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Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 9:34 am
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1
Something I got discount from Amazon- The Galactic Odyssey Micro master Six Pack. And I'm actually very impressed!
I expected these to be extremely simple. and they were very simple, but in a good way. Better for a faster fidget. yes, the gun modes are thrash, but because of them they now have built in 5 mm ports! Who doesn't like some extra Seige minicon compatibility? They don't roll as well as the originals probably did, but that wasn't what I bought them for, I just wanted some minicons. The leg transformations for Barricade and Fireguard are more complex than the rest, going an extra step.
They even have almost the amount of articulation of an old deluxe, most of them having at least a waist swivel, a head swivel, or both. (and of course knees and shoulder ball joints, but I expected that). Over all I'd say this was a worth it purchase, even without the discount.

Image below from my post in another thread.

And with replaced background why not
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Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:43 am
by SGMLordMirage
Who doesn’t love extra minicons? Heck yes. All i can say is, it works and sounds like a great deal too.

Loos like your having fun with them too.

Side note, if you don’t hear a response from me over the next week or so, i will be out. Just wanted you to know!

Have a blessed day,


Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:40 am
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1
Yep. Though I will continue to post a few more on my regularly scheduled time. You can catch up when you get back, see you! God Bless!

Now my thoughts on these weird ko things I got for Christmas

1. Blue Windcharger: Upon closer inspection, his head sculpt extremely resembles Darth Vader. The alternate mode is slightly altered to. Can really stand too well on his own. There is a distinct possibility he is actually based on a G1 micro master, but I don't know those characters very well saying as they weren't seen or mentioned in the cartoon.
2. Storm trooper guy: Absolutely no clue, but he certainly is very odd. Very much a mystery who he is a knock off of.
3. hook crane truck that is not hook and I always forget the name of can stand if you lean him on the crane.
4.Military Police (it actually says that on the hood of the car) I had to look that up! Really curious who this is a knock of of, it feels familiar somehow.

In the end of the day, I have absolutely no idea how much these cost, (Christmas gifts), but they certainly are very interesting

Autobot Minicons Sirtoys.jpg

Decepticon Star Wars Minicons.jpg

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:57 pm
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1
And now, what I wanted to get to last week. Things to do keep coming up, very busy. Without further ado:

Kingdom Tigatron certainly is interesting. He feels like Cheetor- But not like Cheetor. As Perspective end put it, it's more of similar engineering than a simple retool. I'd say more of Cheetor's Cousin than his brother. The transformation changes involve making the side flaps scary (the first time at least) and the head transforms actually INTO the head instead of just hidden by it, resulting in what little head articulation Tigatron has revealing no head. He can even pooth! (Pictures later). Nice sculpting but the Eyelash detailing (or whatever it is) has the wrong vibe to it, as if he was trying to be cute :lol: . The crap smothered all over him doesn't look as bad in person, I just try to ignore it. No idea why they tried it after the mostly negative response from fans in Seige. And the Kingdom up and down arm transformation is quite interesting, I think Hasbro easily could use tooling from ravage and Tigatron (and the tail from kingdom cheetor) downscaled to a deluxe size with a few twists to create a Trans metal Cheetor.
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The Robot mode is pretty cool too. A notable change being you can open the tiger mouth in this mode too, which doesn't look bad. He comes with a gut gun and tail whip, but I don't think he'll be using these any time soon. Should've made one for Cheetor though, no good reason they didn't (that Tail ax doesn't count) Double jointed shoulders are nice, but the front crotch plate skirt doesn't want to unpeg, moving his legs a bit to the side (not a big deal) I never was fond of the Maximals and Grimlock having red eyes, and was very glad with the color on my Netflix Cheetor. Thankfully, In person, you can tell Tigatron actually has ORANGE eyes. He also has real nice teal like on a Nemesis Prime. Some sort of glossy white color in a few places really kicks on this figure! And the flip out heels are, of course, helpful. Not sure if 3rd parties have yet created one for Cheetor.

