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Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed!

Transformers News: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed!

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010 10:36AM CST

Categories: Event News, Collectables
Posted by: Dead Metal   Views: 46,031

Topic Options: View Discussion · Sign in or Join to reply member Methusalen was so kind as to pop by and drop this new Dairycon update:

First off, Pre-Registration for the event has come to a close for the 2010 event!
As of now, all properly received Dairycon PreRegs have been processed, and Confirmation Packets sent out. If you, or someone you know did not receive theirs, please contact us at

Please review your Confirmation Packet carefully for important information regarding the show.


In big news, we have been graced with the reveal of Pretender Convoy's inner robot!
And for a refresher, here's Convoy's Pretender Shell "Pete"...
(Click to enlarge!)
Once again, Pretender Convoy can ONLY be won during the Raffle!


Part Two of the Return of Convoy Dairycon fanfic has been posted, giving us more info on this year's themes ("Return of Convoy" & the "Battle for Brew City").
As the Leader of the MexiCons, Nachos BelGrande had various special weapons and abilities at his disposal. He would not need all of them to combat this new threat.
Just one.
Reaching deep into his chassis, Nachos removed the Ancient Artifact and held it aloft.

"Ahora la luz nuestra hora mas oscura!"

The Taco of Leadership glowed from within, releasing a bright, pure cleansing light. It washed over the Ass-09 drones, dispersing the dark cloud that controlled them. Optics grew dim as the drones powered down and collapsed in the sand.
It took mere moments to shut down The Thousand Asses of the Apocalypse.

The Artifact stopped glowing. Nachos BelGrande slumped to the ground; it had taken nearly all of his power to maintain the effect at the level of power needed. He smiled inwardly, relieved that he had saved most of the Dairycons, yet saddened that he could not save his two favorites.

It was all the more distressing when the dark energy reappeared, containing a new menace within.

What is this mysterious force controlling the Thousand Asses of the Apocalypse? Who were Nacho's "Two Favorites" that he couldn't save? What happened to them? Did the Dairycons stop Pretender Motormaster in time? Did your favorite Dairycon survive? Did they sacrifice their own lives for the greater good? What are you still doing here? Get over to the Dairycon Universe and check it out for yourself!


I'd like to make note of an updated interview with Fred, which should be an interesting read for anyone interested in getting into the head of the person who created the Dairycon Universe...
We were lucky to have again caught up with Fred of Freds Workshop, the VariQuest, and one of the secret members behind the Dairycon convention. After baiting a trap with organic wheat crackers and another new Huffer variant, we managed to convince him to take the time out of his busy schedule to answer a few questions about Transformers, Conventions, and the state of the world in general.

First of all, thank you for taking the time to sit down for an interview. I understand you usually try to avoid interviews?

You're welcome, and yes; I usually claim shyness.


So why did you agree to sit down and talk with us?

You wouldn't leave (as he munches on a wheat cracker).


OK, so ignoring my methods... what was your first introduction to the world of the Transformers? How did they take ahold of a place in your heart and manage to stay there for so long?

Like most of my 'generation', I grew up watching the Transformers on television... no small feat back in the day, when you have two channels, neither of which comes in clearly. I wonder if there are videophiles who prefer their television transmission thru an antenna, much the way audiophiles prefer their records full of noise over a clear compact disk?

As to why they have remained in my heart for so long, I imagine it was the excellent storyline and the unique 'fiddle factor' that Transformers provided my young mind.

Or else it was the insidious corporate marketing strategy. Either way.


The 2010 Dairycon convention brings back the character of "Uncle Whiskey Breath" to the Dairycon Universe. What was the impetus behind bringing back such a perennial favorite?

Uncle Whiskey Breath was our first convention exclusive. He is by far one of our most popular characters, and really set the tone for future shows. Over the years, many people have asked us if we would ever consider reissuing him - for the 10th Anniversary, it seemed a home run. We're giving fans one more chance to own the figure that started it all.


The original Uncle Whiskey Breath came with his signature Cloak of Cow and the Blizzard Shotgun. What can we expect with the reissue?

