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Bomb-Burst making a weird face

The Ultimate Caption Contest

Bomb-Burst making a weird face
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196 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
Optimum Supreme writes: I hope Ratbat will go to the prom with me!
ToaSunkist writes: ... And that, Scorponok, is how Airachnid got me in this body. Through intercourse.
spiderbob007 writes: Bomb-Burst: Uhhh... It wasn't me, it was Carnivac!

Carnivac: Sure, blame it on the dog.
CommanderShadowmus writes: That's not Bomb-Burst... That's his Japanese counterpart Blood...
william-james88 writes: I think I sharted
MagnusLabel writes: "I've just pissed inside my shell..."
Kamakaze Thrower writes: The new organic pretender shells caused many problems with their test subjects' bowels.
Roadshadow writes: Umm, Galvy? You said not to poop on you sleeping, well...
A'Arab Zaraq writes: Chris: "One part of this means that there are various Dreamwave minis and runs that were never collected as TPBs -- we'd like to make those available to people who like the trades on their bookcase. There's another part to all of this, too,
Zeedust writes: Bomb-burst suddenly realizes he's wearing a red shirt. This means one of two things: Either this is In A Fix and it's all his fault, or it's Star Trek and he's going to die before the first commercial.
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Zeedust writes: Bomb-Burst: "Um... I'm Batman?"
King Slick writes: Bomb-Burst: I hope that stupid President Bush didn't find out that I was the one who sold the weapons to Saddam...
Greg writes: I Pooped Myself Again Mummy!
Eat It! Now!
terradive2020 writes: Excuse me, I think a Bomb just Burst in my pants
Dee-Kal writes: Bomb-Burst's personal problems finally come to light after he's asked the audience, gone 50-50 and realises he's got to Phone a Friend...
DeltaOmega writes: A face only a mother could love. NOT!
turbo97 writes: Ever play with super glue? Ever get your fingers stuck?
Nightshadow writes: Decepticon Historian: It was thought that this photo of Bomb-Burst being killed showed him saying his last words "Death to Autobots!!" but we have reason to believe he actually said this

Bomb-Burst: Not in the Balls! Not in the Balls!!!
Tiedye writes: BOMB-BUST- I hope that explosion I heard wasn't the bomb I left with Megatron.
Tiedye writes: This is the church bells, these are the doors and these are all the little people inside.
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Tiedye writes: This is church bell ,and these are the doors,and these are the little people inside.
Tiedye writes: "If I put my fingers together like this and cross my eyes. I can see a little finger in the middle"
Tiedye writes: I hope that bomb I left with megatron wasn't the explosion I just heard.
MEGATRON: BOMB-BURST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Unknown writes: peace with me
President Optimus Prime writes: Somebody get this guy into a second-hand store!
Unknown writes: Constipation can be really disturbing!
Metrotitan writes: Oh dearie me, did I forget to turn off the iron back at the house?! Oohhhh,ooohhhh, Megatron is looking at me and im not wearing any make-up!! He's sooooo commanding!
Darth Vegeta writes: Skorponok Bomb Bust you look constipated.
Bomb Burst: I am... oh my god...
Ratbat: Flee Scorponok! Flee!
Skorponok: Why What...
Ratbat: Now he's going too blow! Nooooooooooooo!
Bomb Burst: Sorry...
Ratbat and Skorponok: That
Zeedust writes: Bomb-Burst: "Um... Raven can be 18 and still be a Teen Titan, right?"
Robin: "Why are you asking?"
Bomb-Burst: "Oh, um, ah, no reason.... Just... just curious."
*Brief, awkward pause, then...*
Shadow Fox writes: Please Megatron..even though I'm an organic creature I look like a decepticon with these shoulder peices on..please let me join you guys.
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Zeedust writes: Zarak: "BONDING, you idiot, I said 'Binary BONDING!' What did you THINK I said?"
Bomb-Burst: "Um... I don't wanna say. It's kinda embarassing."
Unknown writes: why does she alwats wait until now to tel me were out of condoms
Sixshot writes: oh crap, im the first transformer to get diherrea!
Asheron writes: im affraid of saying it but... i cant fly ...
X-Brawn writes: Oops, I've farted again
Unknown writes: they kicked me out of He man can i hang with you guys ??
Unknown writes: Damned finger traps
Zeedust writes: "Why did DJSkywarp make me say that? I'm gonna get kicked out of the priesthood now!"
