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Transformers: Nemesis (G1 Fan-Fic)

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Transformers: Nemesis (G1 Fan-Fic)

Postby Rodimus Rage » Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:25 am

* This piece follows directly after the events of The Return of Optimus Prime at the conclusion of season three of the American series. Consider this the second animated motion picture afterwards. The main new induction into continuity is Primus, as he was not originally in the G1 animated series...


Generation 1
Transformers: Nemesis


In the beginning, there was Primus and Unicron...
The Light and the Dark...
Good and Evil...

The two brothers Battled through the ages...
until primus finally sacrificed himself to subdue his evil brother.
Primus became Cybertron...
and the Transformers, were born.

Peace reigned for a time, until war began amongst the cybertronians.
Eventually, Unicron would once more be awakened...
only to be subdued once again by the power of Primus... the matrix.

With Unicron seemingly destroyed for good...
and the power of primus diminished...
spread out upon his cybertronians and held within his chosen creation; " The Prime"...
The war of the brothers had come to an end... or did it?

In the beginning, there was Primus and Unicron...
But there was another...

He awakens from his slumber, alerted by the final destruction of one of his siblings. The energy signature that dissipates throughout the cosmos has finally reached him; here at the end of the universe. He reaches out further into the cosmos to sense his other brother, but finds a faint trace of his essence, scattered across the center of the universe. What has happened to his brothers? What could have destroyed one, and weakened the other so? He meditates in deep thought, for what seems like an eternity. Maybe it is? He is as ageless as he is timeless, for he has mastered space and time himself. What has happened to his younger brothers? He ponders once more, fearing his worst fears have come to pass. Their sibling squabble has finally become the end of them. They've finally destroyed themselves in their never ending battle, and they've left their brother alone. Alone. He remembers alone, the time before Unicron and Primus came to be. He remembers alone... and does not like it. Something must be done he thinks to himself.

" I must not be left alone !!!!!!!! "

The thunderous voice roars throughout the cosmos, shattering nearby planets as the timeless one awakens the power within him; using his voice for the 1st time in millenia. Reaching out once more, he "feels" the universe, and the creatures that inhabit it. He reaches out to all the technology and data he can find. He "reads" the universe with a seemingly powerful form of telepathy. He reaches for the information he needs, and pieces together the history and events that have befallen his younger brothers. He discovers the fate of Primus, and his creations, the transformers. He knows of cybertron and the cybertronians. He knows of the war amongst them. He knows of the matrix, and the Primes that have held it. He also learns of Unicron, and the fate that befell him at the hand of the creations of Primus. He sees all of this.. and speaks once more.
" Primus. Unicron. What have you done to yourselves? How can beings as powerful and mighty as yourselves lose sight of your destiny so easily. There must be a way to save you both from yourselves. If there is a way, I will find it. For I am the timeless one. I control space and time itself. I I WILL bring you both back. Together, we will achieve our destinies as we should have so long ago..."
Alone. he feels it once more. something must be done... and it starts with the loneliness.
" Primus. It was a useless sacrifice to diminish yourself so much so much for your creation... but it was a unique idea, used sparingly. I to, will bear horsemen in my new era; though not so many as you had birthed. There shall be... four. Four horsemen, to herald my return to existence, and act as harbingers of my will. I will retain my power for myself, and just enough to return you and your brother to your rightful places. And most of all... for now... I will not be alone..."
The fabric of time and space bends around him. The power emanating from him is glorious. He pause for a moment... then it begins.


" Legion. Come forth my first horseman. To you I bestow a small portion of me; the power of time itself..."
" Endgame. Come forth my second horseman. To you I bestow a small portion of me; the ability to siphon another's power..."
" Warfare. Come forth my third horseman. To you I bestow a small portion of me; the strength and power of your creator..."
" Bastion. Come forth my fourth and final horseman. You shall have my finest attribute. A small portion of myself; the control of the cosmos..."

They stand there, the four of them. A new and mighty creation. Their creator looks upon them, and he is pleased. The Black metallic gloss gleams from their armor. The glare of golden energy dissipates from their eyes. Like shadows enveloped in the light of gold, they stand before their master, and the one called Legion speaks.

" Our Father... your will be done. Tell us; by what name shall we call you? "

He hovers above them, enveloping them in his mighty shadow.

" My children... Call me by name. Call me by the name not spoken since my brothers Primus and Unicron shared my presence. Call me...

End Prelude...

Chapter One: " Identity Crisis "

Cybertron - Autobot city

He sits there, alone in his quarters. The ceremony is about to begin. He should be there by now... what is keeping him from going? Is it his emotions? How can he even explain it he thinks to himself. He should be happy he thinks, and he is.. but he is also filled with sadness. Why? It has been only days since the return of Optimus Prime. He is happy he is alive and well. He knows that giving Optimus back the matrix and mantle of leadership was the right thing to do... right? So why does he feel this empty.
He was Hot Rod once upon a time, immature and rash. Then he was reformatted into Rodimus Prime as the wise Autobot Leader. Now... now he wonders who he is. What place do I have amongst the Autobots? He is neither Hot Rod nor Rodimus Prime no longer. He speaks quietly to himself...

" Who am I..."

" What a silly question Rodimus. What are you still doing here all by your lonesome? "

She stands at the doorway to his quarters. He must have been so deep into thought, he didn't notice the door slide open. Arcee. His friend and close autobot companion. She has always been there for him he thinks. He is not surprised to see her now at this time. He had been so busy recently with the mantle of leadership, that their friendship had seemingly drifted further apart. He had a job to do... and so did she. What now? he thinks to himself. Is this the beginning of something new? What new events will life throw at him now...

" Arcee. What are you doing here? "

" Rodimus, I... The ceremony is about to start. I did'nt see you there. I just came by to look for you... what are you still doing here? "

" It's just Hot Rod now Arcee... Theres only one Prime now, and that Optimus."

" ...No. Hot Rod is gone. You've changed since then. No... you're Rodimus. And if it's any consolation, you'll always be Prime in my book."

They stare at one another for a brief second. What is this feeling that envelops his being? He is uncomfortable at the moment.. hes gotta say something, anything...

" Arcee...I..I was just gonna get going, I just had some errands to do thats all..."

" Why do you always do that Rodimus? I mean, I let it slide when you had your leadership duties, but you don't have that burden any longer... You can't just ignore your feelings. Why do you always push me away? "

" What?!!.. I don't know what your talking about..."

" Fine Rodimus. Be that way... I'll see you at the ceremony. Dont trip and break a fender on your way there..."

As she turns to leave, he feels a tug at the center of his being. Don't let her walk out that door just yet he thinks to himself. You've always run away from your emotions. Don't do it now... say something to her. She has always been there for you.. if youd just let her in...

"Arcee, wait...o.k., you're right. I don't handle my feelings very well, I know that. In fact, lately.. I've just been kinda in a "funk" or something, I don't know how to explain it. I'm happy for Optimus, you know? But as for myself, theres a sense of emptiness. A lack of purpose i guess... I don't know. I guess I'm just afraid of what the future will bring..."

She walks back in, and stands before him, taking him by the hand.

" Oh Rodimus... I can't imagine how it feels, to have walked in your shoes. But if its one thing iv'e noticed about you, it's that somehow, someway.. you'll persevere. You always have. I just want you to know... whatever happens, i'm still here. Theres never a reason to feel emptiness..."

" Arcee.. I .."

More words may have been said.... had they not been interrupted. Neither of them had noticed their comrade walking into the doorway.

" Hey Rodimus, get yer no good fender outta bed and... oh... hey Arcee. Whats..whats goin on here? "

Rodimus shakes his hands loose from Arcee's and responds to his best friend.

" Springer !!! What are you doin here? What is this, walk into my room day or somethin? "

" Heh, don't flatter yerself buddy. I just took it upon myself to drag yer lazy butt into the ceremony.. Ultra Magnus sent me. Everybody's just waiting on you..."

" They are? I mean...yeah, i was just headed out... Arcee and i were just talking..."

" Talking? About what? I mean, Rodimus, you and i are best friends... theres nothing you couldn't tell me, right? "

" Of course bro !! It was nothing important, just small talk is all. Arcee came to get my lazy fender out as well, heh. C'mon, lets get outta here, were late... Arcee, you comin? "

" Yeah Rodimus. Ill catch up with you and Springer shortly, I promised i'd pick up Daniel before the ceremony... i'll be right behind you guys..."

" Alright.. lets get goin Springer. "

"Sure, lets get. Oh, and Arcee? If there's ever anything you got on your shoulders, I'm also available to chat with... I'll see ya around. "

As they leave, Arcee stands there briefly before leaving herself, thinking about what has just transpired. She heads towards the doorway, muttering below her breath...

" Yeah Rodimus... Nothin important..."

Springer and Rodimus head down the corridors towards the great hall, where the cybertronian ceremony for the return of Optimus Prime is about to commence. Springer is the first to speak.

" So buddy. Wanna tell me what was goin on back there? "

" I told ya springer.. it was nothin really. Arcee was just wondering where I was, and then you walked in. Thats it."

" Really? Hmmph. Well, whatever man. I just got one question for ya..."

" yeah? whats that? "

" ... Just what the heck do I call you nowadays ? Hot Rod or Rodimus Prime ? "

He looks up, and ponders a bit before responding. He thinks of Arcee, and her words echo in his mind. He understands.

" ... It's just Rodimus now. "

Chapter 2: " Reunion "

Cybertron - Autobot City Grand Hall

He can hear them beyond the curtain. They call his name. It feels good he thinks to himself, good to be back. To be amongst his friends and comrades once more. But then his thoughts turn elsewhere.


He has heard of what had happened to him. How he became Galvatron, a more powerful, yet more maddening version of his former self - Thanks in part to his predecessor, Rodimus Prime. This is his day he thinks to himself, but he just cant shake the feeling that something bad will happen. If ever the Decepticons were to strike, it would surely be this day. It is his nature... he cannot stop thinking about the welfare of his people. Thankfully, he has companions to shake him out of his thoughts from time to time...

" Earth to Prime, Earth to Prime.. anyone there? "

" Bumble Bee... we are on Cybertron, not Earth."

" Geez Optimus, I now that. Get a sense of humor. Whats buggin ya big guy? "

" The decepticons... I think they may attack today. It's what Megatron would do. "

" Megatron? That guy is gone now Prime. The only guy you gotta worry about now is that looney, Galvatron."

" Bumble Bee... We must still be as ever vigilant as possible with the decepticons. I want a perimeter set up around the hall. Wheres Magnus? I want him leading the duty..."

" Relax old timer, I'm right here. "

Ultra Magnus walks in to room. He walks over, and puts his hand on his long time friends shoulder. He speaks.

" Optimus. Don't worry. Its already been taken care of. Kup is leading the duty, along with Jazz, Blaster, Jetfire, Grimlock, and the other Dinobots. Today is your day. Enjoy it. Quit being the great leader we know you are, and just be,,, Optimus for a day, hmm? "

"... You left the Dinobots in charge of perimeter duty? "

" Prime !!! "

" O.k, O.k., Ha!! Alright Magnus, you win for today. Lets just get this over with. You know how I am with ceremonies. I'd have been fine without one, but you kept insisting..."

" I know. It seemed right. We always have one when a new Prime takes leadership. And now we'll have one for the return of a Prime. Besides, it wasn't all y idea. Bumble Bee here took on most of the planning..."

Bumble Bee looks up at magnus, and then Prime. He speaks.

" Aw shucks guys, what, you tryin to turn my paint red? I just got this yellow coating finished !!! "

Prime looks at two of his greatest friends, and can't help but remember those that couldn't be here to share his moment with him. He lifts his fist up into the air, and speaks once more.

" To old friends who couldn't be here with us... Prowl...Ironhide...Ratchet. if only they could've been here. So many lost in this ever raging war. When will it end Magnus? How many of our comrades will die before this is over? "

" Ah Optimus. Were soldiers. We all new the risk. Today.. today, we just want to celebrate having you back. Hold on, I have a surprise for ya. I called in a favor, and had a special invitation sent out for ya. Bumble Bee took care of the transportation here as well. Come Bumble Bee, i need you to run over to Jazz and give him a message for me...I've also gotta get goin, gotta find Rodimus if we're ever going to get this thing started."

" You do? But i'm gonna miss the cere..."

" Bumble Bee !! Get out of here now..."

" But why? I just wanna...ooooooh, yeah, right. Gotcha Magnus. Leaving Now..."

Optimus Prime watches as his two friends leave him. He speaks...

" Where are you going? Where's Rodimus? Isn't the ceremony starting now?..."

Then he hears the voice. It has been a long time since he has heard it. He is surprised as he is happy to hear it once more...

" Optimus. I would think that Rodimus would be the last thing on your mind, or at least hope that I was at the top of your mind..."

" Elita One !!! what are you doing here? I mean, * ahem * What a surprise. I'm... I'm Glad you came. "

" Oh Optimus... I would'nt have missed this for the universe. I'm just so happy you're back. I was able to get away from my leadership duties. I left Chromia in charge and when I got the invitation from Magnus, I just..I had to..."

No other words need be spoken, as Optimus takes her into his arms. The embrace speaks for itself.

" It's good to see you to Ariel..."

Chapter 3: " Darkness Falls "

Ultra Magnus Hurries down the corridors with Bumble Bee in search of Rodimus. Rodimus is supposed to lead off the ceremonies with Optimus Induction speech, but he is nowhere to be found. Magnus is worried. He can only imagine how this whole experience has been for Rodimus. It has only been days Since the return of Optimus, and since then, he has not had much chance to talk with Rodimus Since the " Hate Plague" incident. Worry turns to ease, as he sees Springer down the hallway coming towards him; with Rodimus in tow. Magnus calls out to him.

" Rodimus !! Where have you been? You're late... is everything o.k.? "

" Everythings fine Magnus. I'm sorry i was late... guess I lost track of the time. So, where is the big guy at? "

" Optimus is waiting up ahead. Come, lets get this ceremony started. The cybertronians are getting antsy..."

The four of them head back to the chambers where Optimus and Elita One await. Rodimus heads in first, and watches as Optimus and Elita embrace.

"... * Ahem*... Sorry to interrupt Optimus... I can wait outside if you..."

" No Rodimus, it's o.k. Come on in friend. I wanted to talk to you briefly before we head out. A moment Elita? "

" Sure Optimus. I'll be right outside with Magnus and the others..."

Elita walks out and leaves the two autobot leaders to speak. At first, the initial silence is uncomfortable. Then Optimus breaks the silence...

" Rodimus. We haven't had much time to talk much since the "hate plague" incident. I just wanted to tell you..."

" Hey Optimus, it's o.k. I'm Fine. I'm just happy to see you back. We all are. Giving you back the matix of leadership and the mantle it bears was something i was happy to do. I'm still here, and it's a privilege to serve by your side once again."

