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*Fanfiction*-Transformers 2 (Movie Sequel)

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*Fanfiction*-Transformers 2 (Movie Sequel)

Postby Deviant Anomaly » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:17 am

First of all, I'll admit that I am relatively new to the fandom. The majority of my knowledge centers around the live action movie. So this story is written based on my interpretations of that universe. I have tried my best to keep the technical details accurate and the characters true to form. However some alterations may have occured to maintain the story's continuity and tone. So I ask that the more experienced fans go easy with their critiques. Enjoy. :)

Chapter One

It was a gorgeous Saturday night in the city. Perfect to see and be seen by cruising the main drive. A line of well-maintained automotive beauties with chrome flashing and bass thumping rolled at measured pace down the four lane drag. Guys paused to flirt with girls on the sidewalks playing hard to get, but secretly hoping to score a ride that would elevate their status. Normally Sam Witwicky would have been part of the crowd eagerly soaking up the attention. However this night he and his car were on a mission. One of intergalactic importance.

The gleaming, golden Camaro with racy black stripes from grill to spoiler braked easily for the red light ahead. Sam was preoccupied trying to find his current favorite song on the satellite radio when the throaty growl of a big block engine revving in close proximity drew his attention. His dark tressed head turned to see alongside a classic Camaro from about forty years prior, its midnight blue metal flake sparkling under the streetlights. The jock behind the wheel, who couldn't have been much older than Sam's tender age of 19, flashed him a snobbish grin as he revved the motor a bit harder. Without warning, he felt the gas pedal depress at free will answering the challenge. If the hot rodder had only known the seemingly newer car was really a highly-evolved alien robot who had long ago mastered the art of street racing, he might have thought twice about offering up a match.

"We don't have time, Bumblebee. You know Optimus hates when we're late," he cautioned prudently.

Saying the Camaro had a mind of his own was more than understatement. The response was another mighty rev as it inched forward anticipating the green light. Sam tightened his seatbelt before lightly placing his hands on the wheel to give the appearance of driving. In actuality though Bumblebee was completely in command. He was simply along for the ride.

"Alright. You're the one answering to the big guy."

The two cars charged off the line with tires squealing. They weren't even through the intersection when suddenly Sam felt himself jerk forward as they instantly lost momentum. He watched the older Camaro make a solitary dash to victory mystified and glanced around for whom or what had brought Bumblebee to a screeching halt. That's when he spotted the silver Solstice sliding around the opposite corner. Slowly with a tangible sense of melancholy, Bumblebee continued on urged by the irritated honks of drivers behind them.

"I'm sorry, B, but it wasn't Jazz," Sam patted the dash sympathetically.

Their fallen comrade had been gone almost two years, but the Autobots were still mourning his death. It overshadowed their efforts to make a fresh start here on Earth. Sam secretly harbored his own guilt in the matter. If he had not destroyed the AllSpark, life-giving energy source of the Transformers' world Cybertron, they may have been able to reanimate Jazz. He was reassured of doing the right thing considering the dire circumstances. Thwarting world domination by the evil Decepticons certainly seemed to warrant the cube's destruction at the time. That was little comfort though when coping with unforeseen consequences like the death of a friend.

The solemn moment having passed, Bumblebee shifted into high gear to make up lost time. Traffic began to thin out as they reached the industrial suburbs. Smoke stacks and chain link enclosed yards created a landscape that Sam though of being as desolate as the moon. One particular wide gate to an abandoned chemical company was open. Bumblebee eased through, crossed the rusting train tracks and slid out of sight behind the dilapidated office building. There Sam stepped from the driver's seat for the Camaro to transform into his true robotic self. The Autobots' leader had already done so and appeared somewhat peeved by the delay.

"Let me guess. Another drag race," Optimus Prime's deep voice boomed dryly from the transformed Peterbilt's towering 30 foot height.

"The guy needed to be put in his place," Sam offered in defense while Bumblebee shrugged apologetically.

"Seems they always do."

"What's up? You said it was urgent."

"Yes. I received information today pertaining to a possible remnant of the AllSpark."

"How can that be? It was pretty well destroyed."

"Physically it was. Yet it appears Sector Seven was able to siphon and store its energy. When the agency was disbanded, the containers were turned over to a private company for research. They published a report on the world wide web about their findings this evening."

"Ah. That means the Decepticons could be aware as well."

"Yes. I am afraid time is of the essence. I want the two of you to scout around the company and find out what information you can. We need a clear plan when attempting to retrieve the containers. Ironhide and I will meet you when he reaches the city."

Bumblebee gave a silent nod. Although his ability to speak had been restored after contact with the AllSpark, he remained one of few words. The rough, digitized sound of his voice bothered him. And old habits were hard to break, especially when they had become instinctual over so many years. He still made his thoughts and opinions clearly known through gesturing that rarely anyone misunderstood.

The two Autobots transformed back into vehicle mode and Sam climbed aboard. Bumblebee's internal navigation system fed him the exact coordinates to the company's complex. Meanwhile the radio tracked police dispatch for any reports of suspicious activity. They knew Starscream and Barricade were still out there, although the two Decepticons had remained low key for the most part . No doubt plotting a way to continue their quest to control the planet. Sam realized if the enemy gained control of the AllSpark energy, they could conceivably resurrect their brethren from a watery grave. He also realized the Autobots could reanimate Jazz.

"Step on it, B," he urged at the exciting thought.
Deviant Anomaly
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:44 pm

Postby Deviant Anomaly » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:18 am

Chapter Two

The slender black bar ticked over the stark white face, sped past the bold numeral twelve and forced the minute hand to lumber forward once again. Light blue eyes watched the repetitive process with the stillness of boredom. Suddenly a buzzing drew their attention to the cell phone sitting on the desktop. Another incoming text message. Iris Hanson issued a dejected sigh and shut it off without acknowledging the sender. As much as she would have liked to be out enjoying Saturday night with her friends, work was infinitely more important at this very moment.

"How are those charts coming," her boss, Dr. Thomas, walked into the laboratory and set a cold can of pop next to her laptop.

"Thanks. It will probably be another hour before all the data has been filled in."

"What you wouldn't give for a new computer with a faster processor, huh?"

"Yeah," Iris chuckled.

"I really appreciate your help with this. There is no way I would be ready to present to the board of directors Monday morning otherwise. I'll make sure to mention your contribution during the presentation."

"Gee, thanks," she muttered after he breezed through the door to the adjoining workshop and was safely out of earshot.

Really Iris shouldn't complain. It was an act of sheer kindness on his part to give a lowly intern any credit. She couldn't help feel envious though that he was receiving all the praise when in actuality it was her suggestion that made the decisive breakthrough. Fairness dictated that she should then be a co-presenter at this board meeting. Not a mere footnote in the documentation. Plus she wanted to witness the first application test on a vehicle. Thus far they'd been predicting results based on computer models. Yet corporate politics relegated her to the same lab she'd been toiling away in now for several months. Frankly it sucked.

Her slender hand picked up one of the silver canisters from the black foam-lined case nearby. It was nothing exciting to look at, but she could feel the energy locked inside cause the aluminum casing to vibrate. Iris wondered what it held for the future. Would it be the miracle or the terror of society some had predicted? Her thoughts suddenly turned to the doomsday conspiracy theorists she'd read about. They claimed the energy source was alien and turned ordinary machines into sentient robots. She had dismissed them as kooks then. This nagging feeling had come over her though in the past few weeks. The government had been sketchy all along about the energy's origins and how they came into possession of it. Just maybe those theorists weren't so kooky after all.

As if shadowing her ominous ruminations, the awaiting pop can danced across the desk's surface. Iris gave it an odd look until her laptop followed suit. In quick succession every object was hopping around erratically including the desk itself. Her first instinct was earthquake, but they didn't behave like this. The timing was more like...footsteps. She shoved the canister back in the case and snapped it closed against potential damage. Her eyes darted to the workshop. Dr. Thomas was reaching for the door when suddenly one of the walls exploded inward. With case in hand, she dove beneath the desk as the lab was pelted by flying masonry.