Over all: Pretty cool! Really getting something good out of these discounts, glad Amazon was so kind as to do this. (Last time they dropped the prices, then RAISED them over the original if you don't remember. Not a good sales pitch I don't think) :POPCORN:
Tigatron pooth.jpg

To note: I will add pictures this evening. In a day or two I will post weapon storage for SS86 Rumble combined with Legacy Soundwave. I am thinking of purchasing SSBB Arcee, but I would need a replacement head as the one included is :SICK:

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:59 pm
by SGMLordMirage
Pretty cool looking little guys. Funny how the two each resemble Darth Vader and a Stormtrooper. For KOs, Id say they were a great addition to your collection and you are right, interesting for sure.

Glad your enjoying Tigatron.


Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 5:26 pm
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1
Sorry I wasn't able to post images of Tigatron for a while, I've been busy. Here is a teleporting thief for your trouble


Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 5:35 pm
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1
ei_1674089478209-removebg-preview.png (429.42 KiB) Viewed 43646 times


Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 7:20 pm
by SGMLordMirage
I love how you do your photos. I forgot to mention about the one minicon with the MP on it, im partial to military like stuff, so i am digging that one for sure.

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 7:25 pm
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1
Thank you, I really like thinking up theese photoshoots! And about Military Police, I was meaning to ask you about that. What is Military Police really?

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 7:52 pm
by SGMLordMirage
So the military police,they are similar to civilian police. On the military bases they patrol just like regular cops. Now during deployments they end do security for convoys on missions or doing security at the gates. I will say all branches do have some form of military police, one branch (Navy) the acronym is SP, Shore Patrol.

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:27 pm
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1
Interesting, thank you.

And here is weapon storage for 86 Rumble



Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:33 pm
by SGMLordMirage
You’re welcome, that’s interesting for the weapon storage option.

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 7:20 pm
by Rodimus Prime
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:And here is weapon storage for 86 Rumble
Nice. Definitely going to use that.

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 5:28 pm
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1
Thanks! For the combining weapon, make sure the shoulder cannon's peg is facing forward so it can attach to the piledriver. Despite appearances, the other piledriver can't actually peg in to the transforming gun's peg due to the slightly annoying sliding mechanism. So instead you can make use of the peg on his upper arm, the hollow bits on the piledriver fit snug and looks as if it is connecting to the gun.

And this probably doesnt work with the earthrise version, but I don't have it so I don't really know.

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 9:39 pm
by SGMLordMirage
Any new additions to your collection?

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:13 pm
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1
Yes, actually. I traded a RID deluxe Windblade for a snapped in half rid deluxe Windblade while rotating her waist. ouch! listening to Transformers War For Cybertron music to get over my trauma.

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:21 pm
by SGMLordMirage
Ouch :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 10:25 pm
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 11:00 pm
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1
We are gathered here today to remember the life and honor the passing of a deluxe class rid transformers action figure. She was overrated, oversexualized at times, but I believe this was almost if not her purest state. She was a good figure, if not a little too top heavy, and served her purpose well. The enemy Slipstream was destined to stand against her, but she could not fight a war she did not live to see. At her final moments of articulation before her own waist failed her, she looked quite well. Now let us pray that God takes her soul and keeps her in the afterlife for ever and ever.

:-( *mourning* :-(

Now, does anyone have any words to say about their memories with rid deluxe Windblade before we proceed to the viewing?

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 9:28 am
by SGMLordMirage
You had me rolling on this post. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Having said that, having never known rid Windblade personally, i would like to think she made an impression in the ranks of the Autobots. I know that she is in a better place; feeling no pain nor worrying about comments of her imperfections. May you rest in peace.


Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 4:32 pm
by SGMLordMirage
Thought you would find this interesting, more so a coincidence. While my wife and I was out earlier today looking at stuff in flea market stores. Guess what i came across; looking sad and missing a wing.

Must be something about rid Wingblade.

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 5:33 pm
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1
The one I bought was missing a sword. No clue why I decided to buy it without a sword, but I did. But hey, the old generations Wheeljack next to Windblade in your image...

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 10:46 pm
by SGMLordMirage
With buying a Transformer without their weapon happens, I hav e done with hopes of finding their weapons later.

As far as Wheeljack, he had seen better days.

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:00 pm
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1
So, I haven't been on for a while. I've been way too busy lately, and I've been meaning to post at least something recently, but I keep neglecting to.

Re: My (Small) Collection

PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 8:40 pm
by RodimusPrimeUkraine1
Another weapon storage option I made for 86 rumble. Forgive the lighting.