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Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

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Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby william-james88 » Sun May 28, 2023 9:21 pm

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The movie is out now in certain parts of the world. So full on spoiler reviews are out and I will jot it down for those interested. No need for spoiler in this thread. If you clicked on it, then every aspect of it can be spoiled and discussed.
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Full Plot Breakdown of Transformers Rise of the Beasts with Spoilers Abound

Postby william-james88 » Sun May 28, 2023 10:01 pm

Motto: "'till All Are One"
The Transformers Rise of the Beasts film has premiered and we now have a full breakdown of the movie. Many fans seemed apprehensive about this film, as is the case with all live action Transformers films, so this might help you see if the film is worth your while. Of course, only ready this if you want to know EVERYTHING. This includes character deaths, how they die, third act revelations, and so on. The breakdown is from Actar who saw the film in Singapore. They also give us some extra tidbits and ratings after the full summary.

Actar wrote:Alrighty!!! Here is what you guys have been waiting for. A full plot summary of Rise of the Beasts. This is based completely on my memory. I usually have a pretty good memory, but please remember that I only watched the movie once, and I was really hyped. So, please forgive me if I get some details wrong. Also remember that there is also a ton of heart, characterization, and atmosphere that comes through the dialogue, jokes, and cinematography that I cannot recreate here. That said, here we go:

At the beginning, we have an opening narration from Primal introducing Unicron as a dark god from legends. Unicron nears the Maximal homeworld and sends down Scourge and his minions in order to mine the planet for their technology before he eats it up. The technology that the Maximals have is the Transwarp Key. Scourge comes down, not in a ship alt-mode, but in a literal small ship that he steps out of. (Spotted a Predacon emblem as one of Scourge's trophies here.) We see Cheetor, Airazor, Apelinq, and Primal evacuating to their escape pod/ship. Apelinq is the leader of the Maximals and asks Primal and the others to use the Transwarp Key to escape. He decides to stay behind and fend off Scourge to buy them some time to escape. He names Primal the new leader of the Maximals. Apelinq and Scourge fight for a bit, but Scourge kinda catches Apelinq off guard and uses his giant blade thing to stab and kill him. The other Maximals escape through a transwarp portal to what is implied to be a prehistoric Earth.

We get introduced to Noah and Elena. Noah is struggling to look for a job to support his family. His brother has a blood disease (I think sickle cell disease), and they can't afford the treatment. Elena is an intern at a museum, but she's more passionate and knowledgeable about history and artifacts than the actual staff. Noah tries to apply for a job but doesn't get it because of his apparent inability to work in a team from his military days. Elena notices a bird sculpture with a Maximal symbol and bizarre markings recovered from an auction. She gets interested it in and analyzes it. While analyzing it, she breaks it, and inside is a glowing crystal thingy (the Transwarp Key) that activates and emits an energy signature that can only be seen/felt by the Autobots/Terrorcons/Maximals. At this time, Noah was desperate for cash, so he decides to take up Reek's offer to steal rich people's cars and sell them. After breaking into Mirage, Noah gets a change of heart. It is here when Optimus notices the transwarp signature and puts a call out to all the Autobots to assemble. We see Bumblebee and Arcee leap into action. Noah hears Optimus's call on the radio, and Mirage takes him along for the ride. This is where we see the police chase from the trailers.

Once at the warehouse, Noah and Mirage start to bond. When Optimus arrives, he is annoyed that Mirage has brought back a human. Arcee scans Noah's face, reads his bio, and notes that he's an ex-soldier. Note that Optimus in this early part of the movie is really jaded and grumpy. Essentially, he feels like it's his fault that the Autobots are stuck on Earth and that anything that happens to them on Earth is his responsibility. Optimus really wants to get the Transwarp Key so that they can finally go back home. They want to get the Transwarp Key from the museum, but they can't just go and reveal themselves. So Mirage volunteers Noah. Noah can sneak in and grab the Key for them. In order to convince Noah, Mirage says that he can transform into any kind of car he wants, transforming into a Lambo and an F1 racing car. Noah can sell him for cash, and Mirage can sneak off later. Optimus distrusts humans and says that humans will only prioritize their own kind, but he agrees to the plan. Bumblebee says that humans are his friends, but Optimus says that because one was kind to him doesn't mean that all will be. It is at this point that Scourge, Nightbird, and Battletrap arrive (after noticing the energy signature) and they head to the museum as well.