Iris breathed apprehensively as the dust settled. Something was moving about in the rubble. Something big. She felt the earth-chattering thuds of large debris being overturned. Sneaking a peek outside her wooden shelter, the surreal sight that greeted her was straight out of a science fiction movie. It was a police cruiser morphed into a bipedal robot. The badging was starkly clear on the doors and side panels, except they now formed a pair of massive mechanical arms. The thing picked up Dr. Thomas' limp body in its claw-like fingers and gave him a not-so-subtle shake. He came around groggily, wincing from the serious injuries he'd no doubt incurred. The scream froze in his throat when the good doctor finally realized what was holding him presently.

"Where is the AllSpark energy," the robot demanded harshly in a fierce hissing voice.

"I...don't know...what..."

"Stupid human! The energy from your government! WHERE IS IT!"

Her heart skipped when Dr. Thomas pointed into the lab. The damn man had no qualms about fibbing any other time, but when threatened by a hostile monstrosity finally had a conscious. Iris didn't want to find out what it would do to her as it flung him aside with a malicious grin. Problem was the case. It was too heavy to drag through the uneven terrain of the ruined lab. She glanced around frantically for the first available alternative and snatched up her discarded backpack. The canisters clinked softly as she piled them in. Then sucking up her courage, she kicked the now empty case underneath a pile of rubble beside the battered desk. The creature, hearing the noise, was drawn to it immediately.

She was waiting for the opportune moment when shifting concrete hit the desk. It gave a mighty creak before the wood splintered overhead. Iris yelped as she shielded herself. Aware she was now completely exposed, her eyes lifted from the cover of her arm to find the thing staring back. The empty case was clutched in one hand while the other was reaching for her. She fully expected this was her last living moment when suddenly a strange, azure blast of energy hit the brute square in the chest. It howled enraged while flying off its feet to crash through an interior wall. Iris couldn't believe her good fortune until her savior revealed itself to be yet another robotic titan. This one was bright yellow though, an almost cheerful contrast to the menacing black of the other. That didn't make her trust it anymore. The weapon definitely trumped claws and fangs for deadliness.

Yellow robot spotted her and made its way through the chaos with a nimble grace belying an entity cobbled together from car parts. Surprisingly it took a defensive stance before her as if suspecting Black robot might be back for round two. Out of nowhere, a young man ran into the madness. He paused only long enough to grab her hand. Then without a word, she was dragged to her feet and forced to run. Yellow robot covered their retreat with its weapon. In the deserted parking lot, a semi and pickup truck on steroids plowed through the perimeter fencing. The young man was pointing back in the direction of the building shouting the word "barricade." The truck seemed to honk in comprehension as it barreled past. There was a weird sound and in place of the yellow robot now sat a yellow Camaro. The young man shoved her inside the passenger door that opened of its own volition. The lock clicked into place the second it was closed. Once he was safely on board, the car squealed out with the semi close in its tire tracks.

Iris' poor head was pounding. She'd never passed out before, but then again she'd never seen gigantic warring robots either. Apparently tonight was one of many firsts.
Deviant Anomaly
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:44 pm

Postby Deviant Anomaly » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:19 am

Chapter Three

"Hey. Wake up."

Sam patted the unconscious girl's cheek gently. Her head lulled with a groan, but her eyes remained closed. He didn't want to traumatize her any further then she'd already been tonight. Yet Optimus had that impatient look about him. Out of the many noble qualities the Autobot leader possessed, that particular one wasn't considerably notable. He tried shaking her by the shoulders. The response was a disorientated gasp as she came to. Startled icy blue pupils took one look at him and then the two robots hovering nearby.

"Oh god. It wasn't a dream," she muttered.

"Are you Iris Marie Hanson," Optimus queried.

"It knows my name!?!"

She began skittering backward over the rough gravel of the yard terrified of the otherworldly behemoth. Where she thought she was going was amusing to consider. There wasn't too many places one could run unnoticed from a 30 foot tall robot. Sam's long fingers reached out and encircled her wrist. She whirled on him ready to lash back in panic, but he held his ground. Her intelligence proved a valuable asset to both as rational kicked in and the aggravated tension ebbed from her frame. He then held up a palm to Optimus, silently beseeching to let him handle the introductions. He could vividly remember how overwhelming his first encounter with the Autobots was. She needed calm if they were to accomplish their goal.

"Seems we got off to a rocky start. Hi. I'm Sam Witwicky. These are my friends, Bumblebee and Optimus Prime," he said pleasantly.

"What...are they?"

"Autonomous robotic entities from the distant planet, Cybertron. You can call them Autobots for short though. The Bee-ster there is the scout of the group. Optimus is their leader. You'll meet Ironhide and Ratchet later."

"And the police car thing that attacked the lab?"

"Barricade is a Decepticon. Obviously not a good guy."

"He demanded something called the AllSpark from Dr. Thomas."

"That's your cue, Optimus."

The primary-hued robot slowly knelt to their level, moving so to maintain the tentative peace. Sam noticed her tremble as the giant metallic face with its electric blue oculars drew near. Curiosity gradually won the war over fear though. She reached out to caress Optimus' cheek, fingertips leaving tiny tracks upon the smooth steel. His resulting resonant chuckle made her jump slightly. She hadn't made the distinction between machine and being quite yet. Thus hearing a voice so powerful emanate from something looking like a mutilated big rig could be most unsettling. However his dulcet tones promptly mollified her as he began to weave the Autobots' tale.

"The AllSpark was a cube of unknown origin that granted life to our planet. The Decepticons sought control of it so they could rule and the Autobots banded together to stop them. During the course of our war which ravaged Cybertron, the AllSpark was lost into space. We searched for it in the hopes of restoring our home. It crashed here on Earth where your government had been holding it for centuries until it was destroyed save for a single shard. The energy given to your company is the only other remnant that still exists."

"What do you want with it then?"

"It is possible reuniting the energy with the shard may cause the AllSpark to regenerate. We also lost a good friend in the fight. The energy may reanimate him as well."

"And the Decepticons? Do you know their intentions?"

"Not for certain, but my instincts say they will either try to resurrect their dead comrades or animate Earth's machines as an army against humanity. Perhaps both."

"So you understand why its extremely important that they do not get their claws on the AllSpark energy," Sam added.

Iris didn't give an immediate response. Instead she regained her footing and began to pace. Apparently the movement helped her tally up the information. Sam absently wondered if all scientific minds employed the same. The pause was beginning to stretch too long though, creating an atmosphere of nervous anticipation. He could tell Optimus was about to prod for an answer when Bumblebee took a more gentle initiative. The friendly young robot stepped forward to return her backpack in a gesture of goodwill. She slid it from his massive palm, regarding him carefully with her pale eyes. Then she laid a hand over the edge of one sizable golden finger, a smile emerging as she did so. Bumblebee very delicately clasped it while giving her a grateful nod.

"I will help you in whatever way I can, but you have to promise me something in return for the energy," Iris bargained with Optimus.

"What is your request?"

"I've been a part of this project for a long time. Therefore I want to see it through to the end. I don't care what the risks may be. They can't get much worse than what I've already been through tonight. So don't dump and run on me. Promise?"

"You have my word."

"Welcome to the team," Sam grinned.

