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Entertainment Rights gets more Transformers Entertainment

Transformers News: Entertainment Rights gets more Transformers Entertainment
Date: Wednesday, November 3rd 2004 5:05am CST
Categories: Cartoon News, Movie Related News, Digital Media News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):

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Views: 61,446

Reuters Finance News reports that UK based Entertainment Rights have now secured the rights to both Transformers Cybertron and the upcoming Transformers Movie, which will be presented by Dreamworks SKG with Steven Spielberg as executive producer and be produced by Angry Films (Don Murphy & Tom DeSanto).

This report means that Transformers Cybertron will be broadcast on brittish television and the movie will make it's way to theaters. It also means that the path is clear for both to be released on DVD at a future time in the UK.

Entertainment Rights already holds the media rights to Transformers Armada and Transformers Energon, aswell as a host of other childeren's programming.

John Rogers Named Scriptwriter for Transformers Movie

Transformers News: John Rogers Named Scriptwriter for Transformers Movie
Date: Wednesday, November 3rd 2004 3:41am CST
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s): empire online, Omega 1

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Views: 42,884

Empire Online reports the latest on the upcoming Transformers movie. According to their news article the scriptwriter for the movie has now been named to be John Rogers.

Rogers' most recent work was seen as screenplay writer for the catwoman movie. Before that his work consisted of writing the movies The Core and Red Skies. He was one of the writers on the sitcom Cosby and was the brain behind the animated series of Jackie Chan Adventures.

Rogers' work on this movie will be writing the screenplay for the story for this movie that was previously written by one half the production team of this movie, Tom DeSanto.

UPDATE: Tom Murphy has now confirmed that John Rogers will be handling writing duties for the movie on his message board. You can read his post here.

Transformer Movie Close To Choosing Writer

Transformers News: Transformer Movie Close To Choosing Writer
Date: Tuesday, October 12th 2004 1:26pm CDT
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Senor Hugo | Credit(s): 2005 Boards,

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Views: 34,953

Over at Don Murphy's Board, he tells that they are close to choosing a writer.

"Hey there here's what we got----

Transformers- we're cloing in on a writer and choosing to go with a younger guy who grew up with the all of you fans. Should be announced in the coming weeks. Dreamworks and Spielberg very much still want the film for Summer '06 so it'll be hard- but GOOD.

Also on the main site under "Human Stuff" "Make Don Murphy Happy" I've listed a bunch of very obscure stuff that I've been looking for for like forever. If any of you can help, email me at my hotmail account.

Under this thread I'd like to hear replies to the following-

"In the 1980s I grew up on Transformers. I loved GI Joe and dug He Man. I also liked a hell of a lot.....????"

What kind of books, comics or properties does the Transformers generation want to see make it to the big screen?"

Check out the original post here.

Dreamworks Animation to float on the stock martket

Transformers News: Dreamworks Animation to float on the stock martket
Date: Thursday, September 30th 2004 7:03pm CDT
Categories: Movie Related News, Company News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):

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Views: 49,508

E-Commerce News reports plans by DreamWorks to split off its animation business and to float it on the stock market as an IPO have been fueled by a string of box office hits. Its latest blockbuster was "Shrek 2" which has been the third-highest grossing film of all time in the U.S. and broke the single-day box office sales record by grossing $44.8 million, according to the SEC filing.

The article mentions that if Dreamworks splits its Animation department and and have it float on the stock market, based on the recent succes of Shrek 2, Dreamworks Animation could stand to make a fixed profit.

Since Dreamworks, and most likely Dreamworks Animation, will play a major part in the making of the upcoming Transformers movie, set for release in 2006, this news could mean that Dreamworks may be willing to invest more time and money into future projects, including into the Transformers.

Don Murphy getting personal

Transformers News: Don Murphy getting personal
Date: Thursday, September 30th 2004 6:10pm CDT
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):

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Views: 39,432

On the board of his site, Don Murphy himself has started to answer some questions of a more personal nature.

1) How long have you been into the transformers?
Truthfully only for about 5 years

2)Which is your favorite TF series? G1, Headmasters, Masterforce, Victory, Beast Wars, RID, Armada, Energon?
Generation One- by Far.

3) Other than Megs and prime, who was your favorite TF character in G1?

4)What did you think of Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime?
I like Hot Rod.

In the thread, Don Murphy can also be qouted as saying;

Writers everywhere but none decided. I want a young guy who knows the mythology.

I've mentioned directors before and only got my fellow producers and the studios pissed. So I'm not talking. Yet.

