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70 total news articles in this section, 10 per page. Interviews IDW Artist Sara Pitre-Durocher

Date: Saturday, December 19th 2015 12:24pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News, Site Articles, People News, Interviews
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Sara Pitre-Durocher, Va'al

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Views: 87,807 returns once more to interview the latest addition to the IDW creative teams, in light of the work that has already appeared and will return in the Spring - Camiens, Cybertronians and other colonists, please welcome Sara Pitre-Durocher, cover artist, interiors on Combiner Hunters and The Transformers, and soon to be appearing on Till All Are One!

Transformers News: Interviews IDW Artist Sara Pitre-Durocher

Va'al - Sara, thank you for taking the time to talk to us, even across a screen and at a continent's distance. It's truly a pleasure. I believe the best place to start, for everyone to get to know you, is from the very beginning: how did Transformers first enter your life?

Sara - My pleasure! Thanks for having me!

I was raised in the late 80s with an older brother so Transformers were constantly a part of my life's background as a kid. I didn't particularly care for them back then (I was more intent on liking different things than my brother, really) but some of the classic scenes from the first few episodes, which he had recorded on tape and played in loop every moment of every day, really left an impression on me. As in I could almost quote the episodes when I watched them many years later.

Transformers News: Interviews IDW Artist Sara Pitre-Durocher

When Beast Wars came on (well... Beasties, I mean) I was a fan, but Transformers Prime is really what got me hooked on everything Transformers.

Va'al - That is a peculiar, but also familiar, triple way of getting into the fiction! Was there any other form of the franchise that made into your home, alongside the series? Any toys, comics, stickers, posters - or was that a much later thing too?

Sara - Oh yeah, it absolutely took over almost instantly. It wasn't long before I started doing research on past Transformers series, animated or otherwise. I watched the '86 movie before watching G1, so that was a bit confusing but amazing at the same time? I read as many old comics as I could get my hands on and caught up with IDW's.

Transformers News: Interviews IDW Artist Sara Pitre-Durocher

My toy collection is a never-ending work in progress, but I have a few shelves filled up now. My wardrobe didn't escape the giant-robot-makeover, either..! It eventually got to a point where I wanted the franchise to take over my professional life as well.

Va'al - So during your 'gotta catch em all' time as a fan and researcher of sorts, what was the one thing that stood out? Did you love any of the parts of the franchise specifically (toys over comics, comics over cartoons), or was it all-encompassing?

Sara - I really had to think about this one and haven't been able to come up with a proper answer, so I suppose that means I just love everything equally? (I almost feel like a parent being asked which of my kids I like the best..!) But really, each part of the franchise satisfies a different need, and I find myself just as excited for a new episode to come out, a new comic, a new figure or new game...! It's just really inspiring to see what's being created with these characters, in whatever shape or form.

Transformers News: Interviews IDW Artist Sara Pitre-Durocher

In a way I think it's important for me to stay updated on all of these too, to get a vibe of what other fans are into and what they're hoping for next.

Va'al - It's always good to see that even fans who make it to the professional level remain attached to their nature as fan! In terms of your professional life, how did that come about? Did you set yourself the goal of working with Transformers, and art came later, or did you start as an artist, and brought Transformers into it?

Sara - I honestly never imagined that my life would ever take this turn. When I decided to pursue art about 13 years ago, my original "plan" was just to work hard, make art, and somehow make a living out of it. I was never working up to an objective or anything.

When I got properly acquainted with Transformers, it's like a little light went off; I HAD to work on it. Anything. And I won't lie, a lot of this has to do with a good sense of timing and just pure luck, since at the time that I got the courage to ask my boss (at Volta, Concept art studio) if it would be possible to look for work for the Transformers Franchise, DeNA's Transformers Legends was just starting its production. It pretty much all stemmed from there; Hasbro, who had seen our work on the game, then contacted us to work on coloring their packaging and marketing art. I art-directed on colors for both projects, and painted quite a lot myself as well.

