Downbeat wrote:Voting female, and hoping to convince other people to vote female. There's so few female Transformers as is, and he or she is going to end up in the IDW comics, where the only female transformer is Arcee, and only because of a Jhiaxus experiment!
I am with you on this. I mean, for the last 30 years, the only "strictly female" figures that gave us strong female characters were tied to Beast Wars and Prime. I mean Generation One, especially Binaltech, only gave us characters that were molded from male characters. And every other series gave us an Ariel/Arcee that was either just there or created to give the males moral support.
And IDW is another reason why I voted female. Will vote again tomorrow. And all because I still feel that the way Simon Furman allowed Arcee to exist was very messed up. To the point that I would prefer forgiving Michael Bay for Revenge of the Fallen first.