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Tansformers Universe : Awakening

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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:10 pm

Grimlock had been following a series of tubes while skulking the caverns for the evil Dinobots but found no one in sight. His lust for battle was beginning to subside as he came down from a combat high. As he turned a sharp corner, his gaze fixed on the tubes. He was suddenly blinded. His optics adjusted and looked outward. This part of the planet wasn’t like Cybertron, but resembled one of Earth’s vast and unforgiving deserts. Grimlock was reminded of his days with the Maximals fighting the Predacons across time and space. Even before that he and the Dinobots had fought bravely alongside the Autobots. Now all the Maximal Prime’s were dead or missing. He thought about how he had hated Optimus Prime, and after his death, how he had realized the important roll that Optimus played in the Autobots cause, and to Cybertrons future. Now Optimus Prime was back, facing off against Unicron and the Decepticons somewhere across the galaxy, while Grimlock and the Dinobots investigate this strange other Unicron. Grimlock’s thoughts were shattered. His vapor analyzers were detecting Energon in the air. Fresh Energon, from a wounded Maximal! Grimlock transformed into Beast mode and sniffed hard. It was him! Grimlock charged off in the direction of the smell. He was hell bent on getting some answers from the one who sentenced him to imprisonment for no reason.

Swoop was gliding along, closer to the ground then he had ever done before. If he swayed one way or the other he could bottom out and crash in a heap. The thought of danger excited him, as did the thrill of the hunt. While not an enemy pursuit, the wounded Maximal he detected nearby was still a fun prey to track down. Swoop gained some altitude. He could see the body ahead of him. With a big flap of his wings he darted through the air like a missile on course with its target. In the blink of an eye he transformed and landed before the wounded warrior. Swoop looked him over. He’d never seen this Maximal before. The wounded Maximal looked up at Swoop. His face startled Swoop. Its resemblance was so strong, to another he had known. His body was damaged severally and he was hemorrhaging Energon. The Maximal reached out. Swoop motioned to touch his hand. But before they’re hands could meet, they were separated by a blade. It was Grimlock’s sword. Swoop grabbed the sword to push it away. The Maximal grabbed the sword as well. Grimlock and Swoop were filled with an orchestra of memories sounding out from the depths of the Maximal’s spark. It revealed to them every moment, motivation and desire that he had ever felt. Then, like a back draft, the shared knowledge was gone, and all that remained was a growing and searing pain. Grimlock looked at Swoop whose body was glowing with Energon, it was changing him. Grimlock went to move, to strike, but that was the last he processed.

The planet began to spin around as his processor slowed. Grimlock faded into the darkness; the voice of the creator whispering reassurance comforted him.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:24 am

Hard Head awoke abruptly jumping to his feet and drawing his sword. As he glanced around his processor lapsed, his knees missed a gear and he stumbled and staggered until he came to rest on the shoulder of a nearby bot. The bot held him up limply for a moment and then cast him to the ground. Hard Head heard the sound of guns being drawn on him. “State yer name and allegiance son, or so help me!” Hard Head discerned the unmistakable sound of purring after the bots sentence. It was a cat bot of some sort. “Hard Head, Maxi.. Er.. Autobot Strategist assigned to the Dinobots sir!” Hard Head heard a laugh and a purr. “Autobots huh? So we Maximals are the outdated ones now huh?” From the corner of his eye Hard Head saw the guns lower. He turned and looked up. “I’m Tigatron, and this here is Airrazor.” The two Maximals helped Hard Head to his feet. “Thanks for the help.” Tigatron smiled, “No problem, and sorry about dropping you like that, I’ve just known a lot of Raptors. Most of them bad news.” Hard Head laughed, “Tell me about it.” Tigatron didn’t miss a beat. “Well, we were assigned to The Pack, after Hot Rod and Primal Prime disappeared and Alpha Trion disbanded The Wreckers. We were helping Leo Prime look for his son, Junior. He’s been kidnapped by the Predacons. They want his Matrix. We came here because we detected Matrix energy, but once we got near the rift we were attacked repeatedly by different groups of Predacons, all converging here it seems.”