Transformers News: Interviews IDW Artist Sara Pitre-Durocher

Eventually I set my sights on the comics; at first I just wanted to do variant covers, but when John Barber asked if I'd be interested in doing interior art as well I jumped on the opportunity! So at this point it has really switched around; before, art came first and I introduced Transformers to it, but now I feel like I just want to work for the franchise as much as I can, in any medium.

Va'al - That is a really cool story, and spanning so many incarnations of the franchise already. As a concept artist, and the hands behind the Torchbearers designs, what is your peak Transformers fan/artist moment?

Sara - Oh boy, that's a tough one. There are so many moments that have left huge impressions on me, but I think the best is when I walked into the convention center at San Diego Comic Con this summer, and a lot of work I had done in the past year was displayed everywhere at the Hasbro booth. Combiner Hunters premiered at the event as well, so it was just a whole bunch of my Transformers work everywhere at once..! It was kind of overwhelming but...yeah, the best.

Va'al - So now that you're in the IDW realm, how does it feel to be working with the brand and the people associated with it? Are there any big differences between, say, John Barber and Mairghread Scott (for writing), or Josh Perez and Yamaishi (for colouring)?

Sara - It's been really great so far, everyone's very supportive and encouraging. I expected to feel like the new kid at school trying to fit in with all the popular kids (and still I kinda do) but they were quick to welcome me to the IDW family! I can't wait to meet everyone in person so we can create our own secret handshakes.

Transformers News: Interviews IDW Artist Sara Pitre-Durocher
This is what it probably looks like

As for John and Mairghread, they both work in a way that makes my life really easy; they give precise scripts and panel descriptions while still giving me some breathing space for my own artistic input. Working with Yamaishi and Josh has been even easier, I just let them work their magic...! They have very strikingly different coloring styles but both manage to bring so much life and emotion through the pages, it's really amazing to see.

Va'al - So the next thing planned is Till All Are One, continuing the Windblade and ex-colonies stories. What should we expect from the series? Is there anything you can tell us already, or are excited about seeing in print?

Sara - Not sure how much I can say about the ongoing, but so far I've been loving the diversity of the cast I get to play with. Each colony represented in the new Council of Worlds is so unique and has its own set of values, so there will certainly be some culture clash going on there. It certainly doesn't help that Starscream's still being his usual charming Starscream-y self.

Transformers News: Interviews IDW Artist Sara Pitre-Durocher
Sneak preview!

I'm mostly looking forward to the development of that thing we see at the end of Windblade. You know the thing. With those characters? Yeah.

Va'al - Ah, yes, that will be brutiful, to say the least! Are there any other projects you're currently working on, or about to take on with the new year - Transformers-related or otherwise?

Sara - My main project right now is just to adjust to this new lifestyle; working on comics from home is much different from the 8 to 5 office job I'd gotten used to for the past 10 years..! That includes trying to make it to a bunch of conventions next year, and get some prints ready. I really have no idea where to start, but thankfully I have other IDW buddies helping out! Other than that I'm hoping to get a shot at covers for some of the other IDW comics. I'd particularly love to work on a TMNT one, but we'll see!

Va'al - Sara, we wish you all the best in your shapeshifting robot and mutant turtle-shaped futures! Is there anything you want to add for our readers? Anywhere they can find and follow more of your work?

Sara - Thank you so much!

There's a Facebook page for my art and other Transformers news, like conventions and commissions and such, at I do my best to stay up to date on there, but I'll more often post art on my tumblr account,, or at my Twitter, @saralepew.

It's mostly really dumb, but hey. :D

Va'al - We'll make sure readers know! It has been a pleasure, and thank you for taking the time to have this chat with us. Looking forward to more robots, more stories and more covers in the near future.

Sara - Awesome, thanks so much!! It was my pleasure!

