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Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:44 pm
by Tekka
Nogizaka Haruka - Episode 12

Last episode of purty Haruka business, for now anyway.

Never in my life have I seen such an extravagant birthday party, but I'll be damned if that band didn't sound terrible. :P Worst rendition of Happy Birthday, EVER. It was all very silly.

Yuuto should have just punched Shute, the floppy haired jerk, and got it over with. Come on, Yuuto, grow a pair. Ah well, he got there in the end and that's what counts right?

The old man was her grandfather after all, too predictable, but it was nice all the same. :P

After the party though was the sweetest first kiss scene one could have asked for, until all the tertiary characters burst through the door and ruined everything! But it was funny enough to make it enjoyable, especially when Kenpachi came in and his Reiatsu went out of control. :P

It was a wonderful ending really, and I'm very happy with it. It would be a shame for any potential second season to ruin it, but I'd like to see one all the same.

So at the end I give this series two thumbs way way up! For being cute, funny, and romantic to the extreme, as well as having a good ending.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:20 pm
by Tekka
Birdy The Mighty Decode - Episode 13

So... so... disappointed... It's like losing someone dear to me all over again...

Tsutomu and Sayaka don't get to be together, it's so heartbreaking. After the perfect ending to Nogizaka Haruka yesterday it's such a deflating experience.


Boo... How can they go from this to total memory loss and then having Sayaka leave? It's not fair. :sad:

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:11 pm
by Tekka
World Destruction - Episode 13

Here we are at the end of World Destruction. I'm glad to see that Lia and Naja were alright after their fall.

So Kirie is revealed to be hundreds of years old, and used to have flame red hair. I'm seeing a parallel here with the Fei/Id relationship from Xenogears, only it would seem that red hair Kirie isn't nearly as nasty as Id, but he does have another secret relating to the Destruct Code.

Toppi was especially badass today, taking down a giant robot all by himself, and pwning Dr. Crocodile in the process. The good doctor could not catch a break this episode though as shortly after Lia took him apart as well.

Until last episode I never would have expected Kirie to be so unbelievably powerful.

Honestly, Morute picked a fine time to affirm her change of heart. :P Geez leave it to the last moment why don't you.

The ending went by way too fast though and it felt so rushed, it was a little disappointing but I really can't fault the rest of the series for that one little thing.

I really really really want to play the World Destruction game now. Somebody please translate it! *Beg*

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:15 pm
by Tekka
Toradora - Episode 1

Oh god, it's like Louise the second coming, only worse. My Bitch'o'meter went off the scale!

Ryuji was awesome though... and his mother is hot.

That's all I have to say about that. Will watch the next one.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:58 pm
by Electron
:sad: :sad: :sad: ASUMA!!!!!!!!!!! :sad: :sad: :sad:

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 7:05 pm
by Tekka
AHHHHHHH! :shock:

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 7:14 pm
by Electron
you'd get it if you watched it, watch the last 4 episodes you'll get it, not hard to catch on mate, nite nite

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 7:21 pm
by Tekka
Not for me. =;

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 7:24 pm
by Electron

go watch shippudden its gud

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:56 pm
by Robot4762
Naruto is not my type of show. It just is not what I like. I find the intricate plots, well, boring. It means well, but it isn't my thing. Sailor Moon was funny, had good characters and plot. Not saying naruto sucks, Im just saying it isnt right for me.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 8:33 am
by Tekka
I'm going to read the Naruto manga at some point. Not the TV series though as that would suck away my life with the sheer number of episodes I'd have to catch up on.

There's nothing to watch at the moment... I'm downloading Sisters of Wellber since I started watching that months and months ago but stopped watching after two episodes for a reason I can't remember...

So I'm going to download them all today and watch them in a marathon while I'm playing HMW tomorrow after work.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:07 pm
by Robot4762
I was off sailor moon for a while. The I got thee urges to watch. The I changed my sig. It's like drugs, You can't get off it. new anime didn't help eather. HELP

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:23 am
by Electron

finally tekka will fall back into the hole, watch the damn program boy

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:12 am
by Tekka
What hole?