Hard Head was shocked that they had been in conflict all this time, while he had been baby sitting the Dinobots on Cybertron. He was envious and saddened by there hardship. The data tracks he had been briefed on about early casualties in this war listed Tigatron and Airrazor, though they weren’t actually dead, but fused into one being by alien forces. Only with the revival of Rhinox and the return of Perceptor, Wheeljack, Hoist and Grapple aided by the power of the three Beast Primes and their Matrixes did the RNA of Tigatron and Airrazor be defused and Cybertron healed from the then recent attack from Unicron and his Predacon / Blentron army. “So how’d you end up here?” inquired Hard Head. “We came through the rift to escape the Preds, not expecting to find Unicron here. As soon as we were all gathered, Rapticon turned on us, and used some sort of Spacebridge device to teleport us here. We’ve been wondering looking for the others and we found you.” Hard Head couldn’t believe it. “Dinotron betrayed the Dinobots and me in a similar fashion.” The trio looked around. Hard Head saw an Energon storm in the distance; he pointed it out to the others. “That looks rough!” He turned, and was shocked to find the two Maximals transfixed. “What’s wrong?” In unison they replied while beginning to back away. “We must run, hide, find shelter, it’s the Enemy!” They were jogging towards a rock formation. The trio maximized to increase their speed. Hard Head shouted, “What’s the Enemy?” Airrazor chirped back, with an obviously implied tone of fear. “It’s Razorclaw’s Battleship!”
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:02 am

The infiltrator that had been known as Rapticon was bringing the Maximals ship towards the small planets surface. “Grr, We are almost there Boss!” The Rapticon smiled devilishly. A large figure appeared behind him, from the shadows a single eye was glowing ominously. “Progress confirmed. Prepare Operation: Extraction!”

Bazooka found himself in the dark. He wasn’t sure if they had left the lights off to mess with Repugnus or if the power had gone out. He was fumbling about when he finally found the switch. He paused for a moment hearing a strange noise. It was? Breathing? It was loud, and labored as if, fueled by adrenaline. Bazooka felt it was all around him. His suspicions were confirmed when he flipped the switch and found himself surrounded by Insecticlones. He lunged at the first one, and struck it hard with his axe, cutting deep into the Cybertronian alloy that it used as an exo-skeleton. Energon sprayed across the cabin. “Die pathetic Maximals!” Bazooka shouted in joyous rage as he struck down another, and another. Bazooka was bathing in Energon, which was beginning to pool on the floor from all the carnage. Bazooka had his hands on another Insecticlone and was squeezing it, crushing it. That’s when he felt the sharp sting of mandibles burying themselves in his back. He doubled over in pain, as more mandibles struck him, then the sensation of being taken apart. Bazooka looked down in horror to see a swarm of mantises were consuming his legs, and arms!

The sheer terror of it all caused Bazooka to overheat and go offline. The real Repugnus stood over him, and the Insecticlones began regurgitating up the materials they had absorbed from Bazooka’s limbs. They were rebuilding him. Repugnus looked up in time to see Insecticlones beginning to converge on the rest of the ship. As they crashed through the door Dinotron turned and confronted them, drawing his sword for the kill.

Razorclaw stood on the bridge of his ship. The blood of Unicron flowed through him. His stolen body comprised of VOX technology was a source of much pride. He had bested the Maximal Primes and the resurging Autobots to claim the remains of Tigerhawk’s body and fuse it with his own. Bolts of dark Energon spewed from his ship. When they came in contact with the surface they absorbed the Natural Energon, and left nothing but dead sand in the wake. This day would be his final victory over the Maximals, and next, all of Cybertron!
Last edited by Poyguimogul on Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:00 pm

Slag had exhausted his Energon supply and was slipping into stasis lock. He fumbled about in the caverns eventually falling out onto some mountainous cliffs. His future looked bleak, but as a Dinobot he was without fear. He accepted everything that Primus could throw at him. He could hear footsteps and began to rise. “Slag! It’s about time we found you!” Slag could tell it was Snarl’s voice, it was reassuring, but he was still startled when his friends made contact with him to share their Energon. Of all the Dinobots exposed to the phenomenon Slag seemed to have been affected the worst. Some form of post-traumatic stress was making him jumpy. Not an uncommon occurrence and one that would subside in time and hopefully soon thought Snarl.