Make sure to follow Sara's work across the ongoings, and prepare to see her art again in Till All Are One in the new year! Thank you all for reading, and let us know what you think of the interview in the Energon Pub. For, this is Va'al, signing out.

Twincast / Podcast Episode #129 "Nick Roche Talks Sins of the Wreckers"

Date: Tuesday, October 27th 2015 6:01pm CDT
Categories: Site News, People News, Digital Media News, Interviews, Podcast
Posted by: ScottyP

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Welcome to the latest episode of the Twincast / Podcast. This special episode has Scotty P and Seibertron's News Administrator Va'al chatting with IDW Transformers comic author Nick Roche.

Episode #129 "Nick Roche Talks Sins of the Wreckers" is available directly and in our RSS Feed and should appear on iTunes and Stitcher Radio within 24 to 48 hours of when you see this news post.

Yes, you read right, this episode is all about the upcoming Transformers: Sins of the Wreckers from IDW Comics, and the author himself joins us to talk about the book and what it might bring readers. First up though, we'll tackle the truly hard questions about hotels and hard "ch" sounds.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #129 "Nick Roche Talks Sins of the Wreckers"
Every interview and article with him uses this photo and it's really old but it's a good stock photo and we have to keep the joke alive.

The conception of the book is discussed next, as we learn what might have been in the past had this book come sooner. Why is it coming out now, and how heavy do our expectations weigh on its creator? Answers lie within the show, but we can go ahead and tell you that after this segment, you'll want to pretend it was good even if it turns out otherwise.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #129 "Nick Roche Talks Sins of the Wreckers"
It was always destiny.

You may have noticed some familiar characters from other IDW Transformers titles in both previews, covers, and solicitations for Sins of the Wreckers. Nick lets us know what books you should read before, what books you should read during, and even sheds some light on how toys relate to IDW's plans.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #129 "Nick Roche Talks Sins of the Wreckers"
Could've left off this black paint if it weren't for con exclusives.

Stakeout, Kup, and Wreckerleaks take center stage next. Why is Stakeout involved, and what might he have been doing all this time in the background? What's a "Wreckerleak" anyway? Does this megalomaniac author have any remorse for the torture of Kup? Find out these answers, plus what Prowl may or may not know already. Whatever you do, be sure to brush up on the IDW iteration of Kup before the release of Sins of the Wreckers.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #129 "Nick Roche Talks Sins of the Wreckers"
You mean you didn't read Spotlight: Kup?

It's well known already that one of the most popular human characters from IDW Transformers will make an appearance once again in Roche's upcoming mini-series. Will Verity die? Like he could tell us now if we asked! You will find out more about her involvement, as well as Roadbuster's appearance, Whirl's lack of one, and even a bit about the color work on the book set to come our way from the one and only Josh Burcham.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #129 "Nick Roche Talks Sins of the Wreckers"
All her fault? Basically, yeah. Maybe Prowl's too.

The mood of the landscapes in the book comes into play next in our discussion. Everything goes well until John Barber out-Christmases us, so then we just play sing-along with The Audio Knights Theatre and the interview ends. Only one of the things in this paragraphs actually happens, but tuning in will explain the insanity of the rest of it!

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #129 "Nick Roche Talks Sins of the Wreckers"
The last metroid is in captivity. The galaxy, is at peace.

The Transformers talk starts to wind down, but before we leave it, we ask Nick about his chance to write one of IDW's most complex characters: Arcee. Did he want her around for a reason, or was this just happenstance due to events in other books? Or is it really just a case of picking up Mr. Barber's daughter for the dance? Unlike the last paragraph of this post, the questions posed here do get answered in the show.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #129 "Nick Roche Talks Sins of the Wreckers"

We finish out by finding out how you can get the book, as well as who might just have given the first issue a "thumbs up" without bribery being involved.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #129 "Nick Roche Talks Sins of the Wreckers"
Fairly sure this wasn't related to this. Fairly.

