode from the front has very few details from the car mode (the shins, torso, pelvis, head ect), similarly to Cybertron HotShot. However, the designer wanted to make the transformation a little more dynamic, while still keeping the parts count as Hasbro wanted. So he added the fact that you had to rotate his waste at a 180 when converting from car to robot and having the robot torso actually under the car roof instead of it being seen easily under the car. I just found that fascinating that the idea was not just to get from a car to a robot but to do it in as fun a way as possible, and how certain transformation movement do indeed feel more dynamic (like turning the waste by 180 degrees). This added a deeper appreciation of these toys and it is all thanks to this Bumblebee.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys from Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015-2017 Toyline

Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series
Date: Saturday, May 5th 2018 5:06am CDT
Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top Lists
Posted by: william-james88

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Views: 56,851

Every two weeks, brings you list related to all things Transformers written by me, your fellow editor. These are personal opinions (just like movie or game reviews hosted by sites are still just the opinion of one person) so what matters most is what you guys think of the topic or list, and I hope to see your own lists or comments on omissions and ranking. Let's have fun! All previous lists can be found here.

Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

The Studio Series is a new initiative from Hasbro to give us a Generations Type line for characters from the live action Transformers films. It definitely had more coverage and attention than previous lines, especially with the angle that this would be more collector oriented (similar to Star Wars Black Series or Marvel Legends), along with being sold at a more premium MSRP. So, with wave 1 well in hand and wave 2 most probably dropping next month, I thought it would be a great time to look at what the line provided so far in comparison to what we were hoping for, by ranking every entry from wave 1 available at wide retail. A tiny detour from our usual top 5 lists but hopefully you still enjoy it.

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

8. Bumblebee

This toy is your mileage can vary kind, but that includes the possibility for this toy to suck more than any Transformers toy of the past 10 years (at least). I honestly can't remember a Transformers toy which fell apart this easily. Nothing breaks, things just fall apart. The roof simply wont stay on with clear plastic hinges looking warped. Mine came with the back piece floating loose in the box! I also find the feet have a clearance issue during transformation, as do the wings and front wheel wells in robot mode. But these are all just minor issues compared to the massive f** up of the back piece (which has clear signs of a being manufactured to have a pin). I totally understand why it was literally destroyed by some toy reviewers.

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

7. Ratchet

This toy is just meh. I was fascinated at either how much the fanbase had rejuvenated or how short the memory span was, because it seems people don't remember the Dark of the Moon toy. This is basically that same toy with all new molding, which doesn't feel new. But the general look and transformation is about the same, but worse (you can see the comparisons below). He has the worse deco of the wave 1 toys so far, very bland, just a sea of unpainted chartreuse coloured plastic. But the biggest grievance is the back. He has a major butt flap problem. It's the whole roof cage of his car just hanging off his ass ... and it looks like ass. They could have made the cage removable and turn it into a weapon, give us some more folding options, but no, they just leave it there. For a line that promotes brand new molds, and the best version yet of the onscreen character, this toy is very disappointing.

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

6. Crowbar

These next three are essentially as good/bad but each for different reasons. But when you look at the pros and cons, Crowbar, Optimus and Stinger end up at about the same place, so the order is almost arbitrary with Crowbar being the less original of the three. Regardless, Crowbar is the best dread we have ever gotten. However those dreads of his become his downfall in vehicle mode with them having no place to go giving him a real bad case of hemorrhoids. And the transformation isn't all that fun, since he is a major shell former, but the shell does tuck in nicely and I do give Hasbro props for fixing the issue of falling panels which they had with his partial tool partner Berserker. Plus he has a pretty awesome head sculpt!

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

5. Optimus Prime

This freaking toy !!!! The designers had such odd priorities. He is very complex and yet both modes don't look all that great for all the effort put in. Like there is a big effort put into a screen accurate chest and torso section but the use of fake kibble gives these off putting black lines dead center. Plus you get these odd parts on his side to hide the truck front, which feels like a big sacrifices just to have more screen accurate calves.

It still is so weird that the character which seems to be the most problematic is the one whose character model has a bunch of alt mode showing. There is also little effort is made to diminish the backpack and the feet have no effort in hiding in vehicle mode. And lastly there is both the size and colour which regardless of whatever to wiki bio or movie screenshot you show me, look really off.
He still has a fun transformation and what could be considered a premium style deco but I don't think the result for either mode is good and in a line where its all about getting definitive versions of the characters we see on screen, this might be the biggest fail.

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

4. Stinger

Of all the deluxes, Stinger is the only one which felt really new, and transformers by him the first time felt like breathing in that fresh country air after before no too long in the city. But as we all know, that country air usually has a hint of manure, and Stinger is far from better my flawless. I love the transformation and that alt mode is sublime, but they could have handled that car kibble better. The car roof hanging off his arm does not look like a gun and it reminds me more of an RID brother or Cybertron Crosswise. Those are of course fun and unique toys with awesomeness me alt modes, and Stinger gets the same accolade as a toy. But as a representation of the on screen model, he falls a bit short. Still, major props for that superb Pagani alt mode!

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

3. Blackout

I like Blackout more than I think I should. It turns out every issue I thought I would have with him did not turn out to be deal breakers, far from that. However, other issues I would nt have thought of creeped up. Judging from early images of his feet, I thought it would be a simple transformation with little do do, especially with the feet. Boy was I wrong. It turns out that to avoid this toy from being a shell former, lots of panels end up being neatly flipped or turned, hiding them under the feet. It becomes probably my favourite part of the figure. I think both modes look great and while I feared for a small looking bot mode, he still feels massive to me. Especially when transforming him. He does have a few flaws though. While not being the panel nightmare of ROTF Jetfire (or Death Star Vader), there is a definite issue with the panels. I have never been able to connect everything seamlessly. Also, the hand orientation is just odd and gives the impression that they were assembled backwards. But hey, its overall a great looking representation of the first live action Transformer we saw on the big screen.

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

2. Starscream

Upscaling a toy might be an easy way to put "new" products on the shelves but it can also result in great toys, like Beast Hunters Voyager Predaking. And the result for this voyager Starscream is awesome! Even being familiar with the deluxe mold from Dark of the Moon, the bigger pieces made for a very fresh transforming experience. And it being an upscale did not feel in any way like it had less parts than it should. It felt complex enough for a voyager. I really appreciate the attention to detail like covering parts that used to show hollowness adding parts to beef out the sides, add detail to the sculpt and, best of all, use that now famed Takara MP Beast Wars technology for adding a digital textured deco layer all across the alt mode. Really cool. I am a huge fan of the DOTM leader Starscream and I am not sure if this one beats it (especially when you factor in how much each cost at retail) but it is at least the second best movie Starscream we have ever gotten and easily the best one in this size class.

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

1. Grimlock

Grimlock ticks a lot of boxes for me and my ideal Transformer. I really like mean and lean Transformers, toys which use the same parts to convey different elements for each of their modes. this always results in a fun transformation (since there is no shell forming bit) and no back packs or extraneous kibble, hampering the look of the toy. It also means alt mode integration is a must and I just love that since to me, that is what Transformers are all about, one mode becoming another (not just a robot hiding in a shell a la Break). And this one does that, in spades. Almost every part of each mode is reused either in bot or dino mode and to great effect. I just love how his robot arm is right there front and center hiding in plain site in dino mode, but I would have never realized that until I transformed him. This is the perfect example of a perfectly efficient design.

The transformation does give some nice callbacks to one of my all time favourite toys, Beast Was Megatron, but builds off of it by giving us some more to do with the legs (both in terms of steps and them having different feet for either mode) and eliminating the shell former aspect. Also it does a cool bit by having the show accurate two full dino heads in robot mode and turning having one melt into the alt mode detail in dino mode. My wife isn't the biggest fan of my hobby or the space it takes, so her to actually be impressed with a toy (she didn't think it transformed) is high praise.

The fact that he is also a transforming Tyranosaurus Rex and has an absolutely gorgeous deco just adds everything one could love about a toy.

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

Transformers News: Ranking All Wave 1 Figures From Transformers Studio Series

Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time
Date: Saturday, April 21st 2018 1:34pm CDT
Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top Lists
Posted by: william-james88

Discuss This Topic · Permanent Link
Views: 54,270

Every two weeks, brings you a Top 5 list related to all things Transformers written by me, your fellow editor. These are personal opinions (just like movie or game reviews hosted by sites are still just the opinion of one person) so what matters most is what you guys think of the topic or list, and I hope to see your own lists or comments on omissions and ranking. Let's have fun! All previous lists can be found here.

Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of all time

There are not many lists I have written which I won't have to edit in the coming years. It's only normal since more toys come out and new fiction is written (even for existing universes) that there are bound to be updates and new toys that come which make my list dated and in need of an update (like my Top 5 Best Grimlock toys for instance). But when I read the words "All stores CLOSING forever!" in a recent e-mail Toysrus sent out, I realized that with a list like this, it can be definite. So, in honour of this store we all once loved and which many will never be able to walk into again, I decided to look back on its amazing history if Transformers exclusive. Thanks to the multiple board members who suggested the topic, I hope you enjoy it!

5. Transformers Beast Machines Air Attack Optimus Primal (Beast Convoy)

If I was truly bias, I would probably put this at number 1. I just really like this toy and think it has so much to offer. Firstly, you finally get a show accurate Beast Machines Optimus Primal (I would even say you finally get a show accurate figure period). Of all the Transforming gorillas out there, I feel this is the one with the most changes from bot to beast. And that is quite a feat since of all animals, apes are the closest to having humanoid proportions (so many parts are reused in both modes). The chest, head, and every limbs undergoes some kinds of change. I find what they do with the arms brilliant, with the giant gorilla knuckles becoming the massive shoulder pads. Plus he has an awesome array of gimmicks. Just overall a fantastic toy.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

4. Transformers Robots In Disguise Scourge (Black Convoy)

I did not know this was a Toysrus exclusive until doing research for this list. I was sure such an iconic character and toy (and mainly look) would have been more widespread to have garnered such an appeal. But no, Scourge was indeed only sold at Toysrus. This is easily the most iconic toy of the line, even if it is a redeco. Actually, the fact that he is encapsulates the line quite well since a big part of it was breathing new life and characters into toys we had already experienced. It was also about merging the gap between what came before the year 2000 in the Transformers brand and setting a stage for a return to vehicles along with starting a constant look at the past in terms of homages and inspirations (and also foreshadowing the fact that every single Optimus Prime mold would need a teal/red/black deco treatment from here on out).

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

3. Transformers Masterpiece Optimus Prime (MP-10) (Convoy)

Calm your horses, this isn't merely based on the toy, but its status as a Toysrus exclusive. The original toy was available for a while and fans had found a way to get it with this release merely making it more available (and affordable, depending on the release and where you are located). I take major issue with the packaging too, along with the unpainted trailer. The main advantage here was not having to pay the import fee, and for a toy as cool as MP 10, he is still most deserving of this number 3 spot.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

2. Transformers Animated Rodimus Minor (Rodimus)

Those final Animated toys were all sublime. That refers to Arcee, Rodimus Minor, and the Cybertronian Ratchet/Ironhide mold, which I recommend all fans to experience. These all display what is great about the animated line, having these radical designs be brought to toys, with innovative transformations is hard to beat. And of those three molds, Rodimus is the one that succeeds best. I have already gushed about this toy enough and you can read more about him here and here.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

1. Transformers Masterpiece Soundwave

I know I wasn't the nicest when it came to Masterpiece Prime's release (but give me a break, he made the top 3), but Soundwave was everything a fan could dream. Unlike Prime, the Hasbro release, exclusive to Toysrus, gave us some major value by having all his cassettes included with him (well the ones that were already out) rather than buying them individually. That was a saving of 80-100$ easily. Plus he came with the new collector oriented packaging, which helped you store everything perfectly with an awesome display window. It is better packaging than the Takara version which had been released the same year, meaning western fans wouldn't have to wait for a domestic release. Not only was the wait short, but they got more.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

Honourable Mentions:

The Prime First Edition toys are an odd bunch since they are technically mainline toys that saw a release all over the world but were only picked up by Toysrus in the US, and then were eventually found in other places like 5 Below. So depending on one's definition for an exclusive, I kept them for the honourable mentions but I do want to highlight Prime and Bulkhead who I don't think saw a release in the US outside of Toysrus (could be wrong, this line's release is super confusing).

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time
Transformers Prime: First Edition Bulkhead Gallery

I also really like the AOE Evolution Optimus Prime set, and the three 2016 Clash of Transformers toys we got in the RID line (though the only unique mold, Starscream, did get released later unchanged, so it doesn't really qualify as an exclusive anymore).

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time

When We Had to Grow Up: Remembering Toys R Us

Transformers News: When We Had to Grow Up: Remembering Toys R Us
Date: Sunday, March 18th 2018 5:20pm CDT
Categories: Site Articles, Editorials
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Seibertron staff

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Views: 39,797

With the news that has been circulating the past weeks, if not months, about the future of the toy store chain Toys R Us, the North American (Canada and USA) staff of have pooled together some thoughts on what the stores meant to them growing up, what they do now, and what it might mean going forward now.

Be they Toys R Us kids or not, fond memories or barely present, there is something that struck a chord with a lot of children who grew into toy collectors, from Transformers and beyond. This is an homage to that, and an invite to anyone else to share their story. Let's reflect on the great memories of the past now, and let us know some more memories to the ones described below, and what you will miss the most.


Toys R Us is, with no exaggeration, my favourite store in the world. Some of my fondest memories, as a child, is going to Toys R Us with my mom and the money my grandfather had given her to find the perfect toy for me on my birthday. Every one of these trips is a memory I hold dear, even the time I picked up some Space Jam toys (say what you want, but a two pack of Bugs Bunny and Michael Jordan was a dream come TRU).