Suddenly their attention was drawn to the scream of a high-powered jet passing overhead. Sam had heard that distinct sound one too many times to mistake it for a random fighter buzzing the city. Bumblebee briskly transformed into vehicle mode while Optimus' laser canon appeared upon his right arm. Iris was spellbound by the sights and Sam would have loved to give her time to enjoy the magic, but they were pressed for it at the moment. Starscream was a wicked foe with plenty of firepower at his disposal. He didn't want to be around to witness the ensuing tangle between Optimus and him. The Autobot leader was moving into the open to draw the Decepticon's attention so they could make a break for it. Sam clasped Iris about the shoulders for the second time tonight and forced her into the furiously honking Camaro. He was no more inside himself when Bumblebee roared off, showering gravel and dust in his wake.

"Sorry," she apologized for her delayed reaction.

"Yeah, no problem. Happens all the time."

They had just rounded the old office building when an explosion rocked the surrounding ground. It was so close that Sam could feel the repercussion through the floorboard. Both passengers looked back to see the structure shatter into a million airborne pieces under the assault. Bumblebee gunned it and managed to avoid the most significant devastation. Yet the yard quickly became a mine field of debris he had to traverse. Several concussive thuds issued from the car's undercarriage despite his dodging. Upon reaching the street, Sam cringed at the sound of metal scraping pavement.

"Are you OK, B," he asked concerned.

The answer was a rev of the engine as Bumblebee gathered more speed. Sam took that as a sign the injuries weren't too severe. Although if anyone had a penchant for avoiding medical help, it was his friend. He would go until his last part gave out if it meant protecting his wards.

"Take us as far as you can. Then we'll stop long enough for you to make repairs. Don't wreak yourself, buddy. I have a feeling there's plenty more action ahead."

Sam glanced over at Iris then. Her pained expression came as no shock. Unfortunately injury was par for the course in interstellar war and the Autobots were not invincible despite their appearance. Each had untold scars covering their frames from toe to crown. He would never forget Bumblebee recounting his skirmish with Megatron on Tyger Pax that not only left him speechless for millennium, but almost took his life as well. Any time Sam felt himself beginning to grow jaded he remembered that story. Human comprehension made it far too easy sometimes to think of them as nothing more than machines. However they were very much thinking and feeling beings. Beings who could be hurt or worse. Sam forced the memory of Jazz's bisected corpse being given to Optimus after the decisive battle for the AllSpark to fade from his mind's eye. Iris had gained a new reality tonight and she would learn to deal with all the ramifications just as he had.

"Why don't you get some sleep?"

"Are you kidding? At a time like this," she looked at him disbelievingly.

"I know it seems ridiculous. Depending on what we're facing though, it may be awhile before you get another opportunity and you're no good to us exhausted any more than B is banged up."

She couldn't argue with that logic, or at least was unwilling to try. He gestured toward the empty back seat and she accepted although skeptically judging by her mien. Yet he smiled to himself hearing the yawn she stifled while curling up. Sam waited five minutes and then turned to check on her. Out like a light just as expected. Seizing an opportunity, he admired for a moment without worry of reproach. She was pretty for the scientist type: short brunette hair, pale blue eyes, full vermilion lips and a slender figure. The kind of girl he could go for. If only circumstances were different. Helping protect the world from Decepticon annihilation was not exactly the grounds for solid relationships. Hence why his last had dissolved in a hurry. Still...

He put the notion aside. Right now the goal was protecting the AllSpark energy. Sam settled back to watch the miles roll by. It was going to be a long night.
Deviant Anomaly
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:44 pm

Postby Deviant Anomaly » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:21 am

Chapter Four

Back at the corporate offices of Iris' employer, what remained of the building was bathed in halogen spotlights. Various types of emergency response vehicles were parked haphazardly out front as their human occupants conducted the standard investigation procedures. A gurney bearing the remains of Dr. Thomas was carefully wheeled to a waiting coroner's van while news crew flashbulbs and video recorders whirled from a cordoned area. What all of them failed to notice yet was the ominous form lying in the landscaped woods behind who had wreaked much of the havoc. Copper-colored oculars began to flicker with life once more as Barricade came out of the stupor Ironhide had put him in. His memory processor's last stored image was taking a hit from the infernal Autobot that left him exiting hastily through the building's other side.

Immediately the Decepticon hunter took stock of his situation. The surroundings were relatively silent, any noise being residual from the humans working elsewhere. No doubt their impending arrival had forced Ironhide to flee the scene. Thus how he found himself still functioning. Internal sensors scoped out the extent of his injuries. Nothing life threatening was the consensus and he activated a self repair system to manage what it could. His initial attempt to rise sent pain shooting through his neural pathways, causing him to flop back down among the splintered pines with an irritated hiss. It required several minutes of focus and preparation to pull himself back on his feet.

Barricade formulated his next move. While he would have liked to return inside the building to search for other traces of the AllSpark, the humans now made that impossible. Terminating the numbers required in order to do the work would rouse unwanted attention and wasn't worth the effort. No, a better plan was tracking down the female that he knew had the energy. He would relish plucking her limbs off in retaliation for her subterfuge. Most of humanity had a proclivity for idiocy, but every once in awhile he ran into one a little brighter than the others. Their intelligence only made their torture that much more enjoyable though.

He scanned his frame again. The repairs were going quickly as the results showed he was capable of transforming into vehicle mode once again. Cables, chains, gears, bolts, rods, beams and sheet metal shifted like a kaleidoscopic puzzle on fast forward until they had reassembled themselves to appear like a police cruiser. The Saleen Mustang had an inherent and perceivable dangerousness about it as ultraviolet highlights slid along its glossy raven quarter panels. If any human bothered to scrutinize the badging, they might just have discovered the "to punish and enslave" in place of "to protect and serve." His little mockery at their expense.

Barricade idled for another moment, rechecking his systems' operational status. Last thing he needed was to be engaged by another Autobot in a half-crippled state. Then the Mustang eased around the paved drive and blended seamlessly with the other cruisers. He easily patched into the humans' communications. Listening with intent for any useful information, he was suddenly disrupted by an urgent summons from Starscream.

"Where are you?"

"At the office building gathering information," came the matter-of-fact reply. If they were not speaking in the Cybertronian equivalent of binary code, his voice would have been bristling with aggravation.

"The Autobots have the energy. Proceed northeast to intercept Bumblebee."

"And what exactly are you doing?"

"Optimus Prime engaged me in battle. I need to make repairs."

Barricade acknowledged with a digitized smirk. The idea of Prime giving Starscream a good thrashing was particularly satisfying. His loathing for the fellow Decepticon was far more deep-seated than that for the Autobot general. Starscream thus far had been nothing more than a grandstanding, over-dramatic, utterly inept excuse for a leader. He was beginning to fully understand Megatron's continuous disappointment. Hence why he took the initiative when the company report came across the World Wide Web earlier. Starscream could go blast himself for all he cared.

He spotted a human in police uniform headed his direction. It was a toss up as to which being was more detestable to deal with. Yet it proved a good excuse to cut off Starscream in mid-rant. Holographic projectors produced the image of a generic mustached Caucasian male in duplicate uniform occupying the driver's seat. The officer rapped on the tinted window, his oily touch making Barricade's metallic skin crawl. How would the human like to feel his talons squeezing the oxygen from...instead he retracted the window.

"Hey. You must be new. Haven't seen you around the precinct before."


The human must have picked up something unsettling in his tone because he gave the hologram a strange expression. Barricade slightly modified his voice to sound more natural. Not that he really cared, but it seemed prudent in maintaining the ruse. Besides practice made for perfection when it came to mastering the art of espionage.

"Honestly, I'm not sure why they sent you out here so late. I think we have enough manpower to cover things. You might as well return to your regular patrol."

"Answer my question."

Another strange look. He'd stated it as a demand rather than an inquiry and humans did not take kindly to that. Unless they were being persecuted which made them extremely pliable. Both figuratively and literally.

"Ah, sure."

"Have you found any storage containers in the laboratory?"

"Seems like I might have saw something like that being pulled from the wreckage. Hard to say for certain though. The company reps are trying to salvage all sorts of stuff. It’s pretty bad in there. Whatever hit this place really did a number."