Oh, and there's even a little talk of the incredible Monster Motors mini-series that Mr. Roche collaborated on with Brian Lynch. Look out world, the Motors are eyeballing heading to an independent theater in limited distribution just like one of Lynch's other art house productions.

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #129 "Nick Roche Talks Sins of the Wreckers"
There are no Transformers in this book, ok?

Our very grateful "Thank You!" to Nick Roche for taking the time out and appearing on this episode with us. We hope you enjoy the show, and be sure to pick up Sins of the Wreckers from IDW Publishing this November. The Twincast will return in a couple weeks with more of our regularly scheduled programming, and you can be certain more comic book talk will follow then.

Don't forget, the show only gets better if you tell us how. Drop us a review on iTunes and be sure to tell us what you love, what you hate, and what you want to hear!

Not on the show to give your take? Probably not, so don't forget to keep the discussion going on the Energon Pub Forums by simply replying to this post!

Got a question for the Twincast? We take all of them, we just don't take them all seriously! Leave a question in the Ask the Twincast thread and, if it makes the cut, it may get read and answered on the show.

IDW Publishing Transformers All Hail Optimus - Interview

Date: Friday, October 9th 2015 12:17pm CDT
Categories: Comic Book News, Event News, People News, Digital Media News, Interviews
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Newsarama

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Views: 79,707

Via Newsarama, covering pretty much all of the information revealed in today's NYCC 2015 IDW panel, we have an interview with current creative team on The Transformers ongoing series, as they explain what is about to happen in issue #50, and where the stories will lead after that turning point - starting with the All Hail Optimus arc.

There are some spoilers for the current series, so be warned before you continue to read some extracts below, and the full interview right here.

Transformers News: IDW Publishing Transformers All Hail Optimus - Interview

Optimus Prime and the Autobots have always had a peaceful relationship with the people of Earth -- but in 2016 that's going to change.

In a new arc kicking off with February's Transformers #50, Optimus Prime is annexing Earth to be a part of Cybertron's Council of Worlds. Humanity is up in arms, not to mention the Decepticons, in this arc titled "All Hail Optimus."

Announced just before IDW Publishing's New York Comic-Con Panel "IDW & Top Shelf: Best Panel Of All Time", the creators of Transformers talked with Newsarama about this shocking event, from what it means to where it goes for the Robots in Disguise and the humans like you and I.

Newsarama: John, Andrew -- what can you tell readers about Transformers #50?

John Barber: Transformers #50 is the biggest thing we’ve done. It’s called "All Hail Optimus," and Optimus Prime annexes planet Earth to become to become part of Cybertron’s Council of Worlds—he takes control of Earth to protect it from invasion. Meanwhile, Optimus has thousands of Cybertronian followers who view him as the “True Prime”—they see him as having a power above any elected office, above any “normal” being—and now Optimus is using the power they’ve handed to him. And he’s using it for good—at least as far as he sees it. Not everybody agrees with him.

It’s a powerful move on Optimus Prime’s part, and one that there’s no moving back from. The humans know the Cybertronians are there, are among them, and the people of Earth are forced to become part of a cosmic community.

Andrew and I started working together about… six years ago? And we’ve never stopped. Most of that time’s been on this Transformers series, and this storyline brings together everything we’ve started. It’s amazing to get to work on something so big, and get to collaborate with somebody for so long. It’s been a long, great trip—and it’s about to get even better!

Andrew Griffith: Yeah, what's great to me about getting to this point is that while a landmark issue like #50 is usually a climax of a story, in our case it's the start of a new storyline that also serves as natural culmination of events that have been building in both Transformers and Windblade.

And I also see it as a bit of a landmark in my time working with John. So hard to believe we and colorist Josh Perez have made it to #50 as the core creative team along with Livio, Casey, Brendan, Guido, Sara and all of the other contributors to the series. Quite a feat in today's comics industry. And the same can be said of Transformers.


Nrama: Who's on Optimus' side in all this?