At the museum, Noah sneaks in on Mirage, transformed into a garbage truck, and tries to convince Elena to give him the Key because giant robots want it, but she doesn't believe him. The Terrorcons attack, and she has no choice but to believe him. Scourge unleashes two Freezers to chase them while the Autobots come in to engage the Terrorcons. Noah and Elena manage to run out of the museum and evade the Freezers. The battle outside is intense, with Scourge beating Prime rather soundly, despite Prime whipping out his axe. Scourge says, "And you call yourself a Prime. Primus will be ashamed." Nightbird blasts the humans with a bomb, and I think it is here where they drop the Transwarp Key and the Terrorcons get it. Nightbird really reminds me of Shatter in terms of her voice and mannerisms, and Battletrap even gets a line or two. Battletrap's wrecking ball can also grab onto things to add extra weight and mass to his swing, which I thought was cool. Scourge "kills" Bee and takes his Autobot emblem. Scourge is about to kill Prime too when Airazor swoops in and blasts the Terrorcons with fire. They decide to retreat because they already have the Key.

Optimus and the gang follow Airazor to figure out what's going on. Optimus is really broken up about Bee. Airazor explains that she is a Maximal, "a warrior from both your past and future" (not sure what this means... any reference to time travel in this movie is really vague and never explicit) and talks about Unicron and Scourge. Optimus knows of Unicron. Airazor notes that Scourge is infused with "dark energy" and that Unicron controls Scourge's soul. Here, it is revealed that Scourge only has half of the Key because the Maximals broke it into two to keep it safe. Airazor thinks that she is the last of the Maximals as she hasn't seen the others in a long time as they split up a long, long time ago and went into hiding. Scourge has an audience with Unicron telepathically, and Unicron tortures him because he only has half of the Key. In reality, Scourge writhes in pain while floating in the air.

Elena figures out that the other half of the Key must be in Peru because the same symbols on the bird statue were only ever recorded on a temple in Peru. The Autobots are now going to go to Peru, and Noah insists on coming along. Here, it's interesting to note that Noah wants to go not to help the Autobots, but because he wants to get the other half of the Transwarp Key to destroy it so Unicron has no hope of ever coming to Earth. However, this will doom the Autobots to remain on Earth, but Noah only wants to look out for his own, proving Optimus' original perception of humans right. Of course, Optimus himself only cares for his own kind as well. In this sense, Noah and Optimus kinda mirror each other, and this sets up the best conflict and character arc of the movie, IMHO.

They then set off to Peru on Stratosphere. In Peru, they meet up with Wheeljack, who helps track down the temple entrance with Elena's coordinates. It is at an old church. Mirage gives Noah the gauntlet gun thingy. There is a huge parade/celebration going on, and Noah and Elene take a leaf out of the Autobots' book and hide in plain sight by blending into the crowd. Arcee sits hiding in Wheeljack in robot mode, which I found rather cute. Prime and Mirage are in vehicle mode. Here, there is a ton of dialogue between them while they're in vehicle mode, which is something that I don't think ever happened in the other movies and adds a ton to the bots as Transformers characters.

