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Seaspray with his hands cupping his face

The Ultimate Caption Contest

Seaspray with his hands cupping his face
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212 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
trailbreaker writes: “I HAVE NO MOUTH !!”
TheBritishFan writes: DUNDUNDUUUUUUUN!
william-james88 writes: So you do find me pretty!
BG the Robit writes: Bee:Babe, what are you doing?
SS:I want to kiss you goodbye, but I cant get this helmet off.*head rips off**falls to ground*
BG the Robit writes: Bee:*hand on SS's spark* I'm always gonna love ya, but I hafta sacrifice myself for you.
SS: Really? *tears*
Bee: Yes. *whispers* actually no, i was just told to say that.
transformnerd114 writes: S.S.- "And Prom's tomorrow!"
Wolfman Jake writes: Yes. Yes! A thousand times, YES! I WILL be your Conjunx Endura, Bee!
Optimum Supreme writes: Seaspray just cannot believe the gossip Bumblebee told him.
DeathReviews writes: "Oh mah stars! Ah DO declare ah have the vapors!"
Emerje writes: "This tummy rub feels soooo good!"
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Vector sigma326 writes: ooh! bumble bee do you think i look preety
Etchgraphics80 writes: Oh my lanta?!
trailbreaker writes: I CAN'T GET THIS #%& MOTORCYCLE HELMET OFF !!!!
Sondura1 writes: Lalalalalalalalalalalalala im not listeninglalalalalala!
Silver Wind writes: Bumblebee tried to calm Seaspray, but it was too late. Yelling for help, Seaspray caused a cave-in.
Roadshadow writes: Seaspray: I lost my puppy!
DarkDranzer writes: Bumblebee: Uhh Seaspray I wouldn't do that if I were you...

Seaspray: Yeah? Why?

Bumblebee: Picasso's gonna kick your ass to Tuesday...

Seaspray: So? Picasso's dead...

Picasso: No I'm not!!!

Bumblebee and Seaspray: EEK!!
ShYnE writes: SeaSpray: I knew we should have taken that left turn at Albequerke.
Galaxy_Convoy writes: Seaspray: OH MY GOD! THEY KILLED WHEELIE!

Bumble Bee: your point? he had it coming.
Ultra Wheelshot writes: Seaspray: I'm human under here
Bumblebee: No your not
Seaspray triesto take his head off
Bumblebee: See
Seaspray: Damn
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Armbullet writes: I left the oven on!!!
Kit writes: i should moisturize more often
Dee-Kal writes: "You see? Hands that do dishes DO stay as soft as your face with mild green 'Fairy Liquid'..!"
shockwave_inoz writes: BUMBLE: "Seriously - you thought Beast Wars was THAT bad?!" SEASP: "Lions and Tigers and Bears - OH MY!!"
Tiedye writes: BUMBBLEBEE-"How can you have a toothache without any teeth?"
Tiedye writes: BUBBLEBEE-"If you do that Home Alone impression one more time I'm going to hit you up the side of your face."
Tiedye writes: Bumblebee- "How can you have a toothache without any teeth"
Unknown writes: Seaspray's audition tape to be the next Pillsbury Dough Boy.
Unknown writes: Bumblebee:Will you marry me Seaspray.

Seaspray:*Gasp* Ohh yes I will *Flips hand and holds thigh*
President Optimus Prime writes: "Holy catfish, I've been drafted!"
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Unknown writes: Bumblebee: Gimmie your lunch money, Peespray, or I'll cut'choo good!
Seaspray: EEK!
Unknown writes: Seaspray:Don't I look like the kid from Home Alone?

