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fanfiction - Birth of a Nation (ch3 update)

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fanfiction - Birth of a Nation (ch3 update)

Postby shadowsfm » Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:20 pm

(only got chapter 3 so far. will update later. i was inspired by the megatron: origin comic)

Birth of a Nation

Many million galactic-years ago, which isn’t as long as you would think for someone that lives just about forever and has seen the birth of this galaxy, things were, I wouldn’t say peaceful, but different. Gorgo, the head chairman of intergalactic research and mining, stationed here on Quintessa, is having a day like any other, and is preparing his office before going home to his loving wife and kids. As he leaves his office he says good night to the Allicon guard stationed at the front desk. “Mr. Chairman, the lift is ready for you outside,” says Sallimon.

“Thank you, sir.” Quintessa is a multi-species planet, every planet they liberate, becomes part of Quintessa. The non-Quintesson species that live here might be treated like second rate citizens, but they serve their purpose. It’s great, life’s easy. And hey, he doesn’t treat them worse then they deserve. Gorgo tells the Airlifts driver where he lives, and the lift speeds away.

“Honey, I’m home,” says Gorgo as he walks threw the door. Quincy and the kids, Gellie and Kconnie are sitting at the table as Kozie serves dinner. Looks like the same slop as yesterday, he hates leftovers. He’ll take care of it later. “It’s a nice meal you’ve cooked up for us Kozie,” he lies to her, not looking directly at her, like as if looking at her is like looking at someone’s waste matter.

His wife Quincy attempts to change the subject, “How was work?”

He watches his kids eat, the two oldest are already out the house and married. He never really talks about his work, most of its top secret, so he just tells her what she needs to know, the usual. “I had a meeting with some contractors today, nothing really interesting. And I talked to the supervisors of Plant 113. That place is being shut down.”

“Mmhmm,” she replies, with no real interest, “When will you be home tomorrow? The kids have a talent show tomorrow.” Gellie and Kconnie are excited about tomorrow, and hope their father can watch them at school. Gellie will spin a plate on the tip of each of her tentacles. Kconnie will sing to her favorite song, she’s been practicing for weeks.

“I’m doing another 32 hours tomorrow.” Which is fine since a day is 64 hours long. “That is plenty of time to make it to school after work.” Gorgo has no interest in his kid’s talents, his wife doesn’t ether for that matter. The only thing on his mind is the secret project at Plant 19 and having an update on the progress the contractors are making in Mine 321, for building a new power generator for the Gamannott building.

That night in bed, after 30 minutes of silence in the dark, “Hun, I want another baby.” Quincy says after a long time of thinking about it.

Gorgo grunts. “What? Bored of the four we have already? I’m glad Ggedrick and Quinic are out the house already. All I want is peace and quiet, and to be left alone. I’m getting old.” Quincy rolls over to the far side of the bed, crying silently in the dark, while Gorgo grunts again.

Next day at work, Gorgo has already forgotten about the night before. He’s talking with the contractors at Mine 321 via Satellite Video Communications. Quinlac is telling him that the ore there have been empty for even before he was born, and that was a very long time ago. They are ready to move the equipment in, to begin assembling of the new power generator. Gorgo is pleased. Things are going only a day behind schedule. He wont have to punish them too severely then.

Later, at Plant 19, which used to be a run down airlift factory, is where Gorgo talks with the supervisors for his top secret weapons research facility. The supervisors are talking about, that their development of the new super laser rifles are behind schedule. They are trying to get the laser beam to pass threw solid matter and even people, and only hit its target, the perfect assassin’s weapon, but no success as of yet. Maybe killing one of the supervisors right here, right now, will speed things along.

The good new is, the electro-matter pulse bomb is running on schedule, and will begin testing next week. That cheers Gorgo up again. It’s almost lunch time. Mozzie is supposed to meet him at his office soon. A meeting with her is always a pleasure. He tells his assistant he prefers no interruptions for the next 60 minutes.

