So, with the leaves on the ground, the cool air in my face, the flocks of geese fleeing the country, and the pumpkin spice lattes in every place that serves coffee, our minds are all collectively turning to that, fast-approaching time of year. I am talking, of course, about Christmas!
Yes my friends, once the Thanksgiving turkey left-overs have all been devoured or spoiled, out minds turn to candycanes and roast goose (or more turkey!). With that in mind, and hot cocoa in hand, there are many things I am hinting at to my loved ones with all the subtlety of Ragnarok. So join me, if you will, to disclose our personal wish-lists to one another so that we might all delight in our man-child like joy of the best time of the year! Also because I'm bored.
#1: Hilariously tampographed coffee mugs.
I go through about 6 cups of coffee a day. I wouldn't say I'm a connisour...conissore...coni... gourmet, hell, I'll drink generic brand coffee, but I find that I'm getting more interested in what I drink out of. I'm unsure why, maybe it's an old-guy thing.
#2: Wall decorations.
Currently there's a poster, three flags, a calender, and a clock on the walls (and a dr.pepper can). That's not in one room, that's in my entire apartment! I fell like I need more than that. So if I could get framed maps, painted landscapes, or more dr.pepper, then my apartment would seem a little less bare.
#3: Anything that has to do with Pacific Rim
Seriously. I have the movie already, but there's one that comes with a Gypsy Danger statue. There's posters, a tabletop game, an xbox live arcade game, mini figures, action figures, 24 inch figures, costumes, movie props, home pregnancy tests. ANYTHING!
#4: Money.
Just money. No it's not impersonal, in fact it might be more thoughtful than getting me something else. I could use the cash for practical things, like paying bills, saving, or getting groceries. Of course I'll use it on action figures, but it's the thought that counts!
#5: A kitten
So what are your non-Transformers related wish-lists, fellow Seibertronians? Time with your family? Something from another toy line? A brand new 1983 Oldsmobile? A pet rock? Let us know!