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People in line at the Dancitron

The Ultimate Caption Contest

People in line at the Dancitron
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104 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
trailbreaker writes: People lining up to slap Putin in the face.
trailbreaker writes: McDonalds is always packed during the holidays.
dirtysock47 writes: what do u know people showed up this is a nerd convention
Godzillabot Primal writes: Actually a showing of Twilight and a exclusive preview of Glee
grimlock1972 writes: This what happens when you hire The Terrorcons as bouncers.
moonie writes: gotta pee! gotta pee! gotta pee!
moonie writes: i really really gotta pee....
moonie writes: i really gotta pee....
moonie writes: but i gotta pee.....
moonie writes: seriously, the "DANCITRON"????
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Q_Silverbolt writes: "When you come to think of it, you stand here for half an hour or more to get in, and then there's no seats inside, plus there's about 200 plus people inside... It just doesn't seem worth it."
Freddery writes: (The doorman just so happens to be Scottish ... and pissed) "Come on I'll foight ya's, I used to be a boxer when I was a lad!"
ChevyTron writes: Guy at Door: You guys look exaughsted, You'd think they campedout for a week to see the new Transformers Movie or something.
Angelbot writes: Alpha Trion: (sigh) I told Optimus and Elita not to invite too many humans to their wedding. Those two never listen to me.
Swerve writes: Unlike the other Decepticons, Dancitron's source of power was not derived from consuming Energon but rather consuming people dressed badly in circa 1980's clothes.
Road Turtle writes: Um, we're here for the Britney Spears 20 minute comeback concert.
Road Turtle writes: After over twenty years, Jem and Holograms reunite for a comeback tour that promises to be Truly, Truly Outrageous!
Unknown writes: So optimus is stripping to night?
darth_paul writes: Guy in purple: Oh S#@t! I waited all this time to see Stan Bush and I forgot my wallet!
trailbreaker writes: "Man, I hate it when only one toilet works!!"
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prehistoryanimal writes: Zarak and Scorponok: Where Are They Now?
hot rod 907 writes: Do you have enough pie for all of us?
1337W422102 writes: "Is this the line for new UCC image submissions?"
snavej writes: Ron Jeremy, famous fat, moustachioed porn star, about to attempt a world record for consecutive blow jobs. He's not too fussy about his partners.
snavej writes: Bouncer: All the imbeciles look at me!

Ha ha, you're all imbeciles! Na na na! Uuhuuh! La la li li lu lu!

[Gets shot.]
DISCHARGE writes: This ain't so bad. The line to get my commemorative Soundwave was longer.
hot rod 907 writes: Guy in purple: "Is this the Who concert?"
Bouncer: "Who?"
Purple: "Yes, the Who."
Bouncer: "Who?"
Purple: "Yes I'm looking for the who!"
Bouncer: "Who the hell are you looking for!?!"
snavej writes: All the freaks, weirdos, nutters, loonies, gays, hippies, ravers, psychos, pikeys, radicals, lefties, deadbeats, dropouts, scroungers and other good-for-nothings were 'resettled' to the Dancitron, where electric shocks made them dance until they
hot rod 907 writes: Tickets for the live K Fed performance: $0.99
Tomatos to throw at K Fed: $7.99 each
hot rod 907 writes: Guy in blue: "STEP RIGHT UP TO SEE ANNA NICOLE'S BABY! BUY A BAG OF THE BABY'S VOMIT FOR JUST $17.97! TAKE A PATERNITY TEST FOR JUST $19.53, AND SEE IF YOU CAN GET THE $80,000,000,000! Oh, and baby what's her face. TICKETS JUST $72.86!
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hot rod 907 writes: A daycare owned by Michel Jackson, what could go wrong?
snavej writes: The world record attempt at human domino toppling was about to start. Big Billie Bluecoat had been chosen to push the first domino.

Unfortunately, some giant f***ing robots then showed up and ruined the whole thing.
shockwave_inoz writes: Potential Clubber: "Uh.. Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame-seed bun??"
Bouncer: "No, sorry - that was last weeks password. Mind you, I'm impressed you managed to say it all in less than
Byrerprime writes: Ryan: This is the Jet Blue flight back to Chicago?
snavej writes: Clubber: Is this the line for MP-5 Megatron?

Bouncer: No - this is the line for M-16 bullet in the head.
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: "I don't know, she and a couple of friends just ran out of here screaming that the roller coaster was going to collapse."
snavej writes: Clubber: I'm here to dance away my sorrows because I was ripped off by a comics company.