Soon its time to go home, then he remembers his kids’ talent show. Gorgo dreads it already, he would pray for something to distract him, assuming he was religious. Then a signal beeps. It’s a deep space signal coming from the Sye System. It’s an uncharted part of space. It must be one of his deep space explorer teams. “This is Captain Quieno, of the explorer vessel Midnight, we found something that might interest you, we found a planet that shows energy readings that’s different then I have ever seen in my long years, look at these sample readings.” His prayers are answered, assuming he prayed, he will be working late tonight.

The only thing on Gorgo’s mind for next few days is this strange new planet. “The planets surface is composed of what?”

“An unidentified mettle Mister Chairman,” replies the survey team leader. “I don’t see trees, dirt, or water.”

“And atmosphere?” asks Gorgo.

“It is the same harsh atmosphere as the blue planet in the Sol System.” Breama replies.

“Ah yes, we have encountered, what, oxygen? Before, we have the nano-bot air filters required to survive that. Have there been any teams to the surface?”

“No, no, not yet. We are waiting for your permission. Should we go ahead?” asks Breama.

“No, I’ll take a shuttle, I’ll be there in, oh, a week. I want to be there when we touch the surface of Cybertron.”
Last edited by shadowsfm on Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby *AUTOBOT STITH » Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:41 pm

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Transformers: Birth of a Nation chapter 2

Postby shadowsfm » Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:37 am

Chapter 2

Gorgo and the research teams, of both the Midnight and the Horizon, land on the metallic surface of, what Gorgo calls Cybertron. Gorgo saw scans earlier of the surface of this planet, there are planes, mountain ranges, craters, and even canyons, but still so alien. And there isn’t any sign of civilization, no buildings, no camps, and no other signs of life. There isn’t any dirt, plants, animals, or even water. “Is there any life signs?”

“We already checked in orbit, there’s nothing here, nothing,” replied the head surveys leader, Breama. Breama is a female Quintesson, that has the third highest scores in the School of Science on Quintessa, first highest of the females. This is something she’s proud of. She doesn’t like her intelligence to be taken for granted.

“Well, I was hoping for a more accurate reading while on the surface, nothings wrong with double checking.” He doesn’t like being second guessed. He knows already, that he’s not going to get along with her. Gorgo thinks she’s too smart for her own good. He will get rid of her when she out lives her usefulness.

One of the other scientists has picked something up on his tracker. “Sir, I’ve picked up the one energy readings, its over 1000 meters in this direction. I’ve never seen energy like this before.”

“Sir? The Star Fury and the Mudslide has arrived in orbit, mining will start in 63 hours,” says Elligon, Gorgo’s assistant, as she walks into his office on board the Horizon. In a few weeks, he will have more ships coming in to mine other energy sites. He has to keep the research and mining teams small. He wants to keep this operation a secret for now. He can’t have competition for the planet this early in the game.

The ship rocks, throwing Elligon onto the floor, Gorgo holds himself up against his desk.
He sees that many tablets and reports have fallen off the desk, and video disks have fallen off the shelves. The emergency lights and sirens go off, they’ve been attacked, probably by pirates.

Gorgo runs past his assistant who’s still pulling herself up off the floor, and heads for the bridge room to see what the hell is going on. “What’s going on captain?”

Captain Quilain reports the obvious, “We are being attacked by two war ships, no markings of any kind, and doesn’t respond to our hails. They are probably pirates. It looks like we are fighting for this planet. They have launched fighters. The good new is, we out number them, four to two. Bad new is, our ships aren’t built for battle, its lucky our ships even have a few standard cannons.”

Then Gorgo hears a one of the bridge crew shout, “We lost power to cannons!”

“Shields at quarter power, we don’t have seconds in this heat!” another shouts.

The captain takes action. “Ggic! Move us out of the line of fire, behind the Mudslide!”

“Sir, the Star Fury has launched her fighters; they are on intercept course for enemy targets!”

“Sir, the Midnight’s shields are gone, she isn’t going to make! She’s going to blow!”

“Get us out of her blast radius!” shouts the captain over the crew’s commotion. “And get our cannons and shields back online!” Outside, Gorgo can see enemy and allied fighters zipping by the ships view ports, attacking anything they see as a target. He sees enemy war ships trading laser blasts with his own ships. He sees the Mudslide and the Star Fury move away from the Midnight as escape pods swarm out her bell.