They manage to get to the entrance where they solve a puzzle, and they descend into the caverns Indiana Jones style. Scourge and the Terrorcons arrive, and Scourge sends a Freezer after the humans. Once Noah and Elena reach the temple, they discover that the other half of the Transwarp Key is no longer there. It had been moved. The Freezer attacks Noah and Elena, and they run deeper into the caverns. The Autobots spring into action, and so do the Terrorcons. There is a huge battle on the road and a rematch between Prime and Scourge. Nightbird and Battletrap fight Arcee, Wheeljack, and Mirage. During this battle, Noah figures out how to use the gauntlet gun and blasts the Freezer. They then emerge out of a cave in the jungle. Airazor blasts the bridge to prevent Scourge and the other Terrorcons from following. Scourge then fires a crab needle thingy that latches onto Airazor and begins corrupting her with Scourge's essence. This allows Scourge to track her and slowly turn her evil.

Outside the cave in the jungle, this is where we get the scene from the released clip. Primal appears, and so do the other Maximals. Prime and the other Autobots jump in, and Airazor comes in to defuse the situation and introduce the other Maximals. Primal says that he's named after Optimus himself, "the legendary warrior of Cybertron," and that it's an honor to meet him. Primal and the others explain that they have the other half of the Transwarp Key. He also says that Maximals are an advanced race dedicated to the expansion of life throughout the universe, but now they're just staying on Earth to protect the life here and to protect the Transwarp Key. The Maximals lead them to a little village of humans, the descendants of the tribe of humans who have watched over the Maximals and have shared their culture with them. The Maximals reveal that the humans are in possession of the other half of the Key. Prime is surprised that the Maximals trust the humans so much. Primal tells Prime that there is "more to them than meets the eye." Then, Primal shows Optimus raw energon deposits in the valley. Prime wants to use the energon to revive Bee, but the energon is inert and cannot be activated without great power. Still, Prime lays Bee, whose body was brought there by Stratosphere, on some energon. At night, Elena tries to convince Noah to not destroy the Transwarp Key.

The next day, Elena wakes up and sees Airazor going berserk. She flies off, and Prime and Primal realize that Scourge and the other Terrorcons are coming. Noah puts on the gauntlet gun and is about to destroy the Transwarp Key, but Prime pleads with Noah. Noah struggles but finally decides to not go through with it. The Terrorcons arrive and manage to snatch the Transwarp Key while Airazor comes in and snatches up Elena. Primal jumps in to save her. Primal and Airazor fight, and Airazor regains some of her senses, enough for her to plead with Primal to do what is necessary. It's a really poignant moment as Primal kills Airazor, something he doesn't want to do because there are so few of them left.

Now, Scourge has both halves of the key. He goes to the top of a mountain/volcano and combines the two. This (or maybe Unicron's power) creates a tower for Scourge to set the Key in, and it starts to open a portal in the sky for Unicron to come in. From the walls of the tower spawn a ton of Terrorcon drones. Noah refuses to give up and says that he will not give up fighting. Prime and Primal agree to fight, but they need a plan. The only way that they can shut down the tower without destroying it and causing a huge explosion that will essentially kill them all is by entering a special access code. Elena comes in clutch again when she realizes that one half of the code was on the bird statue and the other half was in the temple. Prime realizes that they each have been fighting their own fights when they should be fighting together. He finally learns to trust Noah and Elena. The Autobots and Maximals will fight the Terrorcons while the humans will sneak in through the tiny access tunnels and go to the console in the middle of the tower to enter the code.