He took the last statement as a compliment. Barricade couldn't bring himself to thank the human though. Gratitude wasn't in his programming, no matter what species he was interacting with. So the hologram simply gave a curt nod before the window rose concealingly. It winked from existence the second the human turned his back. Onlookers paid little attention to the empty cruiser shifting smoothly into drive and making its way out the front gate. Once on public streets, he flicked on his lights and sped through what minute traffic he encountered at the late hour. There was nothing further he could accomplish at the company for the moment. He stood a better chance of tracking down Bumblebee and the girl holding the containers. He longed to record their devastated expressions as he single-handedly deprived the Autobots of the prize before ending their pathetic lives. The Mustang's engine issued a throaty roar almost in anticipation as he reached high gear, rocketing out of the inner city limits.

Let the hunt begin.
Deviant Anomaly
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:44 pm

Postby Deviant Anomaly » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:22 am

Chapter Five

For a fleeting moment, Iris thought she was safely at home tucked into her warm bed and the things she had seen were nothing more than imaginary figments of an exhausted mind. The illusion was shattered though when she felt a hand upon her shoulder rousing her awake once again. She opened her eyes reluctantly to be greeted by Bumblebee's dark interior and Sam peering around from the driver's seat. He flashed a ready smile which oddly was comforting. At least she wasn't alone in this nightmare. She rose to look out the window at their present location and spied the neon glow of a Wal-Mart sign.

"Can't sleep, my foot," Sam teased.

"I know. Famous last words."

"Bumblebee needs a couple things. Do you by chance have any cash?"

Five minutes later, the pair was inside the store headed toward the automotive department. Their battered appearance earned them several strange glances and wide berths from fellow shoppers. Iris envied Sam's focus on the task. It was obvious he had grown accustomed to such late night forays. A part of her on the other hand wanted nothing more than to fall apart. Cars that turned into war-waging robots was sheer madness and they'd put her through the emotional wringer in a matter of hours. Yet her concern for Bumblebee's welfare was keeping her together at the moment. She imagined that was Sam's driving force as well.

She was also impressed by his knowledge. He knew exactly what to look for, absently tossing items into the basket she held. No doubt making repairs to an advanced alien robot was not simple mechanics. Suddenly Iris realized that he was looking at her puzzled while a slow grin bowed his vermilion lips.

"What? My hair turning green or something?"

"Oh, no. Sorry. I'm just amazed that you know what to do in this type of situation."

"Wasn't always the case. Yet majoring in automotive engineering helps. Plus Ratchet has taught me a few things along the way."

"How did you get involved with the Autobots?"

"The short version is I bought Bumblebee from a used car lot. Turns out my great-great grandfather had a run-in with the Decepticon's leader, Megatron, on an Arctic expedition gone to hell that left the directions to the AllSpark etched on his glasses. He was sent to guard me from the Decepticons."

"What happened to the AllSpark?"

Iris wasn't the best judge of reaction, but he was a pretty easy read. Every minute gesture that followed the question indicated he was harboring intense remorse, from the despondent sigh to the momentary lowering of his eyes. Sam motioned to take a seat on an empty bottom shelf in the quiet aisle.

"We were attempting to deliver the AllSpark to the military so they could take it to a safe location. Yet the Decepticons stopped us in the city before that could happen. Megatron was beating on Optimus pretty badly. So I pushed it into the Decepticon's chest where it reacted to his spark, creating an energy surge that killed both."

"That was before you knew about the Autobot who died."

"Jazz went after Megatron to distract him, even though he was no match for a one-on-one. They disappeared on the rooftops for a couple minutes and Ironhide found his remains in the aftermath. If I hadn't destroyed the AllSpark..."

Iris could empathize as her thoughts turned to Dr. Thomas. They butted heads on more than one occasion. Yet the man was the closest to a friend she had at that company and she admired his passion for science. She sincerely hoped that he was alright. If it wasn't for that heavy oak desk and some quick thinking, she might have been right alongside him. The old adage that fate worked in mysterious ways had never proved more apt than this night.

"I don't know as much about the Autobots as you do, Sam. What little I've seen though, I think it’s safe to say Jazz was fully aware of the risks and accepted them without hesitation. It was more important to him to protect the lives of others."

"If only I had known though."

"Then you would have acted differently and the world might be a much darker place right now. Same as if I had run into the workshop to help Dr. Thomas. Then Barricade would have gotten a hold of the energy. So no, some times it’s better if we don't know for the greater good."

Sam's head bowed into his palms and she heard a few stifled sobs escape. Iris closed the small distance in between to wrap a comforting arm around him. They sat there like two shell-shocked veterans silently commiserating, the very picture of innocence lost. Her temple fell upon his shoulder as wayward tears coursed down her cheeks. She felt him shift and his touch slide deftly beneath her chin to direct her gaze toward his. There was something warm and inviting about his beautiful amber-hued eyes. A frisson shot to the end of every nerve when he whisked the lingering moisture from her skin with the whisper of his fingertips. Reacting on impulse alone, she urgently leaned in to press her lips against his. Sam seemed eager to reciprocate as his hands cupped her face. Yet he gently pushed her away with an expression of self-irritated regret.

“I can’t,” he shook his head as if trying to convince himself along with her.

“Again, I’m sorry, Sam. I got carried away by the moment.”

“Don’t apologize. I felt it too. Not here though. Not like this.”

Sam laid a tiny kiss upon her forehead like a sign of good faith. He wasn’t closing the door on the possibility. Just wisely diverting their attention back on the more important matters at hand, like Bumblebee waiting in the parking lot. Iris nodded in acceptance and took his offered help to rise. She smiled softly when he continued holding her hand along the way toward the checkout. Prepared to pay with her debit card, he adamantly declined explaining any electronic banking could be traced by the Decepticons alerting them to their location. The two of them managed to scrap together enough cash for the tools along with some snacks to appease their appetites. They jumped back into the idling Camaro waiting diligently where he had parked himself.

Iris was stumped when they began driving around the small town though, clearly looking for something. Sam spotted it first. The old gas station appeared to have seen better days, a faded real estate sign staked in the narrow strip of land between sidewalk and curb indicating it had long been abandoned. Bumblebee cut his lights as he discreetly pulled in.

“Let’s hope it still has electric.”

“You’re not seriously going to break in, are you?”

“I don’t have a choice unless you have a lift in your back pocket.”

She merely shrugged despite her unease with the idea. The rusted padlock gave way without much of a fight. Sam lifted the roll-up door while she cautiously drove inside. Once safely tucked away from prying eyes, everyone set into motion preparing to make this operation as short as possible. He located a functioning generator, she unpackaged the tools and Bumblebee positioned himself on the required lift. Iris watched as Sam gauged the damage bathed in the muted glow of a trouble light. It brought out the romantic quality of his dusky skin tone and auburn-highlighted dark tresses. She hastily forced her pesky hormones at bay and instead applied that energy to playing assistant. It wasn’t long before Bumblebee was back in one fully functioning piece albeit with a few new dents. Suddenly Sam clicked off the light while pulling her down to the dusty floor. Her horror at the turn of events was a welcome distraction compared to how protectively he was holding her. She swore her heart could be heard galloping furiously as the garage fell eerily silent.

“Cop car,” he whispered at the cusp of her ear.

They didn’t stick around to find out if it was Barricade or not. Bumblebee tore out of town with his young wards once the coast was clear. Iris ate even though hunger was last of her concerns and observed the scenery morph into a mountainous desert under a mercurial full moon with utter detachment. Is this what her life would be like now? Running and hiding in a constant state of fear? How would she ever cope? She felt Sam’s slender fingers entwine with hers as if reading her thoughts. At least there was one redeeming factor to the madness. She wouldn’t be alone.
Deviant Anomaly
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Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:44 pm

Postby Deviant Anomaly » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:23 am

Chapter Six

Barricade was lost and furious about it. Starscream's directions couldn't have possibly been more useless. The rural highway was dotted intermittently by small towns. He had no idea where Bumblebee was going or how far ahead he was in getting there either. For all he knew, the twerp could have even switched directions fearing someone on his tail. As much as he hated to rely on anything beyond his own skills, he needed a lucky break.

