Sabrblade wrote:Fantastic toys, aren't they?
Ryan, if you own or ever plan to get the original Diaclone figures that these pilots and the Storm Rider drone are based on, and want to later update the galleries with comparison pics, here's a chart with all of them plus the others that all the Diaclone homage toys from this year were based on:
I don't have much interest in chasing down Diaclones for the sake of doing comparisons for these guys. If I found some for a steal, maybe, but I'd really rather finish my Takara G1 collection first.
What I am interested in knowing is where I can find out if the Reflector pilot is actually called Spy-Eye (as in the Go-Bot, which I read elsewhere on our forums) and if the Diaclone pilot which it homages is a good guy or a Waruder and who the original pilot it homages is.