Optimus puts his hand on Rodimus shoulder and speaks again.

" Rodimus... I was going to tell you... I don't blame you for my "death". I know your heart, and I know you were trying to help. I also wanted to tell you... that I am proud of who you have become. Your tenure as autobot commander left you with a high regard amongst your comrades. You need to know that. I'm proud to have you by my side soldier. "

" Optimus, I... thank you sir. I dont know what to say."

" Don't say anything. Lets just get this over with. You look almost as uncomfortable with going out those curtains as I am...I take it you never got used to the ceremonious speeches either?"

" Ha !! I never would've thought, you, Optimus... Ha. Magnus was right...I guess I did take a little bit after you... Yeah. Lets get this show Going. "

The cheers outside continue, until the curtain opens, and Rodimus and Optimus Prime step through it. Behind them ,their companions Ultra Magnus, Bumble Bee, Springer, and Elita One. Below, Daniel Witwickey watches on the shoulders of his autobot friend, Arcee.

" Arcee, I see em !! Optimus, it's daniel, down here !!! "

His speech is drowned out by the deafening roar of cheering cybertronians. Finally, the roar settles, as Rodimus takes the podium, and speaks.

" Fellow cybertronians, welcome. Today marks the beginning of a new era once more, as we welcome back into our midst, a great autobot leader... and a great cybertronian symbol. You know who this is. His very image inspires us all. People.. I give you, Autobot Commander - Optimus Prime !!! "

The cheers grow once more. Optimus Prime takes the podium, and speaks.

" Cybertronians...thank you. It is an honor and a privilege to stand before you. I am not a robot of many words, so ill just say them. I promise to continue to fight against the tyranny of the decepticons, until the threat is finished. But most importantly, I promise to find a better way to help cybertron flourish, and bring peacetime back to it. I owe alot of thanks to my comrade here... and I want to take this time to applaud his tenure as autobot commander in my stead. Thank you Rodimus Prime..."

The crowd cheers once more as Rodimus looks on. He looks up towards Optimus, and Optimus Prime speaks to him...

" Well done Rodimus, you've earned it. "

Optimus looks on, and continues.

" The war has come a long way since its incarnation here on cybertron. It has affected many planets. Now... it affects a special planet that means a lot more than many of you think it may. Earth. The energon that earth wields is enormous, and the planet remains crucial to cybertrons future. I didn't want to make this decision at this time, but here i feel the time is now. I..."

Optimus looks over to his comrades below, and to his side. He finishes his sentence...

"... there is a need for an autobot presence on earth full time. The decepticons have made there stand there, and I intend to stop them. I plan to take a part of the autobot forces... and make a stand on earth. I.. I am leaving cybertron indefinitely..."

The crowd talks amongst themselves. What does this mean for cybertron? Who will fight for their behalf? lead them? Optimus Prime continues...

" So I have made a decision. As leader of the autobots, I have sought council with the ancestors within the matrix. I have decided that there will no longer be a Prime..."

The crowd suddenly gets louder, voicing many concerns and worry. What is going on here... Optimus continues...

" ...There will no longer be a Prime... but TWO of them. Yes. thats right. The war has gotten larger, and while I may be away for awhile, never again will cybertron be left without a Prime of its own to fight for them. We saw what happened the last time I left.. and I apologize for leaving the autobots here for so long. Never again. The ancestors within the matrix helped me to make this decision, and they have also helped me to do something else... the impossible..."

Optimus Prime opens his chest, and removes the Matrix of Leadership. It shines brightly, before being pulled apart... into two pieces !!!

" The Matrix has been reformatted.. into two pieces. One shall remain with me. The other, shall remain with the other Prime... the Prime chosen by the ancestors themselves. He will remain here on cybertron and fight on your behalf for peace."

Rodimus Finally interrupts.

" Optimus, what have you done? The matrix.. the power split into two? How? Who will house the other piece? "

" Isn't it obvious friend? The ancestors... they chose you..."

Optimus hands the Matrix piece over to Rodimus.

" Please friend... take it. You Must."

Rodimus stands there briefly, before doing what he knows is right. He takes the Matrix, and puts in back within the camber within his chest. He speaks.

" I'm Honored. I will do my best..."

" I know you will Rodimus... Rodimus Prime."

Optimus and Rodimus Prime stand there as the crowd looks on, cheering the two primes. They Cheer until the skies above begin to darken. The starlights above dim, as a shadow commences down upon them. Daniel Witwickey looks up, and speaks.

" Arcee... what is that? "

" I don't know Daniel... I don't know..."

The darkness comes down upon the grand hall, and stops before the podium... hovering before the two Primes. Suddenly, the dark cloud forms. The darkness around comes back into center, and the form of a black armored transformer is revealed... Golden energy beaming from his eyes. Finally, he speaks.

" I am Legion. I am the harbinger of Nemesis. You and your kind have been deemed an abomination and must be eradicated, if my master is to be reunited with his brothers. But first...I must take from you the source. The Matrix. Give it to me. Give it to me, so that I may finally erase you all from existence..."

His name is Legion... and he is the beggining of the end...

Chapter 4: " A Time To Kill "

Legion hovers there before all of cybertron. He stands defiant before the two autobot leaders, and speaks with a voice that utters the sound of death itself...

" I've come for the Prime. Tell me where he is..."

Optimus notices that Legion is unmarked.. there is no insignia. Is he decepticon? where is he from? They stand there quiet before Bumble Bee speaks.

" I'm the Prime. you want some of me? Come get some..."

" Bumble Bee, what are you doing !!?? "

Ultra Magnus's words are lost on Bumble Bees ears, as Legion looks down upon Bumble Bee and raises his fist. A golden glow of energy forms around it, as Bumble Bee is suddenly swallowed by the energy. Rodimus jumps into the fray to stop the assault.

" Bumble Bee !!! Get off of him, I'm the Prime. you want a Prime? Take me.. take all of me !!! "

Rodimus pushes Bumble Bee out of the assault, and tears into Legion guns blazing. Bumble falls into the arms of Ultra Magnus, as magnus looks over the badly destroyed chest cavity of Bumble Bee. He speaks to him...

" Hang in there little fella.. your going to be o.k. That .. that was brave Bee.. stupid, but brave... Springer !! Help me, I need you to get Bumble Bee to the nearest medic. I need to get Prime outta here...Go !!! "

" Prime, which one? Your gonna need more help here if your gonna take that guy down..."

" Just go Springer. I'm gonna get both Primes outta here. Besides, the calvary's just arrived..."

Grimlock and the Dinobots enter the fray. Grimlock tackles Legion, and brings him down into the ground below, as the crowd scatters away form the fight. Optimus shouts his orders.

" Magnus, we need everyone we've got, here at the grand hall now !! We don't know what we are dealing with here... this being is no decepticon that i've ever heard of... Magnus, what are you doing? "

" Optimus... you're too important.. you and Rodimus. We need to get you outta here to strategize our forces..."

" No Magnus. My place is here, amongst my soldiers. Get Elita One out of here to safety. Grimlock needs me..."

Rodimus Stares at the battle below, and back at Magnus. Jetfire, Blaster, and Jazz arrive Then He speaks.

" You know Magnus, you should listen to Optimus. Take Elita to safety. And while your at it... take Optimus to..."

Rodimus shoves Optimus into the arms of the the four transformers, and shouts his orders.

" Protect Optimus, go now !!!"

Rodimus Jumps over the balcony and into the fight below, as Optimus struggles in the arms of his comrades and shouts at him...

" Rodimus, nooooo !!!!!!! "

Grimlock tears into Legion with a ferocity unseen before. Grimlock knows this battle is unlike any other hes been in before. Legion... he is strong, powerful. For the first time, in a long time... Grimlock feels fear. His companions, the Dinobots share in the fight until Legion takes their leader Grimlock by the head, and hurls him into the air. Legion stands up and speaks.

" Enough !!! "

The rest of the dinobots charge Legion, and suddenly he is no more. They look around frantically, until Legion finally appears behind the dinobots swoop and snarl. But it is too late. The searing blades of golden energy appear out from their stomaches, and the blades pierce them from there back sides. Legion rips the blades upwards with a mighty thrust, until the two dinobots fall apart, dead. Rodimus and the other two dinobots stare in disbelief. Dinobot Slag responds.

" brothers... you MURDERER !!! "

" No Slag, Sludge, we take him together..."

Rodimus words go unheard, as the two dinobots charge legion one last time. Legion simply smirks as he disappears again. Only his words can be heard...

" Fools. I am a master of time itself. I cannot be defeated. I cannot be undone by mere creations such as yourselves... if only your father loved you more... as mine has me. For he has bestowed upon me great power, while you were created weak. For this reason, you shall perish..."

He appears once more, arrogantly standing in front of Slag. With lightning fast speed that goes unseen, Slag is torn to pieces, limb from limb. Sludge Is the final victim, as his head is severed by a seemingly gust of wind. Rodimus looks in horror and disbelief. Is he this fast? He thinks to himself... It was so fast it was unseen... how powerful is Legion? Rodimus looks around, and knows he is alone. The others will get away to safety he thinks to himself. It would be a noble sacrifice. He's got to give them more time. Then he thinks of his friends. Springer. Daniel.. Arcee? He finds it odd that she is the last thing on his mind as he prepares for the possibility of death... but no. He cannot think of that now. He is the Prime once more. He has a duty to the safety of those around him... and he will see this battle through. Rodimus opens his chest, and removes the Matrix of leadership... he speaks.

" Legion this ends now. I am the true Prime you're looking for. If this is what you want.. then you can have it..."

Rodimus Prime begins to open the matrix, and unleash its power. He knows what the matrix is capable of, and Attempts to use its power to undo the monstrosity that is Legion...

" Now... Light our darkest hour !!!! "

Legion is soon enveloped in the primal energies that spew from the Matrix. Legion feels pain... for the 1st time in his short life.

" No..Nooo !! what is happening to me??? "

Legion may well have been destroyed, had it not been for his brothers.


They arrive at once, as Bastion shoots Rodimus in the back, dropping the matrix of leadership. Legion is badly injured. His brother Bastion picks him up, and speaks.

" You are weak my brother. Our father wishes us home now. However.. we will arrive victorious ... with this..."

Bastion picks up the matrix. Rodimus, injured on the ground; looks on and reaches out to it...

" No.. the matrix... argh.. can't have it..."

No? Whos going to stop us? Certainly not you. You were supposed to be Primus's chosen one? Pathetic. Your Father doesn't love you... otherwise he wouldn't have made you so weak..."

Bastion finishes his words as he raises his large cannon at Rodimus head.

" We are leaving now. We've got what we need. But before we go, as tedious as killing you all might be at this moment in time... i'll kill you now for the pleasure of it..."

"Rodimus, get down !!!!!!!!! "

The words come up from behind, as Kup runs in with the rest of the calvary, guns blazing at the black shadowed warriors. Bastion looks on and smiles before speaking.

" Hmmph. Pathethic. Foolish and pathetic. Are all cybertronians eager to die? Very well Prime. We will do this another time. I have no time for this now. But before I leave, i'll give you something to remember me by..."

Suddenly, the space around Kup begins to crush him. Kup screams in agony, as he is crushed inwards. Rodimus screams for his long time mentor...

" Kup, nooooo!!!! "

Bastion ceases his assault, and laughs before speaking.

" Ha !! Come my brothers. Let us leave these weaklings to recover there dead. Let them fear us, as we give message of the coming doom.. NEMESIS comes for you now. Know this, know fear. Now...let us go to the Father..."

With nothing more than the blink of an eye, they are gone. Rodimus gathers himself, and crawls to the fallen Kup, who is barely there.

" Kup... you can't die... you can't..."

" Erghh.. eh.. ah Hot Rod.. * cough * ... Rodimus.. it's my turn now. I'm an old time is done..."

" No kup, its not.. we still need ya old timer... I still need you..."

" Rodimus... we..we've been through a lot together you and I... and i'm glad i had the privelage of watching you mature... you're gonna make it... "

" Why... you should've let him kill me..."

" Rod..Rodimus... you look at me boy !!! I would have taken your place in death any other time. Don't you start second guessing yourself again. Enough of that. You are the Prime now. Act..act like it soldier...commander... Do me pro..proud son.. do me pr....* "

Kup dies in Rodimus arms. Grimlock returns to the scene and lets out a loud shriek over the fallen bodies of his fellow dinobots. Arcee arrives and falls beside Rodimus as she mourns over Kup. Finally, Optimus Prime and his comrades Springer, Ultra Magnus, and the others reach the aftermath of the scene. Rodimus looks up to Optimus while holding Kup, and speaks...

" They... they killed them.. killed them all. He took the Matrix Prime.. it's gone. They were like animal shadows...they had no mercy..."

Optimus surveys his surroundings once more, and responds.

"... Then we will find them. And when we do... neither will we... show them mercy..."

Chapter 5: " The War Within "

Somewhere in space...

He has been searching alone, for days.. weeks, aboard his starship. It was not long ago, that Optimus Prime released the Matrix's energy, as it washed over his "Hate Plague" infected body... body and soul. The madness that had consumed him has since been destroyed... only to be replaced by a new madness. The voice in his head. It speaks to him. He feels the constant struggle for control of his body, as he wars within his very own mind. It is the very reason he has sought out the one who may be able to restore his sanity. His name is Galvatron... but it wasn't always his name. Megatron. He was destroyed.. a shell of his former self, reformatted by the mighty Unicron. It is Unicron he seeks out now, his only hope to be whole once more. In his thoughts, the voice haunts him once more...

" Galvatron... why do you keep fighting me? You will not escape me... I will not be denied !!! "

" You again... get out of my head !!! I am Galvatron, no one threatens me and lives. I will find you, whoever you are, and I will make you pay for this invasion !!! "

" Whoever I am? Come now Galvatron... you already know who I am..."

Galvatron decides to ignore the voice for now, as his ship comes upon his destination. The head of Unicron, has finally been located. He docks and boards the sleeping giant, and continues to think to himself. What has happened to himself since the " Hate Plague" incident? What has Prime done to him? The matrix was supposed to " cure" him, but instead, he has been driven even more insane by the voice that haunts his soul. He ponders even deeper... Had the Matrix cured Galvatron on a deeper level? What does it mean to be cured of Unicron's reformatting? He focuses once more upon reaching the core of Unicron's head. He can see the neural processors, and notices that someone has been working on them. Galvatron draws his cannon, as he realizes that he is not alone...

" Come out of the shadows... I know you are there.. show yourself. "

" Come now old friend. Is that any way to treat an old comrade?..."

The Familiar face steps out of the shadows, and reveals himself to his former comrade. Galvatron looks him over and points his cannon at him and speaks..."