Transformers News: When We Had to Grow Up: Remembering Toys R Us

Of course, Toys R Us is where I got my first Beast Wars toy, Terrorsaur, when I was eight. At the time, I did not know toys existed for the show I liked so much - though it was called Beasties in Canada - to the point that I remember telling my mom that when I grow up I will design toys that actually transform. I seriously did not know toys were advanced enough to have this happen.

I remember walking into the store and seeing all those gorgeous Transformers in there, toys I did not think could be possible. I remember a wall full from top to bottom of carded bubbles with so many different characters, shapes and sizes. It was breathtaking, especially as a kid. And I remember, later that year, seeing a column of Beast Wars Megatron toys, the purple on that T-Rex really popping against the neon yellow background, and telling my mom that this is what I wanted for Christmas. I remember seeing Street Sharks on the shelves, picking up a Mickey Mouse Viewmaster projector, and a Pride Rock Polly Pocket type set in a row filled with Lion King products.

Transformers News: When We Had to Grow Up: Remembering Toys R Us

I understand that this fairytale land I am describing might have changed in the US in the past years, with prices not being as competitive, and the selection not always being phenomenal. But our memories never fade, they are still with us and they will still be with us once all Toys R Us stores close in the US, if this is indeed what will happen. I am lucky to live in a country, Canada, where the stores are likely to stay open and where even my kids can be Toys R Us, as I was. So while this is the end of an era for many, the store we all loved will still, hopefully, be out there for others.


I didn't live near a Toys R Us growing up. The closest one was 15 miles away, and by the time I could drive myself, I'd lost interest in Transformers, and toys in general. When I got back into collecting, around the the time Revenge of the Fallen came out, I would occasionally check a Toys R Us if I was near one.

I remember seeing MP Grimlock and thinking that he was a cool, modern version of the Grimlock toy I'd loved to pieces (literally) as a kid. Picked him up, and have kept him in package since. I found a couple of exclusives there, and it's the only place I ever saw Generations Metroplex and Titans Return Fortress Maximus on shelves. But by and large, the stores seemed dated even a decade ago, and I never really grew up with a love for the stores and catalog that most did. Still, it will be sad to see an outlet for toys that most non-specialty retailers will never stock, close. RIP, Toys R Us.


My fondest memory of going to Toys R Us was when I was 9 years old. I really liked Pokémon but I didn't have a Gameboy to play it on. I saved up all year and worked hard to get good grades. By the end of the school year I had saved up about a hundred bucks (which is one million dollars in kid money!) to go and buy a Gameboy, Pokémon Blue version and a strategy guide. I had chosen the electric green Toys R Us exclusive Gameboy Pocket. Still have it in my desk drawer to this day in fact. I remember trying to read the guide on the way home by the street lights while my dad lectured me about not letting my mom catch me playing video games too much.

As I got a little older, in my junior high school years Yu-Gi-Oh was the 'in' thing. Sometimes on Saturday mornings I would convince one of my parents to drive me out to the store to go and play in Toys R Us Yu-Gi-Oh league. It was a lot of fun to just show up and play cards with the other kids. It was more friendly than the tournaments and competitive play at card shops. I can still remember getting up early, driving over there when it was a sunny yet chilly morning to go and play. I'd often have time to get a donut or something to eat before and talk about my favorite cards and strategies with friends. I miss those times.

Transformers News: When We Had to Grow Up: Remembering Toys R Us

The one thing I most get nostalgic about is Bionicle. I was aware that Toys R Us charged a couple bucks more for them but they usually had what I wanted. It beat driving around from store to store and winding up not finding anything. Bionicle fans of the 2000s will remember that the red and green characters usually sold first leaving a sea of brown Bionicles to warm the shelf. Toys R Us always seemed to have a good selection of them so I could get the characters I liked best. It was always so nice to see the rows of canisters lined up because I knew how much fun it was going to be to buy one, take it home, and build it.

I'd spend hours in my room making up stories and battles with my Bionicles. Back in those days I didn't have internet during the week, cable, or any games besides my Gameboy so I entertained myself with figures. I had superheroes, Pokémon toys, and some DBZ guys. I'd spend many an afternoon as a kid spilling them out on the floor in my room coming up with whatever plot lines I could dream up. Anything was possible. The creative play and storytelling I experience with toys is definitely something to get nostalgic about.


Toys R Us has been a staple of my childhood since the 80s and well into my adult years. It was the place to go while growing up to get myself everything from dinosaurs, to Jurassic Park/Jurassic World things, Star Wars stuff, and of course Transformers. The only other store I used to visit to get myself new toys was KB Toys. Toy stores like KB and TRU brought many a smile to my face and I would always spend a lot of time in there just looking at things and amusing myself. Sometimes I didn’t really buy anything as it was just about being in the environment itself.

Transformers News: When We Had to Grow Up: Remembering Toys R Us

Unfortunately, KB Toys eventually went under here in the US and now with TRU having the same fate I feel worried about the possibility of ever encountering a toy store and feeling that twinge of happiness I almost always felt when I went into one to get lost for a bit. TRU really helped though for me when I was feeling down or just anti-social to feel better and made it so my mental health was easier to shoulder. I am saddened, but I also understand that nothing lasts forever either.


I have actually been frustrated with Toys R Us over the course of the last 5 years. Some of their practices made it easier just to shop elsewhere. I was feeling kind of jaded by it, but now that they're leaving the landscape, I am remembering better times when they were a staple of my hunting grounds, and nostalgia is taking over.

I grew up at Children's Palace, so TRU wasn't a real force in my childhood. I got back into collecting in college, in the late 90s, and Beast Wars was certainly a catalyst. I remember convincing my roomates' with cars to drive me to the local TRU and wrangling the likes of Dinobot and Primal. They were fun trips and always some good brotime with the friends who humored my "silly habit".

Transformers News: When We Had to Grow Up: Remembering Toys R Us

Later at the turn of the century I would finish college in Chicago and there was the marvelous downtown State St. Toys R Us. It sat directly in the path of my school and my CTA train stop. Many toys were purchased there. Not just Transformers. And there were always sales. Sales GALORE! Even when it was just a stop to see what was new, they offered a warm respite from the harsh Chicago winter winds on my commute to and from school.

Things had been rocky between us lately, but you will be missed you goofy old giraffe. Thanks for the good times!


Oh Toys R Us, never did I think I would see the day that you would no longer be with us. Growing up, my parents would always take me to the store to pick out a toy if I did well on my report card or to commemorate a special occasion. KB Toys and Caldor were great but Toys R Us always seemed to be the go to place for the "good stuff". My childhood store was in Milford, Connecticut on Old Gate Lane. I can still remember walking in and the "window" where you would bring up paper receipts for everything from bikes to video games was on the right just past the maze of aisles when you first walked in.

I remember getting G2 Optimus Prime and getting it home but the electronics didn't work, so we ended up having to go back and return it. It was also the spot where just about every other toy line I became obsessed with like Mighty Ducks, Extreme Dinosaurs, and Jurassic Park was purchased. Every time I go back to visit family, my dad and I would always make a trip to the store to stir up old memories and see what we could buy without my mom finding out (yup even at 32!).

Transformers News: When We Had to Grow Up: Remembering Toys R Us

One of the first things that my now husband and I did when we first met was go to Toys R Us because he wanted to show that he supported my hobby of collecting. When I started my job upon moving to Michigan, there was a Toys R Us just down the road so it became a part of my daily routine whether it was a lunchtime hunt if the weather was bad or a quick stop on the way home. Over the last few years, when the shelved stopped restocking and the crowds had dissipated, it was becoming evident that something was wrong but walking in and finding something I had been looking for always put a smile on my face.

I stopped by Toys R Us this past Thursday and was trying hard to fight back the tears until I found a little stuffed Geoffrey. It's hard to believe that something that has been a part of my entire life is no more. Toys R Us, you will be forever missed and forever a part of our lives. Thanks for all the memories that I will cherish fondly for the rest of my life.


And how about you, Seibertronians and other readers? How does this news affect you? Do you have good, fond memories of the store? Does it hold a special place in the past? Are you not that invested in it at all? Join us, the Twincast Podcast crew (with their similarly themed episode here) in remembering what has been a staple of the Transformers collecting base for a long time, whatever your memories might be, and share some stories.

The Fandom Menace 2 - Toy Story

Transformers News: The Fandom Menace 2 - Toy Story
Date: Sunday, March 4th 2018 4:57pm CST
Categories: Site Articles, Editorials
Posted by: Va'al

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Views: 28,960

Welcome back to the tentatively monthly series of exploration of the Transformers fandom, from a variety of perspectives and a number of voices, now with its own punny title: The Fandom Menace!

This second editorial piece springs, after some deliberation, from a point raised by Twincast Podcaster ScottyP - also one of my fellow administrators on - about the nature of the fandom more in general. Where last month I looked at how people participate as people in various aspects of Transformers, this month we'll be looking at which part of the franchise is The Hook.

And it really just comes down to two major areas: toys and fiction.

Hypothesis: There is a substantial and distinct divide between those invested in Transformers as toy collectors and those invested in Transformers as a fictional property, and the Venn diagram has an uneven overlap with blurred edges.

This was ScottyP's point, and something that was raised by another point of his on Twitter a while back:

Transformers News: The Fandom Menace 2 - Toy Story

We've seen through the years differing approaches between how the fiction and related toys cross over, merge, find themselves completely out of sync and back again, either with toys supporting the release of a movie or a cartoon series, or the two never really working together at all for a number of logistical reasons (distribution, lack of sales, series cancellation, etc).

it really just comes down to two major areas: toys and fiction.

Most recently, however, Hasbro themselves have been laying down heavily their new Story First approach to the various brands they have control over, Transformers included. Whether this is actually true in practice is not my aim for the piece, but rather the shift from 'stories written to sell toys' to 'toys that fit a story being told'. And there is that potential divide again.

We've seen in the Transformers fandom a lot of focus on toy collecting, since pretty much the start. Anecdotes tend to talk about seeing a cartoon episode or a movie or a comic, and then 'wanting to go buy a toy of the character(s)'. Given my own approach to this 'collecting' business, the whole conversation piqued my interest even more, and I decided for a totally scientifically accurate exploration of it: ask Transformers Twitter about where they stand. Four options to choose from, and the results are below.

Hey #Transformers Twitter! A question for an upcoming piece: are you in the fandom for mostly...

35% first, then story.
46% ..story first, then toys.
08% ..just the toys.
11% ..just the stories.

369 votes

Ignoring how the grammar doesn't actually work in the poll, and that only asking this on social media will not give a full picture of the fandom, it's interesting to note that in this part of the conversation, story still comes first - and only very very few people are in it for the toys or the stories alone.

Of course, by story and fiction here I mean a variety of media: comics, old and new; live action movies; animated series, old and new; personal fiction that has been 'officialised' somewhat (accepted or widely known fanon, for example).

in this part of the conversation, story still comes first

The option I did not include, which is perhaps where I place myself even more in line with - along with some impressively dedicated readers of comics (within and outside of the Transformers community) - is artwork. You can see this in the collection of Dutch fan Sprite Anansi, artists such as Andrew Turnbull, TFNation's boss Tori O'Regan, and their different facets of art collecting, from commissions to doujinshi, to original art used in official media and fan commissions.

Transformers News: The Fandom Menace 2 - Toy Story

Moving back to the fiction first faction, though, Marian Hilditch touches on this in her TFSource collector interview, too. New media, especially IDW comics and the live-action movies, have seemingly brought back this new approach of only wanting a limited selection of characters to be immortalised in their plastic forms, be it the Wreckers or the Lost Light crew or Team Bee.

This does speak back to points raised multiple times throughout podcasts, discussion on boards and elsewhere, and something at the foundation of toy collecting in general. As we saw on the Netflix documentary The Toys that Made Us, in the words of sociologist John Tenuto, many of us feel the need to need to touch or hold something physical that represents something intangible. Becka also mentions this point in her blog post at Refined Robo Co, discussing similar topics to this series of articles - though we might engage with fiction, we need that physical presence as a supplement (something not necessary, but that adds value if present) to the experience.

repeated incarnations meant to evoke more-or-less the same source material can and does lead to fatigue

To bring it back to a toy-first approach, from a company perspective, might even result counterproductive, as well as counterintuitive - on this,
ScottyP raises a good point.

ScottyP wrote:I think the "Classics" re-tread toy releases drove me more towards the fiction but not because of anything Hasbro did on purpose - or was it possibly on purpose? G1 provided beloved characters limited in toy form by their era and genesis. Many "needed" new toys, and that they have received them has been great for the hobby. But then you get to the 6th-ish "new" Optimus Prime, 3rd Bumblebee, 2nd Jetfire, 2nd Grimlock, 2nd Mirage, 2nd Megatron, 3rd Starscream, 2nd Skywarp, 2nd Ultra Magnus, and... oh dammit Ramjet I can't finish this joke but regardless, when the re-treads have almost all been re-tread it has led me to want something more out of these things than just the play experience. While that can lead to a feeling of fresh new adventure, repeated incarnations meant to evoke more-or-less the same source material can and does lead to fatigue.

When I think back on the history of Transformers, the most successful times for the franchise outside of G1's early years have been when the cycle of reinvention yields fun toys of new characters supported by good fiction. Beast Wars, Armada, and the 2007 Movie were as successful as they were for a reason, and that was the well timed (or at least sensibly timed, mostly. Usually.) release of new or new-ish characters while a compelling tale about them was still fresh.

We've seen droves of established toy collectors who had taken a break return to the Transformers precisely because of the new fiction rekindling that spark of the hobby - but also, where the lack of adequate fiction was felt, creative fandom rose to its own challenge. And not too long after, those same milestones in the stories told about giant transforming robots (not quite), along with the later addition of IDW's presence too, has brought a whole new story-first set of fans to the experience, and Hasbro seems to have noticed.