Barber: The team of Autobots on Earth—at least the ones who’ve survived to #50—are all with him, plus a new character named Aileron—she comes from Caminus and is amazing to be around this world of Primes and of grand cosmic events. Victorion—the new female Combiner we introduced this summer will be playing a big role. Is she on his side? That’s a complex answer. Sunstreaker will play a role, and so will the ancient Alpha Trion.

But his biggest supporters are the Colonists who’ve arrived on Cybertron, who’ve lived their whole lives thinking Primes were a myth—and now here they are standing on the same ground as one. And many are willing to do whatever he says—which isn’t something Optimus Prime has been comfortable with in the past.

Griffith: It's always nice to be able to draw familiar favorites like Optimus Prime, Sideswipe and Arcee. But it's even better sometimes to get to work with new characters to our book like Sunstreaker and Victorion. I know Josh and myself are particularly excited to get to help establish new characters like Aerlion, Victorion and the Torchbearers. I'm really happy that our cast can consist of childhood favorites like Optimus Prime while also embracing the newest and most diverse of characters to join the continuity.

Now the important question is: We have Sunstreaker coming up. What about Bob?


Nrama: John, I noticed Jonathan Hickman is listed as doing a cover. Can you talk about Hickman's involvement in the title and at IDW?

Barber: I’ve known Jonathan Hickman since he started writing comics, and he’s great—I love his writing, but I also love his drawing and his design sense. I talked to him at Comic-Con International: San Diego last summer, and he’d been doing some variant covers, and I asked if he’d do one for Transformers, and he said yes!

That’s all there really is to it, but years ago, I did make him listen to my Transformers plans in a bar. He’s probably blocked that memory out.

Griffith: Jonathan Hickman's doing a cover for our book? How rad is that? Can't wait to see it!

San Diego Comic Con and Transformers - Events

Transformers News: San Diego Comic Con and Transformers - Events
Date: Friday, June 26th 2015 1:51pm CDT
Categories: Cartoon News, Comic Book News, Event News, Game News, People News, Digital Media News
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): SDCC

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Views: 67,369

You might or might not be attending the 2015 edition of San Diego Comic Con on July 8-12, but in either case, a fan of the Transformers franchise in its various incarnation will not want to miss a number of sessions taking place over the course of the event! Take a look below as we've sifted through the full programme to pick out the transforming robot-related panels, featuring IDW Publishing, Robots in Disguise, Activision and more.

Transformers Generations: More Than Meets the Eye

Come see what the Transformers characters are up to as you are entertained with sneak peeks of the all new Activision video game trailers, IDW comic prints, and other special surprises. Then get your collector action on as you get an exclusive glimpse at the latest and greatest Transformers generations combiner wars toys that have yet to hit toy shelves. The Transformers team members will also host a Q&A session to answer your burning questions.
Thursday July 9, 2015 11:00am - 12:00pm
Room 25ABC

Transformers: Robots in Disguise

Roll out with the cast and creatives behind Transformers: Robots in Disguise as they share details of the making of the popular animated series and give a sneak peek into the rest of Season 1, now airing on Cartoon Network. Followed by a Q&A.
Thursday July 9, 2015 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Room 5AB

Women of Transformers

From Windblade and Arcee to Strongarm and the brand-new Combiner making her debut at SDCC, female Transformers characters have finally gotten their due; but behind the page and in fandom, even bigger changes have been happening. Panelists include Transformers comics writers Mairghread Scott and Georgia Ball, artists Corin Howell and Sara Pitre-Durocher, Hasbro's Sarah Carroll, and special guests.
Friday July 10, 2015 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Room 8

IDW: The Best Panel in Recorded History

This is the big one! Join IDW chief creative officer/editor-in-chief Chris Ryall and VP of marketing Dirk Wood lay waste to a room of shocked comic fans. Panelists include Gabriel Rodriguez, John Layman, James Tynion IV, Ulises Farinas, and special guests. Shocking announcements, amazing prizes, and a Q&A.
Friday July 10, 2015 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Room 4

