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Custom Combiner Seekers

PostPosted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 11:53 am
by alphasnake73
Im looking to do 4 custom seeker Jets and I found 1 set of wings that work great but the other 2 sets kinda suck. All of which I found on Shapeways 1 fits Air Raid and they rotate the other fits Blackwing. The Air Raid sits to low on his back so when the wing flips around they sit lower than his shoulders. The Blackwing ones sits way up against his back so it leaves little room to pose his arms.

Question 1: Does anyone have a fix for my two problems?

Question 2: What paints should I use and what sealer do I use?

I custom Joes and only use acrylic Paints on them. Should I use an automotive or oil paints?

Question 3: Is there a good painter that I can pay to do this for me?

Re: Custom Combiner Seekers

PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 2:18 am
by The_Cryptid_Person
First off, welcome to Seibertron! If you want to share your Joe customs, there are probably other fans here who would want to see them. Now to address your points.

Can't really help with the shapeways issue, but...

In my experience, Acrylic paints work just fine for transformers. So do enamels, and spray paints that adhere to plastic, such as Rust-Oleum Painter's Touch. I've never experimented with automotive or oil paints, it's possible they could fail to adhere, damage the plastic, etc. I've had luck with a krylon brand matte clear coat can for sealing, as well as pledge floor polish (which is glossy, but don't scratch or sniff it). If you want the transformers to feel more mechanical, use metallic paints. Both the Rust-Oleum spray cans I use for base coats and the craft acrylics I detail with have plenty of metallic options.

I'm sure there are great painters out there to help with this but this forum is mostly amateurs like myself and pretty geographically scattered. I'm sure you could find professionals with all sorts of methods and experience if you look elsewhere.

Based on your post, it looks like money isn't an issue or you don't know how expensive serious custom jobs can get? Heck, just purchasing a shapeways product with a decent finish is too pricey for me. If you find someone willing to paint the figures, you'll not only have to pay for their labor but probably for shipping the transformers to and from them. Between that and shapeways you could easily be over $100 in on each of the four seekers. And that's if you already have the figures!

Re: Custom Combiner Seekers

PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 2:02 pm
by alphasnake73
Thank you Latebrus-K (I may have been here years ago but life gets in the way, lol)

I have had a few Joe customs painted for me and I had to be put on a payment plan due to the number of them.

I was going to try my hand at painting at least one bot and if it wasn't good find someone to help. Money is an issue but good work can be costly...I think and I have seen great work out there.

So, I guess I am mainly looking for someone to do a couple of prints for me on a 3D printer. This is my biggest challenge right now. If anyone knows someone that can help send them my way.

Re: Custom Combiner Seekers

PostPosted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 3:45 pm
by alphasnake73
any other ideas on fixing the wing issue that I am having?

Re: Custom Combiner Seekers

PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 9:38 am
by alphasnake73
So, Im looking for some help from someone that can help me create some seeker wings for combiner wars airraid

Re: Custom Combiner Seekers

PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 12:34 pm
by megamanfan
it's not an elegant solution, but you could always use lego pieces as swiveling struts that swing the wings up higher, using epoxy glue to secure the pieces where you need them. it'll look a but messy and have massive hinges exposed, but it'll get the wings where you need them.

Re: Custom Combiner Seekers

PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:29 am
by alphasnake73
megamanfan wrote:it's not an elegant solution, but you could always use lego pieces as swiveling struts that swing the wings up higher, using epoxy glue to secure the pieces where you need them. it'll look a but messy and have massive hinges exposed, but it'll get the wings where you need them.

Thanks for the idea

Re: Custom Combiner Seekers

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 3:03 pm
by alphasnake73
How do you paint your figures and with what type of paints?

Re: Custom Combiner Seekers

PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 9:08 am
by megamanfan
alphasnake73 wrote:How do you paint your figures and with what type of paints?

use either enamels or acrylic paints. Most people use acrylics, despite enamel being more durable, since those can be thinned down with water instead of special thinner like enamels. which is a good point: always thin your paints. always. and put on a finish clear coat once it's all done.