Unknown writes: I'll always be loyal to you, Scorponok!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Skullgrin,"COME ON.Bomb-Burst this isn't a tough choice you wanna play the game you gotta put your potatoes in." Bomb-Burst,"Nggggh,what if I lose?" Iguanus,"This is why we don't hang with yo
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Excuse me sir could you tell me what aisle the L-A-X-A-T-I-V-E is in ?"
Unknown writes: one day all these children will grow up and the law will come yo get me !!!???!!its not illegal if they asked me to do it!!!? is it???!!?
Suzuki writes: BB: Stay back! I'll shoot with my invisible gun!
AUTOBOT: What invisible gun?
BB(thinking): Drat! He's not falling for it . . .
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Ahhhh internet pictures of Lynsey Bartilson now the fun can begin."
Unknown writes: Um, Megatron? Do you remember how we told Rumble and Frenzy to never play near the railroad tracks?
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: When nobody's looking Bomb-Burst likes to play Charlie's Angels he's always Farah ALWAYS!
Odi writes: "oh god, I'm in serious trouble..I'm touching cloth""
Unknown writes: Smile for the camera!
Unknown writes: I, ah, am quite sorry, but the, umm, "special" sites you went to are now blocking your isp Rumble.
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Unknown writes: Okay I admit it I'm the Father of Nightscream
Unknown writes: Uh.. well you see Soundwave.. I'm flattered that you asked me out and all, but you see.. I'm already married.. so if you could kindly ask Rumble to quit pointing his weapon at me.. I'd appreciate it.
TheRoMan writes: "Come on never told me we HAD a "Don't ask Don't Tell" policy. Besides what goes on in my shell should be my business!"
Nick writes: We can't stop here! This is bat Country!
Unknown writes: umm..........magatron sir i umm.......was waxing ur arm cannon like u asked me to and i umm....scatched it!
Unknown writes: Well, there's... um... something... that I should... well... really tell you sir... and it's... I LOST THE BATHROOM KEY! *sobs*
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I'm sorry I admit I wasn't paying attention while operating the bandsaw.Can I have my fingers back now? I really need to get to a doctor."
Unknown writes: Waits anxisouly for the bathroom key......
Bomb Burst writes: Well, ermm... see Mister seibertron, eh... there are no more funny pics here at your hp... ermm...
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Bomb-Burst waits patiently for the next issue of Transformers:More Than Meets The Eye
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Skyfire the Artist writes: When assembling a model, never get glue on your fingers and if you do, never touch fingertips together.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "But you've got to let me see her I'm Ms. Hines's biggest fan."[Get it he's a Pretender.Bah what do you know about funny.Sometimes I do these jokes just for The RoMan and myself]
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Hmmmmmm I need a new look,maybe a Brooks Brothers suit?
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "O.K.,I could buy the reissue Powermaster Prime,or Unicron,I'd like to buy both,but I only have 50$.ARRRRRRRRGGHHHHHHH!WHY? WHY DOES GOD HATE ME? ARRRRRRRGH!!!!"
Unknown writes: Ummm I sorry, I didn't mean to leave sorch marks in the bed again Megatron... Honest I didn't mean to.
TheRoMan writes: "I forgot my damn ATM passcode again! I'm such an idiot, Megatron was right. Now who's going to by us donuts?"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Bomb-Burst thinks happy thoughts during his tenure as Big John's bitch at the correctional facility.
Unknown writes: Please! You already punished me by making me a Pretender! I`ll do anything, just don`t put me in Energon!
Unknown writes: About the base...You see, it's actually a pretty funny story. Uhm...I wanted to make some noodles, and you wouldn't believe what happened next...
Unknown writes: Ummm.... That log...err.. sorry I thought it was my trainning potty. They look very similar.
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Unknown writes: Bomburst: Wait! Before you go in there, I just want you to know... It's all Skullgrin's fault.
TheDiceman writes: I am really really really sorry Megatron, I swear it will be the last time I wet teh bed.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Hey look this is my Capt.Sisko impersonation." [You really haffta had watched alot of DS9 to get this one,and I mean ALOT.]
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "No wait here's my Beastwars Megatron impersonation,"Yeeess.",Good right?"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I'm sorry to inform you of this ma'am but it was I that killed your husband Charles Bronson.My Bad."