BotCon 2015 Artist Alley - Transformers Propaganda JP Bove Prints, Plus Arcee by Casey Coller / Bove

Transformers News: BotCon 2015 Artist Alley - Transformers Propaganda JP Bove Prints, Plus Arcee by Casey Coller / Bove
Date: Friday, June 12th 2015 2:04pm CDT
Categories: Comic Book News, Event News, People News
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): JP Bove

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We've seen a couple of these over the past year already, but the prints that IDW colourist John-Paul Bove will be bringing to BotCon 2015 have a certain something to them, and definitely could use a boost on our front page - plus, we get another Casey Coller/Bove collaboration, featuring Arcee!

Check out below three examples of the art deco inspired propaganda prints featuring Optimus Prime, the Seekers, and Soundwave, and make sure to pick one or all of them up next weekend, and take a look at the new addition to the previous Nautica and Blurr announcements.

Transformers News: BotCon 2015 Artist Alley - Transformers Propaganda JP Bove Prints, Plus Arcee by Casey Coller/Bove

Transformers News: BotCon 2015 Artist Alley - Transformers Propaganda JP Bove Prints, Plus Arcee by Casey Coller/Bove

Transformers News: BotCon 2015 Artist Alley - Transformers Propaganda JP Bove Prints, Plus Arcee by Casey Coller/Bove

Transformers News: BotCon 2015 Artist Alley - Transformers Propaganda JP Bove Prints, Plus Arcee by Casey Coller/Bove

IDW Transformers comic book artist Andrew Griffith shows off Combiner Wars Art

Date: Friday, June 5th 2015 1:53pm CDT
Categories: People News, Digital Media News
Posted by: mooncake623 | Credit(s): Andrew Griffith

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IDW Transformers comic book artist Andrew Griffith just showed off some awesome looking artwork he did for SpEditionNYC via twitter! These artwork consists of Combiner Wars Superion with Alpha Bravo and Arcee!
Check out the images we've embedded below and remember keep your optics tuned to for the latest in news and updates!

Transformers News: Re: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Discussion Thread

Transformers News: Re: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Discussion Thread

Help Artist James Raiz Draw Transformers / G.I. Joe Art for TFCon

Transformers News: Help Artist James Raiz Draw Transformers / G.I. Joe Art for TFCon
Date: Wednesday, April 15th 2015 4:28pm CDT
Categories: Site News, Comic Book News, Event News, People News
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): James Raiz

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Views: 79,631

As we promised.. Professional Dreamwave, IDW and freelance artist, our interviewee, Transformers fan, and all-round great person James Raiz has a little something up his creator sleeve, in order to prepare for his presence at TFCon Toronto! In collaboration with the fans here on, Raiz will be drawing two art pieces that will make it to print, bringing together the G.I. Joe and Transformers franchises - Autobots and Joes on one, Decepticons and Cobra for the other - and to make it an even playing field, he'll be using characters from the live-action movies for both.

Where do the fans come in? You get to choose the characters, right here, right now, and follow the progress as your choice gets worked through some artist's magic into the TFCon art piece. Check out the exclusive video that Raiz sent us embedded below, and pick your choices for the first round!


