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Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 12:41 pm
by AllNewSuperRobot
^Ok, after reading that now I'm a lot less keen on bigeneration. That whole scene suggested nothing more than this occurred between 14 and 15.

It shouldn't mean anything to the dead prior incarnations. By the very nature of their explorations, the Doctors will eventually intersect as Burn said. This already existed without rebranding a "doctor verse". But the previous 13 all have an expiration point attached to that (technically 12, as the 2nd Doctor didn't die as such) and that's ok. I really hope this isn't a further extension of Moffat's ridiculous "everybody lives" nonsense.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:41 pm
by ZeroWolf
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:^Ok, after reading that now I'm a lot less keen on bigeneration. That whole scene suggested nothing more than this occurred between 14 and 15.

It shouldn't mean anything to the dead prior incarnations. By the very nature of their explorations, the Doctors will eventually intersect as Burn said. This already existed without rebranding a "doctor verse". But the previous 13 all have an expiration point attached to that (technically 12, as the 2nd Doctor didn't die as such) and that's ok. I really hope this isn't a further extension of Moffat's ridiculous "everybody lives" nonsense.

I concur, the statement wasn't needed as we have the episode to speak for itself, but as he's the showrunner now...Will this mean he'll be acting on this with the forthcoming season? I saw a comment by him saying that die hard who fans will hate each episode of the new season, I took it at first that he meant those who objected to 13th being a woman but now I'm wondering what else he has planned.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 4:37 pm
by Burn
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:^Ok, after reading that now I'm a lot less keen on bigeneration. That whole scene suggested nothing more than this occurred between 14 and 15.

It shouldn't mean anything to the dead prior incarnations. By the very nature of their explorations, the Doctors will eventually intersect as Burn said. This already existed without rebranding a "doctor verse". But the previous 13 all have an expiration point attached to that (technically 12, as the 2nd Doctor didn't die as such) and that's ok. I really hope this isn't a further extension of Moffat's ridiculous "everybody lives" nonsense.

The big difference is 14 & 15 will remember each other. Every time The Doctor got together with his other selves, the younger ones would always end up forgetting that little adventure.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 10:24 pm
by JazZeke
Burn wrote:
Not counting clones or robot doubles or dimensional duplicates, the Doctor should remain a singular entity. There needs to only be one at a time. Any more and I feel like it waters the character down.

But see, wibbly wobbly timey wimey, there already is more than one Doctor running around.

From the universe's point of view, yes. Any Doctor could show up at any given time. But from the Doctor's own timeline, and the POV of the show, each incarnation follows linearly one after the other.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 2:22 am
by ZeroWolf
JazZeke wrote:
Burn wrote:
Not counting clones or robot doubles or dimensional duplicates, the Doctor should remain a singular entity. There needs to only be one at a time. Any more and I feel like it waters the character down.

But see, wibbly wobbly timey wimey, there already is more than one Doctor running around.

From the universe's point of view, yes. Any Doctor could show up at any given time. But from the Doctor's own timeline, and the POV of the show, each incarnation follows linearly one after the other.

Reading some other comments about RTD, I don't think you've got much to fear from this season abandoning that.

In lighter news however, we have a new contender for Xmas number 1:

All profits are going to Children in Need, so I hope it does well, but I can't see it beating whatever LadBaby throw out. Gives us another look at 15 though, hope he gets some good stuff to work with.

A different link since I can't get the embedded video working.
Goblin Song

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:18 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
The one thing I really hope doesn't happen is RTD has set up this "doctor verse" for regular multi-doctor stories.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:52 am
by ZeroWolf
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:The one thing I really hope doesn't happen is RTD has set up this "doctor verse" for regular multi-doctor stories.

It he does, it won't be with least this season. Of course he might do it with more unknown regeneration but then again...13 did that and didn't need any of this

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 11:20 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
There are a couple of won't/highly unlikely choices for reprising the role onscreen (Capaldi and Eccleston). From what I've read, Big Finish are wrapping up War Doctor stories and starting Fugitive Doctor stories soon. Which means neither of them will appear onscreen again. Talk of an 8th Doctor series (which I am very excited for). I guess 5, 6 and 7 could technically appear in a more active, non-cameo role?

Tennant.. could be 10, Metacrisis or 14 again. Not sure on Matt Smith and Jodie Whitaker's stances on coming back though.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:23 pm
by ZeroWolf
I think Jodie would come back, not sure on Matt mind

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:35 pm
by Burn
ZeroWolf wrote:I think Jodie would come back, not sure on Matt mind

From what I've read, I got the impression Jodie seems a little cut over moving on, I don't think it was really her decision. I'd really like to see her back, this time with a more competent showrunner and writer.