TheRoMan writes: "Listen you stupid flesh creature receptionist, the sign on your door says you DO except my dental insurance!"
TheRoMan writes: "Oh Megatron please, please don't kill me! I swear I thought it was you who gave me the orders to bring all of our Energon to the Pontiac dealership and trade it in for a new Aztek. He sounded just like you! DAMN THAT ASHTON KUTCHER! DAM
Ricochet writes: Umm... um.... may I please have a copy of Robots gone Wild.
Unknown writes: Mommie..I have to go pottie!!
TheRoMan writes: "Um, er, excuse me. Do you have "From Justin to Kelly on DVD" And please keep this between us?"
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Unknown writes: shockwave:your not mad,are you megatron?
Bomb-burst:yes, he's mad.
jonnyblazedout420 writes: me
Jetplague writes: I'm not a real transformer....I...I just like to pretend I'm one. Heheh. (Gulp! I knew I shouldn't have let my mom make this outfit. I'm the only one at this convention wearing a stupid bat outfit!! )
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Well my name is Bomb-Burst I was with the Decepticons for two years prior to applying here.I enjoy terrorizing,and I'm really good at it.So what do you think Mr.Skeltetor you got a job for me?" "No."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I'm Batman.Oh what?Like every other crappy actor hasn't already played Batman.Could I really be any worse than Val Kilmer,or George Clooney?"
tony writes: "EEEEEKKKKK!!!!! I'VE BEEN NOTICED AT LAST! WHAT DO I DO, WHAT DO I DO?! I know, I'll do this stupid face and hope I strike it rich. HEY! WHERE ARE YOU ALL GOING?! Darn it!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: The Iraqi Information Minister tries on his Pretender shell,and likes it.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Uggggh wow this is embarrassing.I've dreamt about this you know,but who would've thought I'd actually go into battle without my pants."
PhoenixPrime writes: Only 285 days until the Olsen Twins are legal, can I wait that long?
Switchback writes: Bombburst:Yelp!*SQUEAKY HIGH VOICE*This new Pretender's....a little tight around the Groin components!*SOB!*
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Unknown writes: "Sir? Could I have a paper bag, please, to cover my head with? I went to the Constructicon's bay this morning, and when Mixmaster opened the door, he screamed and ran. Now Scrapper won't let me come back unless I have something
TheRoMan writes: Rowdy Roddy Piper "Oh my GOD! I knew it...Beyonce Knowles is one too!" (A scene from the upcoming film They Live 2)
TheRoMan writes: (Excert from "I love the 80's" on VH1) "God do I remember the CABAGE PATCH KIDS! I sat on the shelf next to a few of them back in 86'. I mean people walked past me and didn't even care I was there. It
TheRoMan writes: "OK, I understand I can't be paid as much as MEGATRON or OPTIMUS per episode. How about meeting half way, pay me on the same scale as SOUNDWAVE and JAZZ. And I also want a percentage of the syndication and merchandise licensing. And don&
quickkill writes: Heh... You thought I said I wasn't married... Umm, AAHHH DON'T KILL ME
Unknown writes: Here's the church; heres' the steeple.
Hey! Where are the people?
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "If I pull the arrow out will you suck out the poison?"[Caddyshack 2 reference]
Unknown writes: ohhh... some laxative please...
oldman writes: Oh man, I knew I shouldn't have tried the bean dip.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Four in a row diagonally.Pretty sneaky Carly.Next time I will win and I will enslave you and your planet puny human."
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Slider writes: Bomb-Burst: Well, at least it can't get any worse.
Sub-Maruader: Why do you keep saying that?
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Well Mr.Wheelie,I'm afraid if you can't work on Sundays we're not gonna be able to hire you."
KupJr writes: Bomb-Burst learned that day never to walk in on Megatron unnanounced...

"Honestly! I didn't see you playing with your dolls sir!"

Megatron: "They're not DOLLS! They're minicons!"
micah writes: your ooooooooops I FART!
Unknown writes: Well this is bad I knew I forgot something just didn't know it was my pants
Unknown writes: You want to release me in "Universe"? Please not day-glo orange, good god no!
USDA Prime writes: Bomb-Burst: ".....A Bat-tery! Eh heh, heh. That wasn't a good punchline, was it?
Unknown writes: You know what, I always
wanted a Chinese Finger Trap. But now that my index fingers are stuck together, the novalty's
worn out...