Bumblebee:Yeah....sure dude.
Unknown writes: Seaspray: Oh Bumblebee, I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies!!
Unknown writes: Bumblebee: Looks like we're... home alone... Seaspray: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Shadow Fox writes: Seaspray- So you really don't think I'm ugly?
Bumblebee- No baby your HOT!!!
Seaspray- It's just that I've been packing on the pounds with late night energon cubes..Im hideous I know I am..
Bumblebee- Ya, but I&#
Slartibartfast writes: look, i'm sorry i switched your facepack with superglue...
SeaSpray writes: Ow! Bummblebee you idiot you tweaked my nipple module!
gir writes: hehe I feel so giddy!
halljh writes: Seaspray's audition for Home Alone 4.
trailbreaker writes: Bumblebee: "Grimlock touched you WHERE !!??"
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Bruticus writes: Bumblebee: "I've got bad news, Seaspray."
Seaspray: "What?"
Bumblebee: "I'm afraid that this is your one episode in the spotlight before you disappear forever. I'm so sorry.&qu
Asheron writes: * wishpering * : guez what... UR STUPID !
Unknown writes: BUMBLEBEE: (wispering)So I was in car mode and Spike and Carly thought I was off line and they got in the back seat and....
Unknown writes: seaspray: it took 2 hours to panel beat my head back into place, TWO DAMN HOURS BUMBLEBEE
bumblebee: that really gets my feckles up too...
Unknown writes: bumblebee: there there seaspray
Jetplague writes: Oh great! Hey Prime!! Looks like Seaspray put himself in " pleasure mode " again! Damn man......don't make me give you such a slap!!
Unknown writes: Seaspray- Arent you just the cutest little thing...
Unknown writes: How I keep it so smooth and shiny? by using ...
Bumblbee: cut that crap out!!!!
Unknown writes: ...and on the next Designer Guys...Seaspray gets into the swank of things.
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Unknown writes: Seaspray: Oh me oh me oh my! I can't believe I just saw a butterfly!
Bumblebee:...what? Hey, buddy, are you okay?
Arkhaon writes: oow bumblebee i love you too
omega icecream writes: im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo emotional!
Unknown writes: Oy Gevalt!
apex writes: Seaspray: "OH NO! I didnt get that drunk did I?!"
Unknown writes: SEASRRAY: OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! my tooth hurts, it hurts, it hurts !!!!!!
BUBBLEBEE: Thats what you get for eating all my energon candy !!!!
Laserbot writes: bumblbee: "umm what are you doing?"
Seaspray: "im practiing my HOME ALONE bit..."
Bumblbee: "ho... ok let me try...hehem... Kevn!!"
Spike: "these are my friends... -_-"

Unknown writes: [Seaspray] Oh no!!! I left our weeklong supply of energon back at Autobot HQ!!
Jetfire Masta writes: Bumble Bee:why are u hitting yourself why are u hitting yourself!HAHA loser Seaspray:some1 help Bumble Bee is makin me hit myself.Dont bee a bumb u bumb.
Unknown writes: Seaspray : Arcee said I was cute... Isn't that lovely ?
Bumblebee : Yeah right, and I'm gonna be rebuild into a Throttlebot later on.
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Zeedust writes: "Seaspray's Scream," by Edward Munch
bluepro writes: i'm soooooo confused!
parkwood writes: Man that big clutz Slag wiped me in the face with his tail again!! ahh its going to take me forever to get the alignment right! Oh I hate when this happens
Alphatron2k3 writes: Bumblebee: Hey Seaspray have you seen Armada yet?

SeaSpray: Yess I did and seen hey they have given us minibots a bad rep. Not to mention it sucks slag.