" Starscream. I've killed you before, and I'll do it again... Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blast you into oblivion right here and now..."

Starscream doesn't budge as Galvatron makes his threats. Instead, he steps closer and smiles with confidence before responding.

" You won't kill me dear old Galvatron. You see, I know why you're here. We want the same thing, and only I can help you achieve your goal..."

" Oh? Tell me Starscream, what are you doing here, out here in the vastness of space... what have you been doing here !? "

" Galvatron, isn't it obvious? I noticed you looking over Unicrons neural connectors earlier. You know that It was me, who's been trying to get Unicron back online. Ever since you and the wretched Autobots sent Unicron and myself screaming into space, I have been trying to awaken the sleeping giant, so that together, we might avenge ourselves. When Unicron made my new body, i was content. But now I realize that he made you stronger, and if he could do that for you... he could do it for me..."

Galvatron looks at Starcsream once more, before lowering his cannon, laughing...

" Ha...Hahahaha !!! Starscream you fool !! Last time Unicron saw you, you had betrayed him. What makes you think he would help the likes of you? "

Starscream steps even closer before rashly responding.

" Shut up Galvatron !! If memory serves me, I believe it was not long ago that you had betrayed him as well. I did'nt see you trying to help him as the autobots suceesfully destroyed his neural connectors..."

Galvatron Knocks Starscream to the ground, and hovers over his head with his cannon. Galvatron speaks.

" Careful Starscream. The next words that come out of your mouth may be your last... Tell me, why would the mighty Galvatron even need help from someone as pitiful as you? "

Starscream raises himself up from the ground, with Galvatron still raising his Cannon to his head. Starscream responds.

" Because oh high and mighty Galvatron... it is I who has repaired Unicrons neural connectors. All that is needed is a new Power Source... something that will help to kick start his ressucitation if you will. And when I find that power source... because of the work i've done, only I can make it work..."

Galvatron lowers his weapon and Looks over Starscream once more before speaking.

" Then today Starscream, you are in luck. Not only do you get to live... but you also get yo attempt to keep your word. You see... I've brought with me the power source you may speak of. I carry energon onboard my starship. A great amount. Perhaps this power source is sufficient to do what you say you can do...."

Galvatron gets up close to Starscreams face and raises his voice to him.

" Come, get on my ship and bring the energon here. Restore Unicron. If you fail me and waste my precious energon, I will surely destroy you for good. You will NOT be coming back..."

Starscream follows Galvatron to the ship hastily, and with no response. Together they begin their work. Time passes as they feed the Mainfraime of Unicron with energon. Soon, the neural connectors begin to spark. Life Begins to flow once more through the sleeping Giant.

Unicron is once more.

Galvatron and Starscream stand there in awe... and fear. Fear, because they both know that Unicron may desire vengeance upon their heads, for each of their betrayals. They know that only thier inteligence and cunning can keep them alive. It is the gambit they have played. Unicron Finally utters his first words...

" Who has awakened me ? Who has delivered Unicron from the grasp of oblivion? Step forward, and be rewarded..."

Starscream is the first to speak, and hastily does so.

" It was me Unicron, it was me !!! I repaired your neural connectors, I brought you back, not this betrayer here next to me. Reward me !! I demand a new and powerful body; so as to enact vengeance upon my enemies. A new body, just like you once made Megatron here into Galvatron. I demand a new body !!! "

Unicron Roars in anger before responding to Starscreams demands.

" You dare !!?? You dare make this demand of Unicron !!?? Unicron shows mercey as he sees fit. No one makes demands of Unicron. !!

Starsream cowers in fear, awaiting destruction at the hands of Unicron... but it does not come. Instead, Unicron speaks once more, this time more calmly.

" Starscream. Unicron is not above pride, but I am also not below wrath. You will not be given a new body. You will live Starscream. you will live and keep your current body. That is your reward. Be content that I've chosen to to kill you yet. "

Galvatron has heard enough, He speaks to his former master, using far more cunning than Starscream has. His cunning. It is why he has ruled the decepticons this long. Galvatron speaks.

" Oh high and mighty Unicron. It is I, Galvatron.. your former herald ans servant. Yes, it is true. I have betrayed my master. But that was a long time ago. I have learned from my transgressons, and humbly come back to you now, asking for a second opportunity to show thee favor. You see, It was I that brought you back online. Without the energon that i brought to you, we would not be having this conversation today. Oh high and mighty your servant mercy this day..."

Unicron pauses for what seems like an eternity before finally responding to Galvatrons words...

" Galvatron. Do not mistake me for a fool. Do not waste my time with your false words of humbleness. Speak boldly now and claim your reward. What is it that you request of Unicron ? "

" Mighty Unicron.. I wish to be cured of the madness that has befallen me. Your enemies, the autobots.. the wretched Matrix of power that destroyed your body.. it has now destroyed my mind. Make me whole again, I beg of you..."

Galvatron may have spoken more words, had he not been interrupted by the very madness he has spoken of...

" No Unicron. It was my subliminal message to come here, that brought Galvatron to you. I am responsible for you're awakening. Restore me, and free me from the wretches of this mad mind. Free me from Galvatron !!! "

Starscream stands there, listening to all that is going on, and shakes in fear once more. The voice that comes out from Galvatrons mouth.. it is familiar to him, and he is afraid. Galvatron covers his mouth, shocked and helpless, as he is no longer able to control the madenning voice in his head. Galvatron screams...

" You see Unicron? The madness... make it stop, take it away from me !!! "

" Yes Unicron.. Free me, for I never betrayed you. I remain you faithful servant..."

The two voices continue to bicker amongst themselves unti Unicron finally understands. He ends it here and now with his voice.

" SILENCE !!!" I will hear no more. Galvatron... you still reak of the stink of the Matrix. It has washed over you, and with that, something very unique has occured. Apparently, whatever had been done to you; the matrix sought to " cure" you of the damages you had recieved to your body. The matrix saw my reformatting as one of the damges. But it could only do so much. Now.. now I understand what has happened. I have also made my decision. Neither one of you three will go unpunished this day. You will all recieve your reward..."

Starscream thinks to himself, confused... "All three" of them? But there is only two of them, isn't there? Soon, Unicron begins to envelop Galvatron in his energy. The reformatting has begun.. or has it? Galvatron screams.. no.. there are TWO screams? Then it happens. the " Madness is pulled from the very being of Galvatron. They, they fall to the floor, and all is quiet. Unicron speaks.

" It is done. Now, you will.. all three of you...continue in my service; Do not give me reason to change my mind and seek to destroy you instead. you will never betray me again. So swears Unicron. Arise my three servants, and swear your alliegance to me !!! "

Starscream Is in shock. Who does he fear more? Unicron, or the " Madness? " Starscream kneels and speaks.

" Starscream pledges his loyalty to you oh mighty Unicron..."

Galvatron is next. Looking over the "Madness" himself, he would just as likely blow it into oblivion with his cannon. His hatred of the " Madness" is great. But for now, he will bide his time. Galvatron speaks.

" Mighty Unicron. Your servant Galvatron...pledges his loyalty to you..."

Finally, the "Madness" rises up, and glances over to Galvatron and then Starscream. The "Madness" smirks, before responding to Unicron.

" Unicron. You have my gratitude once more. You have freed me of my prison, and I am in the oblivion no more...."

The "madness" stands before Galvatron defiant, peering into his eyes with anger, before speaking to Unicron once more.

" MEGATRON pledges his loyalty to you..."

Chapter 6: " Game of Deception "

Earth - Decepticon Hideout...

Death Valley, California. It is a baren wasteland of heat and dirt. It is not a place that attracts many residents. Perhaps, that is why the location was chosen as the new Decepticon headquarters on Earth. Underground, the decepticons gather as they ready themsleves for the crowning of a new leader. Galvatron has gone missing and the decepticons have held their traditional gladiator tournament to declare their new leader. It was a hard fought battle, but the victor was forseen by all.

Menasor and Devastator would have likely won the tournament, had they not defeated eachother with their vast power.
Dirge, Thrust, and Ramjet held their own, but in the end fell to the champion.
Soundwave and the "Sweeps" had elected not to take place in the tournament, believeing Galvatron would soon return.
Cyclonus, and Scourge were surprisingly missing from the tournament...

The victor used his superior intellect in the contest as always, as he watched the two decepticon "combiners" defeat the 3 "seekers". He then watched as they turnerd on eachother. After enouigh damage to themselves, he entered the fray, and finished them off, taking the crown for himself. It is not a new position for him, as he has lead the decepticons for quite some time already... millions of years to be exact. He is Shockwave, and he is the new decepticon commander.
They all gather at the newly constructed throne. The crown is presented, as Shockwave enters the room , and takes his place amongst his fellow decepticons. Upon being seated upon the throne, and beinf crowned, he waits just briefly before adressing the warriors before him...

" Fellow Decepticons, it is my honor to once again lead you. Rest assured, our victory over the autobots will come swiftly, and our conquest of cybertron will come rapidly after. Once again, we will reign supreme, and no one will stand against us. This is our rightful place, and soon... I will take you there.. all of you. So says Shockwave !!! "

The warriors cheer and celebrate the words of their new leader. The celebration would have continued, if not for the sudden opening of the blast doors behind them. As it rises up, Cyclonus and Scourge can be seen emerging from the doorway. Shockwave stands and adresses them...

" How dare you interrupt my ceremony? Have you accepted that the mad Galvatron has finally lost his mind, and he is not returning? Have you come to pledge your allegiance to me?"

Scourge and Cyclonus say nothing. Instead, a shadowy figure emerges from behind them, and his familiar voice can be heard.

" Shockwave. You dissapoint me... all of you have dissapointed me. Have I been gone for so long that you have forgotten your place? Let me make an example here and now. Here Shockwave... let me remind you of your place !!! "

A series of blastfire comes from the shadowy figure, and strikes Shockwave off of his pedalstool. The throne is destroyed, as his crown falls to the floor. Finally, the shadowy figure reveals himself, as he steps forward, stepping on the crown and smashing it beneath his foot. Raising his cannon over Shockwaves head, Galvatron Speaks...

" Hmmm... now where have I done this before? Shockwave, I should kill you now, but as it is, I actually need your intellect intact. Get up you pitiful fool. I've come to gather my new army."

Galvatron lowers his cannon, as Scourge and Cyclonus appear at his side. Quickly, the decepticon "Sweeps" walk over to their bretheren, as Galvatron is reunited with his original army. Galvatron continues to explain his plans...

"Unicron has been awakened, and we have formed a new alliance with him. There is a new mission to be accomplished. My army is to return to earth, and ready the planet for Unicron. The energon there will be the source of his power, and the planet itself will become his new organic body ,should his new plan succeed. The key is Vector Sigma, at the core of Cyberton. The Key to Vector Sigma is known to hold the power to turn organic matter into metal. Once the key is taken, Unicron will be whole once more, and have his own sustaining power source in the energon that earth so richly produces. Other than that, the autobot matrix of leadership is also to be destroyed..."

Galvatron looks over to Menasor and finally down at Shockwave before speaking.

" Menasor, are with me. together, with Scourge, Cyclonus, and the Sweeps, we should be more than able to accomplish our tasks on earth. "

Thrust steps forward and speaks up first.

" But Galvatron... what about the rest of us? Who will carry out the plans on Cybertron? "

" ... Stay here Dirge. Someone else will come for you. My task remains on earth. My..."Brother" will carry out the plans on cybertron..."

Galvatron's decepticon band readies themselves for departure. Soon, they are gone. As the Blast door shuts behind them, the remaining Decepticons are left to wonder about who is coming for them. They need not wait any longer, as the blast door opens once more. Starscream stands before them, before giving way to another familiar figure. Galvatrons " brother " emerges to the surprise of the remaining decepticons. Their leader is among them once more. He speaks.

" I take it my other half has already come and taken his band to earth? Very well. Soundwave, my loyal comrade. Dirge, Thrust, and Ramjet, my loyal warriors. Devastator, my mighty weapon. Come with me to Cybertron. Together, along with a few Insecticons and the traitorous wretch Starscream here... we crush Prime and his autobots before ripping the matrix from his chest. The key to Vector Sigma will be ours, and Unicron will reward us greatly for this task..."

The decepticons gather around their leader returned, and proclaim in one mighty voice...

" Our leader has returned to us... ALL HAIL MEGATRON !!! "

Chapter 7: " Return of the King "


It has been days since the Four Horsemen of " Nemesis " came to cybertron and laid waste to the autobots. Bumble Bee was severly injured, and the dinobots were slaughtered, leaving Grimlock behind to enter into a severe depression as he mourns his fallen brothers. Rodimus Prime was nearly defeated as well, had it not been for the intervention of his long time mentor Kup, who was also killed in action. Taking the Matrix of leadership from Rodimus Prime, the horsemen left the autobots to recover and plan their next move; unknowing that there are now actually two Matrixes...
Optimus Prime walks into the infirmary where First Aid has been with the injured Bumble Bee since the horsemen incident. To his surprise, he finds First Aid alone, by an empty hospitol bed. Optimus Prime speaks...

" First Aid? Where's Bumble Bee? "

" Ah, hello Optimus. Bumble Bee has recovered nicely. Against my orders, he apparently up and left to go and show off his new digs. We had to do massive surgery to save him, but his spark is a stubborn one. The little guy stuck it through, and even requested a few ideas for his new body and formatting. I guess hes showing it off now with the other autobots..."

" First Aid.. I cannot thank you enough for saving Bumble Bee. Your finished work has not come at better time. Get the other Protectobots ready as well as yourself and meet me in the command center. Were going ahead with our initial plans, and were gonna need Defensor to be ready. "

" Were ready whenever you need us Optimus. The Protectobots have also taken the deaths of the Dinobots hard, and were ready to avenge them at a moments notice. Speaking of which... Grimlock. No one has heard from him in days. Were all worried about him. Hows the big lug holding up?

" Don't worry First Aid. I dispatched Ultra Magnus to find him as we speak. Well need Grimlock just as much if we are to suceed with the plans..."

First Aid walks off to ready his comrades as Optimus Walks off to find another friend. Kup was an integral part of the autobots. Mentor to many, nobody has taken his loss harder than Rodimus. Walking into his quarters, Optimus finds Rodimus ans speaks to him...

" Rodimus...the meetings about to begin. Are you sure your up to this? I know how hard its been for you since kup..."

Rodimus cuts him off mid sentence...

" I'm fine Prime. Lets get this meeting started. I'm ready to move along with the plans we've laid out. About Kup... I know he'd want me to be strong.. continue what we started.. I'm ready Optimus. Kup is gone... but the cybertronians still need us..."

" Rodimus. It's good to know we can still count on you. Well need you especially. Matirx or not, you are still the Prime we all depend on, and we'll get it back eventually. It's not over... The Horsemen will be found..."