The three veteran Dinobots were observing the situation. Sludge and Slag believed they could feel Grimlock and Swoop coming from the north, but there was an Energon storm coming from the South that Snarl was worried about, it seemed oddly evil and foreboding. The three decided to go look for their commander.

Grimlock snapped online. He was standing with Swoop before the one that had changed them. Grimlock wanted to scowl, but found he was unable to be angry at what had happened. “How are you feeling?” Swoop responded to the voice, which he fond oddly soothing. “Squawk! Me Swoop feel great! Squawk!”

Swoops disposition seemed bolstered by his newfound power, and enhanced Cybertronian body. “Me Grimlock like new body. But why this happen? And how you not dead?” The Maximal laughed, and put a hand on Grimlock. “The efforts of the brave and persistent Autobots have restored me to being. I joined them to aid Cybertron. During the final battle with Unicron some of my men were captured. A small band of Maximals and I went in search of them. We battled first just off the surface of Unicron. But something during that conflict transported us here. We fell under repeated attacks from the Predacons. I ejected my crew in stasis pods, all six of them. Three were captured by the Predacons, and the others, are missing.” Grimlock looked at the Maximal. He had hated him moments ago, but now, similar to how he felt with Optimus Prime in 2005, he was finding a new respect for all he had been through. “Me Grimlock glade you not die!” They smiled and laughed together. “Me Grimlock like new body that Matrix give! No more puny Raptor!” Grimlock Transformed into his new Tyrannosaurus Rex mode and let out a fierce scream. His magnificent body was radiant with fresh Energon. “Squawk! Swoop Transform! Swoop Transform!” The excited Swoop jumped up and changed into his new Pterodactyl form and took to the skies. The return of a more mechanized body allowed him faster flight and better maneuverability. Swoop was pleased. The two ecstatic Dinobots gathered themselves by the veteran Maximal. “What we do now?” Asked Grimlock.
The Maximal shot him a sly look, and Grimlock knew he wasn’t monkeying around. “We have a lot of missing friends, and we have Enemies here as well. It maybe a strange and foreign planet, but it’s nothing we haven’t encountered before. We’ll just have to maximize our efforts and search.” Grimlock stamped the ground in excitement. “Let me Grimlock say it!” The veteran Maximal laughed. “Ok Grimlock, you can say it.” Grimlock shouted dramatically “Autobots! Transform and roll out!” The trio headed south, determined to let nothing stand in their way, not even a little storm.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:16 pm

Dinotron continued to kill Insecticlone after Insecticlone. Striker and Triceradon were mock wrestling with two, while waiting for him to reveal his transportation device. Dinotron was a ferocious fighter. He had not a hint of fatigue about him as splattered his fourteenth Insecticlone. The combined RNA of Megatron and Dinobot was truly an awesome force. Striker had a sudden and startling realization, that if this killing machine were able to harness the power of Unicron, he would be unstoppable. Striker cast aside his insecticlone and lunged at Dinotron. Dinotron turned and instinctively stabbed Striker in his spark. For the briefest of moments there was a hint of sadness in the face of Dinotron, most likely from the Dinobot portion of him, who respected Striker as a warrior. Then his amber eyes faded to red, and his frown became a smile. He pushed Strikers fallen body on Triceradon. Dinotron slew another Insecticlone as he darted across the room, dodging attacks, and pulling his weapon. He unleashed the full power of his portable spacebridge gun, and expelled everyone from the bridge of the ship and into the void of space. Panicked and insane he manned the helm, and began firing into the pile of floating bodies. Suddenly the shooting stopped, and his joyous madness was replaced by pain. He fell to the floor and cupped his severed arm. Repugnus stood over him, now possessing his gun and his sword. Repugnus stabbed downward towards the floor as violently and as intensely as he could. The Predacon’s sword pierced his body, and came to rest deep in the haul of the ship.