Bumblebee: Yeah but at least your not in it as a Minicon thats even smaller than us. and can&am
K-nonFodder writes: Seaspray" Hello 9-1-1 I glued myself"
Dark writes: BumbleBee: Will you marry me?
Zeedust writes: "Bumblebee, help me find my mouth!"
Unknown writes: My face what have you done to my face.
TetraReris writes: Bee: C'mon I know that comes off!
Spray: For the last time it doesn't. Let me show you. *pushes hard* See!?!
Unknown writes: Bumblebee: "Don't you remember last night?" Seaspray: "um, no, I have no idea -- OH CHRIST, GOD NOOOOOO!"
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thexfile writes: Seaspray : brrrr mm bunbelbee and you por over a bit of energon juse and bake it in the oven brrrr you just have 2 taste it bumblebee....
Beast Simpson writes: Seaspray: Now for some aftershave.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!
Unknown writes: Man am i cute or what?!
DestronPride writes: Stupid... head... won't... come... off
Unknown writes: Seaspray: Ruben won American Idol?? Ohhh nooooooo!
Unknown writes: Seaspray:"Oh noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
Unknown writes: BB:"Hey Seaspray, can I borrow some crayons from your toybox? SS:"Doh!"
Zu Darkness writes: Bumblebee: Did you hear about the new Comic book that features us and Gi Joe: Seaspay: Gasp
Unknown writes: Seaspray: Bumbleebee,gurgle,how come no girl want to go out with me,gurgle?
BB: Because your gay looking and you talk like you were born with mouthwash set to rinse.
Unknown writes: Seaspray: Oh look at me, Im so dumpy and gay looking and my head is too huge for my body, oooh look at me.
Bumblebee: Seaspray,can I tell you something....... Smack!!!!!!!
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Omega Supreme writes: Bumblebee: What's gotten in to you Seaspray??
Seaspray: I'm Energon High and so happy, wwwwhhheee!!!!!
Bumblebee: Uh....yeah right.
Unknown writes: Bumblebee: Seaspray we're trapped in the cave. Optimus said something about crapppy midgets.
Bumblebee: Nice Home Alone tribute...dumbass.
Galvatron writes: "Help me Bumblebee! My mouth guard fell off!"
Unknown writes: "There Bumblebee, I've just finished applying the final touches to my facial make-up."
Zu Darkness writes: Eeek a mouse
Unknown writes: Bumblebee: I luv u SS
Seaspray: Get away u sick bastard!
Unknown writes: Bumblebee:"Seaspray! I just saw on the internet! Remember that alien chic you got horizontal with in "Sea Change"? Well, dude, she's only fifteen! Yer gonna go to jail for statutory rape!" Seaspray: "G
Dean writes: oh the humanity bumblebee is gay.Bumblebee:ssh seaspray
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Unknown writes: Seaspray: hicup, I got the hicups
Bumblebee: we'll destroy these hicups and you know it
MacrossFA19 writes: Beachcomber: Echo, Echo, Echo!!!
Beachcombers echo: whats with all the shouting?!?
Bill writes: More victims of the Wheelie home pregnancy test.
Chrono writes: shh, i know a break up is hard, but we can still be friends
Unknown writes: it's alright baby, everyone likes you're cupcakes, i promise.
Unknown writes: No, you didn't take that photo of me changeing?! How dear.
Unknown writes: Steak for 2 for 1 for ME...Seaspray!
Beast Simpson writes: Bumblebee: Seaspray, stay calm..theres a bug on your face. Seaspray: GET IT OFF!! GET IT OFF!!
PixieStixGirl writes: Seaspray: If only I had a moustache...
PixieStixGirl writes: Bumblebee: Damnit, Seaspray! This is the last time I let you talk me into playing with glue! My hand is stuck to you!!
Seaspray: YOUR hands?!
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Unknown writes: Seaspray: Hey! BUMBLEBEE! WHAT IS THAT!?
Bumblebee: spider?
Bumblebee: .........It's okay........I think....
Unknown writes: Seaspray: I feel pretty! Oh so pretty! I feel pretty and witty and...
Scattershot writes: What?! No Armada version of Seaspray?
Unknown writes: Help! I can't believe they made me sound like that fat slob Dominic Barbra!
Unknown writes: Ohh, Bumblebee!!!! I love it when you rub my chest like that!!!!
Unknown writes: Man, Bumble Bee, you look like you need some Ex-lax!
SeaSpray writes: Seaspray: I'm embrassed.
Billy writes: Ooohhh!!! By all the Cybertronian Dentistbots, I've got a huge toothache!!! B: There there, we will see Doctor Ratchet, and for a second consult First Aid, okay?? S: I want to go to Wheeljack! B: If you dont shutup we will go to see Alpha Trion a
ionacus writes: dude quit crying armada isnt that bad
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Chris writes: "Its ok, it happens to every guy once in a while"
Unknown writes: Seaspray:Like No Way! Justin Timberlake is gonna be here Bumblebee: I know thats like totally cool
Screamer writes: Seaspray: Help I accidently put Prime's face plate on and cant get it off!
Unknown writes: seaspray: i cant beleive they called me gurgle mouth!
bumblebee: hey its better than being called
the short horny one
Unknown writes: Seaspray: I feel pretty, oh so pretty...