"This is Dispatch. Neighbor reports break-in at old Amoco station on corner of Jackson and Eggers. A yellow Camaro spotted leaving the scene headed northeast," came across the scanner.

Luck was on his side tonight.

"Unit 643 responding," he quickly radioed back to avoid interference. It would only complicate matters if the girl was apprehended by actual law enforcement.

The Mustang surged forward. Employing his sirens, he passed the last town unimpeded and soon the highway began to rope out along the barren desert mountains. Barricade diverted to stealth mode, infrared allowing him to safely use maximum speed. He was enjoying the feel of gliding effortlessly through each winding curve when a solitary plume of bright scarlet lit up against his vision. The heat signature made by automotive exhaust was unmistakable. Now he had Bumblebee in his sights, he pondered how to stop him. Attempting to run the damnable little bot down would only put him that much closer to his destination and fail to shake the girl from his possession. No, he needed to fell him in a hurry.

Sloughing off a little speed, he transformed and brought out his melee weapon. The sinister multi-bladed instrument whirled through the still with destructive velocity. Bumblebee sensed it coming, but dodged a split second too late. It tapped him in the rear with enough force to spin around and face Barricade where he stood expectantly upon the abandoned highway. Doors unlocked as the Autobot released his young charges to find shelter. Then he transformed to do battle, taking a stance that dared the Decepticon stalker to come ahead.

Never one to resist a challenge, he did just that only to learn that arrogant impatience some times has a price. Bumblebee’s clever ruse brought him into striking distance of his solar-powered particle accelerator. The nasty raw wound left by the close-range slug stung painfully as its impact sent Barricade haphazardly rolling backward. He quickly recovered with the determination not to be outsmarted again. Issuing an enraged howl, he sprang like a mighty coil. The two enemies collided with metal-rending strength and crashed to the earth.

As he looked down at the pinned being struggling to free himself, Barricade immediately seized upon the grand opportunity to make a kill. His talons scrambled to reach the joints of Bumblebee's chest plates. If he could pry them aside, then it was a simple matter of ripping out his spark and there would be one less Autobot to stand in his way. He could feel the armor beginning to weaken under the strain when something minuscule struck him in the face. Then another followed by another. Irritated he looked to see Bumblebee's pet boy with a rock in hand. The girl was standing alongside wearing an avenging expression, backpack holding the energy containers slung over her shoulder.

"Pick on someone your own size," the boy shouted tauntingly.

"As you wish," he growled menacingly.

Barricade zealously reached toward the two humans. The prize was so close to his grasp that the exhilaration was almost tangible. Yet he heard the whistle of the saw blade too late and it bit deep into his outstretched arm. He roared with agony, wildly pitching backward. Bumblebee delivered a solid right hook and sent him sprawling in the dust a good clip away. The mangled limb wasn't completely severed, but it might as well have been for all the more use it would be. Activating his self repair system was pointless. He lay there feeling fluid pouring from cut hydraulic lines and disconnected nerve cables sparking against raw metallic flesh.

"I will see to the children. You finish him," he heard Ratchet instruct Bumblebee as the saw blade was replaced upon its spindle on the medic's arm.

Barricade may have been down, but he would be damned if he was finished. He acted quickly to reroute his necessary functions to the secondary processor located in his shin and send out his coordinates to Starscream. Then the Decepticon looked undaunted into the barrel of the Autobot's particle accelerator once again as it glowed with agitated light. Putting on a good show, he took an angry swipe at Bumblebee. The miserable little bug exhibited his inherent nimbleness as he avoided it easily. Fortunately he wasn't the type to toy with his victims either. There were no last words spoken before the accelerator's charge struck directly to the chest. Barricade let the abrasive particles pelt his super-alloy coated armor while the function reroute caused his oculars to dim as if his spark was extinguished.

There was no telling how long he lay there with his external sensors temporarily shut down. Systems took time coming back online too as each ran a diagnostic check first. The loss of his right arm caused multiple alarms that he shut off with an irritated curse. As if he possibly wasn't aware. Nothing he could do about it though unless luck was still on his side. The second his oculars returned, he scanned the area. No sign of Autobots anywhere. Unfortunately he appeared to have lost them again. However something nearby shining in the moonlight caught his attention. Drained from the loss of fluids and power, Barricade crawled through the dirt to investigate. The talons of his good hand snapped a rusted strand of barbed wire as they moved to pick it up. He didn't bothering hiding his disbelief when he discovered it was a silver canister humming at a very familiar frequency.

Maybe there was something to luck after all.
Deviant Anomaly
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:44 pm

Postby Deviant Anomaly » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:23 am

Chapter Seven

The day-glow colored emergency response Hummer made its way from the impromptu battlefield along a shallow dirt two track through the surrounding mountains. It flicked on its halogen lamps as a courtesy to the teens inside who did not possess the night vision he did. When the road disappeared behind a large bolder, he continued undaunted revealing it was a holographic illusion to disguise the cavern behind. He descended the maze of sub-terrain tunnels to the large illuminated chamber that served as the central hub. There the teens disembarked from his cabin and he transformed into robot mode once again.

"Nice. No one thought I should know about your secret base of operations here," Sam asked with a perturbed tone.

"We felt plausible deniability was in your best interest."

Ratchet ignored the boy's sulking and turned his attention to the girl accompanying him. Optimus had sent word ahead about the situation. Thus he was fully briefed as to her identity along with the important items she protected. Iris was regarding him with a mix of apprehension and amazement that caused him to smile. Witnessing him engage Barricade as he did was probably not the best introduction. Unfortunately desperate times called for desperate tactics though. A mantra he had been forced to employ far too often over the course of their war.

"My name is Ratchet and it is a pleasure to meet you, Iris. Forgive my frankness, but I'm afraid time is precious. I have no doubt Barricade transmitted his location to Starscream before he was extinguished. Bumblebee and I do not have the defenses to hold the Decepticon off for long if he arrives before Optimus and Ironhide. Therefore we must work quickly."

"Sure. I have the canisters right...oh no," she suddenly turned pale.

Her hand reached into the backpack and right back out, illustrating the sizable tear that had been made. Only three canisters remained inside. Fighting off Starscream may not be an issue anymore if they did not recover the other three from wherever they lay outside. Sam took off to find Bumblebee for the task. Meanwhile Ratchet brought Iris to another chamber. She paused at the sight that greeted her, needing no explanation to comprehend.

The remains of Jazz reposed upon the crude bedrock slab that once served as the medic's work bench. A fine layer of silt from the ever-shifting ceiling covered the fallen Autobot's quicksilver-hued armor like a death shroud. Ratchet always intended to tidy up, but could never bring himself to actually do it. Just the thought of being in Jazz's presence was too painful a reminder of his failure as a healer. Once he had finished all the repairs within his capabilities, he moved to another space and not looked back since.

"OK. What needs to happen," Iris inquired.

"I believe if you simply open the canister near him, the energy will hopefully know what to do."

"You don't sound too certain."

"Please understand this is all speculation at best. We have never dealt with the AllSpark in this manner before. And you must be the one to do it. The energy will focus on me if I come into contact."

"Just call me Pandora then," she joked with a nervous laugh.

Ratchet wished he did not have to place the responsibility upon her young shoulders. Yet it was quite literally out of his hands. The AllSpark was sensitive to their kind and would seek out the nearest individual whenever at work. Therefore his involvement could cause irreparable failure rather than success. They had only one chance and he was certainly not going to jeopardize it.