Repugnus looked out into space. The horror he saw was overwhelming. His clones, and his friends, reduced to nothing. Repugnus turned to Dinotron, who began to laugh while writhing on his blade. His laughter ceased when his gaze fell upon the optics of Repugnus as they changed from their normally peaceful sky blue color, to a red of malicious intent only known to the Decepticons. Repugnus transformed, and began to secrete clone, after clone after clone. They swarmed the helpless Dinotron, and began to drip acid on him, dissolving his Cybertronian body. Dinotron suddenly smiled and leaned into the assault, using the acid to melt his sword. He quickly charged one of the clones knocking it back. He dodged a strike from another clone and used the inertia to propel him into an adjacent clone killing it. Dinotron grabbed his gun, and stared out the window at Unicron. As Repugnus and the Insecticlones regained themselves, Dinotron turned the weapon on himself. Repugnus dove, unable to stop the blast, but just in time to capture the gun. Dinotron had vanished into the void.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:43 pm

Slag, Sludge and Snarl were trumping through the desert in search of their commander Grimlock. Had they known a song, or how to whistle, they may have done so. But on this day, not even idle banter stirred. Snarl was busy running scans and calculations on a dwindling Energon supply, while the other two, just walked. Snarl led them towards a nearby rock formation for a bit of shelter as the wind had kicked up, and the sand was clogging his hydraulics. “Bit windy out today isn’t?” Snarl looked at his comrades who stared back at him. “Yeeaaahh.. Wiinnddyy..” replied Slag, in a very uninspired manner. Sludge seemed preoccupied by something. He ventured behind the rocks and dug about in the sand. He seized a small square shaped object. A disk of some sort. “What is it?” asked Snarl, beginning to scan it. Sludge just shook his head. The blue disk began to glow, a strange form of Energon emanating from it. It was refreshing and alarming. The three Dinobots stepped back as a small Transformer appeared before them. “No! My sweet dream! The red sports car!” The tiny robot seemed to sulk for a moment before looking at himself. “Oh no! I’m the red sports car! It was a nightmare! Freud be damned!” The little bot was lying in the sand pounding the ground with his fists. “Um.. Hello?” Snarls query startled the little guy. He looked up to see their faces, obviously displeased at what he had found. “Oh, Maximals, and you’ve got older bodies too. How nice for me, to be tiny and useless.” The bot looked around as if he wanted to flee. “Who are you?” asked a confused Snarl.

The little bot took a confident pose and pointed to himself. “Me, I’m just one of the Autobots ace Mini-cons! Defender of Earth and right hand man to Optimus Prime! The name is Sideburn.” Snarl had heard that name before, but didn’t know he was a mini-whatever. “I have heard of you, but weren’t you, bigger?” Sideburn shot Snarl a sinister glance. “Yeah! I used to be awesome, still am, just, in smaller doses.” Sideburn was amusing himself. “This big green Meany named Megatron micronized me. Probably cuz’ I was chasing his girl.” Sideburn kept up his smile, but Snarl’s knowledge and time with the humans allowed him to detect a sad truth to the small bots words. “I am Snarl.” The little bot jumped up. “Snarl, as in the Maximal Snarl that’s kin to Alpha Trion?” Snarl laughed, and shook his head. “No, the Dinobot Snarl, and this is Slag and that’s Sludge.” Sideburn looked over the other two, not wholly impressed. “Never heard of ya, in fact, I thought Dinobots were extinct.” Slag and Sludge looked angry. Snarl leaned down to get as close to face to face with the tiny robot as he could “Well we aren’t and any implication otherwise would be foolish” “Yeah!” replied the other two Dinobots in unison. Sideburn shrugged it off. “Alright! Ok! I get it! You’re alive and stuff! So what do we do now?” Snarl looked out across the horizon. “We continue to look for Grimlock.” Sideburn seemed content with that. “Long as you guys don’t slow me down, or get me caught by the cons’ we are good to go. Oh! And keep an optic out for one more of those disks like I was in. Liftor is around here somewhere.”