Ultra Magnus has been searching for Grimlock throughout Cybertron. Of all the places he would be, he never thought of the science lab. It's there that he finds Grimlock; holding and empty vile. Magnus notices the inscription on the open locker, and speaks to Grimlock...

" Grimlock... is .. is that what i think it is? How, where did you get that? "

' ahem.... " I " had it stashed away in this locker.. just a little bit. I had to keep some of it. When Galvatron infused me with function-inverting anti-electrons, the super intelligence I inherited was an accident. When i lost it helping the Technobots, I always wondered if I'd ever need the inteligence again.. so i kept a bit for myself before the rest was destroyed. Knowing that soon we'll begin searching for the murderers, I needed to make sure i was at my best... I drank the rest of it... all of it. "

Magnus stands there stunned at the words of Grimlock. His speech is different.. intelligent. The vile has already begun working in Grimlock. Magnus speaks...

" Grimlock... as interesting as it is to see you way... I came to get you for the command center briefing. Were proceeding with our plans. I also came to see how you were holding up... everybody is taking the recent deaths rough, but you... how are you old friend? "

Grimlock puts the vile down, and closes the locker. He turns and speaks to Magnus.

" Grimlock is ready to destroy whoever is responsible for my friends deaths. Lead the way Magnus... no other words need be spoken..."

" O.k. friend . I'll respect your wishes if you don't want to talk about it. Theres just one thing... How do you know if the effects are permanent? What if you lose the intellect? "

" ... Just pray I find those murderers while it's still intact. Theres no telling what i'd do if I reverted back to my mindless ways... pray for them..."

Autobot Command Center...

They gather around, waiting to hear from Optimus and Rodimus Prime. Finally, they enter, and begin to lay out the plans. Optimus speaks first.

" Autobots... the time for mourning has come and gone. The second Matrix of leadership has been taken from us. We must prepare to take it back, but we cannot ignore the responsibilites we have here on Cybertron as well on Earth and hte humans who inhabit it. Therefor, as stated at the ceremony, we will be splitting up our forces among the two planets. Doing so will help us not only accomplish our goals for the two planets, but also cover more ground as the threat of the decepticons still looms over both planets. The search for these horsemen is not over. We hope that clues to their whereabouts reveal themselves either here, or perhaps on Earth, as it has become the main source of our Energon. These beings will surely seek out Earth soon enough, and if they do, we need to be ready for them..."

Rodimus speaks as Optimus finishes his sentence...

" Optimus and I have come up with the two teams. Initially Optimus was to go to Earth with his team, but things have changed. I will be leading the team there now. Arcee, Springer, Blur, you're with me. Ultra Magnus, ill need you too. Aerialbots... I'll be needing the power of Superion as well. You're with me also. "

Optimus finishes up with his command team.

" While Rodimus and his team are on Earth, we will continue our work here, and begin our search for the horsemen. Hopefully, they will come back to us, and when they do, well be ready. Grimlock old friend, ill need you at my side. Jetfire, Jazz, and Blaster, you're also with me. Protectobots? I could use Defensor at my side should things get thick. Bumble Bee... you are of course, coming along for the ride. That will be it. Rodimus? Good luck on Earth..."

Rodimus and his team board the transformer shuttle that is Sky-Lynx. After brief goodbyes, they are gone. Optimus begins to lay out further plans amongst his command officers when the alert sounds. Jetfire is the first to speak.

" Optimus !! The alert is coming from cybertrons core... it's Vector Sigma !!! We have intruders !!! "

Optimus shouts his orders with intensity...

" Grimlock, take a team and head straight to Vector Sigma, hurry !! Jetfire, get outside. We need to get a visual of our adversaries... we don't know if its the horsemen or the decepticons..."

As Grimlock leaves with Bumble Bee and Jazz, the outer wall to the command tower is blasted open. Optimus and his fellow autobots are hurled against the wall from the blast force. The dust settles, and the intruders reveal themselves to Optimus and his comrades. The familiar foe comes out of the opening in the outer wall with his companions in tow. The decepticons are here, and they've brought a surprise. Optimus looks up and mutters below his voice in shock...

" No... It cant be... MEGATRON..."

Megatron glances over Optimus Prime, and speaks...

" Hello Prime.. I've waitied a long time for this...and I could only think of one phrase to say to you... One shall shall fall..."

Megatron locks eyes with Optimus Prime, and the battle begins...
Rodimus Rage
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:28 pm

Postby Rodimus Rage » Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:26 am

Chapter 8: " Enemies Among Us "

Optimus Prime stands before his long time foe, and pulls out his rifle, charging Megatron while shouting...

" I dont know how you did it ... but I know one thing is for sure... It's you and me Megatron !!! "

Optimus takes a few shots from Megatrons gun before being tackled out the shattered wall, and falling down to the next level below. The rest of the decepticons begin their assault on the rest of the autobots. Soundwave has had his foe picked since leaving the moon base. Blaster ducks from Soundwave's blast fire and opens his chest to unleash his minature warriors;

Grandslam, Raindance, Steeljaw, Ramhorn, Rewind and Eject.

They lunge at Soundwave as he ejects his own set of minature warriors;

Ravage, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Ratbat, Rumble, and Frenzy

The casseste tape warriors lock into battle, as Soundwave and Blaster continue theirs. Starscream opens fire on his one time friend, Jetfire. Jetfire transforms, and takes to the skies above. Starscream transforms, and hurls himself throught the skies after him, blasting away at his target. Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust transform and follow suit; making the chances of Jetfires survival drastically minimal...

This leaves behind two adversaries eager to finish off a long time fued. First Aid readies his fellow Protectobots, and speaks first...

" Constructicons...we've handled you before, and well gladly do it again... Protectobots, transform !!! "

The protectobots begin to transform, merging together to form the powerful Defensor. The constructicons follow suit, transforming and joining together to become the mighty Devastator. The two behemoths lock into battle, crashing and destroying the rest of the command tower, and taking their fight to the ground below. They clash with blows that send tremors throughout the surrounding area. Denfensor and Devastator continue to battle as their leaders; Megatron and Optimus Prime continue their age old battle not to far from them...

Cybertron's Core...

Meanwhile; oblivious to the battle raging above, Grimlock and his team arrive at the doors to Vector Sigma. The intruder was courageous enough to leave the door open. As Grimlock comes through, he raises his gun at the intruder; revealed to be the decepticon Shockwave. Grimlock speaks.

" Shockwave.. step away from Vector Sigma. I don't know what you're doing here, but you won't be leaving here with anything..."

Shockwave turns and speaks.

" Grimlock? Is that you? My, time does bring about change... Actually i believe i will be leaving... with this !! "

Bumble Bee notices it first and speaks.

" Grimlock, he's got the Key to Vector Sigma !!! "

Bumble Bee readies himself to charge Shockwave, but instead prepares to turn around and fire, as he can hear the enemies coming from behind him. Jazz Shouts...

" Bumble Bee, look out !! Insecticons behind you !!! "

Jazz transforms into his vehicle, and charges the incoming insecticons, running over 2 of them. He turns around for another pass before being overwhelmed by more Insecticons. Jazz shouts...

" Damn these Insecticons and their cloning abilities, there everywhere. We're being overun !!! "

Grimlock intervenes, grabbing a few Insecticons off from Jazz, and smashing them to the ground. Grimlock draws his energon sword, and shouts his orders...

" Jazz, you and Bumble Bee, follow Shockwave and get that key !!! I'll handle these guys.. all of them..."

Jazz and Bumble Bee don't argue, as they see the intensity in Grimlocks eyes. They transform and follow pursuit of Shckwave. Jazz cannot help but notice Bumble Bee's new look, as he is no longer the bug he once was... but a new model camaro instead. Jazz speaks to him.

" Damn Bee !!! Nice ride. Maybe i should get myself beat up, maybe turn into a ferrari or somethin... heh "

Bumble Bee and Jazz drive through the passageway until coming up to Shockwave. Surprisingly, Shockwave will not be a threat. Jazz and Bumble Bee transform back into robot mode, and come to stand over the fallen Shockwave, who lays on the ground before them. The Key is not there. Jazz speaks first...

" Shockwave !!?? What the hell happened here? Where the Key? "

Suddenly, a chill runs up Jazz and Bumble Bee as they realize they are not alone. As a dark ghost appears behind them, they turn to the presence of the dark armored Horseman; " Endgame ".

Jazz pulls out his gun as Bumble Bee readies his. Jazz radios Optimus Prime, but gets no response.

" Prime, they're here, the horsemen are here !!! "

Endgame grabs jazz by the neck, and smashes him into the nearby wall. Bumble Bee opens fire and shouts.

" Get away from my friend !!! I still got a bone to pick with you and you're friends for what you did to me !!! "

Bumble Bee charges valiantly, but to no avail. Endgame simply ducks his fire with accuracy, catching Bumble Bee by the neck as well. Endgame speaks with his deep low voice...

" You are as pitiful as the last time my brother defeated you. You should be dead, and yet you still live. I'll have to rectify this situation myself now..."

Bumble Bee closes his eyes as he waits for a destruction... that does not come. Endgame is suddenly thrown off of Bumble Bee. One of the greatest autobot warriors has come to his aid. Grimlock is here, and he is ready for battle. Grimlock raises his energon sword, as he speaks to Endgame...

" You and your brothers have killed my Friends. You've killed my brothers. No more. Not another autobot will be slain today... not by you. I am Grimlock... and I WILL make you pay...!!! "

Grimlock charges Endgame with his energon sword, as Endgame draws his own battle ax out. Their weapons clash, as Endgame begins to use the gift his creator bestowed upon him. Grimlock suddenly begins to feel the draining of his energy, as His sword begins to dim. The enrgon is being sucked right out of him. Grimlock mutters...

" What.. what are you doing to me... "

Grimlock falls, weakend by Endgame. Grimlock attempts to reach for his gun, but Endgame steps on his hand before speaking to him.

" You are a mighty warrior.. perhaps mightier than the rest. But you never stood a chance against a Horseman..."

Endgame Raises his weapon, before being blindsided once again, this time by an unlikely ally. Shockwave reaches for the key as Endgame drops it. Finally, after grabbing the key to Vector Sigma, Shockwave speaks.

" You should have finished me off when you had the chance stranger. Shockwave does not fall so easily. "

More Insecticons arrive, and attack Endgame, as Shockwave makes his escape up to the planet above. Endgame makes easy work of the annoying insecticons, and pursues Shockwave, Jazz and Bumble Bee gather themselves, and help Grimlock to his feet. Jazz speaks.

" What the hell just happened? Why didn't Prime respond to the distress call? "

Grimlock gathers himself together before responding.

" Isn't it obvious? Shockwave most likey didn't show up alone. The decepticons are here, and they're probably locked in combat with the autobots as we speak. What they might not know is that we have a Horseman on the loose as well. C'mon... help me up there, I just need a little energon refill..ugh... we gotta get up there and help them..."


Jetfire takes enough damage from the four seeker decepticon team of Starscream, Dirge, Thrust, and Ramjet - before plummeting to the ground below. It takes all of his remaining efforts to make the best landing he can muster, barely clinging to life...

Blaster and Soundwave continue their fight. Blaster has the upper edge, until Blaster is overcome by Soundwaves Minions, as they have defeated Blasters cassete warriors...

Devastator receives just enough damage to no longer stay in combined form. The constructicons separate from eachother, and continue to fight separately against the lingering Defensor. Soon, Defensor is forced to separate due to the lack of energy within, and the protectobots separate, continuing to battle the constructicons in their separated state...

Optimus Prime and Megatron stay locked in deadly combat. Finally, Megatron catches Optimus with an accurate shot to the chest. Prime falls, and Megatron jumps on top of him, grabbing at his chest. Megatron shouts...

" Fall damn you, fall !!! Give me the matrix, or i'll rip it out of your chest with my bare hands !!! "

" N...Never..."

Optimus reaches inwards with all the remaining energon he can muster, and delivers a mighty blow similar to the one that destroyed Megatron not long ago. Megatron stumbles backwards in pain. He gropes his chest and arm. The two mighty leaders lock eyes once more before being covered by the great big shadow above them. They look up to the skies, as the darkness aproaches. Soon, all the combatants come to a standstill as they peer into the coming blackness.

Unicron has arrived...

Chapter 9: " The Awakening "

Unicron hovers over the planet of Cybertron with authority, even though he is no longer whole, but a shell of the power he once wielded. Since his defeat at the hands of the cybertronian autobots, he has been forced to exist without a body. For some time now, he has relished in his vengeance. He will have a new body. He will have his revenge on cybertron. Once the planet was to be his new body. Now, seeing the value of his new power source that is energon, he has set his eyes on the planet Earth. Now that his plans for a new body have changed, there will be no reason to salvage the planet Cybertron. It will be destroyed, and its inhabitants with it.

As the cybertronians look upwards, they do not notice Shockwave emerging from the catacombs beneath the planet; nor do they notice what he has in his possesion. The key to vectror Sigma. Shockwave stands in the open, and calls to Unicron above...

" Mighty Unicron !! I have what you seek. The key is in my posession. "

Shockwave holds the key up as Optimus Prime looks on. Optimus shouts,

" Shockwave, no !! You must not give the key to vector sigma over to that monster. He'll destroy us all, we must band together and fight Unicron, theres no other way to stop him !!! "

Optimus heads towards Shockwave, and is blasted down from behind. Megatron shouts from behind him...

" Fool !! You are a fool prime. No one turns their back on Megatron. Unicron will not be stopped. He will have his vengeance, and when he is done... so will I !!!

Megatron leans in to finish off Prime. Optimus sweeps his leg, and Megatron is quickly on his back. Optimus gets to his feet and charges on top of Megatron, hands grasped firmly around his neck. Optimus speaks to Megatron...

" Megatron, for once listen to reason !!! We can't fight the decepticons and that monster in the sky... You cant believe that he won't kill you when he has had his vengeance. We must stand together !!! "

" NEVER !!! "

Megatron's scream is follwed by a huge bodily blow that sends Optimus Prime flying off him, crashing to the grounds yards away. Megatron looks to Shockwave and shouts...

" Do it now Shockwave, give him the key !!! "

Shockwave throws the key upwards, as Starscream jumps up and grabs it, transforming into jet mode, and flying upwards towards Unicron. Jetfire; lying injured on the ground, can only look up helplessly, as he watches his one time friend betray the inhabitants of cybertron, as Starscream hands over the key to Unicron. The key leaves Styarscreams hand, as it hovers into Unicrons Mouth. Then, it is gone. Unicron's eyes glow green with energy. Then, The giant speaks in a thunderous voice...

" Megatron, you're army has served me well. The key to vector sigma is mine, and with it, so will the planet Earth be my new body. There is one final task to be completed before I destroy this planet for good... where is the matrix of leadership? It must be destroyed..."