TF Movie Update from Don Murphy

Transformers News: TF Movie Update from Don Murphy
Date: Wednesday, September 8th 2004 11:09am CDT
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Casual Matt | Credit(s): Stormwolf of The Energon Pub

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Views: 37,805

Don Murphy has stopped by his Transformers forum with an update for us fans:

Some thoughts after returning from holiday and catching up on reading every post.

1- Core characters- when I indicated that there would have to be a core team of Autos and Decepticons it was just common sense. The audience needs to care for the characters. Of course we will need a human way in- but when you think about it, the X-MEN films featured Wolverine FIRST, then Professor X and Magneto and then Cyclops and Jean and then.... petering out. I never said that there would be only 7 on either side. Just seven that are fully prominent and fleshed out. And hell, it might be 6 or 8.
2- Delays on news- we've spent the last 6 weeks since the announcemnt negotiating Paramount into the Dreamworks deal. Boring stuff but it needed to be done. Now we will have a writer IMMEDIATELY and more news will follow.
3- Simon Furman has contacted me directly offering to consult. What do you fans think of this?
4- Drew "Moriarty" McWeeney at Ain't it Old News has officially been declared an enemy of Hollywood by the Steering Committee. He seems to lack taste, morals, purpose, talent and a belt. What he lacks in respect he makes up for in blind arrogance. Friends of this site will send him unsolicted opinions about his dearth of knowledge and his girth of flesh when they have a minute. Thanks in advance.

Remember- we are listening to you. Kinda like Big Brother and Dick Cheney, but you know, more benign.

See the original post here.

Vince DiCola Speaks Out

Transformers News: Vince DiCola Speaks Out
Date: Tuesday, August 17th 2004 10:24am CDT
Categories: Movie Related News, People News, Digital Media News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):, Blacknife

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Views: 59,079

Based on his recent appearance at the OTFCC, Vince DiCola, composer of the musical tracks on the original Transformers movie, has written a letter to the Transformers community, which was posted over at the allspark board by resident poster Tim Finn. In his letter he thanks the people who supported him in his past and recent endeavours, but he also shed some light on his personal views for the upcoming Transformers movie, in regard to the score of that one and recent heated debates that have been going on over at the don murphy board and its Transformers forum. The letter reads as followed:

To the TRANSFORMERS fan community,

First of all, I'd like to thank Glen Hallit and all the staff at 3H
Productions for inviting my family and me to this year's OTFCC
convention in Chicago. We had a great time once again and I appreciate all the hard work Glen and his staff put into the preparation for these events in order
to make them a memorable experience for all, fans and guests alike.

Secondly, I want to thank all those who purchased my new CD, "Falling
Off a Clef", at the convention. This is the first release of mine in quite a
while that doesn't feature any material directly related to
TRANSFORMERS, and truthfully I wondered how it would be received by those who are so familiar with my original TF score and other past works of mine. So
far I'm very pleased with the comments that have been coming in. Some have
even said the current material represents a "significant step forward", and
that's certainly music to my ears! So thanks to all who bought the new
CD and please spread the word. The disc should be available for purchase
online at within a few weeks.

Even though the liner notes on my new CD mention this quite
prominently, I just want to thank my friend and fellow composer Kenny Meriedeth once again for allowing me to feature the music from the movie "Sci-Fighter" on
this new solo release. Kenny was actually offered the opportunity to score
this movie on his own and very generously invited me to collaborate with
him. So a big "thank you" to Kenny, both for bringing me in on this opportunity
and for allowing me to feature the product of our collaboration on my new
solo CD. I'm very proud of the music Kenny and I composed for
"Sci-Fighter", and as it makes up a good portion of my new CD, I just wanted to make sure proper credit is given where it's due. Thanks again, Kenny.

Last but not least, I thought it might be a good idea to share some of
my thoughts concerning the new live action TRANSFORMERS movie. Many
people were kind enough to come up to me at the convention and express their
support and enthusiasm for the idea of me being involved with the music
for the new movie. Also, I've seen some of the comments posted on the Don
Murphy forum and I'm grateful to those who thought to write in and
express their support there. Of course I realize that on any forum there will
always be mixed opinions, and I couldn't help seeing some of the
less-than-encouraging comments on the Murphy site, but I'm actually OK
with that. It HAS been a long time since I've released any new film music,
and I certainly can't blame anyone for questioning whether or not I'm up to
the task after so many years have passed since my original TRANSFORMERS
movie score and the ROCKY material were first released. It also must be said
that I truly admire and respect most of the other composers who have been
suggested on the forum. Certainly people like John Williams, Alan
Silvestri, Don Davis and others in that esteemed group of talented
composers have track records that speak for themselves, and I myself have enjoyed their work immensely on many occasions.