Iris set the other canisters a safe distance away while he stepped back. She chose Jazz's foot to make contact, being the closest surface she could reach at her diminutive size. A slender finger curled about the release lever and the seal issued a loud hiss as it depressurized. She turned her head away with eyes scrunched closed before throwing the lid fully open. Eager tendrils of unleashed energy leaped onto Jazz's inert frame, quickly covering him in a web of brilliant blue arcs. The cavern was awash with the sounds of parts and pieces miraculously rending back into their previous undamaged states. A hopeful Ratchet watched closely as the energy made its way toward the open spark chamber. Suddenly there was a blinding flash that forced him to cast his eyes downward. He heard Iris running to where he stood seeking protection from the unknown. When he was able to look again, the chest plate armor was reforming to seal off the chamber. It fizzled out shortly after reaching the head, utterly spent from the exertion required to perform its magic. The cavern became ominously silent save for Iris' rapid breathing.

"Did it work," she whispered questioningly.

"Let us find out."

Ratchet returned to his friend's side and carefully reached into the intramuscular area about the neck. There he located the simple button that would reactivate the neural relay connection between body and brain. He had switched it off per standard procedure despite believing at the time Jazz would never be resuscitated. Old habits held their ground. He gestured for Iris to stand back. There was no telling what might transpire in a patient resurrected almost two years after his death. Long minutes passed as they waited. A violent shutter abruptly ran through Jazz and ended with him howling in pained terror. His pale amber oculars sprang to life once more though, causing Ratchet to solemnly rejoice.

"What...happ...ened...where," Jazz rasped while flailing about attempting to rise.

"Be still. You have not regained full function of your systems quite yet. Recount for me your last memory."

"I...was to...distract Mega...tron. He got...a hold of me...and then there was...terrible pain."

"Good. Your processor has lost none of its sharpness, my friend," he smiled.

"Did I...die?"

"I am afraid so. Two years have passed since the battle for the AllSpark. We were able to defeat Megatron when Sam pushed the cube into his spark."

"Then I alive?"

"It is a long story, but suffices to say this young lady brought us a most amazing gift."

Ratchet lifted Iris within his palm for Jazz to better see. She waved in greeting as the blush of humility colored her cheeks. The beneficiary weakly raised a hand to his benefactor and she held it as humanly possible while their gazes met.

"Then I owe you a great debt," he told her sincerely.

"Thank you, but let's hope I don't have to make any claims."

Without warning, the surrounding stone trembled as a deep rumbling coursed through the earth. Ratchet pulled Iris in close while dust and small rock dislodged to fall around them. Both Autobots instinctively knew the source of the ruckus aboveground. Jazz beat him to giving it name though, looking around as if expecting the villain to reveal himself.


"Stay with him, Iris. It will be another few minutes before he has recovered enough to move. Then both of you get out of here quickly," Ratchet instructed while running out the door to aid the battle.

It wasn't long until another blast sent a shower of rock raining down. Despite the medic's admonishment, if they waited there might not be any getting out. Jazz emitted a groan as he sat up and swung his feet to the ground. A diagnostic of his systems showed them regaining function rapidly. He glanced at Iris who hemmed on her lip with uncertainty. Yet the next quake put her in no mood to argue. She hoisted her backpack and together they set off down the tunnels at a slow, shaky pace.
Deviant Anomaly
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Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:44 pm

Postby Deviant Anomaly » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:24 am

Chapter Eight

When the decision came to find a base of operations, Bumblebee was the only one who voted against the desert caverns. He understood the size and location were idea. Yet unlike the others, his vehicle form was not exactly well suited for the terrain. Muscle cars performed best on pavement. Not perpetually crumbling, arid soil littered with prickly sagebrush. He was reminded yet again as he felt his tires lose traction for the umpteenth time. His motor revved with the equivalent of a frustrated growl while righting himself once more.

He had just made the final turn along the miserable excuse for a road when a figure waving frantically appeared in his headlights. Scanners quickly indicated Sam's familiar proportions. Bumblebee hauled on the brakes before running him over and popped the driver's side door to admit him. The boy had no more than plopped in the seat when he began explaining his appearance hastily.

"Iris' backpack sprang a leak and Ratchet's worried that Starscream may be on his way. So we get to look for three missing canisters."

So much for reaching solid ground. Instead he dutifully maneuvered a turnaround and headed back into the wild. Following Sam's logic, he returned to where the teens had disembarked while he skirmished with Barricade. Then he transformed to expedite the search. Walking on two legs would cover considerably more ground than fishtailing on four tires. At this new vantage point, he immediately noticed the suspicious trails in the dirt. It appeared something sizable had been dragged to the spot they stood on. Bumblebee's blue oculars traced their origin to where he had left his Decepticon foe laying dead. There was no sign of Barricade's corpse now though.

"Ah, I think someone beat us to it," Sam held up an empty metal cylinder for his friend's inspection.

Evading death was a pretty cool trick and Bumblebee would have liked to know how Barricade managed it. However the ominous rumble of an approaching jet interrupted his thoughts. Sensors quickly calculated the range afforded them a few precious minutes. The question was what to do with the time. There were too many variables involved for his liking. One missing Decepticon, two unaccounted canisters, Sam in the line of danger and himself outmatched by Starscream. The last confrontation resulted in him losing limbs followed by weeks of painful reassembly. He'd fight to the death if need be, but Bumblebee had learned long ago the difference between noble sacrifice and reckless self destruction. He decided keeping the AllSpark energy out of Decepticons hands was the highest priority. Then he could focus on getting Sam and the canisters back to safety.

He scrutinized the surrounding area with his finely tuned vision. The conditions were hardly ideal, the moon's low light and the earth's monochromatic coloring washing out most details. Yet two metallic pinpoints appeared shining like tiny beacons. Bumblebee gently scooped Sam into his palm and ran. Never breaking stride, he lowered the boy who readily seized the first canister one-handed. They were closing in on the second when time ran out. Starscream swooped down from the thin, high clouds to investigate. Bumblebee curled his fingers about Sam to protect him from the backwash of intense heat as the Decepticon leader flew past. Knowing he had been spotted, he took advantage of every second while the enemy reversed course and surged forward. The canister was mere feet away when the ground began to obliterate under furious assault from Starscream's Gatling gun. Bumblebee spun into a ball around Sam as his back was pelted by speeding bullets. They scratched and dented his armor, but otherwise failed to harm him.

Bringing out his particle accelerator, the targeting mechanism effortlessly locked onto his quarry. He had one shot and waited until Starscream drew nearer to make it count. Draining his internal reserves, the burst of energy packed double the concussive force leaving the barrel. It slammed into the Decepticon and sent him spiraling out of control. Bumblebee watched with satisfaction as he crashed through the weathered face of a nearby precipice. The victory was a short-lived one to be sure. His body reacted sluggishly when attempting to move, fighting the effects of energy depletion. He felt Sam's concerned gaze upon him perceiving something wrong. Yet he couldn't even muster words to reassure him with all his willpower concentrated on escaping before Starscream recovered. His hope faded when an angry howl broke the still and Bumblebee looked back to see the transformed villain emerging from a pile of rubble.

"Down," he heard as Ratchet suddenly came to the rescue.

The medic released the restraining cap on his twin saw-blades to send them airborne. Bumblebee swiftly flattened himself into the dust knowing there was no means of predicting the trajectory. One glanced off the encompassing stone, sending a massive shower of sparks that briefly lit up the darkness. The display illuminated the other as it ripped into Starscream's shoulder. The Decepticon screeched in agony. However the wound was not enough to subdue him and the two Autobots were now out of ammunition. He retaliated by launching a volley of missiles. Bumblebee's sensors alerted to the homing signal that had acquired his heat signature. He looked at Sam huddled inside his grasp with sorrow. Some guardian he turned out to be. The boy laid his hand upon his and raised his chin resolutely as if to say no regrets. They were in this together until the bitter end.