Megatron looks upwards to Unicron, and speaks,

" The matrix lies within the autobot Optimus Prime, here beside me. I will gladly kill him now, and crush the matrix with my bare hands. But the planet Cybertron... it must not be destroyed. I am to be it's rightful emperor... You promised me a reward, give me this !!! "

Unicron growls with a loud voice before responding...

" You dare defy my will? The will of Unicron must come to pass. The destruction of cybertron must occur for reasons unknown to you. Rest assured, you will be rewarded.. perhaps with another planet. But cybertron... it must not be allowed to live..."

Optimus Prime stands up as Megatron and Unicron speak. Jetfire lies closely besides him, also injured. Optimus Prime speaks to Jetfire...

" Jetfire. Now, while they are distracted. Get the rest of the autobots together.. I'll keep things handled here.. I need you to prepare as many cybertronians for evacuation... "

Jetfire struggles to understand what Optimus is saying, and responds;

" Evacuate cybertron? Optimus, thats nearly impossible.. we can't do that, and i'll not leave you here do handle the Decepticons alone, as well as Unicron, that's insane !!!

" Thats an order Jetfire !! As many cybertronians as we can save. Get to the shuttles, give the orders. Now, while the decepticons are distracted.. there may not be another moment... we have to try an save as many as possible...

" Optimus, I... o.k., i'll try. But what about you? What are you going to do? "

Optimus Prime opens up his chest cavity, revealing the Matrix of leadership within him. Optimus responds...

" I'll think of something..."

Jetfire struggles to get up, fighting past his injuries, and hurries off to begin the evacuations. Optimus Prime knows what happened last time Rodimus Prime used the matrix against Unicron. He holds it up to use it once more, and speaks.

" Now... Light our dar..."

He does not finish the sentence as the matrix is shot out of his hands. Optimus Prime looks up and is blindsided by yet another enemy. Falling to the ground yet again, Optimus Prime looks up at his new adversary. Megatron quickly turns around to come face to face with Optimus Prime's attacker. Endgame has arrived from beneath the catacombs. He bends over, and picks up the Matrix of leadership that Optimus Prime once wielded. Then, Endgame looks over to Megatron and speaks.

" The matrix... there are two of them? My father will be most interested. You there, tell me where the Key to Vector Sigma is, and I may have pity upon you..."

Megatron raises his rifle and begins to blast away at Endgame, as Megarton shouts...

" No one threatens Megatron and lives to tell the tale !!! Megatron needs no pity... The Matrix... give it to me, or I will rip it out of your dead fingers !!! "

Endgame dodges enough blast fire to get within range of Megatron, knocking the rifle from his hands. Soon, Megatron is enveloped in a strange energy as he begins to buckle and feel the draining of the energon in his body. Endgame stands over him, and speaks.

" Do you see now? Can you feel the energy flowing out out you, and into me? This is the gift that a true Father gives. I will not ask again. The key... where is it..."

Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust swoop in to defend their leader, and are suddenly shot down from the skies. The rest of the Horsemen are here. The autobot and decepticon combatants all come to a standstill as they gaze upwards. Legion, Warfare, and Endgame hover above the battle field. They glance over the cybertronians, and then glance upwards before looking back at their brother Endgame. Bastion speaks.

" Endgame, do you have what Father asked of you? The key.. get it now, so we may leave this place. Unicron is here... it is not the appointed time, we must hurry..."

Endgame looks up and responds;

" I do not have the key. Instead, I have found yet another matrix. Father will be pleased nonetheless. "

Suddenly an alarm rings throughout all of Cybertron. The sound of an Evacuation alarm. It was used only once before.. the last time Unicron attacked Cybertron. Megatron takes the opportunity to kick the side of Endgame's leg during the distraction. Endgame falls, as Megatron grabs his wrist, and rips the matrix from his hand. Megatron shouts upwards to Unicron...

" Unicron !!! We have given you the key to Vector Sigma. Now, I have the matrix you seek. Destroy these black clad warriors, and you shall finally have your vengeance... "

Endgame looks up to his brothers and speaks...

" Brothers !!! Unicron has the key. This is most unfortunate. We must take it from him, but we cannot destroy him. Quickly..."

The Horsemen fly upwards as Unicron opens his mouth and roars...

" Pitiful insects !!! You will not take anything from me, let alone destroy me... now, feel my wrath !!! "

Unicron's eyes glow green once more as he shoots laser beams out at the incoming horsemen. They dodge them and continue rushing towards him. Megatron shouts his orders below..

" Decepticons !!! Defend Unicron !!! "

Starscream swoops down, and picks up Megatron. The rest of the decepticons follow suit, and rise into the air towards the battle above. The autobots remain on the ground below. Grimlock emerges from the catacombs with Bumble Bee and Jazz. Blaster helps Optimus Prime to his feet, and speaks,

" Optimus, what do we do !? "

Optimus Prime looks back at the entrance to the catacombs below, and speaks to Blaster.

" Get with Jetfire. I want all of the autobots to help with this planets evacuation. I've got something I need to do..."

" But Optimus, the Key to Vector sigma.. the matrix.. they have it all, we have to do something..."

" Blaster do what I say. They have the matrix.. but they dont have the true key to vector sigma.. go now !!"

Optimus dissapears into the catacombs below. The Rest of the autobots scramble to help with evacuations. Meanwhile, the battle above continues. The seekers get there first, blasting away at the Horsemen as well. Warfare turns and unleashes a great big energy sword. With a simple slash acroos the space in front of him, a mighty shockwave is sent towards the incoming seeker jets, hitting them ad sending them hurling away from the horsemen.

Megatron transforms into his gun mode, as Starscream blast away with it. Bastion turns and meets Starscream head on. Bastion makes a motion with his hands, and suddenly, the space around Starscream begins to crush his hand. He lets out a loud scream...

" AAArrrghhh !! My hand !!!"

Megatron falls out of his hand, and transforms back into robot mode. He comes face to face with Bastion and holds out the matrix in his hand. As Bastion moves in closer, Megatron points his gun at the matrix. Megatron speaks...

" Back away !!! You want the matrix? Come closer and I will destroy it now. Take your troops and leave this place. Tell whoever sent you that Unicron and his Decepticons are not to be confronted again. You will not take the key nor the matrix, but you may leave with your lives yet..."

Bastion smiles and speaks...

" Bold. Stupid, yet Bold. It is a wonder why your father would create such weak creatures, and create them without reason or logic. You saw what my power did to your comrade, yet you still defy me? No, we are leaving. We are leaving with the key, as well as the matrix..."

Megatron blast the matrix, but to no avail. The matix will not be destroyed so easily. Instead, Bastion crushes Megatrons arm with the very space around it, and sends him hurling off into space, screaming...

" Noooo !!! ... "

Bastion opens up his chest and reveals the second matrix. He looks at the two of them before speaking to himself...

" Interesting....."

Bastion quickly places the second matrix within himself, and joins his brothers. Legion uses his gift, as he slows time and bypasses Unicrons laser beams. Soon, he is inside Unicron...

Meanwhile, Megatron hurls through space until being pick up by Soundwave. Astrotrain is here, along with the injured Starscream, and the rest of the seekers. Megatron makes the order to pick up the rest of the decepticons, and retreat. Unicron is on his own...

Below, the remaining shuttles can be seen leaving cybertron as it continues the evacuations. Jetfire stands at one of the remaining shuttles, along with his fellow autobots. He is amazed at how fast the evacuations have gone, let alone the sheer amount of cybertronians that were able to escape. He orders as much energon to be stored on the shuttle before odering the remaining autobots aboard the "Ark 3" shuttle. Grimlock is the last to board. He looks at Jetfire, and speaks...

" Where's Optimus? We can't leave without him..."

Jetfire looks at his comrade, and speaks.

" Optimus gave his orders. He wants us gone. If he can make it off planet, he'll do it. But as for us.. we do as he says. Don't worry Grimlock... well come back for him... he'll make it, I know he will. He's got a plan, and he'll find a way... he always has..."

With that, the Ark 3 shuttle closes its doors, and leaves the planet. Inside Unicron, Legion drastically searches for the key, as he evades Unicrons internal defenses. Soon, he comes upon the mainframe of Unicron. Wedged between the circuitry, is the key to vector sigma. Legion attempts to grab it until finally; Unicron has had enough. Soon, Legion is overwelmed with a telepathic attack. Legion clenches his head, as he is sent spewing out of Unicrons mouth. Unicron speaks.

" Your power.. I have felt your mind... I have felt that energy signature before.. it can't be..."

Unicron doesn't get to finish his thought. Unicron comes to a standstill with his battle against the four horsemen, as they stop to look at the planet below them. They can hear the rumbling. The loud sounds, the lights emanating from within...

Then it begins...

Cybertron twist and turns like a loud engine. soon, it comes apart, only to come back together again... this time taking a new form. The planet Cybertron now stands before Unicron and the Horsemen... in full armored Robot Mode. Unicron is the first to utter the name he hasn't spoken in a long time...

" PRIMUS..."

Chapter 10: " The Prophecy "

Cybertron, Moments Earlier...

Optimus Prime wanders the catacombs beneath Cybertron in haste. His friends are in danger above. He wonders how many cybertronians were able to get off planet. Unicron and the Horsemen are locked in battle, as well as the decepticons. How could things have gone straight to hell, in so little time? With so much to worry about, he cannot think of any of these events. He knows there is only one person who will help him decide his next move. Someone who has guided him for a very long time. Right now... he needs his guidance more so than ever before. Upon reaching the chambers to vector sigma; the very heart of cybertron, Optimus prime calls out the name of his long time mentor...

" Alpha Trion !!! Where are you..."

Optimus Prime draws his weapon at the sudden movement behind him. From out of the shadows, Alpha Trion emerges. The eldest living transformer stumbles out from behind the ancient computer that is vector sigma. Charged with guarding the key to vector sigma, it appears that Alpha Trion has failed. Apha Trion takes two more steps, before falling down at Optimus Primes feet. Optimus puts his weapon down, and reaches over to his friend. Upon turning Alpha Trion over, he can see the damage that has been done to his chest. He is badly injured. Alpha Trion uses what strength he has left, and speaks...

" Optimus... the key is gone. I..I have failed. The enemy that took the key took me by surprise. Cybertron has now been compromised..."

Optimus Prime opens his chest and reveals his failure to Alpha Trion as well. Optimus speaks...

" My friend, I have also failed as bearer of the matrix. Now both of the matrix of leaderships have been taken by the enemy. It is, however, an enemy I know nothing about. They are powerful... and they have the most powerful artifacts that cybertron has ever birthed. As we speak, Unicron and these mysterious Horsemen engage in battle above cybertrons very orbit. Tell me Aplha Trion... is all hope truly lost? Is there truly no other way to combat this great threat? "

" Optimus... I fear now is the time. There may be no other time left to tell you this. The prophecy I fear.. is coming to fruition..."

" Prophecy? Tell me what this prophecy entails Alpha Trion.. will it help me bring victory to cybertron? "

" ...No my friend.. It is too late. No, It pains me to be the bearer of this sad news.. but if I am to end my existence this day, you must continue to bear the prophecy in you... for as it fortells the story of a great hope.. it also fortells the possible destruction of cybertron as we know it... "

" ..As we know it? Alpha Trion.. I don't understand..."

" Bear with me Optimus.. listen well...

In the beggining, There was Unicron and Primus. The two Brothers waged a war that lasted for an eternity. Finally, Primus created 13 sons to help him combat the threat of his brother unicron. Primus also made a huge gambit, as he relinquished a portion of his power in his new creation, making him a ltitle weaker in power. Where Unicron thought this would be Primus undoing, the 13 sons of Primus proved they're worth, as they finally, alongside primus, defeated the mighty Unicron, sending him into a black hole, where he would await his vengeance.

The victory came with tragedy, as many of the 13 sons of primus were killed in battle. One ultimately betrayed Primus as well, siding with Unicron. It is unknown what happened to him, only that he was named " The Fallen" as a result. Of the surviving 13 sons, many were forgotten throughout the ages of time. Only one remains functional and remembered to this day. It is he who can help now. Only he can help you restore Primus to power. If you fail Optimus... Cybertron will be lost...If the spark of Primus extinguishes... so do we... "

Optimus prime listens well to the story, but is still troubled. Optimus speaks...

" What? Who is this Primus? Why would I have to help him? "

" Because Optimus... Primus is Cybertron..."

Optimus Prime staggers back with the revelation brought upon him. It is mush to take in. Alpah Trion continues to speak...

" After Unicrons defeat, Primus decided to mask himself from his brothers presence. He relinquished his power even further, and created many more sons.. the cybertronians. Primus eventually went into a deep slumber, fully masking his presence from Unicron. He became Cybertron. Even here now, where you stand, he is asleep. Vector Sigma is more than the mainframe of the planet Cybertron... it is the very heart of Primus himself. The key to vector sigma has many abilities. Most important was its ability to awaken Primus should the need arise. I believe that time has come. ..."

" Alpha Trion... you mentioned a prophecy fortelling our doom. What has happened to make you believe that time is now? "

" The prophecy entails Primus being attacked while he slumbers. He will lose a great deal of power, and become as vulnerable as he has ever been. With the matrix and the key gone, this much is true. He will arise only to be subdued by an unknown adversary. Powerless as he is, all hope will come down to one of his creations. They will come into the necessary power to overcome the great evil, and restore Primus to power. The great adversary, as well as our great hope, are both unknown... I pray that the last original son of Primus can help you. Go now Optimus, to the planet Nebulos. It is there.. that you will find him..."

" Alpha Trion.. I won't leave you here to die.. you're badly injured..."

" Go now Optimus. My time is done. I have but one task left. The key to Vector Sigma is gone, but there is another way to awaken Primus from his slumber. He must be given a fighting chance if we are to succeed. I will become one with vector Sigma, acting as a key. Primus will be awakened and you will go in search of the only being able to help us in our search for the " great hope ". Yous must go quickly... before it's to late !!! "

Optimus struggles at the thought of leaving a dying comrade behind, but he knows that Alpha Trion is right. Optimus turns to leave. He looks back at Alpha Trion one last time, and then heads out to the planet above, in hopes of finding one last shuttle to evacuate the planet. Alpha Trion struggles to get near the mighty Vector Sigma computer mainframe. He stands and prepares to leap into the oblivion, becoming one with he network. He Looks up once more, and smiles as he speaks one last time...

" Heh Heh... Don't worry Primus... they will both succeed. They have to. It's part of the prophecy... The Great Adversary will fall, and those two warriors will find the necessary power.. I believe in them..."