The 2010 Uncle Whiskey Breath will come packaged with a number of his original accessories, plus a few surprises. In the storyline, Uncle was usually accompanied by a small friend, a partner. No-one has commented yet, but on the website, the 10th Anniversary version of him is listed as 'Uncle Whiskey Breath with Stormsword Jet'. If you recall, the 2005 Stormsword set was the first 'Multicon Shared Exclusive' (for 2009, it was Ass-09, of course). That's just one of the surprises you can expect with this figure. There will be more revealed at the show.

I think the update to this figure and his weapons will please fans of the original.


The information listed recently has fans VERY excited. There's the Battle for Brew City assortment, which seems to contain a number of characters specific to Dairycon. You've recently introduced the Return of Convoy assortment, which contains Minerva, a Japanese character from the series. Can we assume, by the name of this second series, that something 'Big' is in store for fans?

No comment.


Oh come on! Nothing?!

Well, I will say this: The Battle for Brew City assortment does contain Dairycon-specific characters; the ones that likely won't be done in any other format. However, with the magnitude of what's coming next, we decided to give it an entirely different theme, that still tied fully into the Dairycon universe (and to celebrate our 10 years in the fandom).

When it's all finally revealed, I can promise that fans won't be disappointed.


There have been allusions, hints really, over the last few years that the 2010 show may be your last. Is there any truth to these rumors?

Hints? What hints? You mean in 2008 when we first introduced, 'The Last Dairycon' in the comic? In the 2009 interview where we said that, 'you'll want to get to the 2010 show, because you won't get another chance'? Or could it be on the website, where the last storyline is titled, 'The true and final End of the Dairycon Universe'?

Or could it be that there are no longer any listings on the site for 'Future/Unproduced Dairycon Exclusives'?



*Ahem* No comment…

More precisely, this question will be answered properly the day of the show. There needs to be a certain... context, I think, that being there, at the time of the announcement, will provide. We spoke of this a bit last year, and I think it might best help to explain: When people start taking the parody too-seriously, it's time to bow out.

I kid you not, we've found knockoffs of the Dairycon exclusives, there's a kid who wants to make some kind of yu-gi-oh game cards of the characters, several attendees have made their own t-shirts... heck, someone at Hassenfeld Brothers inadvertently 'borrowed' a couple of our parodies (FlatFoot and Checkers), and made them into characters. I often wonder who at corporate was so straining for an idea, that they had to slip in some of ours ;-) Funny when you think about it. They're in the Kmart Minicon packs. Get-it- MiniCon? Small convention?


It's a good plug... "At least Dairycon doesn't 'OverCharge' for their show!" ;)

It's as we said before: You don't make money off of something like this. Just ask Jon and Karl. We're a pro-deficit organization :-) We do this for fun, not to make money. How do you make money off something you love, and essentially give away?

I believe that when you start to try to make money off this kind of thing, then you've completely missed the point. And *that* is my answer.


How do you think that Dairycon compares to the larger Transformer Conventions, and its role in the ‘big picture’ of the current state of the fandom?

Well, obviously, there needs to be a large organization, such as McBotcon, to do the heavy lifting. And frankly, their business model proves that there's money to be made, or else they wouldn't be doing it. At the same time, I believe there is an obligation to prove the opposite is true; to set out to prove that it's not about the money :-) Quite a tough row to hoe, when you consider it's based on, essentially, one slick and ancient toy-based marketing strategy. I'd like to think we made our point.

That's the essential function of fancons, the one thing they can do that the big shows can't. Fancons aren't about the money. They can't be; if they were, they'd be gobbled up by the big boys. Or morph into a Big Boy themselves. Again, just ask Jon and Karl, and look at what Botcon has become. Can *you* afford to go to Disneyworld? I sure can't. That show is no longer about you, or I. They've lost something essential, something primal, if you'll pardon the pun. They've left the old fandom behind.

Then again, Transformers are about change...

This small 'niche' market, where disillusioned fans and Fancons themselves reside, is where I think the past (and the future) will be. Those that cannot honestly afford (or cannot justify) the high cost of large conventions or toys will always go to the smaller shows, to interact with like-minded people. They make smaller purchases that are more in-line with their budget. It keeps their interest alive, which actually helps to keep the brand alive. These are the folks that the Big Boys have left behind.