So what about your story? Was it the fiction that first shaped your interest in Transformers? Are the toys your primary way of engaging with Cybertronians? Is it an equal split, or do neither attract you as much as other parts, and you don't see yourself as a collector at all?

This is our space to share these tales, I hope you'll join me.

2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...
Date: Sunday, January 7th 2018 2:56am CST
Categories: Site News, Site Articles, Editorials
Posted by: Va'al

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Views: 129,549

Welcome to 2018, Seibertronians! You know what time of the year this is, and you've been patient long enough now. We tickled your appetite with our #Transformersmas challenge round-up just the other day of course, but we have even bigger treats ahead. I'll start by citing our site founder, creator, owner, and gallery supplier (more on that later!) Seibertron when he wrote, in our end of year message here, that...

...2018 will mark the 34th anniversary of the Transformers brand, the 22nd anniversary of Beast Wars, the 13th anniversary of Armada, the 11th anniversary of Bayverse, and the 18th anniversary of

Before we reach the ticking of legal voting age (in some places) for our very own community, I think it's definitely time to look back at what has just gone past in 2017, a year with a movie and a series, and a year with endings and continuations, be it movies, shows, comics or toylines, and a year of late beginnings for toys, as Power of the Primes snuck in towards the last two months.

So it's time, once more, to make it...

A Year in Review - Transformers 2017

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

The best accompaniment to this several course meal, of course, is a glass of Energon Champagne, as provided by the Twincast Podcast episode 191 - which you can download and read about here. For an appetizer, you may want to look back at what we were discussing this time last year, too. As for the courageous plotters joining us on this sidequest through time, loop or not loop, here they are, in all their avatar-esque glory:

The Hounds

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

The Pups

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...
Sigma Magnus

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

The Pedigree Podcasters

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

The Mature Mutts

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

The Mongrel

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

The categories, as you might remember, are as follows:

Favorite 2017 Transformers: The Last Knight/TLK

Favorite 2017 Transformers: Titans Return/Takara Legends

Favorite 2017 Transformers: Robots in Disguise/Adventure/Rescue Bots

Favorite 2017 Transformers: None of the Above Figure

Favorite 2017 Transformers Masterpiece Figure

...and now: Figure of the Year 2017

Favorite 2017 Transformers Comics-moment

Favorite 2017 Transformers Show-moment

Favorite 2017 Transformers Game-moment

Favourite 2017 fan creation: art, custom, video, comic, fiction

...and now: Moment of the Year 2017

What are you looking forward to in 2018 for Transformers?

And with all that groundwork out of the way, it's about time we got into the meatier stuff. Ready? Let's go!

Favorite 2017 Transformers: The Last Knight / TLK

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Bronzewolf - The Last Knight Toyline's terrible, terrible distribution has been complained about by many people (including myself) the world over, and not without reason. I along with many STILL have wave 1 clogging up the shelves of every major retailer, so TLK purchases for me have been few and far between. I did, however, get the two Deluxes I most wanted out of the line for Christmas: Cogman and Wave 3 Bumblebee. To be completely honest, I can't pick a favorite. They are both so extremely good in their own way that it's really hard to pick a favorite. Cogman is immaculately detailed, in some cases unnecessarily so, with paint apps that make his raised price point completely worth it, and the fact he can actually be a car and hold two Titan Masters in his (completely stunning and spotless) Aston mode is just icing on the cake.

Bumblebee, on the other hand, just rocks both his robot and vehicle mode, and truly looks like you peeled him off the screen. The quintessential Deluxe Movie 'Bee in my opinion. If I had to nitpick, my two issues with Bee are that his feet can unpeg and become floppy easily, and his doors pop off their sockets often and are starting to become just a little stressed.

william-james88 - Cogman. While the new voyager molds were all really solid, it was Cogman which showed how advanced the movie toys had gotten. He does the best job at showing totally new robot mode detail while hiding as much alt mode kibble in an elegant fashion. And he even gets to have a whole cockpit area in vehicle mode where 2 Titan Master figures can ride. I also want to give major props to deluxe Hot Rod which turned that lackluster Lockdown mold into something I would highly recommend owning.

Seibertron - My favorite figure from The Last Knight is none other than Deluxe Cogman. I loved that the figure served multiple purposes. On the surface, he was a pretty decent representation of a Transformers character, who never actually transformed in the movie. It represented the strengths and the flaws of the movies. I found the character both intriguing and annoying, entertaining and boring. My opinions about Cogman were much like The Last Knight ... all ... over ... the ... board. Yet, the toy won me over because of it's multi-faceted roles as an appropriate looking representation of Cogman, then as a Titans Return crossover figure, then as an interesting side-note for the movie franchise since Cogman was supposed to have a big scene as a Headmaster where he ripped off a Decepticon's head and transformed into the head of that body (so said Michael Bay to a group of us), and then the fact that his head transformed basically gave us an in-scale version of Cogman that was more-or-less Human sized. Toss in the fact that he could ride in himself, the only thing that was missing was some electronics that enabled us to play Cogman's favorite song by Ludacris.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

D-Maximus_Prime - The Last Knight was definitely a mixed bag when it came to the figures it put out. The deluxes on the whole were generally lackluster, the leaders were a very mixed bag, the new legions were actually very cool and well done, and some of the simpler guys were not bad either (I picked up almost every Megatron toy!). But to me the best class of TLK was the voayger assortment. 5 new molds, and each one was very good in its own right. And I had a tough time narrowing it down. One of them was bound to be figure of the year, but that meant that 4 others had to fight for TLK figure of the year. and after careful thought and seeing what others are saying...

Voyager Scorn. Ok look, I love dinobots, and Scorn had the best dinobot figure of Age of Extinction for me. And then, despite not even being in the movie, he got the only new dinobot mold for The Last Knight. and it is a killer. The dino mode is huge and detailed! The transformation is fun and intuitive! The robot mode is a beast! And the paint work is perfect.

Believe me, Megatron, Hound, and Nitro Zeus fought for this spot, but I feel Scorn needed the love he rightfully deserves.

Sigma Magnus - Tough choice, as I didn't pick up much from this line. All I really have are the Voyagers, and each of them after wave one knocked it out of the park! Hound has loads of personality, Megatron is charismatic and intimidating (and surprisingly better than the Leader version), and Nitro Zeus is just as good as people say he is. However, my award has to go to Scorn. He's massive for a Voyager, and both his modes are imposing and badass. Despite an annoying transformation step in the shoulders, he's fun to play with too.

Bounti76 - While I LOVED Voyager Megatron, and his intuitive transformation, along with his excellent altmode kibble integration, I HAVE to go with Voyager Scorn for this one. Just a hulking BRUTE in both modes. A fantastic robot mode- very solid looking and imposing, while being amazingly poseable. Then, you get into (finally) movie-accurate Spinosaurus mode and daaaaaaaamn. HUGE. Solid. Looks like he sailed right off the screen from AOE (though he's a TLK toy). Outclasses and is light years ahead of the other Dinobot Voyager molds we got. He's the best of what the Bayverse Dinobots (and figures in general) should be. While there are a compromise or two in the figure, the rest of what he is just makes them not matter one bit.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

megatronus - If there was one thing I was looking forward to after the disaster of The Last Knight, it was a non-awful Leader Megatron, and boy, did Leader Megatron deliver non-awfulness. This, by the way, was no guarantee - movie-style Megatrons have historically been stronger as voyagers and, indeed, the two strongest voyagers in the line, Nitro and Scorn, both came very close to taking the top spot from Megs. But, between his stunning jet mode, involved transformation, and robot mode articulation (ankle tilts!!!), it's hard for me to demur. The interchangeable face plate gimmick and the excellently molded dual-purpose flame accessories put him over the top.

Burn - I dunno, this is a hard one. I felt the bulk of the line was a big disappointment, poor distribution didn't help either.

I guess the two that stood out for me was Voyager and Leader Megatron. When pictures first emerged, I was excited! They both looked fantastic, in-hand, they didn't quite live up to the hype I'd built up in my head.

WreckerJack - To be honest, I have not picked up any figures from this line yet. Though I do have my eye on leader class Megatron and voyager Hound. Megatron for the spooky cool factor, he looks like a total beast. Hound because I have a taste for all things fire and rescue. I know a Mercedes Unimog tactical vehicle isn't exactly an ambulance or firetruck but that will set Hound apart from other figures in my fire and rescue collection.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Qwan - I have no doubt that Deluxe Sqweeks and Voyager Nitro Zeus will receive their share of love in this section, but I find myself instead singing the praises of a slightly greener 'bot - Voyager Hound. With a perfectly-balanced transformation more complex than Sqweeks and more intuitive than Nitro, a fantastic-looking mode at each end (a significant improvement over his hardly-screen-accurate AoE toy), and even a few fun little extras like his removable helmet, is it really any wonder that this characterful little chunk of plastic has won me over this year?

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

ScottyP - My pick is Deluxe Sqweeks and to be completely frank, I'm picking this just because I know others on the staff will pick Nitro Zeus and give that toy the love it deserves. Sqweeks is one very good Transformers toy, and one that does a lot when you'd think it has no right to be much of anything. Instead of blindly following conventional business wisdom and making a smaller toy in the same package that costs the same as other bigger toys in the same package, Sqweeks includes a "trailer" accessory that not only turns into a mini-battle station/repair bay like base, it also gives ample room to store the other accessories and optional arm configuration pieces that are included. Top this off with plastic that's lovely ABS with the glossy sheen and finish that evokes memories of another time and you get one of the diamonds in the rough of what was overall a pretty lackluster product selection for The Last Knight.

Favorite 2017 Transformers: Titans Return/Takara Legends
in which no one agrees and that is great stuff except for the editor

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Burn - Triggerhappy. By gawd this is one hell of a figure. I simply cannot fault him.
But, the biggest surprise for me came in the form of Windblade. Character wise, I despise her. But this figure is brilliant. She's solid, unlike her previous toy incarnations. Pulls off some fantastic poses and is just fun all round.

Triggerhappy is still better though.

Sigma Magnus - The Headmaster gimmick is one of my favorites, as there's an odd satisfaction to having little pilots for the vehicles. I liked Quake more than anticipated and I can't wait to get Twin Twist to go with Topspin. Trypticon was one of the figures I was looking forward to the most, and he is an great toy, but he's on the repair table until further notice thanks to a missing ramp and a broken hip. Overall, Titans Return has had a lot of amazing figures, but Triggerhappy still stands out as one of the best Deluxes ever. A great robot mode (with optional gunhands), a fun transformation, and an awesome-looking starfighter altmode all cement it as one of my all-time favorites.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Bronzewolf - So, I'm figuring everyone is going to say Trypticon, and he is an awesome toy, far better than Fort Max, last year's Titan Class offering. So, to vary it up a little, I'll pick somebody smaller: Sky Shadow. He's an awesome package of bad-ass attitude (Bad assitude?) who can just ruthlessly beat down anybody in his way. He's so evil, I just love it. He's probably the TR toy I had the most fun playing with this year, although Windblade and Brawn are close seconds.

WreckerJack - Oh man, that is tough. This has been my favorite line for the fact that it is very consistent and I like to headswap. Naturally, I can't get enough Titan Masters. I must say that Sky Shadow stands out to me the most. He's an amazing looking figure and has many modes. I really wish he got featured more because he just looks so cool! Though I know I can always make up my own stories for fun. Perceptor and Windblade are also favorites of mine because of them being some of my favorite characters and how well detailed they are as figures.

Bounti76 - While I was sorely tempted to go for a figure of a character we hadn't gotten in any form (Kre-O doesn't count to me) for 30+ years (Misfire or Full-Tilt), or one no one ever expected to get at ALL (Arcee and Daniel as her head), I'm instead going with an out-of-nowhere choice of ...Shuffler?? Yes, Shuffler. A VERY obscure figure, but one who I keep picking up, posing, putting on different bodies, transforming from elephant to tank to missile launcher... basically, all the things you do with toys you love. He's got the best integration of all the individual Titan Masters in any mode, and his headsculpt is one that looks great on almost any body. His retool of Ramhorn works just as well.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Counterpunch - Titans Return Topspin - There is a lot of good in this little package. Topspin does just about everything right. The transformation is smooth, the feature integration is spot on, and the character representation is effectively perfect. While Topspin was not a traditional Headmaster, it matters very little here. Hell, the character may as well have been one with as good as this toy is. So good in fact, that it has displaced my third party rendition of the character in my mind and shelves.

While Topspin had some moments in the comics, he was always at best a third-string entry. In many ways, the character was defined by the original G1 toy. This toy takes that task to heart and gives us a newer, better, and more interesting take on Topspin. Bravo.

Seibertron - While I am frustrated by the line-wide gimmicks that I feel destroy the essence and look of some characters that should never have been Headmasters (such as Galvatron), I was oddly surprised by some of my favorites that came out of the line that also should never have been Headmasters. Aside from seeing the main Autobot and Decepticon Headmasters receiving a modern (and appropriate) update after all of this time (thank you Hasbro and Takara Tomy), I have to say that Perceptor is probably my favorite even though I didn't like that he was a Headmaster. The toy just looks great. Plus he transforms into a "working" microscope, and the Titan Master being able to ride in the "tank mode" is a really nice nod back to the Microchange lineage of the Transformers brand.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

megatronus - There were so many highlights amongst the Titans Return line - excellent deluxes, two titans, leader phase sixers - it can be hard to see achievement in the vanilla, pretool heavy series of TR voyagers. But Octane stands out. Of the triple changers, he has the distinction of streamlining all 3 modes: total bruiser of a robot mode, convincing tanker, and a wacky jet (the weakest of the 3 options, but more than adequate). The robot mode has the additional bonus of being surprisingly coherent, with less greebling and more striking highlights than his compatriots. Add a set of robot wings and a blaster or two, and I can't put him down.

