Thanks for the update Mykltron, maybe if enough UK collectors send emails to them asking why we havent recieved half of the toys they advertise, then maybe they'll do something about it in the future, do you hae the link where you sent your emails? or was it by post?
and it's not like they don't even advertise the NEST line either, with each of my NEST deluxes came a poster thing and on both sides of it were advertisements for all of the NEST line, dirge, mindwipe, recon ironhide, bludgeon the lot, and i can't remember, but somewhere on it it probably says something along the lines of "collect them all" and i fail to see how we collectors, or even kids, can collect them and buy them if they don't even sell half of them over here!
Mykltron wrote:It's not as if shipping them takes a long time like it did 500 hundred years ago. We got the first wave of Revenge Of The Fallen toys at the same time as everywhere else but then later releases in that line have *still* not shown up here.
Exactly, they shipped out the deluxes, but not the voyagers
it doesn't make sense why they would do that.
Also, i re-checked my tesco today and they have the same 3 voyagers left, but interestingly they must of had extra NEST deluxes because there was the lockdown, brawn and ratchet set there again, but all of the boxes ontop of the shelves that said transformers voyager and leaders have all gone, theyve not been put out, theyve just been taken from atop the shelf and theyre just gone :S