Bumblebee: THAT DOES IT! I'm joining the Decepticons!
Unknown writes: Bumblebee: Its ok Seaspray, they are only putting you in Armada for one day, then you die so you won't be used again. It will be ok.
ThunderClap writes: OH CRAP!!! I forgot too buy toilet paper!
TheRo-Man writes: [Seasprayâ„¢] "Darn Bumblebeeâ„¢, I forgot my line again." [Bumblebeeâ„¢] "Um, Seasprayâ„¢ we don't have lines. Some dude draws us and other people talk for us." [Seasprayâ„¢] "Oh, well then how come I
TheRo-Man writes: "Hasbro© did what Bumblebeeâ„¢? Thats it! I Seasprayâ„¢ demand that all Transformers® fans buy only Takara© brand reissues or used figures. Who needs Hasbro's© crappy 3 inch long missiles and mismolded
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Unknown writes: Why yes, the Mach3 DID leave me feeling much smoother! No more 5 oclock rusty shadow!
TheRo-Man writes: "No, no Seaspray. Just because they won't make a reissue of you like they do with all of us "cool" guys doesn't mean you suck. It just means your....well OK I can't lie. You suck.
Unknown writes: "OO NO MY BABY" "Calm down ma'am we're doing eveything we can"
"But she's allergic to milk-" "I said calm down"
Unknown writes: Bumblebee: "Nope, no chest hair either...."
Unknown writes: Dude, just don´t lose your head ok?
Skyfire the Artist writes: When Bumblebee described the horror of Microsoft tech support, Seaspray could not believe what he heard.
Unknown writes: Man She has got to shave those thighs, she is scratching the paint off my faceplate.
Unknown writes: i am ugly
Orion Pax writes: Seaspray:"Do you think I'm Fat?"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Bumblebee,"What's wrong?" Seaspray,"Oh,I've got a big problem Superion says I turn him on." Bumblebee,"OUCH,that's gonna leave a mark." Seaspray,"It gets worse he&am
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Unknown writes: I think I heard something BumbleBee...

Nah, it was just Optimus playing with his sparkplug*.
Sky-Byte writes: Seaspray: this cave is very scary!! I want go home!
Bumblebee: Don´t be a baby! it´s just a dark cave. Armada is much scary than this cave!
Shermtron writes: Seaspray: oh!, bumblebee your such a hebot... Bumblebee: im not gay
HE-MAN writes: Seaspray: "Why do I sound EXACTLY like Merman from 'Masters of the Universe?!?'"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Seaspray,"I love you Bumblee buddy your such a lovly shade of yellow." Bumblebee,"Oh crap this is just like the time Megatron stole Gears's special chip,only REAL annoying."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: And the winner of Cybertronian Idol is......Seaspray!
Unknown writes: This x-mas's hottest toy tickle me Seaspray
TheRo-Man writes: [Scene from the lost episode "The Girl who loved Seaspray"] Bumblebee: "Look Seaspray, it happens to all of us one time or another. The next time your with her, Just think about Powerglide. It keeps me from discharging to quickl
Unknown writes: Bumblebee: ...and when I poke your stomach, you're supposed to go "Hoo hoo!"
Unknown writes: Seaspray: AHHHHH, my cheeks are so fuzzy...
Bumblebee: Okaaaay....., back to the nice padded room...
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HawkEye writes: I was like no way! And he was all way! And I was like NO WAY!!!!
Unknown writes: Oh, my God! I sound like Mushmouth on Fat Albert!
Unknown writes: seaspray:"OH NO! I lost the keys to the ark! Prime will kill ME!"
Bumblebee:"don't worry, we'll find them.... I hope"
Unknown writes: Like, OH MY GOD!! I like, BROKE A NAIL!!!
blank writes: Oh my god! my voice is gayyer than tracks'

davewelttf writes: Bumblebee:What's wrong?
Seaspray: It's this goshdang mouth plate every time i move it wants to fall out!
Unknown writes: Seaspray: I can't believe all those rude things morph said about sideshow sideswipe.