“How did you get here?” Snarl prodded. “Well, I was on a ship with some other old Maximals and a group of Autobots. This rookie Duststorm, a real good mechanic and builder joined Liftor and Me. We’re helping these Maximals look for their missing friends, when this dumb Dino, no offense, teleports us off the ship. Well teleports them off the ship, they just threw us mini-cons out the air lock.” Sideburn didn’t look like he had enjoyed that. “Well your safe with us. We’ll smash any con’ that gets in our way, and enjoy doing it!” Snarl gave him a thumbs up, and Sideburn smiled.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:44 pm

Repugnus was piloting the ship to the surface to rescue his friends. He was filled with rage, and wanted to fight. But knew that he couldn’t. Unable to restore the two fallen Dinobots he gathered their remains for a proper human type burial, which was a Dinobot custom. His remaining clones were aiding him in the piloting of the ship, but they wouldn’t last forever. He was scanning the surface for a place to set down when the monitors began detecting an in-bound ship. Repugnus lost himself in the moment and made a hasty landing. He crashed the ship down onto some rough terrain, but hide it well from sight. The other ship flew by without any hesitation. Repugnus was relieved for as much as he wanted to fight, he didn’t want to get stranded without a ship on some crazy planet in another dimension.

Razorclaw was inspecting his current Energon supply. “Oil Slick how is progress.” The Decepticon scurried over to his master. “We are above schedule with ease Master. But why even trifle with this Energon with Unicron right there?” Razorclaw called out for Treadshot. The subordinate to Oil Slick arrived in just a few seconds. “Yes Master?” He said while standing at attention before Razorclaw. “Shoot Oil Slick.” Treadshot pulled his gun and shot his comrade in the leg, hobbling him. His loyal Decepticons would do whatever he said. Razorclaw smiled. “As you were Treadshot.” The Decepticon speed off to resume whatever task his master ordered. Razorclaw looked Oil Slick in the optics. “Don’t ever Question me! No matter how smart you may fool yourself into believing you are. You’re just a pawn.”

Oil Slick proceeded to patch himself up as Razorclaw walked away. Suddenly the internal alarms began to sound. “What is going on!?” bellowed Razorclaw. Frostbite responded, the sound of chaos ensuing behind him. “Something just ripped through the side of the ship.” Silverbolt and Blackarachnia aided Frostbite in pursuit of whatever it was. They followed its path of destruction to the brig. All their soldiers had been maimed in just a moment as this beast passed through the ships defenses with ease. “Razorclaw sir!” Razorclaw was on his way to the prison center already, “Report!” he shouted as he made his descent. “It’s got the kid and..” A loud crash rang out through the com-link. “And it just left the ship..” Razorclaw howled in rage, and ripped a hole in the side of his ship. From a small fracture he could it. Prime had taken the boy!

Nemesis Prime flicked off Leo Prime Juniors restraints. Before the youth could make a sound Nemesis shocked him mute with a surge of dark Energon. He carved open the cubs techno-organic chest and reached inside. Pulling out his premature Matrix. The shock caused the offline Leo Prime Junior to scream in pain. Nemesis Prime cast the youth to the earth. The Decepticons and Predacons were watching in awe and horror from their ship. He tore the child’s Matrix in half, and tossed the inert portions aside. Nemesis Prime opened his chest and revealed a hollow and dead Matrix. He smashed the power of Primus into the waiting hands of Unicron and brought his dead Matrix to life. The energy was ecstasy.

His power was greatly expanded. A dark aura surrounded him, causing the fearful to retreat. The Decepticon ship disappeared before Nemesis Prime could gather himself from the surge of energy. He could feel the will of Primus again and the sparks of all Cybertronians on the planet and… Unicron! His master! Nemesis retreated to his ship to confront his master.
Last edited by Poyguimogul on Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:34 pm

Snarl was doing the best he could with the limited knowledge of field medicine he had. But he was too big to navigate the more intricate areas. It was a benefit having the miniscule Sideburn there to assist with the operation. They were able to repair most of the young bot’s chassis but he had lost a lot of Energon and needed a transfusion. They were taking shelter in the rock formation. The cub was stable but not for long. They needed a miracle if he was to have any hope of survival.

Repugnus was flying along monitoring for his friends. Something told him he was close. As he neared a rock formation he could see a bright red logo beckoning him.

A trio of Transformers was charging across the open desert. The storm they sought to brave had dissipated. A sign of good fortune for them, or so they thought. A Maximal ship appeared above them suddenly. Usually a welcome sign, but unannounced was certainly odd. The veteran Maximal was backing away from the ship. “What wrong?” asked Grimlock. “You scared?” Grimlock chuckled. “It’s a trap!” said the Maximal in a stern voice. Swoop and Grimlock took up defensive positions alongside him. The ship opened fire. Grimlock tackled the Maximal commander as Swoop took to the skies drawing enemy fire and returning some of his own.