Optimus Prime (Transformers)
Bumblebee (Transformers)
Jazz (Transformers)
Ratchet (Transformers)
Ironhide (Transformers)
Optimus Prime (Revenge of the Fallen)
Bumblebee (Revenge of the Fallen)
Mudflap (Revenge of the Fallen)
Ironhide (Revenge of the Fallen)
Ratchet (Revenge of the Fallen)
Sideswipe (Revenge of the Fallen)
Skids (Revenge of the Fallen)
Arcee (Revenge of the Fallen)
Chromia (Revenge of the Fallen)
Elita-One (Revenge of the Fallen)
Optimus Prime (Dark of the Moon)
Sentinel Prime (Dark of the Moon)
Ironhide (Dark of the Moon)
Ratchet (Dark of the Moon)
Sideswipe (Dark of the Moon)
Dino (Dark of the Moon)
Wheeljack (Dark of the Moon)
Wheelie (Dark of the Moon)
Brains (Dark of the Moon)
Roadbuster (Dark of the Moon)
Leadfoot (Dark of the Moon)
Optimus Prime (Age of Extinction)
Bumblebee (Age of Extinction)
Hound (Age of Extinction)
Drift (Age of Extinction)
Crosshairs (Age of Extinction)
Ratchet (Age of Extinction)
Brains (Age of Extinction)
Grimlock (Age of Extinction)
Scorn (Age of Extinction)
Slug (Age of Extinction)
Strafe (Age of Extinction)

Snake Eyes
Ripcord (Rise of Cobra)
Heavy Duty (Rise of Cobra)
General Hawk (Rise of Cobra)
Scarlett (Rise of Cobra)
Breaker (Rise of Cobra)
Cover Girl (Rise of Cobra)
Sgt. Stone (Rise of Cobra)
Roadblock (Retaliation)
Lady Jaye (Retaliation)
Flint (Retaliation)
Jinx (Retaliation)
Duke (Retaliation)
General Joseph Colton (Retaliation)
Mouse (Retaliation)
Grunt (Retaliation)
Clutch (Retaliation)

Bloor Cinema, Toronto, Takeover - The Cybertronic Spree and Transformers: The Movie

Transformers News: Bloor Cinema, Toronto, Takeover - The Cybertronic Spree and Transformers: The Movie
Date: Tuesday, March 10th 2015 1:32pm CDT
Categories: Event News, People News, Digital Media News
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Cybertronic Spree

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Views: 47,710

We've just received a notification from music performers The Cybertronic Spree of yet another screening of Transformers: The Movie (1986) - this time in Toronto's Bloor Cinema, and featuring a live performance from the robotic band! Find out more from the official website here, and head below for the official press release.

Bloor Takeover: The Cybertronic Spree

Journey beyond good, beyond evil, and beyond your wildest imagination as local robots in disguise The Cybertronic Spree take over the cinema! We kick off the evening with a screening of the 1986 animated feature The Transformers: The Movie. Following the film, Hot Rod, Arcee, Rumble, Unicron, Spike, and a Quintesson take the stage to bust some Deciptichops with the power of rock. Yes, including the classic "The Touch."

8:30 PM: Doors Open
9:00 PM: Screening

Tickets: $15 ($12/$10/FREE for members)

Co-presented by Toronto ComiCon.

Transformers News: Bloor Cinema, Toronto, Takeover - The Cybertronic Spree and Transformers: The Movie


Rare screening of The Transformers: The Movie (1986) to be followed by performance of entire soundtrack.

Toronto, ON - (March 10, 2015) - The Cybertronic Spree, the world’s premiere Transformers-themed party band, is set to take over Bloor Hot Docs Cinema in Toronto on March 21 at 9 p.m. in an event that includes a rare screening of the cult classic 1986 animated film, The Transformers: The Movie.

"As far I know, this has never been done before," says Hotrod, bassist and leader of The Cybertronic Spree. "And I should know, dammit. I'm in the band and have an impeccable memory." He went on to add, "I'm also quite handsome, by Cybertronian standards."

Hotrod is right. A massive cull of Earth's online databases as well as the memory banks of all living humans has indeed shown that not only have theatrical screenings of The Transformers: The Movie been exceptionally rare, but also that they have never been followed by a live performance of the film's soundtrack by any band, let alone The Cybertronic Spree.

"This screening is due to popular demand," adds Rumble, drummer and sarcastic know-it-all of The Cybertronic Spree. "I kept demanding to the band that we should do this! Mostly I just wanna see that scene where Frenzy and I take down Devastator. Not sure how the Constructicons managed to merge while we were inside Astrotrain's cargo compartment, but that doesn't matter."