The big fight begins. This part is simply awesome. However, there are too many things to remember, and the sequence in my mind is a bit messed up, so I'll just mention the main parts that stood out to me. Arcee, Wheeljack, Rhinox, and Cheetor focus on taking out the drones. Prime and Primal fight Battletrap. Primal cuts off Battletrap's arm and leg, and Primal smashes Battletrap with his own wrecking ball. Prime does a "He was mine!" bit with Primal. There's a bit during the battle where we see Primal without his faceplate, but it's just a quick flash. During the battle, there's a pulse from the tower, and the energon in the valley seems to react to it. Bee starts to buzz back to life. Mirage takes on Scourge to distract him, but Mirage gets punched aside and Noah gets discovered and pulled out of the tunnel by Scourge. Elena rushes ahead to the console. Mirage knocks off Scourge's mask, and it's literally just like MCU Ultron's face. Not really a hint of Prime, so those who were theorizing that Scourge was Bayverse Prime (including myself) will be disappointed. Regardless, Mirage shields Noah from Scourge's cannon fire. It looks like Mirage is dead, but he comes back to life for just a bit before telling Noah to "take over the wheel." He transforms around Noah and becomes Noah's exosuit. Noah starts to take on Scourge but is obviously outmatched. Prime then comes in to fight Scourge together with Noah. Scourge once again overpowers Prime. Unicron appears overhead and sends in his ball drones.

All hope seems to be lost, but Stratosphere flies in overhead and Bumblebee jumps out, taking out drones and shooting Scourge, giving them a chance to recover. Nightbird flies up and grabs Bee, and Scourge shoots at Bee. Bee manages to use Nightbird as a shield. One of her wings comes off, Bee stabs her with it, she explodes, and Bee does a superhero landing as Nightbird parts rain down. All this time, Elena was running from a Freezer, trying to get to the console, and entering the access code. Even though she manages to enter it, the console gets destroyed as Scourge and Prime fight. Scourge asks Unicron to send in more reinforcements, and Unicron does. This is where the giant Scorponoks appear. Prime cuts off Scourge's arms, rips out his head/spine, and takes back Bumblebee's Autobot emblem. Now, there's no choice left but for Prime to destroy the tower/Transwarp Key and sacrifice himself. Noah and the others start to run away. Prime destroys the Transwarp Key, there's an explosion, and everything starts to get sucked back into the portal. Just as it looks like Prime is about to be pulled in, Noah grabs onto Prime's axe and the suit kinda anchors itself to the ground. But it's no use. Noah also starts to get pulled in. But that is when Primal grabs them and yanks them to the ground. (ARRIVAL TO EARTH PLAYS HERE!) This is where Prime does that breakdance transformation and Noah rides on his back from the trailers. They speed away, and the entire thing blows up. After the battle, Noah is seen taking the exosuit back on Stratosphere.

Primal says that Unicron is not dead and that Unicron is instead trapped and could return. Optimus says "Let him come." instead of the "Let them come." from the trailer. Optimus gives an "I am Optimus Prime" speech about losing the Transwarp Key but how they have gained an ally in a battle that they can only stand a chance to win together.

Noah goes and applies for another security job. He sees on a TV that Elena gets recognition for the temple discovery in Peru. He gets an interview with a guy. Guy surprises Noah by knowing about his exploits and that he saved the world. He says that they know everything. Guy promises Noah that his brother's medical fees will be taken care of because Noah saved the world. Guy asks him and his big friends to join them as "we are in the middle of an ongoing war" (the line from the TV spot) and hands him a business card. He tweaks a plaque on the wall, and it opens to reveal a base/hanger thing. Noah flips over the card, and it says G.I. Joe on the back.

In the mid-credits scene, we see Noah putting the finishing touches on a junker car made up of different parts. Surprise! It transforms into a red/silver Mirage (might have been just rusty, seen only from the back). Noah managed to restore him from the exosuit.


Extra Comments:

Stratosphere is old like Jetfire. He's Scottish as well. He only does transport, doesn't fight, and transforms on screen twice.
Airazor doesn't transform into robot mode.
Transit is not in the film.
Rhinox has no lines that I can remember while Cheetor has a few. Their bot modes are also blurry and hard to see as they're always fighting. This is pretty much my biggest let down when it comes to the film. Cool scene of Cheetor throwing his spear to save Noah, though.
I don't remember if Wheeljack has his head fins out in the battle scenes. It was kinda hard to see anyway...
This film has the most amount of on-screen transformations and transformer dialogue out of any film. While some characters have much more dialogue than others, they all have personality.
The action is cohesive and choreographed. Some of the best in the franchise.
If I didn't know about how messy the production process was, I wouldn't have been able to guess it from watching the film alone. It's a very focused and tight plot with no unnecessary B plot like some of the other movies.
There is no post-credits scene.