The ship opened and the Decepticons emerged. Ravage, and his future self Battle Ravage were leading an army of terror-clones at the behest of Soundwave. Accompanying him was the traitorous Rapticon, and Striker? Grimlock and Swoop charged them.

The two Dinobots were met by a swarm of terror-clones blocking their path. “As hasty and impulsive as ever, Aye Grimlock?” Rapticon seemed to be familiar with him, though Grimlock hardly knew him. “Now that we have been exposed, we’re gonna’ smash you dusty dinos!” Shouted Striker. Soundwave motioned in silence to his brutish lackeys. “Relinquish the Maximal Matrix!” Grimlock wasn’t gonna’ stand for this. “Grr! Grimlock smash!” In a typhoon of fury Grimlock transformed and attacked the Ravage clones, crushing them underfoot and gnashing at them with his massive bite. Swoop followed suit and attacked from above. The Maximal leader attacked Soundwave, but found that he was just a hologram being projected by the ship. A Spacebridge opened up and the clones began to converge on it, threatening to capture the Maximal leader and his Matrix. Grimlock could not allow it. “Swoop! Grab the mammal!” Yelled Grimlock as he jumped into position. He unleashed an ability not often used, his Primal scream. Adjusting the frequency he used a sub-sonic blast to disorient the Ravage clones while swoop grabbed the Maximal leader. As the trio fled, munitions from the Decepticon ship detonated around them.
Last edited by Poyguimogul on Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:20 pm

Repugnus landed the ship near the rock formation. He opened the side door, and proceeded to greet his friends. “Hey all, you’ll never guess who I picked up on the way!?” Repugnus was brushed aside by Leo Prime, who rushed to Leo Juniors aid. Leo Prime knelt beside him and lifted the boy’s head. “Can you hear me son?” Leo Juniors eyes flickered. Not on and off, but from Blue to Red. Leo Prime set the boy down, and stood up. “Back up everyone.” Longhorn, Leo Prime’s new Lieutenant, and Reptilion, a Maximal special ops soldier that had been undercover for years, watched from the ship, their presence unannounced due to the drama. Leo Prime’s chest opened and his 2nd generation Maximal Matrix was exposed, his normally blue optics changed to yellow as he channeled the power of Primus’s life giving energy from his Matrix and into his injured son. Leo Junior was restored, and better then ever. He had shed his fur from his days as a cub, and had attained a new coat. Its glowing white hue was as soft looking and inviting as the clouds themselves, and his golden main shown with a radiance only known by his father and the Sun itself. “Are you ok my son?” asked the concerned Leo Prime. The boy looked up at his father and smiled. The moment Leo Prime was reassured, his joy turned to terror. His son doubled over in pain and fell to the ground. Clutching his chest he withered on the ground in agony. Snarl went to attend the boy, but was halted by Leo Prime. “What are you doing? That’s your son…”

Leo Prime looked at Snarl intently, the sadness in his optics enforcing the severity of the situation. “He is infected with dark Energon, you can’t come into contact with him.” The on-lookers watched as Leo Juniors fur changed from white to black and back. His internal processors succumb to stress and he entered to stasis to avoid overheating. Carefully they quarantined and transported the infected youth onto the ship. Everyone was taking their seats and preparing to lift off when Leo Prime charged outside and bound to the top of the rock formation. Longhorn swiftly joined him. “What ya feeling boss?” Leo Prime looked out across the horizon, a massive sand cloud billowing in the distance. Faintly explosions could be seen, and eventually a Maximal ship became visible. “Our brothers need our help, and we need theirs. To the ship!” The two Maximals raced down the boulders and into the ship. “Dinobots, take us South!” commanded Leo Prime, his charisma entrancing his soldiers in a moment of awe-inspiring tranquility.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:10 am