Qwan - Titans Return, as a whole, has really knocked the ball out of the park. Picking just one figure to be "the best" is nigh-impossible, with multiple exemplary figures in every size-class all vying for attention. In the end though, my vote has to go to Voyager Blitzwing, for being a shining example of everything the line had to offer. A great Headmaster, with somewhere new and sensible for the Titan Master to go in every mode; a great triple-changer, with three distinct and appealing modes and fun conversions between them; even a great (p)retool base, also yielding my favorite Classics-style Megatron toy in recent years from the same mold. Everything that Titans Return was, Blitzwing is, and to me that makes him the cream of the crop this year.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

D-Maximus_Prime - Also a very hard category. The deluxes in this line were fantastic, and I loved the leaders. But if one had to stand above the rest, I would need to say God Ginrai.

This was one that had a very peculiar set of circumstances behind me getting him. When the Siege on Cybertron set was revealed, I loved the looks of the set and the figures in it, and if I was going to have a Ginrai, I wanted Godbomber. So I picked up one of the last ones from BBTS and shipped him with the boxset. And I have loved it. They are both pretty good separate, and the combined vehicle mode is lots of fun too. But the combined robot mode is so awesome. He stands tall, and he has been fun to play with. He was one of my go to bots to mess with for a solid 2 months, and he still stands proud on my shelf, waiting for me to get an apartment/house where he can have more space to stretch out.

This guy is loads of fun, a great pickup. I would never have gotten him had the Siege set not happened, and I am glad it did.

Favorite 2017 Transformers: Robots in Disguise/Adventure/Rescue Bots

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Qwan - I'd hesitate to call myself an RiD "collector", but though I only picked up a few releases here and there, one particular catch from the tail-end of the year really stood out to me: Warrior Class Thermidor just oozes quality in every way but the literal. His vehicle mode, clearly resembling the most stylish of stylish cars - or, if you'd rather, very Batmobile-esque. His robot mode, wonderfully creative, characterful and inspired (with a side note that his head looks suitably lobstery without resorting to the weird googly-eyes-on-stalks thing that Bisk had going). His transformation, economical and highly effective, with a touch of the sublime in his genius claw conversion. All tied together with luscious blue plastic and (of all things) matte black paint that happens to feel wonderful, and you have a toy that screams pure quality in a way that you mightn't expect a mass-retail toy to deliver, let alone one from the "children's line".

Counterpunch - Robots in Disguise Thermidor - In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king. RiD has been treated shamefully. The 2017 releases have been scattered, inaccessible, and largely made little to no sense. Thermidor, while merely a redeco of Bisk, is at least a show accurate character. He's blue. He's a lobster-man. You probably couldn't find him in stores. He's pretty good and Hasbro should have treated him and the line with more respect.

ScottyP - There is really not much to pick from here. Most of the tail end of Robots in Disguise had its potential squandered by the painfully not good Crash Combiner gimmick, leaving maybe a handful of Warrior Class releases out there to pick up the slack for collectors. With Adventure dead, and Rescue Bots floundering with the Flip Racers imprint, it falls to this small assortment when picking the best of this area of the brand.

This limited selection is my way of defending the choice of a repaint of a 2016 figure as my choice for favorite in this lineup: Thermidor. Featuring a new head sculpt, the Warrior Class Bisk base mold is given a brilliant blue makeover that looks really great in-hand. Additionally, this helps expand the very lacking ranks of Decepticons in the line. One more Scavenger is always a good thing, so please, please, pleeeeease bring on Clampdown and Clawtrap before RiD is sent out to pasture entirely.

That's not happening, is it?

Seibertron - There have been some fantastic figures that have come out of this Transformers product line, that sadly seems to get overlooked by a lot of fans. It was fun to see some new introductions like Twinferno, but I think I've got to go with Bludgeon, just because he's been one of my favorite characters for almost 30 years (thanks to Simon Furman making a not that great Pretender into an extremely memorable character). Yes, Bludgeon is technically a "repaint" from Blastwave and a "retool" from Megatronus, but I'm really happy with him as Bludgeon. Here's hoping we get a Generations Bludgeon at some point. Honorable mention: Thermidor needs some love since he was originally shown without a retooled head. It was nice to see him get his own noggin' separate from Bisk. Both are characters that I never thought we'd see in toy form. But Bludgeon would put both of their heads on spikes, so he wins.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

william-james88 - Windchill the Yeti Bot. I cannot believe it, there is now an actual Transforming Yeti. I am a big fan of Cryptozoology and this was just awesome to now have as part of the iconic franchise/brand. Its also fun that his alt mode is a snowmobile, works well with the arctic theme. This was part of the Arctic Rescue sets and I must admit of all the Rescue Bots stuff I have seen so far, these sets are some of the best due to the level of interaction you could get. It reminded me (especially the Bumblebee one) of the Microman revival of the new millennia where you could remove parts of one animal and fuse them with another.

Seibertron - I've collected Rescue Bots since the beginning. While I have an immense amount of respect for the TV show, it's not for me, but many of the kids in mine and my wife's families have grown up with them before graduating onto something else. The Rescue Bots toyline has intrigued me since Hasbro demonstrated the concept to my wife and I at BotCon 2010. Many of you might not know this, but each of the original Rescue Bots transformation of the Rescue Bots main figures encourage different motor skills from kids, whether it's a push-and-pull, a lever, spinning, or other simple transformation schemes that utilize basic motor skills for children. The lighthearted, basic style of the Rescue Bots that are also "cutesy" and simple is just fun to have as part of my massive collection.

So that's a lot of me writing to basically say that I really don't have a favorite Rescue Bots figure this year. I feel like the uniquely American toyline from Hasbro's Playskool division might have finally jumped the shark this year, with dragons and other unnecessary versions of these characters while not having many updates to the main cast that you must have. With that said, if I had to choose, I'd say Brushfire. He's a new character, has an interesting half-track ATV alt-mode that we don't see too often, and even has a Mini-Con partner bear named Sequoia. Runner-up would be the very interesting looking Optimus Prime that has a very stylized helmet, unique alt-mode, and more-or-less a Diaclone color scheme.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

william-james88 - 2016 was just such a better year for Robots in Disguise when it came to the warrior class. In comparison 2017 didn't have as much ingenuity and freshness in designs. But I did like that Soundwave. Of course the arms in alt mode are hard to ignore but he is still very gun to mess around with (fun transformation) and I always love seeing the evolution of character designs. This was a new take on Soundwave, one of my favourite characters, and the design borrowed from previous elements while also making him new and distinctive from any previous version.

Sigma Magnus - Warrior Soundwave wins by default, as he's the only RiD toy I have at the moment. He's not the best, but I still think he's pretty fun and has a good deal of personality.

WreckerJack - Warrior class Soundwave and Blurr for sure. I really like the clear plastic that was used in each of these figures. For Soundwave there is even a variant where he is either wearing a mask or has a fully clear faceplate. Blurr looks very cute and friendly so he's got kid appeal, but older fans can appreciate the smoothness of his race car design as well as the awesome clear gun.

Bounti76 - While not a huge fan of the show, I did pick up a figure or three now and then. The first one I was really intrigued by, and bought on sight, was Blurr. While not looking anything like previous Blurrs, he still had callbacks to them with the blue and white color scheme. He was something of a shellformer, but had enough unique bits in his transformation to make him fun to switch back and forth. And while I'm not a huge fan of translucent plastic being used for anything but light piping, I really enjoyed his weapon and headsculpt, which both use it, but with completely non-gimmicky (to me) results.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

D-Maximus_Prime - So Robots in Disguise did not have a great year. The warriors were sort of lackluster and there was a larger focus on the Crash Combiners and Teams Combiners. I will say I did enjoy both combiner classes a lot, despite the criticism they got. They are fun things, especially the team combiners. which leads me to my pick.

Team Combiner Ultra Bee. The team combiners did something fairly unique: they were full 4/5 bot combiners that had robot modes, alt modes, and combiner modes, and were still fairly cheap to get. They were no combiner wars figures, but they were still quite good. They are a sort of new brand of G1 combiner, which is not a terrible thing. And Ultra Bee was so cool just because of how unique he is. He's a 4 bot combiner, 5 if they had counted Drift as the sword for the toy. His CG model was really cool and became my profile pic. He had a Dinobot, a Bumblebee, a pun for an arm, and a targetmaster of sorts. He had both male and female bots as components. And the toy was really cool, and is still fun to fiddle with. Grimlock's transformation into bottom half mode is quite cool and simple, and it is fun to transform Bee into torso mode too. The set had a lot going for it, and I greatly appreciate the love and effort they put into him.

Favorite 2017 Transformers: None of the Above Figure

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

ScottyP - 2017 was the year that "Classics" styled Transformers lines fully pivoted from re-imagining characters in creative, fun, new ways to recreating G1 toys while adding articulation. I am not a fan of this direction.

Out of protest, I'm choosing LG-EX Magna Convoy. A redeco that was in-demand for 11 years finally arrived, complete with an awesome sword, beautiful box art, appropriately placed chrome, and Convobat's butt. This felt like a treat and was a winner from start to finish. Even the full-sized pack-in comic has fun from the first page to the last. If this is a send-off for this mold, then it's the most appropriate one I can imagine. Thanks for 11 years of fun Transformers adventures, Classics Optimus Prime mold!

But I'll also mention MB-EX Laserbeak. Despite Dark of the Moon coming out at a time when Bumblebee repaints were so numerous they became a fandom joke, this on-screen representation of how the murderous Laserbeak enjoys spending his afternoon tea time was never released as a figure - until this year.

william-james88 - I LOVE the Movie the Best line from Takara. It gave me all those movie toys I wanted by either finally existing or being affordable. We finally got a voyager ROTF Megatron in colours that werent turguoise (gorgeous silver paint instead) and I finally got my hands on an authentic human alliance Soundwave which came in a fully painted alt mode. But best of all, and this is my pick for this category, MB 11 Leader Optimus Prime finally gave me the very best version of the ROTF mold. All I had before this was the original with the annoying flip out swords and lackluster deco. But at a very affordable cost, MB 11 gave me a gorgeously painted leader Prime, with separate accessories (rather than flip our swords, making the transformation much more enjoyable) with articulated hands and the retooled abdominal along with the brass knuckle accessory Prime uses to crush Soundwave, an accessory that previous to this was only available in a $270 release from Hasbro Asia. I was so worried I had waste money buying this toy when a new MPM Optimus prime was coming out but this turned out to be the better purchase, by a long shot.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

D-Maximus_Prime - I'm going to pull a 2016 Counterpunch here with my pick: Chaos on Velocitron Laser Prime. I am considering this an "other" since it was a specialty boxset, and I really want this figure to be in here somewhere. I did not get the original figure, but when I got the boxset, I fell in love with it. A black and red Prime is so cool, the tanker sticker was awesome, and the figure overall screams how awesome a choice it was. It is a fun mold, the best besides Alpha Trion from Titans Return, and I love everything about it. It is a go to figure for me to play with.

Grotusque is a close 2nd place. I loved the Monsterbots we got. It was a hard choice between him and Laser Prime.

william-james88 - I also particularly liked the Chaos on Velocitron set. Especially the Laser Prime which went all out, even including a giant sticker of Optimus burning down a forest. Its just fun seeing an homage done so right and while the airplane mode isn't great, it can easily be ignored and wont interfere with the other two striking modes. He is one of the few toys I just couldn't put down. And I love that it was part of this very affordable set which could easily have been double the price or more if it were a Botcon exclusive. I really like what Hasbro did with these sets and I hope to see more in the future. Also, for some odd reason, I was able to enjoy that Sixshot mold far more as Quickswitch, which had a more premium feel to me.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Bronzewolf - I think my top POTP figure would honestly be Legend Beachcomber! It's nice to have a complete set of updated '85 Mini-bots, and he's just really fun to just drift around. A ton of the other fiugres in this first wave are really enjoyable, (See: Slash, the Prime masters, Dinobots) but Beachcomber's the best.

Bounti76 - I have to go with POTP Slash for this one. Even while being a big-time collector of fembot figures, and a lover of the Dinobots since childhood, I was intrigued by this figure for a number of reasons. She's tiny, but this works in multiple ways: her altmode is a tiny dinosaur, and as a tracker, she needs to be small and lithe to do her job effectively. She's quite poseable in robot mode, but a bit front heavy in raptor mode (her only drawback, in my opinion). But the clincher for me is the fact that her deco and figure homage the G1 Dinobots so well with the clear plastic and gold underneath, and even her transformation is G1-esque to the point that she fits right in with the other Dinobots and looks like she's always belonged there.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Counterpunch - POTP Leader Optimus - Who'd have thought an Optimus Prime toy would make my list? No one because I haven't been active enough this year for anyone to pay attention to any commentary I have. Regardless, this toy is outstanding. Now, I couldn't give a crap about Orion Pax as he is presented in the Sunbow style here. I'd honestly prefer and IDW-ish Orion or simply a nicer cab-to-Optimus figure. Still, the evolution gimmick here runs its course well and the toy itself is pretty good (alt mode gaps aside). Where we shine and I mean...really truly shine, is in the full Optimus Prime combined form.