Ranking of TF characters:

- Prime (Best development)
- Primal (Best overall)
- Mirage (Best personality)
- Airazor (Great performance, key to many scenes)
- Scourge (Great villain for Prime/Primal)
- Nightbird (Great voice, standout in fights)
- Arcee (All around okay)
- Cheetor (A couple of lines that evoke the original character)
- Stratosphere (Interesting alt-mode, unique transformation)
- Bumblebee (Doesn't do anything for most of the movie)
- Battletrap (Great in fights, nothing much else)
- Wheeljack (Nothing character)
- Rhinox (Biggest disappointment)

Would be my rating.
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby william-james88 » Sun May 28, 2023 10:19 pm

Motto: "'till All Are One"
Having read that, it's too bad that Airazor never transforms and Rhinox never talks.

I'll still see it. Also, interesting that Caple refers to both the Bay films and G1 with the Mirage joke bit of changing into different alt modes. I never considered Dino to be Mirage.
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby Rodimus Prime » Mon May 29, 2023 12:02 am

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At least they kept the humans to a minimum, I guess. Depending on how many people are in the background in scenes. Seems like it's just Noah and Elena, which is good.

I can picture the Scourge/Unicron scene being a ripoff from TF:TM with Galvatron.

Overall, it has promise, but I have a feeling I was correct regarding the Beast Wars characters.

Might be worth catching on streaming somewhere, especially now that I know the story. Assuming it's accurate.
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby Actar » Mon May 29, 2023 3:38 am

Motto: "Love what you do, do what you love."
Thanks, william-james88, for posting and crediting my review! I really appreciate it! Sorry for not being more active on the site. If anyone has any more questions regarding the movie, I'd be more than happy to answer them!

On top of that, here are some of the pictures I took when I went to the premiere:

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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby chuckdawg1999 » Mon May 29, 2023 10:51 am

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It seems ok, surprised that the Transformer that an Oscar winner voices got killed but hey! My main interest is in how they're introducing GI Joe, they seem to be doing what MCU did with Shield and making them the overreaching connecting thread, good idea if they plan on doing a Hasbro Universe. I'm curious as to who was doing the interview and if there were hints about the character's name.
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby griftimus prime » Mon May 29, 2023 12:57 pm

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for real? bb dies and comes back? not surprising at all. some of them dont transform or even talk?

i wonder if unicron came through but is living inside the planet. or will we be seeing unicron again only for this to eventually happen?

i have absolutely no hope for this joe thing. they cant land any of these joe movies and they give up on any plans they make with them if they fail. sounds like a really bad way to end the movie
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby william-james88 » Mon May 29, 2023 1:23 pm

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griftimus prime wrote:for real? bb dies and comes back? not surprising at all. some of them dont transform or even talk?

For such a big promotion on the beasts, that really dissapoints me. The only ones with substantial lines are Airazor and Primal and out of all 4, only Primal gets some focus on his bot mode. Poor Rhinox, no lines and we never get a good look at him in bot mode.
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby Silver Wind » Mon May 29, 2023 1:45 pm

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I appreciate you putting this up. I had my suspicions before, but now I know with certainty that this movie is not for me.
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby chuckdawg1999 » Mon May 29, 2023 2:17 pm

Motto: "The man, the myth, the legend... yeah right."
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william-james88 wrote:
griftimus prime wrote:for real? bb dies and comes back? not surprising at all. some of them dont transform or even talk?

For such a big promotion on the beasts, that really dissapoints me. The only ones with substantial lines are Airazor and Primal and out of all 4, only Primal gets some focus on his bot mode. Poor Rhinox, no lines and we never get a good look at him in bot mode.