And with that, Alpha Trion falls into Vector Prime, becoming one. The sudden release of primal energy sparks the entire room alive. Above, Optimus Prime makes it to a shuttle, and makes it offworld, jetissoning into space among the rest of the evacuees. Finally, Cybertron begins to shudder. The battle above comes to a halt as cybertron is suddenly transformed into it's true form. The form Of Primus...

Which brings us back to now...

The horsemen converse at the sight of the mighty Primus. They cannot continue this battle. Bastion speaks...

" We cannot continue here.. Primus and Unicron's presence here is to soon. The father must know, we must return to him at once..."

With that, they are gone, vanishing into the very fabric of space and time. With the cybertronians evacuated, this leaves only Unicron and Primus alone in eachothers presence. It has been to long since they have seen eachother. The last time unicron was here, Primus was attacked while he slumbered. His power was still enough to nearly destroy Unicron as the matrix was the living embodiment of Primus power. The matrix is no longer in his possesion, nor is it in the possesion of his chosen creation. For the first time, Primus is vulnerable. Unicron is the first to speak...

" Primus. It appears your precious creations have left your side. While i am merely a head, you are merely a shell of your former self, giving away your power so foolishly. I still have all my power, body or not. Without your precious matrix, you cannot destroy me. I also have the key to your very heart. I would destroy it now, if I hadn't the need for its interesting abilities..."

Primus doesn't respond. Instead, he reaches out with his hands and grabs unicron by the sides of his head, bringing him closer, face to face. Unicron speaks again.

" So.. you still think you have the better of me? Fool. I did not come here to face you unprepared. While your awakening is a surprise to me, I still planned ahead for your destruction..."

Unicron unleashes a telepathic attack that forces Primus to let go of him. Then Unicron finishes his sentence...

" I actually took a page from your book Brother.. I learned from you. You created a son empowered with the power of your matrix... and he nearly destroyed me. Guess what I did..."

Unicron opens his mouth, and a black clad figure emerges. He opens his chest and reveals what looks like a replica of the matrix.. only slightly different. The Figure speaks...

" Now... Envelop the light with your dark power !!! "

Suddenly Primus is engulfed in a surge of painful energy. The energy is slowly working to destroy Primus once and for all. His scream is great, heard throughout the cosmos. Unicron gives the order to stop. Then he speaks...

" Ah.. I would savor this moment. I will take my time, slowly destroying you. Primus, meet my new son.. my very first creation. I have endowed upon him a great portion of my power. The only thing he doesn't have is a will of his own.. only mine. Did that power look familiar? It should have. You used your matrix of light to nearly destroy me, I only saw it fit to create a Dark Matrix to destroy you. My son weilds the Dark Matrix of power now. It will be your end..."

The figure steps out closer towards Primus before Unicron speaks further...

" Primus.. meet my new creation... Nemesis Prime !!! "

Chapter 11: " Earthfall "

Primus staggers back from the recent pain that was unleashed upon him by Unicrons new herald, Nemesis Prime. The Dark Matrix is as powerful as his own Matrix of Light. Unicron gives his fianl orders as a weakened Primus looks on...

" Nemesis Prime... Finish him !!! "

Nemesis Prime begins to open the Dark Matrix again, but not before Primus uses the rest of his remaining energy to execute his escape plan. Primus engages one of his many abilities as he suddenly enters into hyperspace warp speed. It is a speedy escape, as Unicron is caught in surprise. Unicron shouts,

" Nemesis, after him !! Do not come back until you have destroyed Primus, go !!!

Unicron shares many of Primus abilities, as he has given a great portion of his mighty power to his one and only creation. Nemesis uses this power to follow Primus into hyperspace warp speed. Then, Unicron is left alone. He looks around before leaving for his next destination. Unciron speaks.

" Now.. Earth. I will have my new body, and the Earth will be mine..."

With that, Unicron begins to open up a black hole in space. It crackles with energy, as he enters the hole. It begins to dissipate after he vanishes within it, and soon it is gone, leaving behind no trace of all that has occured here. Unicron, the Horesemen, The Autobots, The Decepticons, and all of Cybertron... are simply no longer here. Only the vast emptiness of space remains here now...

Earth Orbit

Rodimus Prime and crew arrive above Earth aboard the transformer shuttle Sky-Lynx. Neither autobot aboard is aware of all that has transpired on Cybertron since they have left. They only know that the protection of Earth is their new mission. Rodimus Prime looks over the blue and green planet. It has been awhile since he has returned here. Rodimus looks over to Springer, and gives the order.

" Alright Springer, imput the coordinates into Sky-lynx's computer so that he can get us down to where we need to go..."

Springer is halfway done with the coordinates when Sky-Lynx is suddenly hit with heavy blast fire. Inside, the shaken autobots scramble to their feet. Rodimus shouts...

" What was that, who's firing at us !!?? "

Arcee looks out the side window and notices the enemy ship first. Arcee responds,

" Rodimus, it's Galvatron, it's gotta be. The decpticons are attacking us !! "

Rodimus gets to the computer frame of Sky-Lynx and speaks,

" Sky-Lynx old buddy, we need to get down and get down to Earth fast. Ultra Magnus? ..."

Before Rodimus can finish his sentence, Magnus responds.

" Already on it Rodimus !! "

Magnus gets to the firing cannon pit inside Sky-Lynx and begins returning fire. Sky-Lynx opens his side doors, and the rest or the autobot crew begin to open fire on the decepticon ship. Soon, the decepticon ship opens its slide doors, and The Sweeps begin to pour out, blasting away at Sky-Lynx. Blur speaks.

" Rodimus, The Sweeps are headed right for us !! "

One more perfect aimed shot hits Sky-Lynx and he begins to lose control. Sky-Lynx speaks through the control deck...

" Rodimus ol' Chum, I'm going down !! Hold on tight lads, we're in for a bloody good landing !!! "

Sky-Lynx closes his doors with the little bit of energy he has left. He has sustained much damage. As he enters into Earths orbit, he begins his free fall. Rodimus attempts his best to manually help steer Sky-Lynx with the control panel. It is just enough, as Sky-Lynx finally hits hard on the ground. He remains in one piece, but heavily damaged. Rodimus speaks first...

" Everybody still alive? Sky-Lynx, how bad are you? "

" It's not good ol' chum. I'm Bloody wasted as it is. I'll not be joinin' Ya any time soon. I need repairs as soon as I can..."

Then they all hear the thunderous roar of the approaching decepticon ship. Rodimus looks up and responds.

" O.k. buddy, looks like we'll have to give you the time you're looking for. Autobots, take cover and defend Sky-Lynx !! "

The Arialbots transform and take to the skies. The incoming Sweeps meet them in arial combat. Ultra Magnus stays aboard Sky-Lynx and uses the last of his available fire power. It is enough, as two well timed shots bring the decepticon ship crashing down near them. The crash destroys the ship. Out of the smoke above, the decepticons come flying down, with Galvatron at the helm being carried by Scourge. The Insecticons hit the ground and quickly transform into Menasor. Rodimus calls out to the Arialbots...

" Arielbots, we need Superion !!! "

With that, the arialbots abandon their encounters with the Sweeps, and begin to transform into the mighty Superion. He is met almost immediatley by the rampaging Menasor as they begin to battle in the mountainous terrain around them. Galvatron swoops in on top of Rodimus Prime and tackles him to the ground ending up on top of him, hands around Rodimus Prime's neck. Galvatron speaks.

" Rodimus... what are you doin here? "

Rodimus pries a few fingers off of his neck and responds...

" Uff..I...I was about to a..ask you the same thing Galvatron...arrgh !! "

Rodimus quickly kicks him backwards over his head and stands up. Galvatron lands on his feet and turns to face Rodimus. Galvatron speaks first...

" I don't know what you're doing so far away from home, but frankly I don't care !! The Earth is belongs to Unicron now, and I'm going to make sure you Autobots don't interfere with these plans !!! "

" Wha??.. Unicron... coming here?? "

Rodimus words fall on deaf ears as Galvatron opens fire upon him. Rodimus dodges the blast and returns fire. Meanwhile Ultra Magnus is met by Cyclonus in combat. He holds his own well until Scourge enters the fray. Blur heads over quickly to help out his autobot comrade, but is intercepted by one of the sweeps. Blur tries his best to lure as many sweeps as he can away from the battle field with his amazing speed, shootong as many as he can and grabbing their attention.

Springer also notices Magnus's troubles and rushes to his aid, tackling Scourge from behind. Springer speaks.

" Two on One eh Scourgy? I thought the decpticons had more gall than that..."

Scourge does'nt respond with words. Instead, he reaches for his blaster with his one free hand, and blast Springer off of him. Springer holds his side, and responds...

" Ughn.. o.k... so thats how it's gonna be eh Scourgy ? ...."

Springer transforms into vehicle mode and drives right through Scourge knocking him into the air. Scourge comes down hard, as Springer is already upon him, transforming back into robot mode. They continue to tussle as Ultra Magnus continue his battle with Cyclonus.

Meanwhile, Arcee attempts to help Rodimus with his battle against Galvatron. It is a valiant effort, but she only gets in the way. Galvatron punches Rodimus into the air and away from him as Arcee jumps in to give Rodimus time to recover. She blast away at Galvatron, but he is already aware of her presence before she evens comes into the fray. He quickly turns and dodges her fire, eventually getting close enougth to knock her down to the ground. He picks her up and holds her from behind, his arm aound her neck, and the other hand with a blaster pointed at ther side. Rodimus gets up to see Galvatron using Arcee as a sheild. Rodimus speaks.

" Let her go Galvatron, this is between you and me !!! "

Galvatron lets an evil smile come across his face. Galvatron speaks.

" Haha..HAHAHA !!! Rodimus why would I do that when I could just blast her and then you into oblivion !!!??? "

" Just don't... I swear, if you hurt her..."

Galvatron looks at Rodimus and then to the squirming Arcee. Then he gets it. He can finally hurt Rodimus Prime more than he ever thought possible. He lets out a lou laugh before speaking...

" ..HA !!! I get it... This one is special to you is she not Rodimus? Pity... you'll never know how it would have ended up...

With that, Galvatron blast Arcee in the side. She falls to the ground as Rodimus runs to her and falls beside her, holding her in his arms. Galvatron stands over him, blaster to his head, and gloats over Rodimus...

" Ha !! Love.. pathetic love. It is nothing but a mere weakness amongst you autobots. Love for her.. love for all of these puny humans that inhabit this planet. It will be your downfall Rodimus..."

Galvatron readies his killing shot, but does not get it off. Ultra Magnus; fresh off of defeating Cyclonus yards away, blast Galvatron from behind, and sends him to the ground away. Galvatron looks back and notices that Scourge is nearly defeated as well by Springer. He stands and gives the orders...

" Curse you Magnus... Decepticons, retreat !!! "

Menasor shoves Superion off of him, and runs to Galvatrons aid, scooping him up with his hand. The sweeps disengage from tracking Blur, and fly back to pick up the injured Cylonus. Scourge manages to get a little assistance from the remaining sweeps, and the decepticons begin to take off into the distance. Springer runs after them before Ultra Magnus stops him, Springer speaks...

" What are you doin Magnus !? They're getting away !! "

Blur arrives next to springer, and Ultra Magnus points them to the sight of a badly injured Arcee, in the arms of Rodimus Prime. Superion arrives beside Magnus, as Magnus speaks...

" Let the decepticons go for now.. well find them soon enough. Sly-Lynx and Arcee are badly injured... we need to get them to am autobot base. There should be a few left functioning here on Earth. "

Rodimus looks over the un-moving Arcee and speaks to her...

" Arcee, don't die on me now, you've got to hold on... we're gonna get you to base and get you repaired. You can't die on me now.. we need you ..I need you..."

Rodimus closes his eyes as clenches her tighter as he speaks once more...

" Dammit... There's... There's so much I never told you..."

Arcee opens her eyes briefly, and whispers...

" I Never thought you cared... so much Hot Rod..."

She drifts back off as her spark begins to leave her. Rodimus shouts...

" Ultra Magnus !!! Help me.. We have to get her to repair... "

Ultra Magnus puts his hand on Rodimus shoulder and speaks...

" It's o.k. Rodimus.. shes going to make it.. we all are. "

Rodimus stands and makes the order.

" Autobots...Transform and roll out. "

Springer and Blur pick Arcee up, and head back to Sky-Lynx. The living ship transforms into his dinosaur mode with the last of his remaining energon. The autobots board him, and he begins his long trek across the mountainous plains to the nearest autobot base...

Nebulos, Orbit...

Optimus Prime arrives in the orbit of the Planet Nebulos. He thinks to himself, how can he find the last surviving original Son of Primus? Alpha Trion told him to arrive at the planet Nebulos. Optimus has no specific coordinates. After a brief silence, his shuttle recieves an incoming transmission. It is a set of coordinates. Optimus knows this is too much of a coincidence, and inputs the codes into the shuttle control board. The shuttle lands in a remote jungle spot on the planet. Optimus leaves the cockpit, and opens the door. Upon walking down the rampway, he surveys his surroundings. Suddenly, the leaves rustle behind him as he draws his blaster and turns quickly to speak...

" Who's there... show yourself..."

The visitor steps forward and reveals himself to Optimus Prime, speaking.

" Relax younger brother. I am no threat to you. I know why you've come... I could feel our father awakening.. he is in alot of pain and distress... we must help him..."

Optimus Prime lowers his blaster and speaks to the stranger...

" Who are you? I've come looking for the last surviving original son of Primus...Alpha Trion sent me here to find him..."

The stranger steps closer and responds to Optimus Prime...

" Then you're search ends here. You have found me. I am the first and the last true son of Primus. I am... Vector Prime ... "

Chapter 12: " The Ties That Bind "

Space... Formerly Cybertron Orbit ...

One lone cybertronian shuttle returns to the empty place in space that once housed the planet Cybertron. Onboard, the mighty autobot warriors double check the coordinates to make sure they've returned to the right place. The coordinates show true, and they are left to wonder what occured here. The answer is obvious to them, or so they believe. Jetfire is the first to speak.

" Unicron... he finally did it. He destroyed Cybertron. I.. I cant believe it. It cant be true..."

Grimlock looks ou the space shuttle window as well and responds...

" Believe it Jetfire. Cybertron is gone. What we don't know is what happened to Unicron or the Horsemen... Last I saw, they were engaged in battle themselves. My hope is the Horsemen got the better of that fight... I still owe those bastards..."

Bumble Bee listens to Grimlock and can take no more. Bumble Bee interjects...

" Dammit Grimlock !!! I'm sick of hearing about your quest for vengeance. The Horsemen killed alot of our friends. We all want justice... But all you ever talk about...since you got smarter somehow, all thats on your mind is your own personal vengeance... what about using that new big brain of yours to help US out now? For all we know, Optimus Prime is dead, in case anyone hasn't thought about him yet. We have no direction... tell me mister intellectual, what are we gonna do now huh !!?? "

Grimlock turns and slams Bumble Bee up against the wall of the shuttle before responding...

