isnt this even i higher level of "one of a kind"? not only are we getting MP G1 cars, but we're getting versions of them that were the original inspirations for them. thats pretty special to me. and i bet theres enough diaclone fans, MP completists, and maybe even average fans that will like this enough to make it sell.Optimizzy wrote:ugh. I really don't know whats more irritating: A marlboor wheeljack turned into a new character that nobody really asked for turned into a masterpiece or that many of you seem excited.Sabrblade wrote:Cuz it's a brand new character never been given a TF toy until now.Optimizzy wrote:Im totally unfamiliar with this character.
The deco and remolding, however, are based on a variant of the Diaclone toy that would become G1 Wheeljack. A variant that had a different head and with colors and endorsement decals that promoted Malboro cigarettes, but with the word intentionally misspelled as "Marlboor". Hence, the figure was referred by fans as "Marlboor Wheeljack" for years until this toy finally gave it an official TF name.
Don't take it personal please, to each his own, but I get irritated at the "quick buck" mentality sometimes. Acid Rain and Sunstorm masterpieces are examples of that to me. Same with this. I expect "one of a kind" quality with masterpiece and it just seems like a more expensive version of everything else.
forgive me. in a bad mood.
i feel they wanted to get this mold out here, and fast. because WJ's not even released yet and we have his repaint already solicited. and i think theyre just stalling for the one we really want, which will knock the wind out of MP20's sails: MP20A. ill bet my next cheque that they make a cartoon (or "anime") accurate MP20, but they cant even hint at that yet otherwise who would buy MP20?
whats my basis for this theory? bluestreak, silverstreak, and the possible blue bluestreak (diaclone). which seems a lot more likely now that we see exhaust am i right?