This figure has personality to spare and I don't even understand how. It has shelf presence and heroic proportions...and a head tilt that is so full of charm you'll mistake it for me with three sheets to the wind.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

megatronus - I'm a sucker for a black Prime, and the Leader Prime retooled from Combiner Wars Ultra Magnus is sexy as all heck in black. His packaging is original and slick, and that rail gun accessory - it's to die for. And that name! Primitive Prime all the way.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Seibertron - Some of you who really know me might think my pick for this category is really odd, but it seems to continue my trend of picking things that conflict with other opinions I have on this list. As some of you might know from listening to me on the Twincast / Podcast, I dropped off the Transformers comic bandwagon for the first time ever after collecting them ever since 1984 ... and it was all because of what happened with the Hasbro Universe, as I strongly disliked how it was handled. However, this year's San Diego Comic-Con Revolution set that finally presented the IDW Hasbro Universe in toy form from the IDW comics, was a nice nod to fans. I still think the Hasbro Universe would have been much better off with a slow build to introduce this idea to all of us, and a toyline to go along with the comics. I've always wanted to see 3.75" human action figures alongside the mainline Transformers, and this finally accomplishes it. No Human Alliance silly scaled humans. I like my toys to be scaled, but not religiously scaled. Sometimes, just "hey this toy is bigger than another toy" is all you need. Smaller humans standing alongside larger robots is cool. It was a nice set and I give Hasbro kudos for bringing it to market. Here's hoping that the concept gets expanded further... and the Hasbro Universe stories improved.

Favorite 2017 Transformers Masterpiece Figure

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

D-Maximus_Prime - MP-37 Artfire. I have heard great things about this mold from the get go with Inferno, but my thing with MPs: I only want 1 per mold, and they have to mean something to me, really stick out to me. And Artfire has done all of that.

The paintwork is fantastic with this guy, he is flawless! The truck mode is a thing of beauty, and the ladder magic is all I hoped it would be. He is a fun Masterpiece to mess with, helped of course by Nightstick, who is a great little targetmaster in his own right, and a great partner to Artfire. And the paint work on Artfire makes him look far more detailed than he is, he doesn't look flat like Inferno and Grapple did. He is the best version of this mold.

Out of 3 new MPs and an old one I got this year, bringing my MP total to 5, He is the best.

Bounti76 - This one was tough. While Megatron is a strong contender, I also don't own him and haven't seen or handled him in person. He looks amazing in both modes, while having an insanely complex transformation, so while I may or may not get him in the future, that might throw me off a bit.

So while I'm waiting for Sunstreaker to show up (which might have been my favorite), I'm going to go with Artfire as my pick. He's got a great deco, probably the best of the Inferno/Grapple/Artfire/(Hauler??) mold, with multiple beautiful tampographs, and a color scheme that really makes the figure and the details of the mold pop. He looks great in either mode, and the inclusion of the best MP Targetmaster mold (to date) is icing on the cake.

ScottyP - Artfire because it's a cop-out answer so I can use something else in the next one. It's a fun mold, this redeco is very very good looking, and the new Targetmaster included is one of the best small figures that's ever been executed.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Seibertron - MP-38 Beast Wars Convoy Legendary Leader Version was a really nice redo of MP-32 Beast Convoy. I loved the classic Beast Wars Ultra Class Optimus Primal toy elements that were given to this toy to make it stand on its own merits from MP-32. The original toy version of this character in 1996 was a really great toy, and it is still one of my all-time favorite Transformers toys, despite it's simplicity. It represented many things to me and to see it in an updated toy form brings back many nostalgic feelings and memories to me.

MP-36 was a partial mess in robot mode to me. I just couldn't get over the problems with the upper shoulders and his backside, though I would have been much more forgiving of his backside. There needed to be some panels or something to cover up that mess. It's a "Masterpiece" figure. I can't forgive issues like that on a toy we've for which been waiting so long.

MP-35 Grapple and MP-37 Artfire also deserve nods because they have beautiful and well thought out transformations that I didn't find frustrating. I love the ladder magic of the Inferno mold.

However, MP-38 Beast Wars Convoy Legendary Leader Version just tugged at the right cords with me, so he wins this nomination from yours truly.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

megatronus - Continuing the MP Beast Wars line with Cheetor was delightful, as is the new, smaller size movie Bumblebee. But really, they are a distant seconds to the biggest big bad of them all: Megatron. As someone who started collecting again with the goal of collecting ONLY Megatrons (boy, has time changed my tune), this is a figure I've wanted for years --- and he delivers. His articulation, accessories, and general expressiveness are an engineering achievement of the highest order, and it's clear these were intended to aid in reenactments of Transformers: The Movie scenes. The only drawback is that I will never, ever transform him - but I can cope.

william-james88 - This sucks. You see I am getting the Masterpiece Megatron rerelease at the very begginig of 2018. I had first passed on it since it was simply out of my price range and I had been burnt on previous attempts to a masterpiece (styled) Megatron. I didn't want to jump the gun (ha!) again. But what I have been hearing made me regret not getting him sooner. In any case compared to my other options (like Cheetor) I would rather go down in history as saying that Megatron is the best MP toy of 2017.

Bronzewolf - For the first time in years, I actually have two MPs to choose from! The brand new Hasbro MP-10 TRU release, and Mp-12+, and I have to go with Optimus just because of how significant he is to me. This is my first MP Optimus and first experience with the MP-10 mold after years of pining for him. I can finally fill that very large hole in my collection. (It helps that he's an incredible figure.)

...and now: Figure of the Year 2017

Counterpunch - Frankly, I don't think it's fair to put any other figure in this place. Trypticon is the figure of the year because not only does he do everything right, but the size and scope of the project he represents has to be rewarded for what it is.

Trypticon is the G1 figure, minus the walking feature, but plus 30 years of design, development, and engineering. He's detailed, retains much of the play pattern, and somehow incorporates useful articulation into the sizable frame. He comes with stickers, that while not perfect, are a great margin better than Metroplex or Fort Max. He has a delightful integration of the Titan Master gimmick and three perfectly functional modes. Not only is this figure a treat for collectors, but I can attest to it enduring play with a 3 year old and being absolutely engaging for him.

I'd be remiss not to mention the design flaw that plagued the initial discussions of this toy, but to be honest, I had forgotten about it until now. It's a bummer that a number of people in the first days of this toy had issues. It's even worse that so many wen through with "fixes" that amounted to bad surgery on a problem that had far simpler fixes. Still, the vast majority of us had good figures or ones that could be corrected with small effort.

Trypticon continues in the pattern of outstanding city-bot figures from Hasbro and Takara. I hope this pattern is encouraged and continued with an Omega Supreme in the near future.

Qwan - Like some others, my choice for Figure of the Year doesn't align with any of my previous top picks. While Blitzwing was, for me, the height of what Titans Return achieved, Titan-Class Trypticon was a monumental toy in every regard - for what he was and what he represented. Not only the best Titan-class cityformer we've had so far in the Generations superline, he also assuaged any fears after Fort Max that we wouldn't get entirely new molds for our cityformer updates even when they were sorely needed, paving the way for new-mold Titans at least occasionally and restoring fans' dwindling confidence in the size class. He also has a bit of personal meaning for me - being an early-bird in getting him upon release more or less gave me my "in" to the Seibertron community, both with my reviews of the toy's good aspects, and my admittedly slash-and-burn approach to fixing early runs' major QC issues - so with that Tryp tips the scales to become my favourite Transformers toy of 2017.

Seibertron - Trypticon is truly an amazing figure that we probably shouldn't even have in our collections. I never thought we'd get an update of Trypticon as anything other than a Leader Class toy, and wasn't expecting a massive Titan Class version of him, even though I've wanted one since Generations Titan Class Metroplex. Sorry Perceptor, I think Trypticon has to take the top spot. While I picked Perceptor as my favorite main line Titans Return figure, I picked Trypticon overall because we'll get more Perceptors. However, at the rate we're going with Trypticon toys, this could be the only properly done Trypticon we get until 2048.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

william-james88 - There were remarkable toys this year but none really stood out in the retail toys. RID didnt have much to offer this year and while Titans Return Kup and Topspin were fun, they do have some issues. Even Trypticon who doesnt do anything wrong still didn't wow me due to him being exactly what I thought he would be (and also due to having a shorter digestive track than I imagined). But there is one toy that came out early enough and that just still looks as awesome and imposing: Titans Return Sky Shadow. He just oozes cool. Even for those who don't know the character, the design and colour scheme are undeniably stylish. He just looks intense and a Decepticon truly worthy of being in the highest ranks. The transformation was simple but clever and all modes look great. The chunkiness also reminds me of the Cybertron era, but with today's articulation, it's awesome! I like him even better than Overlord, a toy we have been waiting age for, since this seems like an evolution in design (which I always like) rather than simply just doing G1 with articulation (which often ends up rather dull). And its really awesome that this Sky Shadow is a Hasbro exclusive this time around (at the time of writing this). My runner up was TLK Voyager Megatron, what an excellent Transformers toy.

megatronus - I was not expecting pre-tooled Overlord to beat Overlord, but Sky Shadow is that good. Like Octane amongst the triple changers, Sky Shadow is the most streamlined of the phase sixers. This, combined with Sky Shadow's ease of transformation and the most outstanding play pattern in the entire Titans Return line, clinches it for this dark horse. MP36 Megatron comes close, but while I value his superior ability to pose and admire, I prioritize play in this category. Further, Octane is right there with Sky Shadow, but the Leader compares more favorably when considering competing figure lines. Plus, did I mention the Club intended to redeco him as Energon Megatron? Sky Shadow for the win.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

ScottyP - MP-36 Megatron because duh. I know, you're too proud to use instructions, and you're getting old like me and remembering a bajillion steps gets harder all the time, but let's ignore that - the objectively right answer for this category is MP Megatron "2.0". This toy is in-scale with other Masterpiece figures in robot mode, amazingly engineered, packed with accessories, infinitely expressive, and just plain cool. Among those accessories are weathered, damaged chest and face pieces that, along with the included handgun and some smart shoulder articulation, let you put Megatron in the exact pose he waited an eternity to be in. It's over, Prime :Hot Rod jumps in to cut off the Furmanism:

Bronzewolf - Same as above, MP-10. He's just perfect, and is the penultimate Optimus Prime figure. Everything that could be said about him has been said, and I'm just glad to finally own him.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

D-Maximus_Prime - TLK Nitro Zeus. It was always going to be him for me. For one thing, he is a fully original toy and character, and he got a very solid jet toy. His undercarriage blends into his overall jet mode, so you would really need to look to pick out the robot parts if you didn't know what the robot mode looked like. And the transformation is insane! The fact that his arms are the nosecone and thrusters yet the rest of the bot is symmetrical is insane. He is fun to swoosh around, and he has a cool looking robot mode.

But what really puts him over the top for me is his customability. His head is on a titan master port, so you can take his head off and swap in Titan Masters. His cockpit was designed for that purpose! The titan master can even ride inside the cockpit in robot mode too, so you can have a full time partner, like the Siege on Cybertron Thunderwing. Apeface is also a great looking head on him. He has so much potential for so many fun things regarding movie figures, transformation, and Titans Return and even Power of the Primes compatibility. He does everything for me, and he is the best of the year.

Bounti76 - Scorn. By a mile. Possibly the best Bayverse figure there is.

WreckerJack - I would probably have to say the leader class Megatron from TLK. It defines 2017 not only because of the movie but as one of the best looking Megatron figures of all time. I like how the design makes him look like an absolute monster, especially his mask.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Burn - Triggerhappy. Just deal with it!


For those of you still with us, here's a brief break, before delving into our Transformers media compilation!

And now, on with the show!


Favorite 2017 Transformers Comics-moment

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Bounti76 - The entirety of Till All Are One. From the first page of the first issue, until the last page of the annual ( :-( ), Maighread Scott, Sara Pitre-Durocher, Joana Lafuente and Tom Long created a masterpiece of a series that I couldn't wait to read every month. From shining a light on more obscure characters (Greenlight, Lancer, Lightbright) and bringing Prime characters (Knock Out and his husband-in-universe Breakdown, Airachnid) in so organically, I just devoured the series. And the unexpected moments that just knocked the breath out of you: Starscream's true self being revealed, his confession in the annual and seeing his face literally and figuratively light up with Windblade's gift to him in the final panels of the series (Mairghread Scott GETS Starscream when she writes him, and makes him such a compelling figure); Sara Pitre-Durocher's depiction of the merging of the Combaticons' minds into Bruticus'... that is an AMAZING piece of art that not only tells a story, but gives the best depiction of a combiner's mind we've gotten in Transformers fiction, ever; Liege Maximo's return and Elita One and Strika's unsuccesful attempts to stop him and Vigilem......I really cannot say enough about how well and seamlessly this team worked together to tell the stories that they did. I just wish IDW could have left well enough alone and let Scott, Pitre-Durocher and team keep going. Instead, we have the travesty that Lost Light is turning into, but that's another thread for another day.

Counterpunch - Till All Are One Annual: Starscream's Redemption - This is one of those, "I hope someone doesn't come around and screw this up later" moments. Starscream as "The Chosen One" has been a bit of a confusing topic that while significant in the story, has never really played out well in reader's minds. The Windblade books and subsequently Till All Are One have done more to add to the Transformers mythos and backstory than anyone has admitted except in retrospect. Oft times overlooked in favor of the more popular and poppy MtMtE and Lost Light, these books have given heart and soul to the world outside of one singular ship and its crew and done so with pointed stories and even more pointed character moments (Brawl, I'm looking at you).

In a way, what's happened to Starscream over the past year takes hold of and answers the question that's always been just beyond the issue of blind ambition and tackles it; the question of 'why is Starscream the guy he is'.