Minicle writes: Nightscream: I'm sure they won't find me if i dress up like this guy.
Unknown writes: You see kids, this is what happens when you don't pay your tax return on time.
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Minicle writes: Decepticon: Hey Bats its happy smile week ya know.
Bomb-Burst: I am smiling.
Unknown writes: I can't wait to get my turn. Oh, I just can't wait. I will drill that guy so hard. I can't wait to get off on him. (pulp fiction reference)
krukid writes: I have to go to the bathroom! Quit making me pose for this picture.
krukid writes: I have to go to the bathroom! Just let me go.
Unknown writes: Oh man, I've waited so long for this! The new "Before Carly" pic is finally coming up and it's... the Olsen twins?... Eeww
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "We shared a moment." [Chasing Amy reference]
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Any chance I can be reformated into an Altenator?"
davewelttf writes: Bomb-burst: I hope galvatron won't be mad for what I did
Omnikron writes: ughhh..c'mon.......mmnnn....stupid..glue...won'!!
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Unknown writes: Oh my....well with a name like mine, cracking wind is expected.
Bombburst:...where is your nose?
Shockwave:....times like this makes me
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Unbeknownst to most people Bomb-Burst was a Robeast for Lord Zarkon that didn't make the cut,and had to beg Megatron for a spot on the Decepticons a decision he would regret for a long time.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Hello Mr.Bond I've been expecting you."
Unknown writes: I hope no one gets a whiff of that one...
Unknown writes: "Where will you be when your laxitive starts to work?"
Minicle writes: Bomb-burst: Well I suppose I should be glad that I don't have the head of a Ten year old boy.
Unknown writes: Decepticon Medic:(Writing letter) Dear Mr Bomb-burst, you claim that your wife thinks your ugly. Well judging by this photograph, shes right.
Unknown writes: Bomb-burst: Um, I was, uh, wondering if you'd go out with me?
Girl(offscreen):Why of course, I'd go out with you, you big ball of fur thing, you!
Unknown writes: "Ok, I know this... 2 + 2 is...22, No...23....NO..Can I get back to you"?
Darkman writes: OH ----!!!!
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Unknown writes: Please go easy my 'first time'... which isnt realy suprising!
Prime Nova writes: Your not going to send me out their to those kids?
Unknown writes: It's my pleasure to serve you, Megatron!
Unknown writes: Errhhmmm... Meggy? I have this eeny wheeny tiny teeny little question... could I maby, perhaps, by any chance whatsoever, borrow some money? Pleassssssssse?????
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Now Bomb-Burst is that your final answer?" B.B.,"I think I better phone a friend." Regis,"AT&T dial up Megatron for us." Megatron,"What is it?" Regis,"Megatron,this
micah writes: I am scard!
Unknown writes: Bomb-Burst: Uhh... eh-hehehe... Meggy? you know how I have that need to push little buttons...? Now you Remember that 'self destruct' button back at the base...?
Unknown writes: Errrk! I new I shouldn`t of had Rasin Bran for breakfast!
Unknown writes: "C'mon, I don't like *that* much like the bat from 'Eureeka's Castle' I?"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Heh,hah,funny thing about Crazy Glue it ahhh really me Megatron pleasssssse.Why are you transforming? wait ......"BANG
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Unknown writes: Bomb Burst caught seconds after picking his nose....
Unknown writes: "OKAY! I admit it! It was my idea to put blue carrots in Apple Jacks!!"
FortMax writes: Yeah about the car
Unknown writes: Bomb-Burst:" Oops...I should not have let that fart. It had mass behind it...Eeeewww...Squishy..."
Unknown writes: I hope knowone notices that I'm holding my weiner.
ionacus writes: oh god!bw megatrons gonna eat me! wwwwhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa!
Unknown writes: "You're kidding me? Contractually, I HAVE to be in "Armada"? Ummm, can I talk to my Lawyer?"
Unknown writes: "What do you mean, we're out of Fruit Loops?"
M writes: Excuse me, Prime... Could you get this stupid mask of my face!? It's stuck!
M writes: I dropped your 5000 bucks in the toilet... Please don't kill me, Megs!
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BLUDGEON writes: *nervous* " mean THOSE tax returns."
TreadX writes: With out your support hundreds of Decepticon children will go with out energon this thanksgiving.
Slappyfrog writes: Bomb-Burst always did do the best Monty Burns impression. "Excellent."