Blassreiter - Episode 17

Loads of great action in this episode, and it really is a pleasure to watch action sequences that aren't littered with oodles of inappropriate dialogue, although it did come very very close to that.

Amanda and Hermann. <3

Hermann got control of himself again... I hope it stays that way I really don't want him to end up the same way as Gerd. Gerd was awesome and so is Hermann it would be a shame to lose them both.

Also... I should have raised this a few episodes ago... Templars again? The Knights Templar get into everything like they've become the super cool reference for general fiction writers. Makes me wonder when the next fad will get started.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:13 am
by Electron
The naruto watching hole silly

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:25 am
by Tekka
Oh. Why are you posting so small?

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:50 am
by Electron
because i'm i small minded person? OJ i dunno i'm just trying it out, don't ya like it?

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:51 am
by Tekka
It's annoying.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:55 am
by Electron
SORRY ;;) ;;) ;;) ;;) ;;) ;;)

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:06 pm
by Tekka
Detroit Metal City - Episode 7

Today Negishi discovers a DMC forum and the obsessive fans that populate it, one thing leads to another and Negishi rapes Tokyo Tower, o_O and rewrites the lyrics of Satsugai to include references to defacing famous monuments. Not as funny as some of the other stuff but it was pretty good! My god though... the fan comments were hilarious!

The second story was great though, Negishi's jealousy for Aikawa flares up and he becomes Krauser in the middle of an amusement park, and takes over a sentai show! It was hilarious especially when the kids watching the show join in his rendition of "Death Penis", I feel so bad for Negishi but I cannot help but love Krauser's total madness.

Overall though this episode wasn't as good as the others, but I'm still looking forward to the next one!

To Aru Majutsu no Index - Episode 1

New series!

Unfortunately it's populated by flat chested unappealing girls. Never mind I said to myself, I'll give it a chance since it sounds interesting.

It actually was interesting, magic in the modern world is something I like very much, I just wish the girls were a bit more developed since knowing the loli stigma like I do, I feel like I'm committing a crime every time I look at them. "Sparky" Misaka was right on the border but Index and the tiny loli teacher really took the cake... my patience was really beginning to wear thin. -_-

The reason I downloaded the show in the first place was because of these two:


The guy, Stail Magnus (Great name. ;p), turned out to be a smoker... which puts me off a character regardless of how cool they might be otherwise. Since people who smoke have always tended to make me physically sick it's a bit of a problem. The girl didn't even turn up in this episode so it has been a bit of a let down over all. There are a few more characters who look interesting though, hopefully there will be a few more cool looking mages, and the green haired guy looks interesting too, but we have not met him yet.

Overall, interesting premise but nothing really has happened yet, so I will be back with some more babbling after I watch the next episode, whenever that may be.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:24 pm
by Shadowman
Tekka wrote:Detroit Metal City - Episode 7

Today Negishi discovers a DMC forum and the obsessive fans that populate it, one thing leads to another and Negishi rapes Tokyo Tower, o_O and rewrites the lyrics of Satsugai to include references to defacing famous monuments. Not as funny as some of the other stuff but it was pretty good! My god though... the fan comments were hilarious!

It's weird, because that sounds like a possible Metalocalypse plot.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:16 am
by Shadowman
WHOA! I can't believe I missed the Gundam 00 premier again!

A few things:

-It's becoming a traditional Feddies vs. Rebel storyline. I can't complain.

-Automatons, robotic infantry, only a bit taller than a human, so that what they kill. I don't recall anything like this in Gundam before. (G Gundam doesn't count)

-In Exia's first fight (By the way, glowing red eye? Badass) it's clear that Setsuna is using outdated MS tech. Two fodder suits take him down easily. He gets bailed out by Tieria in his new Gundam.

-When Saji was bitching in Setsuna's general direction, Setsuna looked WAY too much like Spike Spiegel.

-Louise is a Mobile Suit Pilot. And not a very good one. She froze up in her first mission. I mean, c'mon. Judau Ashta did better.