Va'al - I finally get to contribute something of my own, too! And I definitely have to jump back onto the wagon, and proclaim my undying love for Till All Are One, and its creative team - Mairghread Scott, Sara Pitre Durocher, Joana Lafuente, with Tom Long and the rotating editors at IDW - who were able to deliver the best story I could not have imagined about one of my very favourite characters (Windblade), and deal with issues that I'd easily read about in other books I follow, from politics to personal, religion to identity, and the over-arcing manipulation and mental spaces they all inhabited. All while tying extremely comfortably with the Primes plot steaming ahead in the background for the Transformers universe at large, eventually leading to Unicron.

william-james88 - I will be honest, I wasn't too fond of Lost Light for most of this year. BUT, and that's the beauty of how awesome this brand is right now in the comics, that still meant I had tons of other great comics to read to get my Transformers fix. I had been reading More than Meets the Eye exclusively before the relaunch and reading Till All Are One gave me a nice change of (s)pace, with a focus on what is going on in Cybertron (which I totally stopped caring about after Dark Cybertron). It was fun to see the day to day of this Transformers Home world and also seeing Tigertron and Airrazor together (alive and well and not fused). I would say my favourite comic moment is definitely discovering this new comic. It's also really fun that it made me glad I got the Hasbro Combiner Wars Blastoff.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

ScottyP - Hats off to the creative minds at IDW Publishing for making this a very, very hard category to pick one choice from. One comics category in a great comics year and a bajillion toy ones in one of the weaker toy years, cool. (Sorry Va'al.)

After a great bit of deliberation, I'm going with Optimus Prime #9: "The Life of Sideswipe". An old soldier realizes his time has passed, and then he dies. It's powerful stuff and I recommend it to anyone reading this article.

D-Maximus_Prime - Optimus Prime #9 and the story of Sideswipe in that issue. This to me is one of the best Transformers moments and comics written. The story is touching, and it puts to rest one of my favorite Transformers of all time in the respect he deserves. It was brilliant.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Bronzewolf - 2017 was the year I got back into Transformers comics, thanks to ScottyP and my required reading for the Twincast (more on that below...). I LOVED Lost Light 10, and it immediately got me hooked. Can't wait to keep following along.

megatronus - That moment in Lost Light 10 when you first suspect the Protectobots & Mirage are in a memory loop... and then they end up in a memory loop. It was one of those rare moments of 12 Monkeys or Sixth Sense-esque surprise (I <3 Bruce WIllis) that encapsulates what I like about well-executed twists: the clues are all there, and when you look back, it seems so obvious. But they got you. They got you good.

Wreckerjack - Lost Light number 12. It really felt like things are getting into high gear. Yeah some upsetting things happened (which I don't want to spoil for those who take a week or two to get to the comic store.) I think that it matched the intensity we got with MTMTE, plenty of action and events that make me want to read the next issue to find out what happens already! Seems to me Lost Light has dragged on with filler for a long time and this issue has blown my mind more than any other in a long time.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Sigma Magnus - I haven't been keeping up with the comics as well I should, unfortunately. But one of the moments that I have read that stood out was the Wraith-infected Ultra Magnus from Shining Armor. The design of it was horrifying and grotesque, but I couldn't stop looking at it.

Seibertron - I just bought the past 18 months of Transformers comics for about $70 courtesy of Midtown Comics out of New York City, thanks to their 75% off sale. I'll get back to you guys on this one after I catch up on the Lost Light and other Transformers comics thanks to ScottyP's guidance, who I also owe a huge thanks to for more than one reason. ;)

Favorite 2017 Transformers Show-moment

Qwan - I only have The Last Knight to pick from, having not seen any other Transformers media from 2017, so my range isn't too good here. And so, though my favourite entirely through irony, my top moment of this year was a single line from TLK and the subsequent reaction of every character present. To paraphrase a presumably world-leading scientist: "If these two planets collide, there will be millions of casualties." Oh no, approximately half the population of New York, truly an unimaginably huge casualty toll (not even a death toll) from an interplanetary collision. And nobody questions it, everyone reacts like this event would be the end of the world - which according to common sense it should be, and yet based on the information presented in the film somehow isn't - just, just. Keep doing you, Transformers: The Last Knight. Keep doing you.

Sigma Magnus - Cogman in TLK. While others thought he was annoying, I liked his comedic moments. Can't wait to get my hands on his toy, too!

megatronus - Hm. I wish I was up to date with RID, because I understand the conclusion was a bit better than satisfactory. However, for argument's sake, I'll say my favorite screen moment was in TLK when Megatron is negotiating to free his Decepticon compatriots. I appreciated the Suicide Squad reference, because it was entertaining call back to a crappy movie that helped distract me from the crappier movie I was watching.

Bounti76 - Sqweeks and Hot Rod being introduced into the movieverse was enough to make me pause. Would they (especially Sqweeks) take over screen time from more established characters? Would they take over the movie and make it annoying, rather than a fun summer popcorn movie? Thankfully, they did none of that. Sqweeks' scenes were funny without being obnoxious, and his big moment in blowing up the gun was hilarious (getting knocked back by the kickback of his gun arm) and hell-yeah inducing. And Hot Rod? He was a welcome addition. His gun served a purpose without feeling like it came out of nowhere, thanks to being introduced early on. His altmode and general character model were slick, and thanks to being voiced by an actual French speaking actor, his accent never sounded annoying.

Seibertron - My favorite scene from Transformers The Last Knight also continues my conflicting opinions about all-things Transformers from 2017. I really liked the scene where Optimus Prime and Bumblebee duked it out and Bumblebee got his voice back. But I also really disliked that scene because it wrapped up too quickly and ... Bumblebee got his voice back, which is something that should have been resolved back at the end of the first movie or Revenge of the Fallen. It's silly that continued for as long as it did. However, in the end, it was an emotional scene and even brought a tear to my eye. The scene represented everything that was right and wrong all at the same time with the Bayverse.

ScottyP - Optimus Prime, in truck mode, drives out of a cloud of smoke at the end of The Last Knight while Steve Jablonsky's "Arrival to Earth" is arranged in a full cheese rendition that blares in the background. Why is he a truck just now? Was this a lazy way to show how he survived the battle? What was this movie even about, and why did I buy it on Blu-ray? Who cares. Despite this movie's many, many mistakes and shortcomings, this 5 seconds of overdone brilliance will live forever as one of those "Optimus Prime really is great" moments.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

WreckerJack - Seeing Bulkhead on RID. I missed his humor so much since TFP.

D-Maximus_Prime - Moon Breaker and the fight between Ultra Bee and Menasor. For one thing, it is fun to watch Ultra Bee form, and then it is fun to watch him move around and fight. And this was about as close as we got to a great combiner fight between any recent shows. It was fun to watch, and it is still fun to watch, just like the Bee and Bisk rock concert fight from last year.

Favorite 2017 Transformers Game-moment

D-Maximus_Prime - The addition of more combiners in Earth Wars. The combining aspect was something that seemed like so much fun, once you got the combiner. It took me until June, but I finally got my first: Bruticus, one of the combiners added this year. And finally experiencing the rush of combiner combat in the game was great, something I still really enjoy. I did finally get Devastator too, and I am only 1 bot away from Predaking, so thank you Earth Wars for combiners.

Burn - Any time I cracked a 4* crystal in Earth Wars and it wasn't a duplicate. OTHERS WILL UNDERSTAND MY JOB!

megatronus - The introduction of Astrotrain and the triple-changer concept in Earth Wars was pretty great to experience - and having a 4* is even better! The game has far exceeded the shelf life I expected it to have, and coming up on 2 years playing, I can only wonder what is wrong with my life.

Seibertron - I'm still tinkering around with Earth Wars and am still the commander of's Autobot Alliance. I'm finally losing steam with the game. My least favorite update to the game is the new one where we attach "Matrix" like things to the chests of the characters and add power-ups to the defensive weapons. It's a bad take on the Matrix or the Power of the Primes power-up scheme and everything looks ridiculous now in the game. However, I like that they keep plugging forward with Combiners, Triplechangers, Beast Wars, and introducing other fan-favorite characters. It's still a fun game with a lot of potential tie-ins with the toyline, that I still don't think has been fully utilized but it was nice seeing a the game reveal Volcanicus alongside Hasbro's reveal at Hascon 2017. While I'm not a fan of Volcanicus or Dinobots combining, I loved seeing Hasbro and Space Ape do this reveal in conjunction with each other.

Favourite 2017 Fan Creation

Sigma Magnus - Thew's Awesome Transformers Reviews. He's a joy as he always is, and I'm always looking forward to his next video. Hopefully his channel continues to grow like it has this year!

Qwan - I know everyone gave Thew a bunch of attention last year, but I wasn't on staff back then, and his content certainly hasn't declined since last time so I feel it's only fair to give him a bit more spotlight for his stylish, often informative and always hilarious videos.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

ScottyP - Customizer Chrome Tyranno had these custom Getaways available at TFcon and I'm so glad for it.

Bounti76 - As ScottyP has posted, turning the entirely lackluster Titans Return Getaway into his IDW coloring really makes that mold work for him. And it was so simple to have done it in those colors in the first place, it makes me wonder why Hasbro never did.

william-james88 - I really loved this stop motion ad for Titans Return.

Pretty smart that Hasbro is inviting the community to contribute in this way. I was also happy to see one of our own, xrotorstormx, featured in a Hasbro ad for the Toys'R'Us release of Masterpiece Optimus Prime.

Va'al - I have a number of them, but above all, I'd have to go with Lindsay Ellis' The Whole Plate, her video essay series on film studies through the lens of Michael Bay's approach to Transformers. It's a really well thought, written, edited and produced critical look at how to reconcile film with film, and what might come out of the meeting between criticism and movie-maker with singular vision.

Honourable shout-outs go to Chris McFeely, who single-handedly curates an introductory series to the Transformers franchise and its characters, on YouTube under Transformers: The Basics; another goes to the official Transformers social media team, and their game-upping on meme spreading and shitposting (Starscream is a cat person for sure); and finally, Bronzewolf's Transformersmas, which is getting better every year, and that is thanks to all of you.

D-Maximus_Prime - Fires_of_Inferno did a masterful job with his skit for the Transformersmas holiday special. Seeing Prime Starscream as a Scrooge for a week of comics was brilliant, and I am eternally grateful for all the funny stuff he gave us during the challenge.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Bronzewolf - Becka Allen's Transformers Photo Comics on Twitter. They've given me so much consistent joy over the past several months every time she releases a new one. They're hilarious and adorable, and really one of my favorite parts of the entire Transformers Twitter Sphere.

Oh, and Transformersmas, too!

WreckerJack - There are so many I just can't decide. All of the fanwork I see makes me really glad to be in the community so I feel weird about liking one over all of the others. I honestly just like to see people's contributions to our fan community as a whole and just appreciate just how much the Transformers series means to all of us. People put a lot of heart into their work and it really shows.

...and now: Moment of the Year 2017
This is always the weird and wonderful one.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

D-Maximus_Prime - I really don't wanna inflate their egos anymore than they already are ( ;) ) but I have to say the moment(s) of the year for me came from my fellow Seibertronians and the Transformers they passed on to me to experience. Willy-J helped me obtain the final RiD guys I wanted and some TLK deluxes I never saw, and he got me my Sixshot. I am eternally grateful to Va'al for passing on a Prime Breakdown to me, and now I have 2 versions of that mold thanks to the Club Megatron from their sale. Cobotron helped me wrap up my Titans Return hunt, and many others such as Autobot N, Shajaki, Carytheone, o. surpreme, Rodimusconvoy, and Itscramtastic have contributed to my plastic crack.

But the true moment from all those: my buddy Burn. His love for pretenders finally caught my attention, as did an old Thew Review, and I have obtained 5 Pretenders this year. I found and put together G1 Roadgrabber and Gunrunner, and then Burn helped me complete Gunrunner while also giving me a complete Skullgrin and a nearly complete Waverider. I didn't have a particular "older line" that I really had love for other than Animated (not THAT old), but he hooked me on Pretenders. They have become a concept I incredibly enjoy, and they have some really awesome stuff I have started to hunt down (such as finally getting that Botcon Oilmaster) and they have me all excited for the Prime Masters of 2018.

So thank you all, and thank you most of all Burn ;)^

Burn - All those people I got to ban! HA! I kid. I actually don't like doing that.
I think the one thing that stood out for me this year, was helping guys like D-Max discover older G1 figures and finding others like bodrock who share my weird fascination with Pretenders.

Bounti76 - The reveal of POTP Terrorcons and fembots (Elita One, Moonracer and Firestar). More fembots? Yes please! Original G1 fembots? YES, please. And the Terrorcons were some of my favorite toys in the 80s.

Seibertron - Hascon 2017. Again, I continue with my favorites having opposing views. The event had a lot of love behind it, is full of untapped potential, and was an awesome family event. However, it was missing a lot of love, was full of untapped potential, and was a very absurdly expensive family event. Like I said, I'm torn. But at the end of the toy, it was a really unique brand experience, the Hasbro family of employees were there with smiles and showing fans of their brands much love, just as fans were showing their love and appreciation of the brands that made us. I look forward to seeing what Hasbro does with this at Hascon 2019 as well as any other possible incarnations that might come out of it.

megatronus - HASCON! That's right, Hasbro's very first fan convention was a smashing success and an all-around great time. As a Marvel Legends & Star Wars Black Series collector, it was awesome to have an opportunity to interact with all my favorite toy brands at one show. I had equal opportunities to meet the legendary Mark Boudreaux, an old guard Kenner designer who has been with the Star Wars brand for 40 years, as well as Ben Montano and John Warden, keepers of the Transformers brand. At the end of the day, it's great to have a toy-oriented convention geared towards experiences, as well as a convention that skews equal parts fans and families. Hascon was unique in its own way, and though I'm sad it is not yet an annual affair, I very much look forward to what 2019 brings for the convention.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

william-james88 - This is easy, probably the easiest of all of these. Earlier this year, Seibertron himself asked if I would be interested in covering a story in Vancouver for the Forged to Fight game. I accepted right away and for this brief moment I became a full on jet-setting reporter. I absolutely loved the experience and the people I met, which included the artist for Transformers packaging from Armada to now). It was thanks to Seibertron and I wish to thank him again for it.