" Well well, look who's gotten a new sense of courage ever since he got his butt handed to him by one of those Horsemen. You think cause you got yourself a new look that you can speak to me like that? I'll tear out your spark if I ever here you talk about the Dinobots like they meant nothing..."

Jetfire and Jazz intervene, breaking apart Grimlock and Bumble Bee. Jetfire speaks.

" Guys, this isnt the time for that. Were all just a little bit on nerve at the moment.. We need to pull together like never before. We have Cybertronians spread out all over the galaxy. Who knows where everyone has gone. Bumble Bee is right. Optimus Prime is no where to be found. And Grimlock... Not a single one of us doesn't want another piece of those Horsemen... But right now, we need to strategize.. The Horsemen, Unicron.. even the damn Decepticons... so much has happened..."

Jazz looks up at his two comrades. He looks at Bumble Bee and Grimlock, and speaks to them...

" Guys... I can't see you two fight.. I can't. For all we know, we are all we have left... It's like Jetfire said... we have to pull together if we are gonna make it here.. With or without Optimus Prime..."

Grimlock looks at Bumble Bee and simply grumbles to himself, before walking back to the cockpit of the ship. Bumble Bee looks the other way, and walks to the back of the ship. Jazz continues...

" Guys... I don't know about you, but along with everything that has occured, I can't help but think about the return of Megatron... I thought he was turned into Galvatron? How can that be? "

Cliff Jumper emerges from the cock pit and responds.

" I don't know, but I still remember what Megatron did to Prowl, Ironhide, and Ratchet. Grimlock isn't the only one with revenge on his mind..."

Grimlock looks back from the cockpit and speaks.

" Maybe Cliff Jumper is on to something.. this is war people.. and the war just got bigger.. and deadlier. Our enemies keep growing. We have so many to deal with now.. it's time to fight more vigilantly... we have to finish off the decepticons.. once and for all. Then, we finish off those Horsemen, if they still live. Optimus Prime is dead. Both Matrix of leaderships are gone. Follow Grimlock and I'll lead the autobots to victory.. final victory...

Jetfire listens to Grimlock with shock. Cliff Jumper agrees to follow Grimlock's lead, followed by Jazz shortly. Jetfire speaks.

" I can't believe i'm hearing this... this isn't the autobot way.. Optimus would never have gone with this..."

Grimlock walks back and stands face to face with Jetfire, before responding...

" Optimus Prime isn't here is he Jetfire..."

There is a brief uneasy silence. Then, Blaster emerges from the back with an incoming transmission. Blaster speaks...

" Guys.. Optimus may be gone... But i'm getting an incoming transmission from Rodimus Prime right now, so we better all listen up..."

Blaster transforms into his boombox radio form, and begins the playback...

" ....This is Rodimus Prime. Blaster, I hope you're getting this transmission. I need you to get word to Optimus Prime that things have'nt gone so great since our arrivial. We've sustained heavy injuries on our side... Galvatron and his decpticons are here, and we're gonna need more reinforcements. Send as many as you can spare Optimus... Galvatron stated he was here on behalf of Unicron. We were not prepared to take on the likes of Unicron here on Earth. I'll be needing those reinforcements soon. I hope everything is going well on Cybertron. Rodimus out..."

They all take a moment to take in all that Rodimus spoke of in the transmission. They think to themselves.. How can Megatron and his decepticons have attacked Cybertron mere moments ago... yet Galvatron and his decepticons be on Earth at the same time? And Unicron... he was just here.. he destroyed Cybertron... is Earth next? Jetfire speaks...

" I don't know what you are thinking about right now guys.. but our brothers are in need of our help right now. I vote we head back to Earth right now. We can't let Unicron do to Earth what he just did to Cybertron. I know you want to hunt down those killers Grimlock.. but you have to let that go for now.. Rodimus and the others.. they need us.. they need you big guy..."

Grimlock looks down before finally responding...

"...Alright. I'll go. I just want to see what the hell is up with this whole Megatron and Galvatron buisiness. But rest assured one thing... when Grimlock finds them... Grimlock will be sure to end their threat finally.. once and for all..."

Jazz speaks.

" ...O.k. then, it's decided. We go to Earth..."

After punching in the coordinates, the autobot shuttle leaves Cybertron orbit... perhaps for the last time...

Meanwhile... Back on Earth; Somewhere in California, undergound...

Rodimus Prime sits beside the stasis tube that houses Arcee. He can only continue to think about how things could have been. If only he had gotten up sooner... if only he had taken out Galvatron sooner, Arcee would be o.k. He hopes she makes it through. Theres so much he wants to tell her. Just as he thinks these thoughts, Springer walks into the room. Springer looks at Rodimus and speaks...

" Oh.. I didn't know you were here.. I can go Rodimus, come back later..."

" No no, it's o.k, I just wanted to see how she was doing.. I was just leaving anyways..."

" Yeah.. maybe you could check up on Sky-Lynx or something, you know... he was also injured..."

Rodimus looks up at Springers words shocked. He responds...

" What? Where the hell did that come from Springer? "

" What? I was just thinking since your the leader and all, you should be checking in with all of us, not just Arcee here..."

" O.k., thats it. Whats your problem Springer... spill it out right here, right now... "

" Whats my problem? O.k, alright, i'll tell you what my problem is.. you are Rodimus. You have it all. Always have to have the spot light. The matrix chose you, hey o.k. No problem. You're The Prime now, and i'll follow you till the day I die. But it wasn't enough was it? You had to go and have more.. "

" Springer, wheres all this coming from? You my friend.. my best friend.. I don't understand..."

" Dammit Rodimus, I thought it was obvious by now. I see the way Arcee looks at you, the way you look at her. I would have thought by now you would have known the way I feel about her.. but no. Now you had to go and take her to. Poor old Springer gets nothing, and good ol' Rodimus Prime gets it all..."

" Springer, you're being childish, This isn't you..."

" No Rodimus, this is me.. I'm tired of holding it all in. Arcee is something special to me, and I can't stand it that my supposed best friend is trying to take her from me. I...I..I'm gonna go check in with Sky-Lynx.. see how he's doing.. I'll see you around Rodimus..."

Springer turns and leaves. Rodimus is left to take in all that his friend has just said. Suddenly, the stasis tube sensor begins to go off, and the tube doors open. Arcee comes tumbling out, and into the arms of Rodimus. She looks up at him, and speaks.

" Hey handsome, looks like i'm all better now. Did I miss anything? "

Rodimus smiles. Something he hasn't done in a long while. He attempts to respond, but once again, he is interrupted by his duties. Blur walks in, and speaks.

" Rodimus, oh thereyou are. I've beenlooking all over foryou. UltraMagnus says Galvatron hasbeen spotted over Alcatraz Island. Should we move into intecept them?"

" ...Yes.. we should Blur. I'll be right there. Get the others to the control room. We mobilize in 5 minutes..."

Blur turns to leave as Arcee stands up and speaks...

" Theres always something that gets in the way between us isn't there Rodimus..."

" I swear Arcee.. when this is all over.. me and you are going to have a long talk. I.. I just can't do this now... But i'm glad your o.k. Maybe you should stay here and rest..

" And let you take all the glory? No way hot shot, i'm good to go..."

" Good.. i'll see you in the control room then I guess... take your time getting ready, we'll wait for you."

Rodimus turns and exits the room, leaving Arcee behind to speak to herself...

" Later huh? Oh Rodimus.. what if there is no later..."

Meanwhile, somewhere on the planet Nebulos...

Optimus Prime tells Vector Prime of the recent events that have transpired. He tell him that he was sent here by Alpha Trion to find help, and that Vector Prime would show him what to do next. Optimus tells of how both Matrixes are now gone. Vector Prime reassures Optimus Prime...

" Optimus... I have heard the telepathic cry for help of Primus. Indeed, this is his darkest hour. However, not all hope is lost. It is true, the other 12 original heralds of Primus are now gone, dead or lost to the ravages of time. When each of us was created, we each had our own matrix of power. When a herald died, their spark would flow throught the rest of us. Soon, I became the last survivor, and I recieved the last remnants of my brothers sparks. When Unicron finally fell, Primus and I decided to go into hiding, so that should Unicron awaken, he would not find us. Unicron went into a deep slumber, and created all of you in the process. I on the other hand had developed so much power, I feared what I would become... a herald without a purpose. A dangerous being if there ever was one. I remained in contact with the elders of Cybertron throughout the years, and now the time has finally come. I am a herald with a purpose again... we must protect Primus. "

Vector Prime opens his chest and reveals his Matrix. Vector Prime speaks.

" You see Optimus, the power of Primus still flows through me. Not all hope is lost. "

Vector Prime closes his chest and continues to speak.

" I will go to Primus, and help him. You on the other hand must return to your warrioirs. Im also sense they are in great danger. Unicron is not far from them... Earth. Unicron is headed there now. Go, and ready your warriors. Take this.. "

Vector Prime gives Optimus an orb of blue energy. Vector Prime continues...

" I once had a need for it, but no longer. It is a unique spark of power. A gift, bestowed upon me and my brothers from Primus. When the time comes... you will know what to do with it..."

Optimus takes the orb and speaks.

" Thats it? This orb will help me defeat Unicron? What about the Horsemen, and the master they serve? "

" ...Leave that to me Optimus... You must destroy Unicron. I will save Primus and defeat the new heralds you speak of. We all have our part in this battle. this is mine. You have yours. Go with the orb little brother. We will meet again..."

Before Optimus has another chance to speak, Vector Prime opens a portal through the space behind him and vanishes through it. Optimus is left to ponder what just transpired here. Eventually, he enters his shuttle, and heads for Earth...

Somewhere in deep space...

Primus floats in the vast emptiness of space. He needs to rest, and heal. He is badly injured from the energies of Unicron's Dark Matrix. He floats for a time before a portal opens up in front of him... a large portal. Primus barely has the energy to look up at the stranger steeping through the portal. The stranger speaks...

" Ah... there you are little brother. Look at you, so weak. This fight between you and Unicron must end. I will see that this happens. For now, let me help you..."

The Dark Giant grabs hold of the weakened Primus, and puts him through the portal. Then, before stepping back through himself, he speaks...

" I will see to it that you're true power is returned to you Primus. There is only one way to do this, and I will do what you cannot. You must take back the many sparks you have spread out over all your creations. I will destroy them all for you, and you will revert back to your true form. Then, I will help Unicron find a new body. Then, and only then, will we finally take our true place in this universe as united brothers. This will all soon come to pass.. so swears NEMESIS..."
Last edited by Rodimus Rage on Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
Rodimus Rage
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:28 pm

Postby Rodimus Rage » Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:28 am

Chapter 13: " Battlefield Earth "


Alcatraz - San Francisco, California. It was home to some of the most notorious criminals of our past. Now, it is nothing but an empty tourist attraction, filled with empty jail cells... or so we've thought...

Beneath the giant rock of an island is a massive source of Energon, the energy source the transformers have come to depend on. Unfortunately for us, the Decepticons have found it first. While their goal remains ultimately unknown to the Autobots, they know the Decepticons must be stopped at all cost. It has been awhile, but now; Alcatraz is once again filled with the most dangerous criminals of our time... Earths most dangerous enemies...

Galvatron and his decepticon crew continue loading the newly discovered energon into their ship when suddenly, a thunderous roar is heard overhead. Astrotrain comes in fast, as he finally hovers and lands in the nearby prison yard. Emerging from Astrotrains hull are the rest of the decepticons; along with their leader returned... Megatron. Galvatron turns his full attention to Megatron as they lock eyes. Standing inches from eachother's faces, Galvatron speaks first...

" What are you doing here Megatron? You're a little far away from Cybertron. I take it you failed ? "

Megatron grimaces slightly before responding...

" Galvatron, I only came here to make sure you didn't fail on your end. Unicron has Cybertron taken care of. I took care of Optimus Prime and his Matrix..."

" Something tells me your lying Megatron... you forget I know you all to well. Sharing the same mind has that effect..."

" Quiet Galvatron. I came here to finish the Autobot threat here on earth, but if I must, I will happily finish you off as well pretender !! "

" Well then Megatron, why don't I make it easy for the both of us..."

Galvatron raises his arm cannon to Megatron's face as Megatron draws his blaster to Galvatron's at the same time. They stand there in a stalemate until soundwave intervenes...

" Lord Megatron, Mighty Galvatron... the Autobots are approaching, led by Rodimus Prime. Laserbeak has spotted them coming in from accross the bridge... what are your orders? "

Megatron takes the initiative to respond first...

" Starscream, Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust; intercept them at the bridge..."

Galvatron finishes the orders...

" Cyclonus, Scourge; go with them..."

The six flying transformers take off and head to the bridge. Starscream finds it interesting that the the six decepticons are together again... he wonders if somewhere inside Scourge and Cyclonus, if his old friends Thundercracker and Skywarp are still in there somewhere. If they are, he hatches a plan inside his mind on a way to bring them back. If Unicron did it for Megatron... he can do it with his friends as well... that is if Unicron survived the attack of the Horsemen back at Cybertron...

The autobots are halfway across when Ultra Magnus spots them. This is bad. There are still many cars on the bridge with many innocent civilians. Rodimus has no choice but to give the order to engage the enemy here and now...

" Autobots, attack !!! "

The autobots transform into robot mode and begin blasting away at the incoming decepticons. Springer transforms into helicopter mode and shouts to Rodimus...

" Rodimus !! I'm going up, I can take a one or two of them with me, and away from the civilains !!! "

" Don't try to be a hero Springer, there's to many of em, they're faster than you !!! "

" To late, my mind is made up..."

Springer takes to the skies as Cyclonus and Scourge follow suit. Starscream leads the rest of the seekers to the bridge as fly overhead blasting at autobot and civilian alike. Cars erupt in flames as Rodimus finally jumps up and grabs Dirge by the wing and slams him down to the ground below. Dirge transforms into robot mode and begins throwing punches at the incoming Rodimus Prime. Thrust scoops down for the assist, but is met by Arcee and Blur, who immediatley begin blasting away at the Decepticon.

Finally, Ramjet and Starscream fly over and land a few well timed shots at Ultra Magnus, causing him to jump out of the way and over the side of the bridge, hanging onto the cables that hold it up. Starscream knows this is it for Magnus as he swoops in for the kill. Starscream can't help but to gloat...

" Ha !! Who would have thought that I, the mighty Starscream would have had the privelage of destroying the legendary Ultra Magnus... hahaha !!!"

Starscream never makes the shot, as the newly repaired Sky-Lynx swoops down and lays down cover fire for Magnus, allowing him the time to pull himself back onto the bridge. Sky-Lynx lays down more cover fire, until Astrotrain swoops in to do the same for the decepticons. Megatron, Galvatron, and the rest of the decepticons drop down from Astrotrains hull and onto the bridge. Finally, Astrotrain locks up with Sky-Lynx in the skies above.