Bouncer: I know, it's hard. I was ripped off too, years ago. That's why I work here. I can take out my frustrations on the drunken punters.
snavej writes: Bouncer: You can't come in. You haven't got enough bangles, piercings, tattoos or hideous nylon clothes on.

Would-be clubber: I'm outraged! I'll write to my local member of parliament!

Bouncer: No true clubber would do that.
Kevinus Prime writes: "I hear James Brown has been kept here since 2006."
Kevinus Prime writes: "Is this the line for Anna Nicole Smith paternity testing?"
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Kevinus Prime writes: "Y'know, Journey just isn't the same without Steve Perry..."
snavej writes: Somewhere in the queue...

Father: One day, son, we WILL get in to see 'Star Wars'.

Son: But Dad...

Father: Enough of your arguing! I haven't waited thirty years in queues just to give up now! Give me Star Wars or give me death!
Stormrider writes: Michael Bay is inside. Let's tell him what we think of his TF movie.
Archanubis writes: Man, this line is long. I've been here for over two weeks now!
Botacon writes: So this is what happens to Vector Sigma in the future...
Dragonslayer writes: Everyone was excited to see Rumble duke it out with Iron Man in 9 rounds of bare-knuckle boxing.
Brakethrough writes: It is the year two-thousand five. Mankind apparently forgets how to dress itself between here and there.
Brakethrough writes: Man, the lineup to get out of the eighties is way too long! I'm just gonna go watch the A-Team and listen to Van Halen all night.
Unknown writes: naa sorry its krillin singing the puppy song again dam karaoke night!
Autobobby1 writes: Little do they know that inside is actually...a showing of X-Men 3! Mwahahaha!
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Autobobby1 writes: Crowd: THE TRANSFORMERS!

Bouncer: What's with the disguise?


Bouncer: God, I hate these lines!
snavej writes: Man at back of queue: Hey, this is all fine and dandy but where are the Giant F***ing Robots?!
ThunderThruster writes: guy1:so whos playing here tonight?
guy2:i heard it was Stan Bush!
guy1:Thats just prime!
snavej writes: Clubber: Is Fat Boy Slim playing here tonight?

Bouncer: Don't be ridiculous! How can a fat boy be slim?

Clubber: It's one of life's mysteries.

Bouncer: Hold on, are you making fun of my weight? If you are, I'll put you in ho
snavej writes: Bouncer: Go home, sonny - you're not gay enough to come in this club.

Would-be clubber: In that case, I'll have to take lessons - from Tracks. Or possibly Elton John.
† Sunstorm writes: what the..DAMN, we have waited in the wrong line! this is the gayclub!
Ultra Markus writes: Inside is the greatest battle of the dj's between Blaster and Soundwave.....and later the cyber dance off
with jazz and wheelie vs wreck-gar and danny
Unknown writes: Where's the biscuits?
chrisgoldbug writes: What Botcon would have looked like if it started in the 80's.
snavej writes: Bouncer: Out of the door. Line on the left. One cross each. Next. Crucifixion?

[From 'Life of Brian' film. Copyright Monty Python]
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1337W422102 writes: Strict Dress Code in Effect: Only Oranges, Browns, Purples, Beiges, and Grays will be permitted.
snavej writes: Excuse me, but what the f**k is COLD SLITHER? Is it an anagram or something? Perhaps it is related to Al-Qaeda lookalike 'Cobra'?
Operation Ravage writes: "Whoo! I'm so stoked about this Great White concert!"
snavej writes: Inexperienced clubber: So, this Deceptibrand will let us back into the club if we go out for a while.

Bouncer: Yeah.

Inexperienced clubber: Will it wash off afterwards?

Bouncer: No, you are now a slave of the Decepticon army.

Inexperienced clu
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "These Trek cons have really weird dress codes."
Tom_Servo writes: I heard that COLD SLITHER is opening.
Tom_Servo writes: Dance-RA finally got some real competition.
Dclone Soundwave writes: --You ever see a line this long to get into a night club?

--Nope, but I did see a bunch of people waiting to see this movie about people that were waiting in line to see a movie about people waiting in line.


--.........Wanna dance?