Razorclaw’s ship was hiding in H.A.L.O. Monitoring the Maximal’s movements were making him antsy. Soon they would be in overwhelming numbers and strength. Razorclaw summoned his troops to prepare for battle. He ordered Frostbite to radio the Decepticons. Razorclaw’s request was met by none other then Soundwave. Razorclaw observed that he still possessed his original Earth mode body, and Razorclaw became angry and jealous. “Soundwave, how do you retain your form after all this time, I have heard tales of your battles as a nuclear arsenal equipped battle chariot, yet you stand before unchanged by time?” Soundwave, was expressionless to most, but the Decepticons that dealt with him often could see his subtle changes. Right now Soundwave was smugly grinning at Razorclaw, and he didn’t like it. “Spark: Original, Identity: Duplication.” He responded in his commonly cold and unfeeling tone. “So whenever some random Decepticon leader needs a Soundwave they just make one aye? That explains that malformed mutation the Predacons kept around. I personally would have aborted his programming.” While Soundwave seemed to agree it was evident that he had more urgent matters on his mind. “Operation: Matrix Acquisition, Goal: Megatrons Revival!” Razorclaw was in concurrence with half of that plan, and slyly engineered an alliance with the trusting fool.

Leo Prime prepared his men for combat. Longhorn didn’t need any briefing. His trainer had served under Leo Prime, and had given him some valuable combat data tracks. Reptilion was hanging out with the Dinobots, it would appear to others that he had bonded with them, but he had motives of his own, that benefitted the Dinobots as well. Sideburn had no one to Powerlink to, and was thusly unable to aid his comrades directly, however he planned to man the ship in order to allow Repugnus to join the battle. It was tense on the ship, but anytime it seemed one of the Maximals was ready to crack, a single glance at Leo Prime restored their demeanor turning their trembles to rages and enhancing their calm. Leo Prime himself worried about his boy, who would soon be fighting Unicron in the core of his very spark, as Leo Prime had been forced to do once before after his final battle with Galvatron. That was another time when Leo Junior had been taken from him. Leo Prime loved his son as much as any father could, but as a soldier his job interfered with his family life more then any other would. He never had a day off, or shore leave. When you fight for the survival of your race in an insane civil war, everyday is a battle, and win, lose, or draw, you got to get up and fight again tomorrow. Before Junior had been taken, their mission to Unicron had an entirely different nature. Leo Prime wondered if he would be able to fulfill that goal.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:31 pm

Hard Head had survived alone in harsh conditions before, but even then it wasn’t for long. Following the battle with Unicron years ago, he had been counted among the dead with his fellow Headmasters. Though Hard Head had survived, seemingly alone on a desolate planet inhabited by strange organic beings that sought to claim his technological body. It was sheer luck that he had run into Weirdwolf, the only surviving Decepticon Headmaster. The two paled around together, before fate would separate them. Ships from their respective factions appeared on the planet, and they had to separate to rendezvous. Hard Head had hoped Weirdwolf would change his ways, maybe Weirdwolf felt the same, in the end, they both returned home alone. Now wasn’t so different. He was alone with a pair of Maximals he didn’t really know, but he trusted them.

While Autobots and Maximals share the same core values and principles, the Autobots had an air of superiority to them at the beginning of the Maximal upheaval. The Maximals were treated like disposable cannon fodder by some Autobots leading to issues early on between the two factions. Only the Autobot leader, Optimus Prime, taking a drastic step and becoming an Animal himself, a Bat no less, united the two groups into one. Shortly afterwards Optimus Prime and the Nu-Ark crew disappeared. A Maximal rescue was dispatched to find them, but that crew was sadly lost to the ages.

Years later when the Maximal Primes were reunited did Hard head finally get to join the Maximals. He had been deemed unfit for combat do to stress. But they couldn’t understand what it was like to lose your whole squad.

Hard Head glanced back at Tigatron and Airrazor. Both were competent soldiers. They had given him the heads up to avoid Razorclaw’s ship and now were aiding him in tracking the enemy. Airrazor had been skimming the ground to report to Tigatron, she swooped back up into the sky to resume patrol. Hard head figured she must just be uncomfortable around him, or just prefers speaking to Tigatron. “Airrazor reports two Maximal ships not far from us!” Tigatron’s voice sounded excited. Maybe it was for battle or to see his friends. Hard Head could imagine both. “Alright, once we find out which crew it is, we can coordinate a proper search effort.” Hard Head wasn’t their leader, but the three of them felt like a team, and he was enjoying the moment.
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