WreckerJack - Going to Cybfest 2017 and meeting a lot of really awesome people. It was great to connect with other fans and an old friend of mine. (And we scored some awesome loose figures from years past, along with some art!) It was a journey to get there but it was really worth it to be a part of the fan community in person rather than online. I loved every minute of it.

Bronzewolf - 1. I gave my first Transformers/Toy industry Convention Panel at this year's Fort Collins Comic Con in Colorado. It was SO MUCH fun, and the audience was great. I really hope to come back next year, and I've already applied to present at Denver Comic Con in 2018, which is one of the biggest conventions in the country. So stay tuned!

2. Being on the Seibertron Twincast Podcast! I've always wanted to be a part of the Twincast, and I finally got the opportunity to this year! ScottyP and megatronus were great, extremely nice, and whatever nerves I had instantly went away. It was one of my favorite times of 2017, and I really hope to do it again sometime soon!

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

ScottyP - At TFcon USA 2017, I hatched a diabolical plan along with fellow Twincasters Counterpunch and Razorclaw0000. You didn't find Cyberutopia, did you? No. No, you did not. I don't want to hear it.

Counterpunch - That girl at TFCON who yelled, "What the F is wrong with you?!?" upon seeing our "GETAWAY WAS RIGHT" shirts. It was the principle of the thing, lady.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Va'al - For me, it's a toss up between two things: a comics theme (and surprising no one), Mairghread Scott using my portmanteau for Dead Bumblebee in Till All Are One - aka Bumbleghost - as 'canon'. She said so. I don't make the rules, this is now the truth.

Or, the various moments we've had of complete and utter wholesome idiocy in the Energon Pub. Like the pun-a-thon that led to the creation of Va'alcanicus, for which I blame Qwan. Or the one Bronzewolf and I had during Transformersmas. You get the gist.


Whew.. we're almost at the end of this looong trip through memories of a year just passed. If you're still with us, take a look at some Bad Comedy (geddit).

And finally...


What are you looking forward to in 2018 for Transformers?

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

william-james88 - Leader Class Optimus Primal, Leader Class Blackout and Masterpiece Dinobot.

D-Maximus_Prime - I would have to say some of the Masterpieces and tail end legends guys. MP-40 grabbed my attention and has started my desire to collect Targetmaster MPs, and MPM-5 Barricade and MP-41 Dinobot are on the horizon too. Legends G2 Megatron also looks like a killer, and that "Megatron Rules!" sticker has me hooked. But the Prime Masters and beast combiners also have my interest for the coming year as well. It looks like it will be another good one!

Sigma Magnus - Masterpiece Dinobot, the Bumblebee movie, IDW Unicron, and the reveal of what comes after Power of the Primes.

Bounti76 - If the rest of POTP is as good as the already revealed figures, I am IN for the entire line, with only minor exceptions.

Burn - Power of the Primes stuff locally would be nice.
Hopefully finally taking possession of MP-36 Megatron as well.

I don't expect much for 2018, but I do foresee a lot of sneak peaks and reveals for 2019.

Qwan - As an Australian, I'm mostly just looking forward to being able to buy Power of the Primes toys in a reasonable manner :roll: . That aside however, I also like the look of the Studio Series toyline, and the Cyberverse cartoon has me cautiously optimistic too! Of course, anything Transformers is a good thing for me, so all I can say is: bring on 2018! I may not be ready, but you can be sure I'm excited for it.

megatronus - Honestly? Evolution Decepticons. We've got 3 Autobot/Maximal Evolutions announced, and I'm highly anticipating a Beast Wars Megatron that evolves into Transmetals 2 Megatron, or a 'Breastforce'-type character that evolves into Deathsaurus. If they can execute those concepts properly, I will forgive the poor execution of the Dinobots, and the poorly rates Combiner Wars-style figures we've received in the Power of the Primes line up to this point.

Counterpunch - I'm looking forward to a return to focus. What I mean by that is with RiD done and TLK in hindsight, all this unloved product on shelves can hit the old dusty trail and get out of my life.

There are some really good things coming around both in the Generations line and movie world. I'm looking forward to seeing these featured and not lost among the flotsam and jetsam of our beloved franchise.

Also, Grand Max.

Bronzewolf - MOAR DINOBOTS. Seriously, I think Hasbro pretty much knocked it out of the park with Swoop, Slash and Slag, and I can't wait to complete the set. I'm also looking forward to the Femmbots, as it's been an extremely long time coming for them. POTP seems to be the line of figures that are finally getting a true update, and I'm totally on board.

WreckerJack - I am very interested for Power of the Primes. Combiner Wars and Titans Return have had consistently good. They are almost always well engineered which gives me positive expectations. I already like the looks of the ones I have seen so far.

I also want to see the characters from Power of the Primes get more time in the comics so we get to know them more. I always tend to gravitate towards figures of characters I know and appreciate. When a figure is of good quality and is well detailed, being fond of the character it represents really seals the deal for me.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

ScottyP - IDW's Unicron story. Maybe it's the end, maybe it's not. Maybe 2019 brings a reboot of the Tranformers comics for the first time since 2005. While I hope that isn't the case, if it is, then this is the story to go out on. Five and a half years, give or take a few months, led to his reveal and if you think the signs weren't there I will fight you. This is great timing to move the story along to another chapter, and with so many new characters introduced lately and the body count of 1984 cast growing, I'm ready for our Beast Wars/Armada/G2 dreams to become reality.

Plus, this story proves I was wrong about Rung all along, and I probably deserve that for coming up with a crappy fan theory in the first place.

Transformers News: 2017 Year in Review - Rethink the Past...

Seibertron - The Bumblebee movie. It will either be a turning point or an ending point. If it does well, new life could be breathed into a Michael Bay-less Bayverse, but if it does poorly, I suspect that it will mark the end of the Bayverse. Time will tell. Hopefully with a smaller cast of actors and robots, a real story about the Transformers will surface that is full of emotion, characterization, and a sensical story that everyone can follow this time around. I really enjoyed Hailee Steinfeld in the Edge of Seventeen movie, a flick I highly recommend others watch, which I saw not long before it was announced she was going to star alongside Bumblebee. I look forward to seeing what she can bring to the film, and if it has some edginees like Edge of Seventeen, I'll be sold on the movie. Time will tell. It'll be interesting to see what we all think of the movie around this time next year. Almost forgot this point: Bumblebee will be a Beetle! Can't wait to see the toys that come out of this. I'm still hoping for a more G1 look in robot mode than a Bumblebee Camaro look. for me, Va'al? I'm not sure, to be honest with you all. This is a strange moment in my investment in Transformers, and though I am content with where I am, something is niggling at the back of my head. Maybe 2018 - and Battletrap / Roadslash, along with the Transformers episode of The Toys That Made Us - will ease it. Oh! Though I am planning to attend SDCC in person with Seibertron, rather than through his phone on videocalls. We'll see where that leads when the time comes. :)

And of course, the new redesign awaits us all.

For those of you who reached the end of this very long piece, I hope you enjoyed the writings and musings of the staff of, and the editorial interventions that totally did not occur anywhere at all. How was your 2017 in Transformers? Any categories jump to your eye, and want to share your thoughts? Any wish or prediction for the year just started?

Share your thoughts in the Energon Pub discussion, and be excellent to each other.

Till All Are One

Top 5 Marvel Comics Transformers G1 Decepticon Leaders

Transformers News: Top 5 Marvel Comics Transformers G1 Decepticon Leaders
Date: Saturday, October 21st 2017 3:40pm CDT
Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top Lists
Posted by: Kurona

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Views: 69,381

Every two weeks, brings you a Top 5 list related to all things Transformers, written by a fellow Seibertronian. These are our personal opinions (just like movie or game reviews hosted by sites are still just the opinion of one person) so what matters most is what you guys think of the topic or list, and I hope to see your own lists or comments on omissions and ranking. Let's have fun! All previous lists can be found here.

Top 5 Marvel Comics Decepticon Leaders

When it comes to Transformers, leadership is usually fairly straightforward. Optimus Prime leads the Autobots, and Megatron leads the Decepticons. On rare ocassions someone might have to temporarily fill the role for them like Ultra Magnus or Starscream; and back in the 80s cartoon Rodimus Prime and Galvatron got a very long run of it. But in the original Transformers comics by Marvel, straightforward is the last word you could use to describe the seat of command -- deaths, power struggles and plotting behind the scenes were aplenty in both factions; leading to a much more varied and ever-changing selection of faction Leaders for avid fans of the comic. And so today, we're going to count down the Top 5 Leaders of the Decepticons in the Marvel comics. Focusing on the US side of things with only a tinge of UK material, let's dig right in and see on whose shoulder Laserbeak deserves to sit most.

5. Bludgeon

Transformers News: Top 5 Marvel Comics Decepticon Leaders

Bludgeon, admittedly, doesn't get a lot of time in the driver's seat. With the post of Decepticon Leader left an open vacancy after the thrilling epic Edge of Extinction, the new leader only has a handful of issues to prove his worth before the comic's unfortunate end at Issue 80 -- and it's impressive to see how easily Bludgeon throws himself into the role. Immediately appointing a second-in-command and usurping the Autobots' attempts at peace before sneakily taking all the working shuttles off-world, he successfully leads an invasion of an innocent planet and personally chopping down a handful of Grimlock-led Autobots himself. His limited panel-time as leader is what lands him so low on the list, but what he does with that time still impresses me enough to give him a spot.

4. Ratbat

It's very difficult to leave this guy off the table when talking about unique Decepticon Leaders. While usually we see a powerhouse like Straxus or Galvatron take control, it's certainly different to see a small Cassette take command of the main Decepticon forces. Not content with just being unique in stature, Ratbat sees fit to employ a unique command structure as well; focusing all his efforts on saving and conserving energy after deeming the earth-bound Decepticons' fuel consumption to be inefficient. While he usually had to share the role with Shockwave or Scorponok and only got the spotlight to himself for a short time, he nevertheless struck an impact with his unique approach and his characterisation would prove to be inspiring enough to get echoed in the likes of IDW and the Aligned continuity.

Transformers News: Top 5 Marvel Comics Decepticon Leaders

3. Thunderwing

Marvel saw fit to go all-out when it came to unique styles of leadership. From Grimlock's ruthlessness to Ratbat's fuel conservation... to Thunderwing's addiction. While he only steals a small squad of Decepticons rather than assuming control of the entire faction, Thunderwing still proved to be probably the most terrifying Decepticon leader in the comics since Galvatron. Driven by his obsession for the Autobots' sacred Creation Matrix, having the power to back it up and not caring a jot for the units under his command other than a means to an end, the Mega Pretender fought as a one-man army against everyone in his way and winning every time - and actually succeeded where Megatron continually fails in obtaining his coveted Creation Matrix. How better can it be put than the High Councillors who named him leader in the UK comic -- "You exhibited single-mindedness, ruthlessness and fighting prowess! The perfect qualities for leadership!"

Transformers News: Top 5 Marvel Comics Decepticon Leaders

2. Scorponok

On the face of things, Scorponok might seem fairly basic for a Decepticon leader. He's big, he's powerful, he's mean, he's shouty; everything you'd expect from your standard 'con in control. And, in fact, he does start off like that when we first see him on Cybertron - but then we introduce the human factor.

Transformers News: Top 5 Marvel Comics Decepticon Leaders

The Headmaster gimmick is something that is always criticised as being very confusing in both toys and the G1 cartoon, but I will always applaud how the Marvel comics handled it; clearly showing a distinct bond and melding of minds that when focused upon can make for some truly compelling characterisation, especially when Marvel was so good at characterising its humans. And it is Zarak - Scorponok's Headmaster - that really makes this Decepticon Leader work. As the comics go on, we keep seeing subtle little hints that Scorponok's bloodthirstiness is being quelled and reined in by Zarak's more calm and intellectual mind. Forging truces; eventually coming round to seeing Optimus Prime's concerns about Unicron -- and even, finally, making the ultimate sacrifice near the end of the comic. Scorponok is an entertaining Decepticon Leader on his own, but it's the binary bonding that truly lands him a spot so high on this list.

1. Megatron

Megatron, much like Scorponok, seems like just your standard Decepticon leader at first sight. Much like early Scorponok, all the bullet points are there -- he's a lot more ruthless and intelligent than his cartoon counterpart to be sure, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's an incredible character on its own.

So what makes this one stand out from the rest? What nets Megatron the Number 1 spot? His burgeoning insanity. It's clear right from the start, but with each issue we see more and more of Megatron's sick, twisted mind and every major loss and event drives him further and further into a pit of despair. Constant power struggles with Shockwave and blows to his dignity and power in battles with the Autobots contribute to a shattered psyche that finally culminates when his eternal foe, Optimus Prime; dies -- and not at his hands. In Gone But Not Forgotten - a story this user considers to be one of the best of Marvel's Transformers stories - we see the end result of this madness as a space bridge catastrophe orchestrated by Shockwave finally brings death to the babbling madman, brought about by his own crippling insanity.

Transformers News: Top 5 Marvel Comics Decepticon Leaders

Honourable mentions:

Shockwave is usually the one that most minds drift to when someone thinks of alternate Decepticon Leaders in the Marvel comics, so his not being on the list may be surprising. It is, quite simply, because this reader found the 5 on the list to be more entertaining characters -- but that's not to say Shockwave doesn't deserve a mention, far from it. When he takes over from Megatron it turns the Decepticons into a very intimidating and formidable fighting force; a logical, well-oiled and efficient machine committed purely to expanding their forces and their fuel resources before moving on to domination. While later issues wouldn't portray him as solidly, Shockwave's original Decepticon Leadership was still pretty damn impressive.