1337W422102 writes: Jazz: Come on Blaster, you have to battle. Soundwave's gonna be there!
(Blaster adjust his tuque and looks at his face in the mirror)
Ravage XK writes: The queue for the bathroom got a little out of hand.
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Just another night of free sex with Britney Spears.
hot rod 907 writes: Guy in purple: "Do you sell the wii here?"

Bouncer: "You want wii? I'LL GIVE YOU WII!"

Bouncer throws guy in purple.

Guy in purple: "WHEEEEEE!"
Road Turtle writes: Bouncer, "Uh-Uh, No! I can't let you in unless you can do the Robot!"

Guy in Purple, "...but I'm a Pretender Autobot! I'm the real thing!"

Bouncer, "Well can you dance the dance?!"

Guy in Purple, "
Road Turtle writes: Cos-Play at a Comic-con?
Club kids at a trendy nightclub?
Rocky Horror at the local theater?
Drag Night at the Blue Oyster?
Nope, just another episode of Transformers.
Road Turtle writes: "It's Bad Fashion Night here at the Dancitron!!!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Even dead James Brown still packs them in at the Dancitron months later.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Is this the line to post captions?"
DeceptiGojira writes: A chocolate cookie for the one who finds Count Dracula on this picture.
Ultra Markus writes: the new transformers dance club for offical autobops and deceptichops ,fleshlings pay cover charge with there lifes
snavej writes: The young crowd followed the trail of white powder to their doom. They were given overdoses and made to dance until they died of exhaustion and dehydration.

Hey, I find it funny!
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snavej writes: Frenzy put on his white disco trousers and worked as a doorman. It was better than being constantly beaten up by Autobots.
snavej writes: Megatron's latest evil plan wasn't going very well, so he hired dozens of clueless teenagers to be his hostages for the episode.
ninjabot writes: Its the Autobots against the Deceptions in the Anual Robotic Step Show!!!
Come see if Prime can out roll Megatron!!!
Ratbat writes: Stan Bush is gonna blow the roof off the Dancitron with his power ballads!
Liege Evilmus writes: I can't believe you got Twisted Sister tickets on such short notice!
And I hear Cold Slither is opening for them too!!!
Liege Evilmus writes: We EaT tHE meAt a&d thEn wEee e BuRn, ..,

BbuUurRNnn ... !JI

BBbuuuRRRrrnNNN .. , . . ... !

B .. .. .u . r.., . n.,.
Liege Evilmus writes: Thats right 2 of each kind, I'M DOING YOUR WORK LORD!
1337W422102 writes: "Come one, come all! Gather 'round to see Mikey Bay's Metal Freak Show! Leave your brain at the door!"
Zeedust writes: "Dorri Dutton reporting... We're live from the Dancitron night clug, where, in a bizzarre twist of fate, the top of the Epcot Center is being held hostage..."
Acelister writes: Ratbat (off panel): "Impressed? I call it the Dancitron of Doom!"
Soundwave (also off panel): "Ratbat needs hobby..."
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xxaMaxx writes: Sure there's a long line, but I heard Cold Slither is playing tonight!
snavej writes: Bouncer: That's a big weapon you got there.

Would-be dancer: No, dude - it's my Masterpiece Megatron MP-5!

Bouncer: Well, don't let it discharge in your pants - it'll burn your leg clean off.
snavej writes: Bouncer: Does my ass look big in this?

Would-be dancer: No, you overweight guys SHOULD have fifty-inch asses! It's the law of nature, man!

Bouncer (displeased): No ugly people. Clear off!
snavej writes: At the Dancitron, the 1970s never stopped.
Stormrider writes: Eric Cartman's line ride.
Seibertron writes: Wow ... it's like the line to get into the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. Wheeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Optimusizzy writes: Bouncer: Listen up everyone dressed in anything resembly an animal must go. And will be considered geeky by all the nerds that dressed like robots.
hot rod 907 writes: geek: "I can' wait to get in to see Star Wars episode VII: Those danm sith are back!

dork: "I Thought it was the line for the Matrix Reactivated

nerd: "Who would line up for that?"
TransX writes: Dancitron, schmancitron.
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snavej writes: Star Wars fans loved Dancitron because the entrance looked like Darth Vader's TIE fighter. With bouncers.
snavej writes: Right above the door of the new nightclub was the largest popcorn popper in the world, ever!
snavej writes: In the future, gas chambers will be much tackier and harder to detect by the young and stupid.
dabattousai writes: And thus begins the line for the TransFormers Movie Midnight Premiere!
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Posted: Saturday, May 18th, 2024

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