by Fires_Of_Inferno » Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:54 am
- Motto: "Minor things aren't worth being mad over."
- Weapon: Venom Blaster
In the depths of space, where there was once light, and life, there was now only darkness. A void that seemed endless and featureless save for one unimaginable sight. A single star, hurtling through space so swiftly that it's shape was elongated, and it's surface was sheared away and pulled along before it. Thus is the fate of the last star, devoured by an impossibly large black hole, much like the rest of it's kin.
Though everything has been obscured by the vast accretion disk surrounding it, it knew that this was it's final meal. Too large to imagine and too dark to see, the center of this black hole was none other than the Chaos Bringer himself. Unicron. The pure amount of matter the creature devoured, adding each meal to it's own bulk, caused it to collapse into a singularity. Immutable, but mobile, and sentient. The devourer has had eons to reflect upon it's lifespan, it's defeats, and it's victories, all adding up to this final moment.
"So ends the universe, and with it, myself. I knew this moment would come, when my insatiable hunger would sunder the cosmos and bring an end to all. Still the moment is bittersweet. The stars that once gave endless light have been absorbed or have died of their own short lifespans while I linger to continue my ravenous feeding on planets and people.
Those that would stop me, tried. Valiant efforts, all of them. However, time works against all beings. They can only delay the inevitable for so long before they too fall to entropy. Weather by my doing, their own, or some other force in the universe, they all fall. Thus I am left to gorge myself on the remains of a dying universe."
His reflection was interrupted by an all encompassing agony as he could feel the reverberations of his own form failing him, and slowly constricting as the mass of the star is quickly pulled closer into the eye of the galactic maelstrom.
"I feel my own mass closing in on my, tighter and tighter, and I know my own end is also near, when I am consumed by my own hunger. Then, the universe will truly be dead. Though my brother, Primus, sought to prevent this end, he too has become a part of me."
No sound existed anymore, as there were no ears to hear it. Instead it could be felt by the last creature, it's entire form shuddering and cracking as the great forces continued to crush it into a smaller, and smaller form. Star fragments flew around it, faster, and faster, until finally they too were absorbed, and the universe went dark. The disk around the shrinking mass spun faster as it all was pushed into a singularity.
"From nothingness... to nothingness. Beginning to end."
Then darkness. No light. No sound. No thought. Just nothing. Nothing, save for an infinitesimal speck.