This happens a lot with these big movies, the focus of the promotion ends up having a smaller role in the film, think of Captain Phasma from Force Awakens.

I'll be honest, if I was a Beast Wars fan I'd be livid and disappointed with how the characters were handled. Above and beyond the original voice actors not being brought back.
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby blackeyedprime » Mon May 29, 2023 5:51 pm

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Well at least they kinda don't ruin a certain purple T-rex.

I'm going to wait to watch this in a forgeign language with subs as is (even better if it's fansubs and they call robot scorpions just scorpions) so that the choice of voice actors doesnt impact on it. Sounds like it might be a robot film rather than a transformers film, which isnt the worst use of the branding, maybe.

The final act having balls in it seems to be the way these things work :/
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby Rodimus Prime » Mon May 29, 2023 10:57 pm

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chuckdawg1999 wrote:I'll be honest, if I was a Beast Wars fan I'd be livid and disappointed with how the characters were handled. Above and beyond the original voice actors not being brought back.
I am a Beast Wars fan, but I am not livid just disappointed. My expectations weren't high after it was announced that Ron Perlman would voice Primal. I knew then to expect the Kingdom version of the beasts, not the original. If they had actually called the movie "Beast Wars" or even "War of the Beasts" then I might have been a bit more upset, because that would have been smearing a great concept and series with this pseudo-Bayverse reject.
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby Cyber Bishop » Tue May 30, 2023 10:33 am

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Glad I read this synopsis, I am even more unsure if I will see this in the theaters now. And it doesn't sound like they do anything to connect to the bay-verse whatever.
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby william-james88 » Tue May 30, 2023 12:35 pm

Motto: "'till All Are One"
Cyber Bishop wrote:Glad I read this synopsis, I am even more unsure if I will see this in the theaters now. And it doesn't sound like they do anything to connect to the bay-verse whatever.

Nor do they do anything to distance themselves. It's basically a stand alone adventure. I'm glad you are glad to have read this, I was not sure if I should post it. But with sufficient spoiler warnings, I think we're ok.
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New Transformers Rise of the Beasts Interview Gives Detailed Timeline and Talks of Spoilers

Postby william-james88 » Tue May 30, 2023 12:43 pm

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Since the movie has been released internationally, and spoilers are already being discussed online, the marketing for this film and questions asked in interviews are going full hog on them. This particular interview does give a detailed breakdown of where this film is in the timeline if anyone was still curious. Of course, please remember, there is a difference between what the studio may be marketing the film as to the general audience and what makes any sense.

The detailed timeline is discussed at the 1 minute mark but the interview quickly goes into full spoilers afterwards. They do have a title card and a blaring siren letting you know to close the video. Also, please be aware that discussion regarding this clip will lead you to a spoiler discussion for the film.

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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby Rodimus Prime » Tue May 30, 2023 11:39 pm

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william-james88 wrote:
Cyber Bishop wrote:Glad I read this synopsis, I am even more unsure if I will see this in the theaters now. And it doesn't sound like they do anything to connect to the bay-verse whatever.

Nor do they do anything to distance themselves. It's basically a stand alone adventure. I'm glad you are glad to have read this, I was not sure if I should post it. But with sufficient spoiler warnings, I think we're ok.
I wholly approve of this being posted. Assuming it's accurate, it makes my decision to not give money to the creators even easier. The story itself might warrant a watch later from a borrowed DVD or some other non-revenue-making way.
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby Cyber Bishop » Wed May 31, 2023 7:54 am

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william-james88 wrote:
Cyber Bishop wrote:Glad I read this synopsis, I am even more unsure if I will see this in the theaters now. And it doesn't sound like they do anything to connect to the bay-verse whatever.

Nor do they do anything to distance themselves. It's basically a stand alone adventure. I'm glad you are glad to have read this, I was not sure if I should post it. But with sufficient spoiler warnings, I think we're ok.