Transformers News: Top 5 Marvel Comics Decepticon Leaders

Soundwave is a very interesting character when it concerns Decepticon leadership, though moreso when he's pulling the strings and mediating between power struggles rather than assuming full command. He's a constant presence all throughout the comic; always somehow surviving and always taking up a main role among the Decepticons. And, rest assured, he does get his own run of the place in a few UK future timeline stories -- which are absolutely glorious. Soundwave superior!

Transformers News: Top 5 Marvel Comics Decepticon Leaders

Leader vs Voyager: Which is the Better Megatron Figure from Transformers: The Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the Better Megatron Figure from Transformers: The Last Knight
Date: Sunday, August 13th 2017 9:09am CDT
Categories: Movie Related News, Site Articles, Editorials
Posted by: william-james88

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Views: 60,607

In the previous movie toyline, Age of Extinction, the debate was on which was the better Grimlock since he was the only character with two new toys in the collector oriented line in two different classes. However, both were mediocre so it was more of a question of which wasn't as bad. But now with The Last Knight's Megatron, it's the reverse with two really awesome looking toys. But which is best?

I will break it down through categories and pick a winner, based on what I feel and read online from you guys, and then we will all say our preference in the forums. Sound good?

Jet Mode:

The leader definitely wins by having some kibble free wings in jet mode. Having those flame effects in the back is a really nice touch too. it is quite an imposing jet. The back of the jet is also cleaner than the voyager which has the robot shoulders there looking asymmetrical. The fact that the wings on the leader have no kibble underneath them really makes the jet look sleek and adds to the alt mode's distinctiveness from the robot mode. The alt mode of TLK Megatron is a gorgeous jet design and the leader is a better representation of it.

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Robot Mode:

This one is a toss up with the leader edging out the voyager by just a bit. The leader has more dedicated parts for the robot mode with the jet kibble relegated to the back and on the arm cannon while the voyager has some fuselage doubling (unconvincingly) as part of the knight skirt and jet wings wrapped around the robot legs. But that also means he has a cleaner back, more alt mode integration (which I can't be mad about) and a cannon that looks fully dedicated to the robot mode. The arms on the voyager are better since the forearms are sleeker. The leader's standard arm pose gives you gorilla arms but you can adjust that with the wrist swivel, which gives you a giant hole and unseemly wide forearms.

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Speaking of articulation, both give you a decent range. The leader even has double jointed knees if you use a transformation hinge but after seeing the images below you might not use it for the robot mode. The leader does something else that I did not notice until having him in hand, the sleekness of the torso, as it tapers down, is hampered by the backpack. Meaning that you don't get that nice shape at the midsection and instead it looks like those u convincing Power Rangers zords where they draw a sleeker body on a rectangle and make the collector/child pretend it's not there. Also, the leader ends up with a crotch hole ala MP 10, which the voyager does not have. With all these knocks against the leader, you would think the voyager would win this easily but I really like how good the leader's robot mode looks with the face mask and how clean the robot mode is. Point goes to the leader.

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight


The leader clearly has more gimmicks than the voyager. All the voyager has is light piping (eyes and "gills"), which is something absent in the leader figure and actually works well enough on the voyager. You get a cool evil look with it. Now the leader's gimmicks are both its pro and con. Yes, the facemask is really cool but for that to work you end up with a really derpy looking mouth when the mask isn't deployed. You also get a weak spring loaded feature for the front of the jet to come undone and it is as annoying as Leader Optimus' spring loaded swords. Sometimes too much is like not enough and I would rather not get a gimmick than a poorly executed one. The face mask is still cool but the fact that I hesitate to transform the leader just because of how annoying that bit will be means I prefer the voyager for keeping things 100.

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight


As just said, the retracted chin on the leader doesn't look good and makes him look more derpy than menacing. Almost reminds me of Sloth from the Goonies. Voyager wins this one.

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight


The voyager wins here by a landslide. Both toys go for a very different look with the silver deco and I fail to understand why. The voyager uses the silver as a way to subtly add to the layering of the armour. Its a nice effect that seems to only work on the naked eye. What is baffling is that the leader uses silver paint to instead give a weathered or battle damaged look. It is blotchy and not uniform and looks random.

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Arm Cannon:

Oddly enough, I find the voyager's a tad bit too small. It's maybe movie accurate but it doesn't look very threatening. The Leader's is way too big. The fire effect is super cool and I am able to pose him the right way so that the weight is evenly carried across the toy, but it still looks very big. I give both of them major props for avoiding the partsforming route.

In the end, the Voyager wins here but not by much.

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight


This is the big one. I much prefer the Voyager's transformation since I much prefer unfolding panels instead of the panel forming and massaging you have to do with the leader (in the back portion of the jet). There is more of a shell aspect with the leader which the voyager doesn't have since almost every part of the robot mode is reused for the jet mode. Also, the first step they give you for the leader is to transform the nosecone from the cannon which is a terrible idea. It will surely keep getting undone as you keep transforming since it is spring loaded. The voyager is really a joy to convert from one mode to the next. Nothing gets in the way too much and there isn't anything annoying. It is also far more intuitive and there is no need to exert pressure anywhere. My leader already has some stretch marks where the nosecone tabs into the forearms.

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

While the voyager wins out most of the categories it is still a tough call when the ones the leader wins is when it comes to the best looking modes. In the end, its all about what you want best. If you will be transforming these often, the voyager is the way to go. But if you just want to pose him, the leader works better since he is far more screen accurate. However, you wouldn't be able to pose him with anyone since the only other toy in his scale in this line is the inaccurate Optimus Prime leader. Still, I can't say this pic below isn't awesome and I don't regret getting both.

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Transformers News: Leader vs Voyager: Which is the better Megatron Figure from Transformers the Last Knight

Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Easy Transformations

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Easy Transformations
Date: Saturday, August 12th 2017 8:14am CDT
Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top Lists
Posted by: william-james88

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Views: 77,585

Every two weeks, brings you a Top 5 list related to all things Transformers written by me, your fellow editor. These are my opinions (just like movie or game reviews hosted by sites are still just the opinion of one person) so what matters most is what you guys think of the topic or list, and I hope to see your own lists or comments on omissions and ranking. Let's have fun! All previous lists can be found here.

Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Easy Transformations

While many fans loved the complexity of the Revenge of the Fallen line, parents were not as enthused and eventually, the Age of Extinction Toyline came with a publicized push by Hasbro to simplify the transformation process of Transformers toys. They claimed it was both to bring it back to the brand’s basics and to be more appealing to kids and this idea of toys being simpler has stuck in he current collector landscape. While I love my complex transformations as much as the next fan, I actually thought this was all smoke and no fire. Not simply because complex and articulated Transformers didn’t disappear, and not just because we’ve had one step Transformers since G1’s Twintwist and Topspin, but because I believe easier Transformers can sometimes yield great designs that are just as hard to pull off as more complex transformations. An easy transformation doesn’t necessarily mean that the engineering is lacking and sometimes overcomplicating a transformer can yield terrible results (which is what the majority thinks of Universe Galvatron). All I want to show with this list is that there can be great style and a lot of fun resulting from easy transformations and I wanted to give the best examples of that. My only rule here is that it had to be less than 5 main steps (not including posing) to see the robot mode. This isn't necessarily about simplified toys or one steps, that could be another list of its own. Here, I was looking for awesome toys that you could transform extremely fast that even a young fan with a small attention span would appreciate and marvel at.

5. Transformers Animated Activators Seekers

These are one step transformers, for the most part, and are a lot of fun. The seeker mold has the best robot mode of this class, which makes up for the sub par jet mode, and it is loaded with articulation for that size. It really reminds me of the spring loaded Best Wars Basics which had just as much articulation as the deluxes. With all the lovely ball joints, this seeker mold even puts more recent attempts at Legends sized seekers to shame in terms of the amount of articulation and poseability.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Easy Transformations

4. Transformers G1 1984 Optimus Prime (Convoy)

When Hasbro said they were taking the property back to basics, I thought of what that meant and looked at my G1s. I could totally see what they meant. Transformer toys of the past were far easier than what they became in the ROTF line (hyperbole, right? But that’s the point) but I think they still look great in their own way. I grew up with the beautifully articulated Beast Wars figures and yet I can still see the great style of G1 and appreciate them as the fun toys they are. Blocky maybe, but it really sells the robot esthetic and even better, the robot in disguise aesthetic with the great alt mode integration of the early licensed diaclone toys. Optimus Prime (Battle Convoy) is the best example of this, and he transforms in just 4 steps (which includes part forming).

1.Bring down the legs and feet
2.Pull out the arms and shoulders
3.Flip the head
4. Plug in some fists (if you still have them)
And voila!

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Easy Transformations

It’s simple but really smart, especially the arms taking part of the front of the truck with them, giving Optimus a slimmer figure in the abdominal area that lines up with where the legs begin. And while he looks like a blocky robot, the alt mode is impeccable with no notion of robot kibble (it helps that his hands are just accessories). Also, let me reiterate, less than 5 steps!

3. Transformers Beast Wars Terrorsaur

To be frank, I could have picked any of the basic beast wars figures since they are all as good and as smart, so feel free to substitute this entry with your favourite of the basic spring loaded beast wars one step figures. Terrorsaur is a tad more special than the others to me since he was my first Transformer and, along with Rattrap, this was the only class to have a toy of the show character. And while I did complain about the size as a kid, I didn’t complain about the transformation (and no one complained about the show accuracy in the beast wars line, it wasn’t part of the fandom’s lexicon yet and I was just glad my Terrorsaur didn’t have a mutant head). The transformation was actually pretty smart and I believe it even beats the more recent Pretodactyle mold we got, Age of Extinction’s Strafe. Unlike Strafe, Terrorsaur’s head isn’t visible in Beast Mode even if you flip him to see the undercarriage, and the robot hands are hidden as well, transforming into the beast mode feet. I still find that hand transformation ingenious to this day. It’s so simple how the beast mode feet are panels that just flip onto the forearms and disappear in robot mode. You can count that as a step if you are so inclined, since it’s a great step, but he is principally a one step transformer since the entire robot mode comes to view once you unhook the beast mode head and let the spring do the work.
And voila:

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Easy Transformations

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Easy Transformations
Transformers Beast Wars Iguanus (Crazybolt) Gallery

2. Transformers Beast Wars Cybershark

He was my favourite to transform as a kid because I marveled at how fast it was to go from these two totally distinct beast and robot modes. Unlike Terrorsaur above, there wasn’t a spring involved, this was a deluxe, and neither his arms nor legs appeared in robot mode. His fully articulated limbs only appear in robot mode and you get there in just 3 steps once you remove his tail (which you also must do with the three step Robots in Disguise Grimlock).
1.Open the shark’s underbelly/shell
2.Flip the newly revealed legs to the front end of the toy
3.Flip the shark head down
And voila:
Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Easy Transformations

A beautiful robot mode with some decent alt mode integration (the shark’s head!) with one of the best headsculpts and decos of the beast era. He is also full of weapons and hidden projectiles (the sharks’s head!). This is by no means a design that lacks engineering, or inventiveness, especially considering that the beast mode is a realistic shark that has no arms or legs. And yet it’s super simple and fun to transform. I didn’t feel cheated then and I sure don’t feel it now. For a simple comparison, the Transmetal II version was made far more complicated to transform and the result doesn’t hold a candle to the initial cybershark who is far more sleek, giving him the look of the swift, sharp and skilled killer he is (or was in my imagination).

1. Transformers Cybertron Hot Shot (Excellion)

This figure is astounding compared to today's toys in terms of heft, deco and sculpting. It's a deluxe class figure with an excellent amount of articulation, but do you know how many steps it takes to transform it? Only four. Five if you have to turn his head for it to face the right direction.
1. Pull the rear of the car back.
2. Flip the rear vents up to form the robot feet.
3. Swing the sides of the car out while pulling them down, splitting the front of the car.
4. Rotate the cockpit, and accompanying top of the car, 180.
(5. Turn the robot head around if it's not facing the right way)
And voila!

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Easy Transformations

This can be performed in 10 seconds, with no hyperbole. And that's it. The transformation is so simplistic and elementary, yet results in an impressively articulated figure with some fun non-inhibiting gimmick features. The simplicity in the toy is a result of the robot mode using the very same parts from the alt mode but in a way that the kibble is no longer visible, giving way to a robot mode with detail that was never found before.
Just look at how little of the alt mode shows up in the robot mode:

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Easy Transformations
Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Easy Transformations

And yet, the robot mode uses parts from the car mode, making him still sleek with a nice amount of bulk and heft. This toy simply amazes me. I love the alt mode being a Cybertronian Lambourghini. Design is two fold; it is the look of the figure as well as its engineering. And this guy works that way. The simple engineering means you can have a swift conversion from 2 modes that look nothing like one another. Think about it guys, this is what Hasbro is trying to hard to achieve right now with simplistic transformation. But this is it done right. It is truly a figure for all ages (it's my 11 year old cousin's favourite toy, she usually finds transformers too complicated).
And the style of the figure is something to behold. Speaking of head sculpts, this is probably one of my all time favourites, there is so much detail and sculpting. You have four colours playing off one another on this head design with different kinds of plastic as well, giving it a unique look while also hearkening back to a very old school robot look. And speaking of hearkening back, his gimmick is that he becomes an homage to Hotrod.

Sure, he isn't perfect. He has a big buttflap, the doors don't retract across his arms and the legs are quite bulky but to me this is just part of the design and intention to make him quick to convert while using as much as the kibble as possible in the robot mode (ie the legs ad doors).
This was the last line before the movie happened, and the very last states side line which used Takara for design and not just engineering. It was like a last hurrah for the classic transformer design, yet flipped on its head (or upside down, as is the case with this toy). It's just great.

And once again, check out that headsculpt!

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Easy Transformations
Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Easy Transformations

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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #349 - Agent of Chaos
Twincast / Podcast #349:
"Agent of Chaos"
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Posted: Saturday, May 4th, 2024

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