Not sure how I feel about Slipstream at Deluxe, hopefully that Windblade mold ends up being good. Confirmed Filch makes me weirdly happy.
Emerje wrote:Tra Gen Legacy Star Seekers Deluxe Roadpig
Product Number: G0232
Prowl repaint?
Could also be Crashbar due to the triple headlight chest and so they're not repainting a black bike into another black bike.
Emerje wrote:Tra Gen Legacy Star Seekers Leader Thundertron
Product Number: G0236
Isn't Thundertron reported to be a new mold? I guess he's a Leo Prime retool now, but as a Leader? Wait and see I guess. Yeah, I know, we had Cosmos and Override, but this guy isn't them. That'll be a big cat unless they decide to scrap the lion mode all together.
Getting a new mold Voyager Thundertron out of nowhere was weird enough, getting that and also a Leader now is downright baffling at this point.
Emerje wrote:I'm guessing the two unnamed Deluxes will be Cannonball (Crankcase repaint?) and Maybe Axer which would be kinda funny since he's shared tools with both Roadpig and Lockdown.
Isn't there only one unnamed Deluxe, and then just the general assortment number?