What does matter, however, is that attendees are guaranteed an experience they will never forget, and one that they can retell their children and their children's children, much like Autobot Kup regales the Dinobots with his war stories in The Transformers: The Movie.

The takeover coincides with that weekend's Toronto Comicon, with convention pass holders receiving a $5 discount on admission to the takeover event. In addition to the screening and the live music performance, there will be an audience Q&A and fans will have the opportunity to meet and take photos with the band.

Windblade Returns in Transformers: Combiner Wars - Another Interview with Scott And Barber

Transformers News: Windblade Returns in Transformers: Combiner Wars - Another Interview with Scott And Barber
Date: Friday, February 27th 2015 1:18pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News, People News, Interviews
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): WWAC

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The second piece of news from Rachel Stevens of Women Write About Comics has some of a crossover with the CBR article we posted earlier, but offers some interesting additions and further developments to that interview, as Mairghread Scott and John Barber answer even more questions about the upcoming Combiner Wars event with IDW Publishing and where the two series - Windblade and The Transformers - will be going from there. Read more here, and some selected quotes below!

If you were to pitch the story to a new reader that hasn’t had the fortune of reading prior IDW Transformers comics, what is Combiner Wars and why should you be reading the current Transformers stories?

Mairghread Scott: Combiner Wars is about a world on the verge of imperial takeover. Cybertron has recently discovered one of a series of long lost colony worlds (this is where Windblade comes from), and they’re reaching out to them once more. But with the rise of the combiners, Cybertron (and more accurately Starscream) has military power no one’s ever seen before. He could easily turn these colonies into conquered worlds, creating a vast empire even Megatron never imagined.

John Barber: If you’ve never read Transformers, you probably wouldn’t guess what the IDW Transformers books are like. I mean, there’s a lot of action, yeah—and Combiner Wars definitely has some serious fighting—but a lot more personal interactions and political machinations go on than somebody might expect. I think word of mouth has spread about what we’re doing in these books, and hopefully something like Combiner Wars will give new readers a good place to take a look at this universe.


What do you want to do after Combiner Wars? Windblade Returns has been confirmed to not just be a miniseries, but little more besides that has been stated.

MS: That’s by design. Actually, the comic is named Transformers: Windblade; “Windblade Returns” was just a title card put up to announce our comeback. And we haven’t said much about it because Combiner Wars is so linked in with Windblade’s story that saying too much could spoil this event. I will tell you one thing. There’s this old saying I keep thinking of as I write it: “God never gives you more than you can handle.” Windblade is a lot stronger than she was when we first introduced her, but that just means her problems have grown that much bigger with her. I want to believe that Windblade really can build a better future for Cybertron and Caminus. But, as a writer, it’s my job to push her as hard as possible and see if she actually does.

JB: The next set of issues of Transformers deals with the ramifications of what happens in Combiner Wars back on Earth, and the rest of our solar system. With the changes in CW, we’ll see Arcee taking on a new role, and get some good Cosmos stuff, finally. And see what happened to Kup when he was in the Dead Universe. Plus, somebody will return. I won’t say who.

TF Yuki Tweets Transformers Legends Arcee In-Package Image

Transformers News: TF Yuki Tweets Transformers Legends Arcee In-Package Image
Date: Wednesday, February 4th 2015 8:15am CST
Categories: Toy News, People News
Posted by: Autobot032 | Credit(s): TF Yuki

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TF Yuki has posted an in package image of Legends Arcee.

TakaraTomy's Arcee is colored a slight bit differently from the US version, as you can see in the image below, and you can compare the differences by checking out our gallery of the US version of the figure by clicking here.

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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #350 - Oops! All Optimus
Twincast / Podcast #350:
"Oops! All Optimus"
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Posted: Saturday, May 18th, 2024

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