Suddenly the missile intended for him exploded ahead of target. The second was disorientated as a result, lured away from Ratchet by the detonation. It haphazardly buzzed through the air until colliding into the mountain behind Bumblebee. He shielded them from the ensuing fireball, feeling it singe his armor with scathing force. Yet they were still thankfully alive when all was said and done. He glanced around for the explanation to see Ironhide training his cannons on Starscream. Optimus was right behind his shoulder doing likewise. Recognizing he was clearly outnumbered, the Decepticon leader leaped into the air and transformed to hightail it out of the area.

Sam went to retrieve the other canister while Ratchet helped Bumblebee back on his feet. He felt like going into stasis for a month. Hopefully his solar panels were not damaged and when the sun rose in a few hours he could recharge his batteries. The boy returned with a dismayed expression, holding only half of the second canister. It appeared that Starscream had unwittingly destroyed it in the hail of gunfire he unleashed. While Bumblebee was not pleased by what he considered a failure, Optimus reassured him that retrieving one was far better than nothing under the circumstances.

"What about Jazz," Ironhide asked the question on all their minds.

Before Ratchet could respond, a foreboding tremor coursed through the earth beneath their feet. Everyone looked in horror as the mountain that housed their cavernous home came crumbling down, its unstable foundation weakened beyond tolerance by the missile strike. Disbelief paralyzed them until Sam's panic-stricken voice came screaming from his throat.

Deviant Anomaly
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:44 pm

Postby Deviant Anomaly » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:24 am

Chapter Nine

Jazz could eerily remember darkness this oppressive. In his final seconds of consciousness as Megatron was tearing him apart, it settled over like the cold eternity of space. He wasn't frightened by it then. One did not fear death when it was an omnipresent factor of life. Thus he had made his peace eons ago when war began to ravage Cybertron and it seemed he would face it any given day. However this time, he was still very much alive and not the only one concerned.

He felt Iris move weakly against him, warm blood smearing on his chest plate as she did so. When the tunnel started to collapse, he had grabbed her in a ready hand and tried to outrun the inevitable. They may have made it were it not for the rock slide that rained boulders through the solitary exit. His reflexes had yet to regain their usual speed and one sizable projectile packed a nasty wallop. The impact easily crushed his hand along with the girl inside. Accepting defeat, he curled into a protective ball in a last ditch attempt at salvation. Over the roar of the tunnel coming down around them, he could hear Iris whimper in agony. No sound would ever haunt him quite as deeply forevermore. Now they were entombed together forced to listen as tons of unstable bedrock perpetually shifted overhead.

"Iris," he softly beckoned.

"Umm…" was the barely audible response. At least she was cognizant though.

"Tell me your favorite memory."

It was merely a ploy to keep her lucid. The information he had stored about humans suggested doing so when they were critically injured. Although he also recognized it was an opportunity to know her better. He thought for a brief moment that he had lost her, but she was only pausing to consider his request. Her breathing was painfully strained as she fought to speak.

"My father loved...thunderstorms. We out to...a ravine could see for miles...and watch them blow in. He held me close...whenever I got scared. Just like you're...doing now."

That made him smile, knowing she was drawing some comfort despite their dire circumstances. He was not as fortunate with the ever-present weight growing steadily unbearable against his back. His muscles were quickly fading under the strain, the unhealthy creak of metal tendons foreshadowing his eventual breakdown. Yet he thrust such dark thoughts aside to focus on her.

"On Cybertron, I lived in the capital city of Iacon. It was a beautiful place before the war. The walls would shimmer in the sunlight every morning. I loved waking up to that sight. It’s an image I've held onto dearly and I recalled it every time I began to despair."

"Have you...seen the"

"No. Much of my time on Earth has not been spent among the living."

"You it. We should watch it...together some time."

"We will."

Whether he would be able to keep that promise in this lifetime remained to be seen. The rock shifted yet again and he could no longer stifle the tormented groans as his body was slowly compacted to death. He was puzzled when sensors indicated the presence of moisture upon his skin. Then he caught the sniffle and comprehended Iris was crying. Her fingertips caressed where they lay as if she might ease his suffering despite her own. Heaving a ragged sigh, she rested her weary temple against him and became calm as their end seemed to draw near.

No, his death did not frighten him. It was hers that did. She was no soldier enlisted in a war. She was just a valiant girl who got caught up in one. The girl who selflessly restored his life. Jazz felt anger flood his flagging limbs with energy. He gathered himself to shove back and the stone begrudgingly moved under the pressure. A tiny shaft of light pierced the darkness, bringing with it the sweet smell of fresh air. Iris emitted a moan as his efforts jostled her embattled form, but he could live with the guilt if they survived. Another push felt the weight slacken further. Inch by inch he was gaining blessed ground. Muffled voices began filtering in. He thrust his hand through the slender hole, hissing as it scraped the jagged bedrock, to let his fellow Autobots know their whereabouts. In minutes the light from Ratchet's halogen lamps came streaming in and Optimus gently delivered them to safety.

His friends were eager to express their happiness seeing him functioning yet again. However Jazz could not stop to acknowledge with time of the essence. Pausing just long enough to activate his self-repair sequence, he approached Sam. The boy's expression was a battle between relief and concern regarding him. He carefully bestowed Iris' limp form into his care and both knew instantly her situation was dire. A glimmer of hope remained though with each faint breath she took.

"She needs...needs a hospital," Sam stammered, still overwhelmed by the sight of her.

"And I will take her there, but I need your help."

"Of course. Anything."

"Jazz, let one of us. You are in no shape..." Optimus began to protest, but he cut his leader off with a curt shake of the head.

"I'm fastest. Besides, I owe her this."

"Alright. Ironhide, go with them. Starscream may be lurking about."

"Not if he knows what's good for him," the weapons expert retorted stonily.

Fortunately Jazz's broken hand didn't prevent his ability to transform and he did so with familiar ease. Even the most casual observer couldn't possibly miss the dried bloodstains, deep scratches and large dents covering his metallic hide. Yet for once he didn't care about appearances as he opened the passenger door for Sam. The boy cautiously slid inside with Iris and securely wrapped a seatbelt around both. Then his tires tore into the dirt as he swiftly amassed speed, kicking up great plumes of dust in his wake. He shifted into high gear upon reaching the interstate, heedless if Ironhide could keep up. He braked only once and that was coming to a screeching halt outside the nearest emergency room doors.

"I'll stay with her. You might want to lay low in the meantime. Any cops see you looking like this and they'll start asking questions we can't answer," Sam advised before following the attendants who rushed Iris into the building.

Although he desperately wanted to stay put, the boy was right. Thus Jazz located an empty office building across the street where he could wait for news. He transformed and climbed up on the roof to sit in solitude. So much had occurred that he needed to sift through the emotional maelstrom before he could rejoin his comrades. The first rays of sunlight were just beginning to slip over the horizon, bathing the white limestone hospital until it glowed and for a brief moment it transported him back to Iacon untold millenniums earlier. Yet the revelry was short-lived as soon exhaustion snatched him away to the peaceful darkness of stasis.
Deviant Anomaly
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:44 pm

Postby Deviant Anomaly » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:25 am

Chapter Ten (Conclusion)

Another gorgeous Saturday night in the city. The usual cast of characters flanked the main drive with the same flashing chrome, thumping bass and status-seeking intentions. Some things apparently never changed. Sam watched the festivities with half-hearted interest. A part of him wanted to join in, but could no longer find the enthusiasm. Not when his thoughts were miles away with a young woman residing in the desert.