I am glad you posted it to be honest.
Not a sheeple.
Think for yourself, don't let the magic TV box and social media do the thinking for you.
Just because you have a youtube review channel doesn't make you special.
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby anantha3 » Wed May 31, 2023 12:01 pm

Did scourge beat optimus the second round
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby anantha3 » Wed May 31, 2023 12:54 pm

So Primal does not help Prime in beating Scourge its all Optimus?
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Transformers Rise of the Beasts Review Embargo is Lifted and Starts Screening Wide Tonight

Postby william-james88 » Wed Jun 07, 2023 4:09 pm

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It's finally here, tonight Rise of the Beasts goes wide with advanced screenings and most fans will now have a chance to see it for themselves. Once you've seen it, let us know what you think. Critics sure haven't missed a beat with critic scores pouring in now that the embargo ate has been lifted. The film currently sits at 53% on Rotten Tomatoes, which means that 53% of critics gave it a score of at least 60/100, or simply that 53% of critics think it's ok/good and 47% think it's a below average/bad. The score itself is not indicative of how good some people found it, it's just an stat using all critic reviews as input, please remember that.
It has had wildly different scores, with some finding this to be the best in the series and others finding it dull.

In any case, we'll be putting up our review later this week and in the meantime you can share your thoughts on it, spoilers and all in our spoiler discussion.
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby Quantum Surge » Wed Jun 07, 2023 5:16 pm

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Idc what the score is, I'll be going in this movie and not be like the cliche movie critic YouTuber who uses these scores in a thumbnail. :POPCORN: :michaelbay:
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Paramount Spoils Scourge's Face in Latest Voice Actor Featurette for Rise of the Beasts

Postby william-james88 » Wed Jun 07, 2023 10:30 pm

Motto: "'till All Are One"
There's been lots of mystery regarding whether or not Scourge's mask is meant to hide something. For some reason, Paramount is just going willy nilly with spoilers now that the film is out and in this new featurette, they just straight up show us Scourge's face. For each character, they show the voice actor and a still of the bot they voice and when it came to Scourge, they show Peter Dinklage with Scourge's unmasked face next to him. Whether or not that is a legit spoiler, we leave it to you to decide. The video is below.

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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby noctorro » Thu Jun 08, 2023 12:48 am

Just saw it, I'm not even gonna say spoilers because this site has been posting spoiler stuff for the past 6 months anyway.

It was fun, action was great! And it was way more robot focussed.
The trailer spoiled Unicron, stupid as hell, the hook should've been the maximals and leave Unicron for the fans to go ape sh*t in theaters. Anyway, the director doesn't have power over the trailer people.

It has some wokeness, but there just about 4 stupid short dialogue moments, nothing more. Has nothing to do with the plot. And all those youtube channels (josiah rises etc.) will try and blow it up to all hell. No, it's not woke, has some silly woke stuff. But it's just as silly as Bumbelbee pissing on a sector 7 agent in Transformers 1, and the masturbation joke in Transformers 1.

Final fight was cool and dissapointing at the same time. They say the mission, and when they do that in movies I completely get bored by it, you just have to watch it through what they say in the mission planning. Don't do that. And the landscape was uninteresting, you can see it in the trailer.

Scourge was a letdown, just a generic slightly stronger than Optimus robot dude. Nothing more, he has some story about his planet and people but that's one line of dialoge nothing more.
Graphically it's mixed. Optimus doesn't look good, he looked way better in Bumblebee, why they changed him god knows. Some bots don't seem to have enough metal shine, others do and look way better.

So in my summary:

The good:
- Optimus Primal
- Human characters, I liked them
- Arcee <3
- Fight scenes, they work together and long shots, no quick cuts
- Terrorcons talk
- The opening scene, that was awesome!