Matt will probably be tied up with House of the Dragon for a while, but I'm sure he could be persuaded to come back.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 11:06 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
Burn wrote: I'd really like to see her back, this time with a more competent showrunner and writer.

I still have faith that Big Finish will do for 13 what they did for 6.

I saw this cool piece online recently...

PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 1:27 pm
by AllNewSuperRobot

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 1:56 pm
by ZeroWolf
For a moment, I thought that was an official piece

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 1:58 pm
by AllNewSuperRobot
ZeroWolf wrote:For a moment, I thought that was an official piece

Eccleston wouldn't be front and centre if this were a BBC promotion. Big Finish, maybe.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:00 pm
by ZeroWolf
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:For a moment, I thought that was an official piece

Eccleston wouldn't be front and centre if this were a BBC promotion. Big Finish, maybe.

A shame he was driven away by onset politics really, felt like he had a lot to offer the role.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:30 pm
by AllNewSuperRobot
ZeroWolf wrote:A shame he was driven away by onset politics really, felt like he had a lot to offer the role.

Honestly, Eccleston remains my favourite Nu Who Doctor, since his debut. Although I am (very slowly) working my way through the Big Finish 9th Doctor boxsets. He's still got it, too.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 1:10 am
by JazZeke
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:A shame he was driven away by onset politics really, felt like he had a lot to offer the role.

Honestly, Eccleston remains my favourite Nu Who Doctor, since his debut. Although I am (very slowly) working my way through the Big Finish 9th Doctor boxsets. He's still got it, too.

Eccleston was my favorite until Peter Capaldi knocked it out of the park for me.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 5:21 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
JazZeke wrote:Eccleston was my favorite until Peter Capaldi knocked it out of the park for me.

Capaldi lost me with the whole riding a tank with sunglasses and a guitar. If the Kandyman had broken through the wall behind him, Kool-Aid style. It could have been a scene from the bad part of Classic Who.


The Church on Ruby Road

High energy. That's what the 15th Doctor brings to the role. Ironically Ncuti (pronounced "Shooty") isn't the youngest Doctor (That would be Matt Smith, at 26) but he is the most physical so far. You couldn't really picture Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy or Peter Capaldi dancing at a club. Immediately got a good vibe off this Doctor. Which I haven't since Paul McGann. I also see from this story and the origin of the newest companion how RTD is going to be tackling the Timeless Child stuff. As opposed to outright ignoring it. It was a good first outing for the new Doctor. Much like Eccleston's, the villains weren't all that. It was a bit too "Dark Crystal" for my tastes. But that said, I'm in. 8/10

Also, HUGE potential spoilers:
Is RTD teasing Iris Wildthyme in Nu Who :shock:

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:03 pm
by AllNewSuperRobot

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:31 pm
by JazZeke
Leela lives!

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:40 am
by Jazzman Crothers
I don't care much for how they introduced the new Doctor. Bi-regeneration aside, I feel 15's first solo episode didn't communicate to me what this new Doctor is all about. I think the first episodes of Tenet, Smith and Capaldi as a Doctor gave strong indications of what their Doctor's were going to be. Hopefully, further episodes will be better.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 7:14 pm
by ZeroWolf
Regarding fears about how bigeneration affected the past doctor incarnations:
Not a solid source but it does sort of seem like they wanted to carry through with what RTD said about it being something that happened to all the past regeneration.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 9:42 am
by AllNewSuperRobot

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:08 pm
by Burn
Apparently the Poms have to wait until Midnight for each episode so they're in line with the rest of the world?

That's a bit bullshit. After 60 years, DW is a British institution and they should always have first viewing and then when it's done release it to the rest of the world. Personally speaking, that's always worked out great for Australia as it normally released around 4:30/5:30 in the mornings.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2024 6:50 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
The new series kicks off with two episodes:

Space Babies

A bit of a 'meh' story to start the season. Ultimately there is no real threat or antagonist and aside from babies talking, there's nothing really to say about this one. 5/10

The Devil's Chord

This is the much advertised "musical episode". Which it both is and isn't. Most of the story is really interesting. Although as someone who view music strictly as "background noise". The logical leap of the cause and effect of this episode was a bit of a head scratcher. The Maestro was a decent villain. Thankfully not another iteration of the Master. The final 5-10 minutes I didn't really care for though. 7/10