The doctors didn't give Iris much of a chance when she arrived at the emergency room that morning. Yet she proved to be a fierce fighter. Healing was no easy process. There were now several pins holding a leg together along with a myriad of surgical scars. She considered it a small price to pay. He planned on staying by her side, but the real world beckoned all too soon. The university threatened to terminate his enrollment if he didn't make a reappearance. Thus they hadn't seen each other in months since he left her in the Autobots' care. She kept in contact though and Sam was increasingly aware of the romance that was blossoming. Each subsequent minute apart was rapidly becoming torturous.

Bumblebee obediently braked for the red light while Sam continued to wallow. Suddenly he was distracted by the rev of a high performance engine. Rolling his eyes, he glanced over expecting the same vintage Camaro back for a rematch. It was a surprise then to see the pristine white Solstice, vibrant azure and scarlet streak along its top line hinting at its racy nature. The heavily tinted windows were cracked just enough to emit the music blaring from the radio, but stealthily omit a view of the occupant.

I’ve been looking for a driver who is qualified
So if you think that you’re the one
Step into my ride
I’m a fine tuned super-sonic speed machine
With the sun on top
And a gangsta lean

The smaller car's chassis trembled as the engine issued another throaty growl. Bumblebee answered in kind and Sam didn't admonish him for once. He was in the mood to put the arrogant fool in their place. The opponents inched forward tauntingly in anticipation of the green light and tore off the line in a tire-squealing haze when it finally came. Bumblebee took an easy lead, but he had trouble maintaining it once the Solstice reached top gear. The fleet little machine dashed past without seeming to break a sweat. Sam sullenly conceded that he had misjudged. He was prepared to give the driver due credit when they met up again at the next light. Yet the Solstice nimbly dodged through the intersection causing an uproar among fellow commuters and to his horror Bumblebee followed fast in its tracks.

"B! What have I told you about running red lights! Geez! My life just flashed before my young eyes!"

Of course he wasn't holding his breath waiting on an apology any time soon. His gleaming, golden friend continued to play cat and mouse with the Solstice as if enjoying their antics a little too much. Things began to tally up when the scenery started morphing into a familiar industrial district. The pair made their way along the drives of a derelict office park. There among the concealing buildings waited Optimus and the rest of the Autobots save one. Sam's pulse was thundering as he bailed from the driver's seat before Bumblebee even stopped. The Solstice's door also opened and a cherry wood cane planted itself securely on the blacktop. Then the object of his heart's desire appeared looking like a vision with a brilliant smile. Somehow he managed to keep cool despite the overwhelming urge to run to her.

"The new paint job looks good," he told a transformed Jazz who laughed.


"So do you," he said softly turning his attention to Iris.

"I'll take your word for it," she chuckled in response.

"How are you feeling?"


"Good. I want to talk, but later when we don't have an audience."

"Where is he," a perturbed Ironhide questioned Optimus.

"He should be arriving any minute now."

"He? You mean..." Sam realized what they were talking about.

As if on cue, the roar of a powerful engine heralded the late arrival. He watched with disbelief as the Saleen S7 Twin Turbo rolled into view, streetlights blazing off its fiery red panels. It was obvious the sleek, sophisticated machine was built for one purpose: speed. It didn't bother braking before shifting form to reveal the Autobot disguised within.

"This is Hot Rod," Optimus introduced him.

"Hey. I'm Sam. This is Iris."

"Nice place you've got here," was the appreciative response.


"Do you have news from Cybertron," Ratchet queried.

"No, but I have heard from others in this galaxy. They should be on their way."

"Good. We can use the reinforcements. I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of the Decepticons. In the meantime, we'll show you to our base. Autobots, roll out," Optimus gave the command.

"I'll catch up later. I've got a promise to keep," Jazz informed their leader who nodded in consent.

The odd motorcade dispersed in rapid succession, leaving the two protectors with their young wards. They made their way into the surrounding countryside and upon an overlook whiled away the early hours until sunrise. Sam smiled seeing Iris leaning against Jazz as the pair observed the display, sensing a bond had been formed in the harrowing darkness months earlier.

"Optimus has asked me to stick around and help with the effort to regenerate the AllSpark," she informed him later as they took a leisurely stroll.

"That's great. Now I'll always know where to find you."

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Oh. I just...wanted to know if..." he stammered nervously.

"If what you've been feeling is the same thing I've been feeling?"


"The answer is yes. You were hesitant before though. What's changed?"

"Well, someone told me that it’s better to act on what you know rather then worry about what you don't."

He closed the remaining distance, setting the cane within the crook of his arm and felt her lean into his supportive embrace. He caressed her cheek tenderly and the subtle sigh she issued was all the encouragement he needed. Sam relinquished his hesitation, pressing his lips to hers with every ounce of passion he had been withholding. The world around them seemed to fade away as he realized no matter what may happen, he would never regret seizing the moment again.

Get you where you wanna go
If you know what I mean
Got a ride that's smoother than a limousine
Can you handle the curves
Can you run all the lights
If you can baby boy
Then we can go all night
It goes from zero to 60 in 3.5
Baby you got the keys
Now shut up and drive


Elsewhere in the pre-dawn, a police cruiser forced open the gate of an industrial storage yard. Behind the Mustang trailed a customized Cadillac Escalade that Sam may have recognized from the main street. The indigo hued vehicle had an intimidating stance with its wide body, lowered suspension and razor-like chrome rims. Windows rattled in its wake as the high-tech stereo configuration pumped out a dark techno beat. The pair cruised between the buildings to one in particular and Barricade transformed to slice its door to ribbons with his melee weapon. Malicious red oculars fell upon the cylindrical tank in back vibrating at a familiar frequency.

"Lord Megatron will be pleased," Soundwave praised before stepping inside to retrieve it.

*Lyrics to Shut Up and Drive by Rhianna
Deviant Anomaly
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Postby Megatron '73 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:35 pm

That was pretty exciting stuff you wrote there. Only thing I would have liked to see were a few more Decepticons, like the Constructicons possibly building a base for the baddies. But all in all, a good story nonetheless. Great work!
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Postby Megatron '73 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:37 pm

One other thing...the Saleen S7 definitely fits Hot Rod's style and attitude. Awesome choice for his alternate mode!
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Postby Deviant Anomaly » Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:11 pm

Thanks. :)

The reason I chose not to introduce more characters for either side until the end was simply for my sanity. LOL I felt I needed a better grasp of the TF universe. Just the small parts I wrote for Starscream were a bit intimidating because he's such a fan favorite and he's not very well-defined in the film. So now that I'm more comfortable, I'm certainly looking at expanding for a TF3.

Originally I was considering a Corvette for Hot Rod, but it just didn't seem "bad ass" enough. Then the Saleen S7 came up in a search and when I saw a picture of it in red, that sold it. I also like the comparison/contrast with Barricade as a fellow Saleen. :D
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Postby Insurgent » Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:53 am

This was a pretty good read. You brought back Jazz in a way that makes sense.
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Postby First Gen » Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:22 pm

Motto: "Til All Are One."
Weapon: Dual Laser Cannon
Anyway you can put that in a word doc or pdf format? I like to read from pages, it hurts my eyes to read off screen for that long.
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Postby Megatron '73 » Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:42 pm

I copied and pasted it into a word format. Give me your email addy and I'll email it to you.
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Postby First Gen » Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:46 pm

Motto: "Til All Are One."
Weapon: Dual Laser Cannon
pedaler73 wrote:I copied and pasted it into a word format. Give me your email addy and I'll email it to you.

Thanks man, I appreciate that. My email is
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Postby Deviant Anomaly » Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:31 pm

Sorry about the delayed response, First Gen. And thanks for helping me out, Pedaler73. :)

If anyone else would like a word doc copy, please email me at

Thanks, Insurgent. I knew the story had to maintain the realism the movie set out to achieve. As much as I would like to see Jazz return, it wasn't worth writing if it didn't make sense. :)
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