-The person who looked a lot like Tieria in the ending of Season 1, is actually a chick this time. She apparently works for Ribbons, who, I am assuming, is the next major villain. Also, he apparently has Louise working for him.

-Sumeragi is living with Billy, and, I assume, is suffering a massive hangover. Or she slept with him. I dunno.

-Graham has a mask. He's become the new Char; blond hair, mask, vendetta against Gundams. He fits the bill.

-Allelujah is seen strapped down, Hannibal Lector style.

-Lockon's twin brother has taken on the Lockon codename. I actually saw that coming. They couldn't have introduced him if they didn't have a plan for him.

-In the preview, the 00 Gundam is billed as a Gundam capable of taking out other Gundams. An anti-Gundam Gundam. Like the TX from terminator 3.

-Looking forward to the next episode!

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:22 pm
by Nekoman
I enjoyed it much more than I did the first episodes, which honestly did not impress me. It felt like it was done a bit better, and Setsuna didn’t seem as irritating. I must say I had fun watching it, I’m looking forward to the next episode.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:23 pm
by Tekka
Time for some more new series!

Garei Zero - Episode 1

Been itching for this one! And it was worth every spent second.

The first episode wastes no time in throwing us straight into the action. I don't want to spoil it too much as it's an episode that is very much worth watching, so I'll sum it up like this: "Demons, Spirits, and Gunslinger exorcists".

Those who have seen Evangelion will be pleased to see the return of the pose that made Gendo Ikari famous. :P

Whenever I look at Natsuki I'm reminded of Aki so this is an instant win for me and is a great bonus to an episode I've enjoyed a lot.

Even though it was only an introductory episode I have no doubt you'll find yourself asking; "Just what the hell is going to happen next?"

Kemeko DX! - Episode 1

Ecchi ahoy in a very bizarre show that is a lot of fun for fans of nonsensical oddities. Just from the opening credits you'll be able to tell that this show will be filled with a lot of laughter and much fun. It's much like a school life comedy with a little FLCL/Excel Saga style randomness thrown in.

I have fallen in love with Izumi... While she is not as perfect as Haruka, she has a great bust, lovely hips, and... excuse me while I mop up my drool.

Perhaps the most interesting thing is the appearance of SSB's Master Hand! Lol.

It was a lot of fun overall, the OP and Ed songs are really bizarre in their own right, and I can't wait to see what happens in the next few episodes.

Shikabane hime Aka - Episode 1

I really liked this but surprisingly I have nothing to say about it. It was a good introduction but it really gave no clues as to the greater plot, and I wonder if it's going to be a monster of the day affair. We shall see.

Casshan SINS - Episode 1

Can't believe they've remade Casshan BUT it does give me hope, as he was one of the Tatsunoko big five along with Gatchaman, Yatterman, Polymar and the original Tekkaman. Tekkaman Blade 3 anyone? Maybe one day... but I'm not going to hold my breath.

I was never really a big Casshan fan but this was actually pretty good. Things have improved since the 70s. :P

The world feels just a little lonely as everything is so bleak... That can't be helped though, it is part of the story after all.

I enjoyed watching it however and will continue to watch the rest. I only find myself wishing they'd updated his outfit a little bit. The campy 70s spandex look just doesn't work anymore.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:58 pm
by Shadowman
After not thinking enough about it, I've figured out the factions in Gundam 00.

For starters, it's not AEU/Union/HRL/Celestial Being, dur.

Now it's:

The Earth Sphere Federation, who play their typical morally ambiguous role.

The A-Laws, who appear to be very Titan-esque, specifically their Neo-McCarthyism. (Not our enemy? Okay, but we'll lock you up just to be sure. We might even kill you)

Kataron, who may or may not be the AEUG guys.

And Celestial Being, who, and I'm kind of assuming here, play the role of Axis, being everyone's enemy, then disappearing after an apparent defeat, then coming back to raise some good ol' fashion American hell.


I should also note that the episode began with a traditional Colony infiltration. And the score that was playing when the two red mobile suits opened the colony doors (About 23 seconds into the episode) reminded me very much of the score from SEED and SEED Destiny.