Bumblebee: Yeah, those were pretty low
Zu Darkness writes: Ahh my F-----G tooth hurts and I sound like a idiot. God please end my pathefic existance here
PlasmaRadio writes: Seaspray: "Dont touch me there! You brute!"
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Unknown writes: Seaspray: Bumblebee, I got a date with Alannah, but I need to pick the right robot aftershave. What brand should I use?
Unknown writes: Don't worry, Seaspry, you're handsome enough for the Prom
little_fly writes: bumblebee: seaspray are you all right ??
seaspray:i think i hurt my jaw while eating energon!!
bummble bee:ill go and get iornhide to take you to the repair unit!
Broadside writes: What I'm not gonna be in Armada? Oh no!
Unknown writes: Bumblebee: Don't worry this won't hurt a bit. Seaspray: Uh.... Where's our other haaaaaaaaa!! GET IT OUT, GET IT OUT!!
Unknown writes: Seaspray: Man, I think I need a Chiropractor, my neck is out of whack. Bumblebee: Here let me help with that (snickering)
Unknown writes: Bumblebee: Dude, stop that! Too much noise and this place will colapse.
Unknown writes: Bumblebee: Uh... Seaspray, you can stop singing now you've already scared away the decepticons. Oh, and don't give up you day job.
Unknown writes: Waaaaa......What did wheelie mean when he said "he was cooler than me?"
Unknown writes: Bumblebee: I found it. It is a lump! Seaspray: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
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Unknown writes: Bumblebee,"O.K. it's bigger than a breadbox....uh..Seaspray this is important we don't have time for charades.Grimlock's found my stash of hempergon and he said he's got the human munchies."
Pokejedservo writes: Seaspray: Oh man I am having SUCH a toothache. Bumblebee: Uh you do know that you don't really have a mouth right? Right? Seaspray: I dunno, is Arcee our dentist?
Bruticus Buckeye writes: Seaspray: "You make me so very happy!" Bumblebee: "Kiss me, you fool!"
Unknown writes: Seaspray,"Ratchet says he found a rust infection in my voicebox this big." Bumblebee,"Well,that explains that stupid gruggling voice of yours."
ButtZilla writes: Seaspray: Ooooooaaaaooaaahh!
Bumblebee: Enough of the Tarzan call, this is not the place!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Whoops Prime's gonna kill me I broke the Matrix."
TheRo-Man writes: No Bumblebee, I'm not really Seaspray [pops off head] I am really Jack Osborne! And this isn't Regular Pepsi©. Its Pepsi© mixed with rum, whiskey, Extasy and special K. Oh, and dad bit off his head and fe
Unknown writes: I am gay.
Unknown writes: I love you Seaspray and I cant wait another astro-second to show you my tailpipe.
Unknown writes: Seaspray: With this bad rust I'll never get a date to the Cybertron prom! Bumblebee: Seaspray, just do what I did. Use Rustex(tm) and those rust spots will clear right up! Seaspray: I can't believe it! No more rust! Whooee, I'm
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Ricochet writes: Seaspray: Oh MY GOD! Arcee is walking this way!!!
Bumblebee: Ya know you will never get her, right?
Unknown writes: Seaspray puts on his motorcycle helmet
Unknown writes: Seaspray begins to cry when he realizes he's gotta watch ARMADA with Bumblebee
Unknown writes: "Here Seaspray....these Tums will help your heartburn."
Unknown writes: B: I think the Ark did a poor job making us look like these Earth forms. Look how much weight I gained. S: I know! I am afraid that if I let go of my head, it will fall off.
Unknown writes: Oh my god im pregnent!!!
tfpredaking writes: Seaspray: EEEEEKKK!! I can't beleive it!! Hoist finally asked me to marry him!! I'm so excited!!!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I'm tellin yah that fish was this big,but it got away."