The bad:
- Generic villain
- Too McGuffin filled
- Graphically it isn't Dark of the Moon
- It was missing Bay spectacle, big setpieces

Overall I think for the first viewing I put it like this:

1. Bumblebee
2. Dark of the Moon
3. Rise of the Beasts
4. Transformers 1
5. Age of Extinction (yeah I know, but I really like it)
6. Revenge of the fallen
7. The Last Knight (my gods)

Also I think the movie should've been longer. It goes very fast, very few moments to breathe. Don't add new stuff, just give what you have some more time. Maybe some more about the Maximal planet, or Scourge's planet. More world building dialogue and more breathing time for some scenes.
Maybe a blu ray release will be a bit more polished.

For Transformers and Beast Wars fans, go watch and support it.
It's waaaaaaaay better than Prime Wars and War for Cybertron on Netflix.
I 3d design and print! Check out my instagram for some Transformers weapons if you're interested. The War for Cybertron standard machine gun is ready as well as the Armada Optimus gun (smaller) and a Robotech Gunpod.
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby G1OptimusPAX » Thu Jun 08, 2023 8:28 am

noctorro wrote:Just saw it, I'm not even gonna say spoilers because this site has been posting spoiler stuff for the past 6 months anyway.

It was fun, action was great! And it was way more robot focussed.
The trailer spoiled Unicron, stupid as hell, the hook should've been the maximals and leave Unicron for the fans to go ape sh*t in theaters. Anyway, the director doesn't have power over the trailer people.

It has some wokeness, but there just about 4 stupid short dialogue moments, nothing more. Has nothing to do with the plot. And all those youtube channels (josiah rises etc.) will try and blow it up to all hell. No, it's not woke, has some silly woke stuff. But it's just as silly as Bumbelbee pissing on a sector 7 agent in Transformers 1, and the masturbation joke in Transformers 1.

Final fight was cool and dissapointing at the same time. They say the mission, and when they do that in movies I completely get bored by it, you just have to watch it through what they say in the mission planning. Don't do that. And the landscape was uninteresting, you can see it in the trailer.

Scourge was a letdown, just a generic slightly stronger than Optimus robot dude. Nothing more, he has some story about his planet and people but that's one line of dialoge nothing more.
Graphically it's mixed. Optimus doesn't look good, he looked way better in Bumblebee, why they changed him god knows. Some bots don't seem to have enough metal shine, others do and look way better.

So in my summary:

The good:
- Optimus Primal
- Human characters, I liked them
- Arcee <3
- Fight scenes, they work together and long shots, no quick cuts
- Terrorcons talk
- The opening scene, that was awesome!

The bad:
- Generic villain
- Too McGuffin filled
- Graphically it isn't Dark of the Moon
- It was missing Bay spectacle, big setpieces

Overall I think for the first viewing I put it like this:

1. Bumblebee
2. Dark of the Moon
3. Rise of the Beasts
4. Transformers 1
5. Age of Extinction (yeah I know, but I really like it)
6. Revenge of the fallen
7. The Last Knight (my gods)

Also I think the movie should've been longer. It goes very fast, very few moments to breathe. Don't add new stuff, just give what you have some more time. Maybe some more about the Maximal planet, or Scourge's planet. More world building dialogue and more breathing time for some scenes.
Maybe a blu ray release will be a bit more polished.

For Transformers and Beast Wars fans, go watch and support it.
It's waaaaaaaay better than Prime Wars and War for Cybertron on Netflix.

Why was this posted?
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Re: Transformers Rise of the Beasts Spoiler Thread

Postby MaximalNui » Thu Jun 08, 2023 10:38 am

Well, in my country it premiered today, so I'll be seeing the film soon! :DANCE:

Honestly, the greatest endorsement so far was Peter Cullen's. Given how passionate he is about playing Optimus and how critical he's been of his work in the previous movies and their portrayals of the character, to see him compliment this movie so much really raises my hopes up.

So, based on the leaks, is Mirage supposed to be a Shifter in this continuity?
Show of hands, who's expecting a Studio Series retool for each alt-mode?
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