Unknown writes: When they were handing out Prentender shells, Bomb Blast slept in.
quadrunner writes: Megatron, you know how you told me not to watch tv late at night, especially your channel, funny thing, i just turned on the tv and it came up with a $9.95per hour, so i thought, what would megatron do. please, don't hurt me
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Dude I'm so burnt look how red my eyes are please can I borrow some visine if Megatron catches me like this he'll kill me."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "My name is Bomb-Burst,I made a poopie what did you expect with a name like Bomb-Burst?"
Unknown writes: Oh Oh, Spaghettio
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Concentrate.This is a most dangerous mission.You must be singleminded in purpose,and devoid of emotion.I will put you in the Arashikage mindset."[That one's for all the Joe fans out there]
PrimeReissue writes: "Uh...Boss? Remind me again...Did you say blow up the Moon Base? Or the Moon?"
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PlasmaRadio writes: Bomb-who?
Scrapper writes: *while returning to the secret base*
ummm, Megatron, do you remember the keys of the base, that you give me before we attacked the Autobots?. Well.....
mike writes: My finger slipped
TheRoMan writes: "Megatron, I do thank you for the cool vest with the Decepticon symbol. But I still look like a holdover from STARBLAZERS...Can't you remake me into something else? Anything.... except an ARMADA member!"
Scrapper writes: What are you looking at? It wasn't me!, I swear it!
Unknown writes: Oops. I think I stepped on someone.
Doctor Reggae writes: "...and she said it was only THIS big! Now she won't sleep with me!"
Hyper Convoy writes: Can we PLEASE find a bathroom?!?
Frostic_Prime writes: A triangle upside-down is a...
Unknown writes: "B...bbb..b..bat's all, folks!"
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Unknown writes: "Does the red dress make me look fat???"
Ricochet writes: Hello mother...
Bumbles writes: This is the church, this is the steeple...
Unknown writes: Umm, Galvy? You said not to poop on you sleeping, well...
BLUDGEON writes: *cowering* thats what arcee looks like without her battle armour on. I'd have gotten away with it too..if it too if it was'nt for those pesky kids
Unknown writes: Please, Megatron!!! Just give me one more chance! I promise I'll get it right the next time!
Unknown writes: The line to the bathroom was really, really long . . .
Virsago writes: Overlord: *sniff* MAAAAAAN!!!
Bomb-Burst: Oh crap, he's going to find out that that was me...
Zeedust writes: "You want me to get *what* magazine back from Unicron?"
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Sideswipe writes: Bomb Burst is hoping he doesn't get an Armada incarnation
Unknown writes: Bomb-Burst didnt listen when they told him the toliet seat was really cold
Unknown writes: Can I use the bathroom... pwetty pwease?
Shermtron writes: wheres the bathroom!!! brrrtt
BoomBox writes: Ugh!?! Umm.... I'm sorry Megatron!! But in that format I thought you were that dinobot.....Please...Mercy....Sorry....(Sigh)..Here comes the hurt.
BoomBox writes: "Here's the church and this is the's the ...oh d@mn! How did it go again?????
Unknown writes: Finally, one morning Bombburst got up out of his recharger bed, took a long, hard glare in the mirror and realized that he would NEVER be as cool as Ratbat or Mindwipe.
Arkhaon writes: uhm sir mister galvatron boss...i really gotta go
Unknown writes: Bomb-burst: Erm, well, there was this one teensy flaw in the plan...
Overlord: (sigh) Can't you do *anything* RIGHT FOR ONCE??!!
Unknown writes: Bomb-Burst: "So I had this idea called 'Armada'...."
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Unknown writes: Well I sort of lost my robot form.
Unknown writes: well, you DO call me Bomb-Burst!!
DarkFire writes: Sorry Galvatron that little brown thing over there it was me i couldnt make it to the toilet in time. your going to kill me now arent you. Dammit i knew it, this is a bad day.
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: Poor Bomb-Burst discovered that pulling off the "Mars Celestial Fire" attack was a lot more difficult than it looked.
Wildcard writes: where is the crapper!!! I have to use the crapper!!!
Pokejedservo writes: Saddest thing is he is probably the next guy running for governor of California.
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #350 - Oops! All Optimus
Twincast / Podcast #350:
"Oops! All Optimus"
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Posted: Saturday, May 18th, 2024

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