That's ok; we still love you :-)


Speaking of the bigger shows, what are your opinions about the current state of affairs of the Fandom itself?

The World of the Transformers is a very different place from when I was a kid. And you know? That's OK. Let another Generation of fans take up the struggle, to find out for themselves.

The perceived sickness that grips our society is mirrored by the fandom. It's very noticeable these days. Every Age has its Laments, and now that we're no longer an agrarian society, fighting just to survive (ie, not starve)... we've gone too-far the other way. We have too-much. Too-much food, too-many toys, too-much stimulus.

The thought that material goods are somehow the way to happiness? They're not. Life, Love, and Family... these are the things that truly matter. But in our increasingly isolated society, we're losing touch with that. Both parents working, folks are talking thru their e-mail... does anyone sit at the dinner table anymore and just talk? What about a phone call to grandmother? What about just taking a walk, and admiring the way your neighbor has landscaped his yard?

This new generation is missing out. I worry about them. -Just as the generation before no-doubt worried about us. You'll see.

Sorry, again, if that was wordy.


The Dairycon Universe is always full of interesting characters and storylines. Do you write these yourself? How do you come up with the ideas for the stories/character bios?

The Dairycon Universe could not exist without the assistance and dedication of the members of the DTF. There are many people who contribute thoughts, ideas, and sometimes characters to the mythos. All are welcome. Obviously, as a parody of an actual show, we're aiming for your funny bone, not your pocketbook. We end up with characters that probably wouldn't be done anywhere else, in any format. Having said that, I'm always waiting for some large nameless corporation to decide that funny is the way to go, steal a couple of our characters, and put them into a minicon 12-pk at Kmart :-) That would make the Dairycon Universe canon, wouldn't it? Or at least, it would make us as legitimate as JaAm....


What can you tell us about the Dairycon characters themselves? Are any based on any “real-life” personalites?

I'm always interested in hearing what Dairycon characters are the fandom's favorite, although there is a bit of a freestanding notion in the core group that each Dairycon character represents a particular fan... There are a number of characters that represent a very real archetype, a personality type that isn't normally seen in the Transformers Universe, yet exists in real life. We find this supremely entertaining, which is why so many of our characters are, literally, oxymorons and alcoholics :-)


Coming up with the characters *could* be considered the easy part. How do you come up with the design for the figures themselves? What kind of work and effort goes into each figure? What is the time frame for developing & creating each years' exclusives?

That information is now available in the Dairycon: 10 Years hardcover that will be available at this year’s convention. All I can tell you is that there's no easy part :-)


What can we expect to see at future Dairycons?



Any more hints you'd like to give out regarding this year? A passing mention of which character we'll see in figure form? Any hints as to what we'll see in the upcoming story arc?

2010 will be the best year ever, with the greatest figures ever. And you'd better attend, because you're not going to get another chance.

*That* is my final answer! :-)


Thank you again for the chance to ask you a few questions. I hope we might be able to shed some light on the Dairycon convention, Life, the Universe, and Everything...

Happy to help! If we've not helped, hopefully we've at least muddied the waters a bit further.

-And Remember, "Freedom is the RIGHT of All Sentient Beings."


Word has it there's still more to be revealed before the big day, which is only a month away now! Be sure to stay tuned in for more!
Credit(s): Methusalen, Dairycon

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Re: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed! (1053192)
Posted by Delicon on March 9th, 2010 @ 11:07am CST
I want this like soooo...badly.

Using Huffer (or is that Pipes?) as the basis for the inner robot is pure genius.
Re: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed! (1053202)
Posted by leokearon on March 9th, 2010 @ 11:51am CST
Delicon wrote:I want this like soooo...badly.

Using Huffer (or is that Pipes?) as the basis for the inner robot is pure genius.