Some people have mentioned that they don't understand why it's not
simply a 'given' that I will be chosen as composer for the new movie. Let me
explain... Who is ultimately chosen to direct the movie, how much
influence the producers will have with the director, how much or how
little value will be placed on the fact that I scored the original movie, how
much additional fan support I'm able to drum up over the next year or so,
how much or how little emphasis the producers and director actually place
on fan support... These are just some of the factors that will ultimately
influence the decision as to who is chosen to score the new movie. If
I am fortunate enough to be considered for this opportunity, I will most
likely be competing with some major composers who have a considerable amount
of recent major credits. Do I desire this opportunity? Absolutely! Do I
feel I could do the new film justice from a musical standpoint? I have no
doubt at all. Do I feel I'm a better choice than any other composer? That's
a tricky one. I will say that a lot of movie scores have begun to sound
alike to my ears in recent years, and it seems to be getting more difficult
to differentiate one composer's style from another. I do feel I could
bring a unique slant to this particular project based on what I did for the
first movie and how I envision the music getting 'ramped up' for this next

My plan is to collaborate with Kenny Meriedeth if I am offered this
opportunity, since the work we did for "Sci-Fighter" is an effective
demonstration of a musical direction that may be apropos for a movie of
this nature. For what it's worth, I'll just say the following regarding my
vision... Large orchestra and choir, but with an intense and
unrelenting rhythmic foundation. I feel that only a handful of composers have
effectively captured the marriage of these styles, and I can honestly
say we would passionately pursue a musical concept and energy that would
effectively support the type of movie we all hope this new one will be.

For those of you who haven't heard the new CD and may be interested in
checking out what I've been up to lately, please visit
As I mentioned earlier, the CD will be available there soon and we hope to
have some audio samples available there to listen to as well. Specifically
for the convention in Chicago, I prepared an updated version of the main TF
theme. Unfortunately this track wasn't completed in time to make the
new CD, but my performance of it in Chicago was extremely well received. I
put a lot of time into arranging and recording this piece and the
audience's reaction made my preparation worth all the time and effort. I may
decide to feature an excerpt from this track as well on the web site. Stay

Well, my wrists are getting tired from all this typing so I guess I
better sign off for now. Thanks again to all those who so whole-heartedly
continue to support my work. Thanks also to those who helped make our
experience in Chicago another enjoyable one. Here's hoping for good things in the

Vince DiCola

Special thanks to Blacknife of the board.

Don Murphy no longer holds his peace! update!

Transformers News: Don Murphy no longer holds his peace! update!
Date: Friday, July 23rd 2004 5:32pm CDT
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):

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Views: 39,726

After broken his peace earlier today on his board, Don Murphy, one of the producers of the Transformers movie, slated for a 2006 release, has opened a new thread and has given even more details about the progress at the moment.

"Zemeckis is in no way involved- Harry Knowles hasn't seen the truth (or his feet) in a very long time.

We are staying focused on the original mythology.

We are working to get permissions for REAL vehicles so that Bumblebee turns into a VW for example.

Steven is COMPLETELY behind staying true to the mythology- no supersoakers.

Hasbro has exerted a ton of pressure so that the film happens QUICKLY.

Your voice is being heard."

Don Murphy no longer holds his peace!

Transformers News: Don Murphy no longer holds his peace!
Date: Friday, July 23rd 2004 12:52pm CDT
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):

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Views: 40,329

Don Murphy, head of Angry Films, the producers of the upcoming Transformers movie has broken his silence, and has spoken out on his board at his site
In his posts the man makes some statements about the movie.

"No script, no voice actors, plot confidential, just trying to get things done on time"

"Megatron is NOT gonna be a gun
That was lame anyway"

"one giant robot doesn't turn into the gun for another
nor does a giant robot turn into a tape deck

We MAY have Soundwave- but we'd keep him proportional and make him a cd player or something.


If Megatron is a tank, then when he transforms it is to scale."

Movie teaser news about Prime, Megatron, and hints about the basic storyline

Transformers News: Movie teaser news about Prime, Megatron, and hints about the basic storyline
Date: Friday, July 23rd 2004 10:32am CDT
Category: Movie Related News

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Views: 35,325

Yahoo news has released a new article concerned about the upcoming movie. in this Article, you get some hints about the story and the “motive” or ideas behind Optimus and Megatron in the movie. be sure to check it out by clicking right here.

Additional information found by Seibertron:

As reported by the In the deal, which was said to have been quite "protracted", DreamWorks will distribute the film domestically while Paramount will handle all of the international distribution. View their article here.

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