Rodimus and the rest of the autobots pull back and regroup at the center. Finally, Springer comes crashing down at Rodimus Prime's feet. Springer looks up as Cyclonus and Scourge regroup themselves with the rest of the decepticons, who have now managed to encircle the small remnant of autobots. Springer speaks to Rodimus...

" Damn... well, so much for playing the hero..."

" It's o.k. Springer... we've been in bigger scraps than this... well get out of this one.... "

Blur looks around at the encroaching decepticons that surround them and speaks..

" Whatarewegonnado !!?? Whatare wegonna do !! ?? "

" Hold it together Blur !! " Ultra Magnus shouts.

The ten Decepticons continue to move in closer around the five Autobots. Megatron speaks...

" Rodimus Prime is it? I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting yet. Pity I'll never know how well you measure up to Optimus Prime in battle... seeing as this is it for you. If it's any consolation... You won't be the first Prime i've ever killed..."

Galvatron raises his cannon at Rodimus and speaks...

" What was it you said to me back inside Unicron years ago? Oh yes... Now I remember..." This is the end of the road Rodimus Prime..."

Somewhere in deep space...

Vector Prime has been following the trail of his creator Primus for some time now. As he crosses this sector of space, the trail goes cold.
He thinks to himself... " Where have you gone Primus? Have you dissapeared into thin air? I still feel your presence faintly.. you cannot have been destroyed...

Vector Prime does not have enough time to finish his thought as he suddenly realizes he is not alone. Someone else has been on the trail of Primus. Vector Prime dodges the first blast of fire, turning around to return a volley of his own. Then, he comes face to face with his enemy. Vector Prime shouts...

" Who are you, and why do you attack me ?! "

" I'm am Nemesis Prime, and I am the herald of Unicron. I have come for the head of Primus, but you have his stink all over you... I will destroy you as well ... "

" You will try..."

Vector Prime and Nemesis Prime charge eachother. Vector Prime draws a great big battle sword as Nemesis does the same. The two mammoth swords clash as a huge wave of energy is dispursed around them. They continue to parry until Nemesis Prime catches Vector Prime on the arm. Vector Prime does not let up as he continues his assault, finishing a slicing attack of his own; catching Nemesis Prime on his leg.

The two mighty heralds step back and prepare their next maneuvers. They appear to think alike, as Vector Prime teleports behind Nemesis Prime. Nemesis Prime simply teleports and appears to the side of Vector Prime, as he quickly dodges a brushing swipe of the sword. Vector Prime speaks...

" So.. You have great power as well... perhaps you are the true herald of Unicron. You posses similar powers to me.. but do you posses them all?! "

Vector Prime lashes out with a great beam of energy. Nemesis Prime simply blocks it with his Sword and absorbs it. Then, Nemesis Prime lashes out with a telepathic attack that strikes Vector Prime backwards. Vector Prime recovers quickly, as he transforms into a golden spacecraft and flies through space, attempting to maneuver behind Nemesis Prime whil blasting away at him. Nemesis follows suit, as he transforms into a dark spaceship and counter maneuvers. They return eachothers fire as they race through the spaceways. They seem to be evenly matched. It continues until suddenly, there is a blast of energy that knocks them both backwards. They transform back into robot mode and look up.

The Four Horsemen are here.

They stare at eachother for a legnthy period of time. It has been awhile since such a gathering of power has happened. The six Heralds continue to stare until Bastion breaks the silence...

" At last my cousins, we meet. This is what we were created for, and know that we were created more powerful than the both of you. Your demise cannot be stopped. Our father has deemed that you both be destroyed, so that your creators will have their power restored unto them. You both weild the last remaining matrixes. The dark matrix, and the light matrix... both of them will stripped from your dead corpses this day.., the will of NEMESIS will not be denied, so swears the Horsemen !!! "

Vector Prime looks to Nemesis Prime. They need not speak it. It is the only Logical choice. Their feud is put on hold, as Vector Prime and Nemesis Prime draw their weapons and come back to back. Looking down the Four Horsemen, they begin to charge them as the Horsemen do the same.

The battle begins...

Chapter 14: " Armageddon Now "

Bastion leads the charge of the Horsemen as they engage the incoming Primes. Warfare unleashes his great battle ax and clashes with Nemesis Prime, who meets him with his great sword. Nemesis Prime quickly turns around and counters Endgame with his left arm, following up with a punch to his chest. Vector Prime meets Bastion and Legion head on as he swiftly parries their attacks with his own great sword. All six combatants engulf themselves with powerful energies as they clash with eachother. The battle continues until the horsemen back off and regroup. Bastion speaks first,

" Hmmm... it appears we will have to settle this another way..."

Bastion attempts to use the space around Vector Prime ans crush him inwards. Vector Prime feeling the pressure teleports behind Bastuon and blast him in the back with his arm cannon. Bastion flies forwrard, turning around and giving the order...

" Endgame !! Finish him !! "

Endgame begins to siphon Vector Primes power until Nemesis grabs him from behind and sends him hurling upwards through space. Legion uses his power to slow time and attempt to destroy Nemesis Prime. As Legion runs by the unmoving Nemesis Prime, Legion is shocked to see Nemesis Prime turn his head and smile. Legion is blasted back by Nemesis Prime's gun. It appears he is not the only Herald to recieve this power. Bastion grows more impatient and speaks once more...

" You two are beginning to annoy me... and I will have no more of it !! "

Bastion opens his chest and removes the two matrixes within it. He holds them both up and attempts to open them, using the power inside to destroy the two primes...

" Open damn you !! ... '

They do not open. Vector Prime speaks...

" The power of Primus cannot be weilded by one such as you. Clearly, you were not created by him... But that just begs a new question... Who created you? "

Vector Prime blast the two matrixes free from Bastion's hands in his moment of frustration. He quickly teleports in to grab them before Bastion can do anything. Vector Prime speaks.

" I'll be taking these..."

Bastion grows more frustrated than he ever has. Legion, Endgame, And Warfare stand behind him as he gives the order...

" Horsemen, enough. We don't need the matrix power... we will use our own power. A final gift if you will, bestowed upon us by Father. Horsemen... bring forth the power of Armageddon !!! "

The Horsemen begin to emanate with golden energy. Suddenly, they rise up into the air as they begin to transform and link together. After the transformation is complete, the Horsemen are no more. Instead, a new mammoth dark giant stands in their place. He opens his eyes as Golden energy flows out from them. The dark giant speaks...

" Now... Armageddon comes for the both of you !!! "

Armageddon shoots forward like a bullet train. Vector Prime grabs Nemesis Prime and teleports out of the way. They both reappear just yards away, but it is not enough as Armageddon turns around swiftly and swipes them both in the back with his giant arm. As the two Primes go flying, Armageddon unloads a barrage of powerful energy beams from his eyes. Vector Prime and Nemesis Prime try to dodge most of the blasts, but cannot escape some of them, taking damage to themselves. Vector Prime looks up to Nemesis Prime and speaks...

" Nemesis Prime !! Listen to me if you value your life... We are powerful, but that monstrosity is even more so. We can't beat Armageddon. There is only one way to stand against him. Follow me... we need to get to Earth. Trust me... it is the only choice we have..."

Nemesis Prime looks back at the charging Armageddon and knows he has no choice. Nemesis Prime speaks.

" For now, we continue our alliance. Rest assured... after this is over, I will destroy you and your maker... "

Vector Prime and Nemesis Prime begin their retreat. Armageddon is not to far behind them giving chase. He is almost upon them when the black hole opens up in front of the two Primes. Vector Prime unleashes a final attack on his pursuer as he blast away at Armageddon's eyes with a powerful blast of energy. It does nothin more than irritate him as stumbles back briefly before charging again. It is enough time for the two Primes as they dissapear into the black hole. Armageddon flies frantically to reach them, but he is too late as the black hole seals up.

Armageddon screams aloud in anger. Then, he pauses and releases even more golden energy. Armageddon begins to come apart as the horsemen transform back into their individual selves. Bastion speaks...

" Conserve your energy brothers. We must not go back to our father without the matrixes... we must get them back or father will surely punish us for our failure..."

Legion responds...

" No Bastion.. it is you who have failed. Was it not long ago you considered me a failure? It was you who let the son of Primus take them back so easily. If you had not hoarded both matrixes for yourself, perhaps one of us would have still had one to return with. Your greed has done this to us. Your lust for more power will be your downfall. I only pray that it does not do the rest of in as well... "

" Do not patronize me Legion. We both know father made me more powerful than you... perhaps you would test me in battle? Perhaps then I will finally shut your talk..."

Warfare intervenes...

" They are getting away as we argue. Stop this now and let us be on our way..."

Bastion steps back and speaks.

" Very well. Legion, we will have words another time. For now, we know where they've gone. Their little escape only delays the inevitable. They have gained only mere moments, but it will not be enough. Horsemen... we go to Earth..."

Another large black hole opens up as The Four Horsemen step through it and dissapear...


Rodimus Prime looks down the barrel of Galvatron's cannon. They are outnumbered and encircled by the Decepticons. Rodimus looks around him and speaks...

" Autobots... this is not the end. Take them with everything we've got... If we go out, we go out fighting !!! "

Springer looks to Arcee and speaks...

" Arcee, if this is it, I just need to tell you before this goes down..."

Arcee listens to the rumbling above them and interrupts Springer.

" Hold that thought Springer, we have incoming !!! "

Galvatron and the rest of the decepticons look up as the incoming shuttle charges forth, firing upon the decepticons. Megatron jumps back and sounds the orders...

" Starscream, get up there and intercept !!! "

Starscream transforms and lifts off into the sky towards the shuttle. He gets close until the shuttle doors open up. Jetfire emerges and begins blasting away at Starscream. Jetfire speaks...

" Starscream !!! We have unfinished buisiness..."

Rodimus Prime uses the moment of opportunity to charge Galvatron and knock him over. As they engage in yet another battle, the shuttle lands on the bridge. Grimlock and the other autobots emerge as Megatron sounds another order...

" Decepticons, get to the city. We fight them and use their weakness at the same time. Destroy all buildings and civilians as you go !!! "

The decepticon seeker jets transform and head towards the city, picking up their non-flying comrades. Bumble Bee speaks...

" Oh no they don't, not on my watch..."

Bumble Bee and Jazz transform. Ultra Magnus and Springer do the same as they take off after the decepticons. The aerialbots follow suit with the protectobots. Arcee looks back at Rodimus Prime as he engages Galvatron. Then she transforms and heads off into the city...

Rodimus gets on top of Galvatron and unleashes a barrage of punches with a rage he hasn't felt in quite some time. Galvatron barely manages to shove him off of him, as he shouts...

" Rodimus Prime.. such primal rage. This doesn't have anything to do with that lovely pink autobot would it?! "

" Galvatron, this has everything to do with it !!! "

Rodimus Prime transforms and charges Galvatron in his vehicle mode. Galvatron runs back and shouts...

" This isn't over Rodimus... don't forget that !!! "

Rodimus is almost upon him as Galvatron jumps up and grabs onto the hands of Cyclonus. They fly off into the city ahead. Rodimus quickly turns and looks on, as he speaks...

" Not by a long shot..."

Rodimus revs his engine and proceeds full trottle into the city of San Francisco...

Above, Starscream and Jetfire continue their aerial combat through the skies. Starscream takes Jetfire throught the bridge cables. He cannot shake him. They fly over the city as Starscream finally makes his move. Manuevering around the side of a building, he catches a ledge and transforms at the same time, jumping up onto the roof. Jetfire flies right by, before noticing starcreams scheme. Starscream blast away at jetfire as he turns back and flies towards Starscream. As Jetfire rams into Starscream, they go crashing off the side of the building, and into the building next to them.

The debris of the building comes crashing down upon the civilians below. The streets are filled with the screaming and running, as people seek to avoid the rampaging giant robots. Megatron looks around him smiles. Megatron shouts...

" Menasor, Devastator... destroy these buildings !!! "

The stunticons and constructicons transform and merge into their giant counterparts. After pounding and smashing their way into the side of a nearby building, they are met by the giant Autobots. Defensor and Superion are here. The four giants continue to battle as massive damage continues to occur around them. Superion is thrown by Menasor into a nearby gas station. The station erupts in flames as the gas lines explode. Bumble Bee domes in driving as fast as he can. He is on time, as he transforms in mid drive, jumping forward and picking up two nearby civilians close to the gas station... avoiding the eruption.

Grimlock arrives and engages Shockwave, who is shooting all of the nearby vehicles. Grimlock shouts...

" Coward !!! Take on someone your own size... take on Grimlock !!! "

Jazz drives right by Grimlock. He cannot help but wonder... Grimlock is starting to speak in the third person again. Is his intelligence draining? He does not get much more time to think as he is blasted from the sky by Dirge. Jazz lifts off of the ground and starts tumbling, finally crashing at the feet of Megatron. Jazz transforms into robot mode as Megatron looks over him...

" Well, Well... what do we have here? Jazz.. another of Optimus Primes favorites. Pity he isn't here to see me kill you, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now..."

Megatron picks Jazz up into the air and holds a blaster to the side of his head. The injured Jazz tries to struggle free, but to no avail. Megatron gloats...

" Yes.. that's it. Struggle, it only makes it more fun..."

Megatron may have had his wish, if not for the last incoming shuttle, blasting away at Megatron. Megatron drops Jazz and seeks cover, diving to the ground. The shuttle lands hard on the street below, but not before the pilot jumps out of the shuttle door and onto the ground nearby Megatron.

Optimus Prime is here.

Optimus surveys the massive destruction around him. The innocent humans; victims of the decepticon threat once more. As the autobots and decepticons wage their everlasting war here in the streets of San Francisco, one thing is clear to Optimus. This ends here, and now. Optimus Prime picks up Megatron and hurls him into the side of a nearby vehicle. Without giving Megatron the time to catch his guard, Optimus picks up Megatron and slams him into the ground; as he remains grabbing him, and peers into his eyes - face to face. Optimus speaks...

" Megatron... I have seen enough destruction for a lifetime. No longer will the humans or any other autobot suffer your brutality. The war between us ends today. "

Optimus comes close to ending Megatron for good, until one last final interuption occurs. Every combatant ceases their fight and looks up. People attempting to escape the robots in their vehicles come to a stop and exit their cars. Everyone looks up as the giant shadow envelops the sky and the city.

The Earth is not any safer... Unicron has arrived...
Rodimus Rage
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:28 pm

Postby Rodimus Rage » Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:30 pm

this is the correct thread by the way.. sryy for the other two double-thread mistakes...
Rodimus Rage
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:28 pm

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