It is Huffer, Pipes has a complete different robot mode, still I like it.
Re: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed! (1053203)
Posted by Rodimus_NZ on March 9th, 2010 @ 11:55am CST
Its Huffer, if it was Pipes we'd be seein lil seats on his chest and his feet would be more prominent and his arms would be lower... always impressed how Hasbro cheated that remould, just by turnin one lil guy around :P
Re: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed! (1053211)
Posted by aps1977 on March 9th, 2010 @ 12:22pm CST
rabstanz wrote:Its Huffer, if it was Pipes we'd be seein lil seats on his chest and his feet would be more prominent and his arms would be lower... always impressed how Hasbro cheated that remould, just by turnin one lil guy around :P

Actually, it's a hybrid. Transforms like Huffer, but uses Pipes's longer legs (notice that the back wheels don't touch the ground in robot mode and you can see Pipes's bigger feet sticking up in truck mode) and round pipe arms.

Re: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed! (1053218)
Posted by Methusalen on March 9th, 2010 @ 1:12pm CST
aps1977 wrote:
rabstanz wrote:Its Huffer, if it was Pipes we'd be seein lil seats on his chest and his feet would be more prominent and his arms would be lower... always impressed how Hasbro cheated that remould, just by turnin one lil guy around :P

Actually, it's a hybrid. Transforms like Huffer, but uses Pipes's longer legs (notice that the back wheels don't touch the ground in robot mode and you can see Pipes's bigger feet sticking up in truck mode) and round pipe arms.

I hadn't even caught that! I'd assumed they modified Huffer's smokestacks/arms (or had taken Pipe's stacks and used them on Huffer's mold), but I didn't even think about the legs!!! You have a good eye sir! So it looks like they took Pipe's body, Huffer's cab, and added a Prime head to it!

I've chatted with Fred for a couple years now, and I remember talking to him about Prime as a Huffer recolor (from the "Universe Of Huffers" page (especially when the page's order was rearranged so Prime appeared in the 2010 spot!). However, I never expected to see anything as cool as a Pretender Shell... Heck, after seeing another "Sneak Peek" over the summer, I'd thought that "The Powers That Be" were going in a different direction for Convoy...
Re: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed! (1053221)
Posted by Mkall on March 9th, 2010 @ 1:28pm CST
Now that's just plain adorable.
Re: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed! (1053235)
Posted by cannonfodder4000 on March 9th, 2010 @ 2:51pm CST
i would love to have this!

sucks that only one is going to be made :-(
Re: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed! (1053265)
Posted by Methusalen on March 9th, 2010 @ 3:56pm CST
I believe there will be a few more than just ONE produced, although not by *much*...
Last year, there were 6 Toiletbots produced, and I believe he was the Lucky Draw item last year.
Re: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed! (1053319)
Posted by Mindmaster on March 9th, 2010 @ 7:10pm CST
Wow... I thought it would be something new, not a slight remold and repaint of HUFFER :-x Major disappointment man. DairyCon, you have dissed me. Dissed. Me. :sad:
Re: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed! (1053322)
Posted by Amelie on March 9th, 2010 @ 7:18pm CST
I want this!


If anyone from the US gets this baby and wants to sell, I'm there!
Re: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed! (1053340)
Posted by Swiftpaw on March 9th, 2010 @ 8:53pm CST
So they took the Pipes version of the mold, turned it around to Huffer's stance, added a new head and painted it like a Prime. That's actually pretty goddamn clever.
Re: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed! (1053449)
Posted by joevill on March 10th, 2010 @ 9:25am CST
I laughed upon seeing the pretender shell at first but I will have to admit, this is a pretty cool exclusive. I would love to own this! :APPLAUSE:
Re: Dairycon Confirmation Packets Arrive/ "Pretender Convoy" Inner Bot Revealed! (1053456)
Posted by Delicon on March 10th, 2010 @ 9:52am CST
Yeah, that's why I said I wasn't sure if it was Huffer or Pipes, I haven't really looked at a Pipes figure closely for about 4-5 years but knew that it wasn't totally Huffer.

Outstandibng job, this is probably one of the most well thought-out exclusives I have ever seen.

Mindmaster wrote:Wow... I thought it would be something new, not a slight remold and repaint of HUFFER :-x Major disappointment man. DairyCon, you have dissed me. Dissed. Me. :sad:

Wow, I hope that was extreme sarcasm.

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