“Sir? It’s the Midnight! She’s heading off toward the enemy war ships! I think she’s preparing to ram their nearest ship!” Gorgo doesn’t believe his eyes, but its true, the Midnight is on a suicide run towards them. He can see that her haul is rupturing, there appears to be explosions inside. He watches in wide eyes as the Midnight smashes her nose into the side of a war ship, and explodes in a giant fire ball. The war ship, now heavily damaged, looses control and smashes into the second ship and then also explodes. Explosions are different in space then on land, Gorgo notices. The flames dance by in waves, waves like on a beach, it’s beautiful.

The remaining war ship of the two, now severally damaged and out numbered retreats back into transwarp. Gorgo hopes they won’t return, but knows they probably will. He’s never been through a fight before, especially in space. He doesn’t know what to think, what to feel, or how to react. He thinks he’s going into shock. He can’t even her people asking him if he’s ok, as he run back into his office. He thinks he’s going to be sick. He feels like throwing up. Maybe he will even cry.

T the assistant walks into Gorgo’s office with reports of the mining progress. “Both mining teams are cutting through the metal crust easer then we could have hoped. The new alloy we got recently is doing the trick. The researchers have analyzed this metal; they think it will make for good armor and weapons when refined. And they found that it’s not all the same alloy, they even found some that’s very conductive, good for wiring. They say that this planet is rich in everything you ever need for technology development and mass production.” She pauses.

When one looks at Gorgo, one can’t even tell the hell he’s been threw just a few days ago. Now he’s calm, the only thing that worries him is the escaped war ship. If they know about this planet, others do too. Ellogon continues, “Thanks too our spies on Quintessa, we now know who attacked us, it’s our rival company, Quintessence.”

So they think they can kill us an take this planet without anyone finding out, just because we are in deep and uncharted space, thinks Gorgan. When he gets back, he’ll make sure Quintessence, the whole company, won’t live to regret attacking him. He will make sure they pay. Maybe he can think up a plan how to destroy that company, but still be able to claim its assets, spoils of victory.

“The scientists have begun studying the crystals they found in the mines. Even the smallest amount gives off enough energy to light a city for weeks. And the survey team found caves with writings; they haven’t been able to read it yet. Looks like this planet once did have life on it.”
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Postby *AUTOBOT STITH » Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:28 am

;)^ ;)^ :APPLAUSE:
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chapter 3

Postby shadowsfm » Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:11 pm

Chapter 3

To Gorgo’s amazement, this isn’t a cave at all, but caved-in ruins, after all these millennia, this place still holds up. Has this planet really once been populated? What were they like? Where did they go, and why did they leave? He comes up to one that is studying a tablet with strange symbols and markings printed on its surface. “Learn anything?”

“This place is amazing. Because this planet has no dirt or water, there isn’t any dust or corrosion. I think we should move every thing onto the ship, so we can study this further. I never have seen writing like this all my life.”

Gorgo nods his approval. “Sir!” Comes a voice deeper in the cave where the ceiling has caved in. “I found what appears to be electronic devices and monitors, if we could give them power, we might learn more about them.”

Well, they weren’t savage, that’s apparent. “Move it all to the ship, all of it,” Orders Gorgo. Ok, if they’re not savage, but highly sophisticated, he hopes maybe there is more money in this project then he realizes.

“Mr. Chairman.” The assistant walks in the office. “The new translators have come and have started working on the text. The survey teams have uncovered more caves and are taking their findings aboard. The mining for the crystals are going smoothly on schedule. The scientists are making progress on the crystals and have already been able to siphon its power. And your wife called, she’s on line one.”

Crap. Quincy. What does she want? “Hi Darling, how are the girls?” Gorgo puts up a fake smile.

On the monitor, Gorgo can already tell that his wife has started drinking again. “You’ve been gone for already a month, have you been cheating on me?” she accuses him, with tears down her face. He got her to stop drinking for 6 months, ever since the last time she accused him of the same thing. All the years of cheating on her, he never did get cot.