Unknown writes: Seaspray: This aftershave burns! Bumblebee: It's not aftershave, dumbass, it's acid. Seaspray: !
Slappyfrog writes: Bumblebee: "Uh, Seaspray? You do know you're not a Headmaster, right?"
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Slider writes: SeaSpray: OH MY GOD! i KILLED KENNY!
Quintessa writes: BB: Look how they drew us, Seaspray! My two month old cousin could do better and he just drools on the page!!!
Unknown writes: Seaspray:"Riiiiiiiiiiicola!" Bumblebee:"Shut the hell up!"
Rodimus Primal writes: Bumblebee: Optimus warned you not to play with the energon glue, Seaspray.
dcsnowdog writes: Hey, What do you think your doin. . ., oh! Oh my, tee hee, that tickles!
Unknown writes: Auditions for Home Alone 4 are underway
Unknown writes: Seaspray,"I hate to rain on your parade,man,we ain't gonna last 2hrs!" Bumblebee,"Easy,Seaspray,Wheelie lasted much longer than that with no weapons and no training." Wheelie,"Affirmative." Se
Unknown writes: Bumblebee,"I'm sorry buddy Optimus said if you wanna be Generation 2 we gotta have you vacumized."
FortMax writes: Seaspray: oh my god are huge!!!
Unknown writes: Bumblebee and Seaspray share a "Will & Grace" moment.
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HoliPrime writes: Optimus H.Christ, Bumblebee, look in that mirror! Can you believe how badly they've drawn us this week?
Unknown writes: Seaspray does his best impersonation of Macaully Culkin in "Home Alone."
Unknown writes: Seaspray: Oh my God, are you gay?
Unknown writes: [Seaspray] Nooooo!!! I left the load of energon cubes at the space bridge!
voltronic writes: Bumblebee in Nick Rivera voice: "It's sunblock..that also works as a laxative"
TriggerHappy writes: Bumblebee, we must return to base. Why? Because I left the iron and the kitchen on.
Unknown writes: S. What do you mean "You are going to be reworked and appear in Armada"? B. I knew you would not want to be alone now
Unknown writes: Oooooooo!! Optimus! Bumblebee said a BAD WORD!!
Ravage07 writes: Seaspray: Oh S#!t... I soiled myself!
Ravage07 writes: Seaspray: Oh S#!t... I soiled myself!
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Autobot bubbs writes: Bumblebee: You must resist!
Seaspray: but I can't help it, the Backtreet Bots are Hotties!!
Unknown writes: Seaspray: Bumblebee I think I'm in Love!
Unknown writes: seaspray:oh noooooooo!!!!!!!!!
bumble bee:what,whats wrong?
Exulted Unicron writes: S: Owww! My teeth, take me to a dentist, take me now!!

B: You don't have any teeth, you're a robot!

S: Oh, yeah
Unknown writes: bumblebee: and then morph called me ignorant.
seaspray: what a jackass.
Black Arachnis writes: no way bugboy, last time you dislocated my jaw!
Unknown writes: Seaspray: (quote) "...and it was this big and it flew up my nose..." Bumblebee: But you don't *have* a nose!
Unknown writes: Seaspray: Oh no Bumblebee, we can't possibly... we're moving too fast!

Bumblebee: Shh baby, just relax, and go with my flow..
gir writes: "What!?...there going to make a Home Alone 4!?!...AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
buddhaquest writes: S- ...and my cheeks are warm! Are your cheeks warm? Oh man, I'm freaking out! What was in that stuff? Did you hear that? Oh man! They're gunna know man! You have horns?? Oh man, your the devil! Your going to kill me!! AAAHHHHH
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Unknown writes: Bumblebee! Oh my God - I love you too!
yoyo writes: OPTIMUS!!Bubmblebee is hitting on me again!!
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #351 - Ask Your Dad
Twincast / Podcast #351:
"Ask Your Dad"
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Posted: Saturday, June 1st, 2024

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