“Darling, Darling.” He tries to calm her down. “I would never do something like that to you. You are my sun and moon. I only have eyes for you. I don’t look at other girls like I look at you. It’s just this job. It’s taking up so much of my time these days. I’m sorry if I don’t call you more often. I love you more then anything in this universe.”

The lie seems to have calmed her down. “Do you love your work more then you love me?”

“No, of course not. You know I’m only trying to support my family, because you and the kids are impotent to me, and I want your life to be comfortable.”

“Ok, I love you baby, come home soon. Bye, bye.” Quincy winks off the monitor, to be replaced by a black screen. Thank goodness.

Once she’s gone, Gorgo jumps out of his seat and dashes to, what has really been on his mind the last 15 minutes, the research lab. Once there he’s greeted by the scientists that have been working on the crystals. “What do you have to show me?”

One of them, Ggeggen, shows Gorgo to the nearest table. “As you can see, we have been siphoning the crystals power and putting them into our makeshift power cores for testing purposes.” Gorgo notices that the crystal glows pink when in use, and dull white after it’s completely drained. He nods.

Then another, shows Gorgo another table. “Here I have been able to power this circler saw with a crystal fragment.” The scientist demonstrates by connecting the wires between the converter and the crystal, and the saw spins.

Gorgo is very pleased. He knows he can make lots of money with these crystals. “Ok, good, good. This could be very useful. Thank you. Keep up the good work.” He walks out thinking up devious schemes after retuning to Quindessa. Yes, things are looking up.

He enters the translator’s lab, where he is greeted by the new arrivals. He notices tablets scattered all over the room and that the ancient Cybertronian monitors have already been connected to the ships power and is displaying images and symbols. “Have anything for me?”

“Yes, the monitors are very helpful in translating this ancient text,” Says one that appears to be the head supervisor here. “We haven’t completely finished studying everything it has to show us, but we have learned some common nouns, like people and apple.”

“Ok, let me know if you have anything interesting to report, I’ll be in my office.”

Gorgo is sitting behind his desk that night, not yet tired, contemplating the future while his assistant walks in. “The two war ships, Planet Killer and Death From Above, have arrived. We have protection from any prates that will show up. We don’t have to worry about loosing a ship like the Midnight again, sir.” Gorgo doesn’t say anything. “Is there anything you need?”

“No, that will be all.” At many occasions like this, when Gorgo sits behind his desk with nothing to do, he has contemplated having an affair with Elligon. But Elligon is an Allicon. It just seams dirty to him. And besides, what would his piers think, if they found out. No, he isn’t going to take her. Not unless it’s an emergency or a last resort. He would rather take that know it all, Breama. After the deaths of her crew on the Midnight, he wonders how she’s taking it. Maybe she needs someone to comfort her.

Days later, Gorgo is on a date with Breama in the officer’s lounge. “Yes, I’ll admit that it’s sad that half my colleagues are dead after what happened to the Midnight. Thank goodness most had time to reach an escape pod. I’m a scientist; I don’t dwell in the past. I concentrate on the future, my work.” Breama burst out crying and Gorgo wraps a tentacle around her to comfort her.

“Hey there, don’t cry. We all lost some one there. Even I lost friends and family at one point or another through out my life. Just last year my father died, he was old, but hey, it was hard on me too. It can be hard trying to hold all this grief by ourselves, but together, we can help each other through this.”

Breama wipes her eyes. “Thank you. You are so sweet. You’re not as cold and back stabbing as people say. I really appreciate the kindness you show. You’re really being a friend when I could really use one. Thank you.”

“Does this mean we should see each other more, maybe tonight in my cabin? I’m cooking. And besides, the Mudslide and the Star Fury must be cramped, tonight over dinner we can talk about better living arrangements for you.”

Then Gorgo is interrupted by his assistant. “Sir, the translators uncovered something you would want to see.” Gorgo runs past her and out the door, leaving Breama dumfounded that he would just leave her like that. Elligon just shakes her head in contempt and walk out.

In the lab they are telling him what they have translated so far. “We have found that the crystals are called ‘Energon’ by the ancients. And also, in this database, we found plans for advanced weapons and robotics.” Yes!
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